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Family Origin Paper

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Family is a term that can be defined differently by every individual. Family does not always mean individuals related by blood, sometimes a family is seen as a support system to an individual that is in need of a listening ear. Families comes in all different size and color, a family is more than just a bunch of individuals sharing the same dwelling/household. This Family Origin Paper is a basic synopsis of the various experience and concept of my family identity, which is defined by our family structure, cultural background, religion, financial status, social class, political affiliation, and the community. Throughout my childhood my family had a public identity that was shaped by societal expectations and norms, and a private …show more content…
Consequently, there were alignments within my family dynamic that included an alignment the between my parents as a couple; between Marvin and I, between my father and I, between Richard and our mother. Each parent had a close and unique relationship with each of us during our childhood. Although, Marvin was the youngest we had a close bond due to our similar outlook on life. Both parents’ communication style was direct and precise, they stated exactly what they expected of us and the consequences for not following the rules. Richard and I had no problems expressing our feelings within the family, however Althea said very little due to her quiet personality whilst Marvin was not always clear due to his speech impediment. My mother felt children were to be seen and not heard so at times we resorted to not voicing our opinions at times due to fear of being punished. Circular causality does not pin-point or blames any family member, but instead to have everyone involved acknowledge that there is a problem and to work towards increasing communication with each other to find a way to deal with that problem together while reciprocal interaction within the family dynamics includes individual family members displaying similar behaviors such as hugging or laughing at each other’s

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