...While this is more aligned to the Reading/Writing component of VARK, the Visual component is achieved via the use of interactive infographics throughout the PDF, and the Kinaesthetic component (at a base level) via having to type answers on the keyboard. The EDI classroom workbook is a set of activities I use to break up sessions. Aligned to the content of the sessions, this booklet allows for a diversion from the content of what is on the screen and supports elements of VARK not normally accessed via ‘chalk and talk’ (Kinaesthetic for example). Whilst there are specific points where the workbook is utilized in my sessions, if I believe the classroom is starting to become unsettled I will utilise this as an activity to re-engage learners who are becoming otherwise distracted since this enables a differentiated approach to learning. When designing my sessions, more than anything, I tend to keep VARK in the forefront of my mind, and consideration of how different people learn....
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...Agenda | | Meeting | Date: 08.16.2014 | | | | Time: 5.30pm | | | | Location: White Weddings, 100 chapel street Melbourne. | | | | Order of Business: | | | | 1 | Opening of meeting | | | 2 | Apologies | | | 3 | Confirmation of minutes of previous meeting (tabled and accepted) | | | 4 | Business arising from the minutes | | | 5 | Correspondence | | | 6 | Business arising from the correspondence | | | 7 | Issues | | a | identified | | b | methods employed or recommended | | c | actions required by management | | d | other matters affecting business operations | | | 8 | General Business | | | 9 | Closing of Meeting | | | Agenda Distribution via email | Manager - Chairperson | Supervisor | Team Members | Part B: Project plan Scenario or background information: Following the project meeting, team members are clear about their roles in the project planning process. Part B requires the production of a report specifying details of the project plan. The report is to consist of an executive summary, a table of contents, an introduction, a body, a conclusion and appendices. Details of content for each section are explained below. Executive Summary This section summarises the complete report in such a way that a busy executive can become rapidly acquainted with the material in the report, without having to read it all. Although it appears at the beginning of the report,...
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...to Search for it | By 12th February | By 15th February | | Wk 5. Monday 13th February | Evaluating the Quality of Information | By 19th February | By 21st February | | Wk 6. Monday 20th February | | | | | N.B. Feedback to threads will be given as group feedback and will be posted within the announcements page of the module Blackboard site. Where necessary students will be emailed individually if specific issues need to be addressed. Week 1. Attend classroom workshop, 10 – 4pm: 16 January in Carlisle, 17 January Lancaster Activity – Skills audit self assessment. To be discussed with Personal Tutor by 30th January Week 2. Activity – Read resources on reflection within learning resources for the module. Thread - In a maximum of 300 words, prepare a reflective account of experience of undertaking the skills audit self assessment. Include references where appropriate and utilise a critical approach. Week 3. Activity – Read resources on critical reading / critical thinking within learning resources for the module. Thread – Prepare a reference list containing 4 references. This should conform to the guidance contained within “Cite them Right” and should be based on references used for the...
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...The PRECEDE-PROCEED model provides a comprehensive structure of assessing health and quality of life needs and for designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and other public health programs to meet those needs. PRECEDE: (Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation) outlines a diagnostic planning process to assist in the development of targeted and focused public health programs. It has four phases * Phase 1: Social Diagnosis- Identifying the ultimate desired result. * Phase 2: Epidemiological, Behavioral, and Environmental Diagnosis- Identifying and setting priorities among health or community issues and their behavioral and environmental determinants that stand in the way of achieving that result, or conditions that have to be attained to achieve that result; and identifying the behaviors, lifestyles, and/or environmental factors that affect those issues or conditions. * Phase 3: Educational and Ecological Diagnosis- Identifying the predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors that can affect the behaviors, attitudes, and environmental factors given priority in Phase 2. * Phase 4: Administrative and Policy Diagnosis- Identifying the administrative and policy factors that influence what can be implemented. PROCEED: (Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development) guides the implementation and evaluation of the programs designed using PROCEED. ...
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.............................. 19 Chapter 5: Our World—the main features of the Earth’s surface ................................................. 25 Chapter 6: Asia—our region of the world .......................... 29 Chapter 7: Pakistan—our homeland.................................. 34 Chapter 8: Pakistan—economic activities ......................... 40 Introduction to the series Explore is a new, up-to-date geography series for secondary classes 6–8. The series covers all the geographical topics and learning competencies from the Pakistan National Curriculum for Geography. Guided by the structure of the Curriculum, from Book 1 to Book 3 the focus gradually switches from local (including the geography of Pakistan) to global (world issues such as forest clearances, population and big city growth, and globalization). However, this is done not by simply following the exact sequence of the written curriculum, but by identifying and developing particular topics and themes in context with the world around us, in order to make the learning process more student-friendly and relevant. Explore consists of three components: the Students’ Books, Workbooks, and the Teachers’ Guides. Together, the three books and their components provide a comprehensive introduction to geography for secondary classes. They meet all the main Aims outlined in the Introduction to the...
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...2005/2009, p. 157) Babies lack REPRESENTATIONAL THOUGHT or ability to think through the use of symbols (Littlefield Cook & Cook, 2005/2009, p. 158) Evidence of representational thought emerges from the use of language and OBJECT PERMANENCE “the fact that objects, events, or even people continue to exist when they are not in the infants direct line of sensory or motor action” (Littlefield Cook & Cook, 2005/2009, p. 159) STAGE 2: PREOPERATIONAL THOUGHT (2-7 YEARS) * Intuitive Though – logic bases only on experiences * Symbols in play * Egocentrism * lack of conservation Symbols in Play * Symbolic play: use one object to stand for another * Fantasy play: pretend to be something, or pretend activities that are impossible * Make-believe play: use toys as props Egocentrism “Child’s inability to take in others perspective” (Littlefield Cook & Cook, 2005/2009, p. 163) Three Mountain Test Timmy’s egocentrism prevents him from seeing Davie’s perspective… Timmy would draw the big mountain. Conservation Operations = reversible mental actions Thus, the preoperational Stage is marked by children’s lack of conservation - “concept that certain basic properties of an object (e.g. volume, mass, and weight) remain the same even if its physical appearance changes” (Littlefield Cook & Cook, 2005/2009, p. 164) Equal Amounts of H2O Equal Amounts of H2O CONSERVATION TEST...
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...2007 Workbook Chapter 6: Death of a Taxpayer Federal Tax Forms ................................................... 189 Income in Respect of a Decedent (IRD).................. 194 Deductions in Respect of a Decedent ...................... 201 Inherited Property.................................................... 202 Trusts ......................................................................... 205 Special Issues ............................................................ 210 Corrections were made to this workbook through January of 2008. No subsequent modifications were made. Tax professionals are frequently called on to guide fiduciaries through income tax complications resulting from the death of a taxpayer. While a tax preparer should never try to replace the estate attorney, there are services she can provide. This chapter gives an overview of what might be expected. When a taxpayer dies, the court appoints someone (a fiduciary) to handle the taxpayer’s estate. This fiduciary’s title can be executor, executrix, administrator, administratrix, or personal representative. The fiduciary has a responsibility to the decedent’s estate. Primarily, the fiduciary has the responsibility to follow the guidelines of the will and handle the assets of the estate for the best interests of the beneficiaries. Consequently, it is important for the fiduciary to have a basic understanding of various issues that arise when a taxpayer dies. The fiduciary completes a Form 56, Notice Concerning...
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...BIS 155 WEEK 7 ILAB TO purchase this tutorial visit following link: http://wiseamerican.us/product/bis-155-week-7-ilab/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US Week 7 iLab BIS 155 Scenario/Summary Hopefully you will find this week’s iLab activity fun and useful. We’ll be exploring the world of statistics from a business perspective this week, allowing you to practice your skills with descriptive statistics, formatting, graphs, and regression analysis. As discussed in the lesson, the value of statistics lies in the ability to analyze data more effectively for the purpose of improving decision making. You might have heard the expression that “statistics never lie, and only liars use statistics”. There is an obvious truth in this statement, in that, depending on the questions being asked and the data collected, the statistics can skew reality. For example, it is true that as ice cream sales increase, accidents at swimming pools increase. Does this mean that the more ice cream that is sold, the more accidents it causes (correlation/causation)? Of course not, but the data, if not interpreted correctly, could lead to false conclusions. It just so happens that both are correlated to a rise in temperature in the summertime. The hotter it is outside, the more kids flock to swimming pools, leading to more accidents, and the more ice cream is sold. So you see, although statistics are vital in the world of decision making, you have to be wise, and ask the right questions. Software...
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...A selection of rough diamonds from Voorspoed Mine ACTION ETHICS Protecting THE INTEGRITY OF DIAMONDS 33 ETHICS OUR COMMITMENT TO MEETING THE highest ethical standards IS FOUNDED ON OUR aspiration TO LIVE UP TO THE unique qualities OF DIAMONDS. THE BEHAVIOUR OF OUR EMPLOYEES, THE ROBUSTNESS OF OUR COMPLIANCE SYSTEMS and our commitment to transparency maintain stakeholder confidence in our business and play a key role in upholding ‘diamond equity’. De Beers aims to meet or exceed all applicable statutory requirements, as well as international standards on ethical issues ranging from conflict diamonds to anti-corruption. We also work with our business partners to embed ethical standards throughout the diamond value chain. 34 Report to Society 2010 Ethics The ethical provenance of diamonds is an important element of both their financial and emotional value – what we call ‘diamond equity’. To ensure that the journey from mine to finger meets the highest ethical standards, we have a mandatory, third party assured, code of ethical business conduct – the Best Practice Principles Assurance Programme (BPPs) – that applies not only to our own operations, but also to our Sightholders, contractors and suppliers. HIGHLIGHTS • All diamonds sold by De Beers are 100% conflict free. Compliance with the Kimberley Process and System of Warranties for 2010 was verified by Société Générale de Surveillance (p38) To support ethical standards more broadly we work with sectoral initiatives...
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...Module Study Guide Information and Communication Technology The Claude Littner Business School The Claude Littner Business School Information and Communication Technology Module Study Guide |Module Code |BA40019E | |Level |4 | |Credits |20 | AY2014-2015 Version No 1 © UWL 2014 Location/Paragon Information and Communication Technology Module Study Guide |Contents |Page No. | |Module Leader and Teaching Team Details…………………… 4 | | | | | |Facts and figures | | | | | |Section A Overview and Content | | |1 Welcome and Introduction to the Module………6 ...
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...College and its students for working with me to create the examples in this booklet. All student names, employers, addresses, etc. have been changed to fictitious information to protect privacy. Notice to Instructors / Schools: Individual instructors and the institutions they work for will be held legally and financially responsible for copyright violation, resulting statutory damages and legal fees. Do not copy or cut apart to copy. The U.S. Copyright Act and HR 2223 provide teacher photocopying guidelines which state: "the effect of the use upon the market potential is judged to determine copyright violation ... there may be no copying of or from works intended to be "consumable" in the course of study or of teaching ... these include workbooks, worksheets, exercises ... copying shall not substitute for the purchase of books ..." These materials are written for students and schools to purchase....
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...School of Business Human Resource Management Managing Performance Module Introduction: This Human Resource Management Pathway Module seeks to explore the Performance Management aspect of the HR Managers role – detail, depth and complexity: 1. Holistically – as a strategy which relates to every activity of the organisation set in the context of its human resources policies, culture, style and communications systems, 2. As a process that contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams to achieve high levels of organisation performance, 3. As a system through which organisations set work goals, determine performance standards, assign and evaluate work, provide performance feedback, determine training and development needs and distribute rewards. The essential content covers: * Performance Development Planning - the purpose and processes of Performance Appraisal and Performance Management. * Performance Management - the drive towards competitive advantage and the place of HRM – behavioural, performance and other outcomes. * Performance and Development – goal setting, measurement, appraisal, feedback. * Trust, Manageability and Control - Motivation, Rewards and Incentives. * HR and Line Managers – Business Strategy, Commitment, Improvement Flexibility and Quality. * International, Environmental, Ethical and Sustainability issues. LECTURE SCHEDULE: 1. Introduction –...
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...9-610-056 REV: JUNE 21, 2010 SANDRA J. SUCHER ELENA CORSI Global Dive ersity a Inc and clusion at Roy Dutc Shel yal ch ll most o for tributions to th success of o company. S he our Shell’s I am m grateful to Linda Cook f her many important cont Liquefied N Natural Gas (L LNG) capacity h risen by ov 60% in the last five years, with more to come. has ver tch rmer CEO Jer roen van der V Veer.1 —Royal Dut Shell’s for Peter V Voser, CFO an soon-to-be CEO of the oil and gas c nd e company Roy Dutch She (hereafter Shell) yal ell realized th the “optic surrounding the comp hat cs” position of his just-announ s nced Executiv Committee (EC) ve e were not g good. It was May 27, 2009 and Voser w addressin 200 of She 9, was ng ell’s top mana agers in Berlin His n. all-white, male, Swiss, American, an British eig nd ght-person team was a sig gnificant depa arture from th of hat his predecessor, Jeroen van der V n Veer. Absent were the two female members: Linda Cook, a 25 year o a 5 veteran w who had lost the battle to become CE and whos track recor in growin the firm’s LNG o EO se rd ng business h had brought her wide rec cognition, an Roxanne D nd Decyk, forme erly Corporat Affairs dir te rector, who took on a new po osition as hea of governm ad ment relations in the Unite States. The were no D s ed ere Dutch members, strange for a firm headqu uartered in Th Hague and founded in 1907 through the alliance...
Words: 15443 - Pages: 62
...difficult seem easy in this book that can be used as a reference or read cover to cover. You won’t find a more comprehensive book on Excel 2010 than this!” —Dick Kusleika, Microsoft MVP, DailyDoseOfExcel.com • Searchable PDF of the book • Understand functions, charts, worksheets, and workbooks System Requirements: See the CD Appendix in the book for details and complete system requirements. • Master “what-if” analysis, Goal Seeking, external database files, and pivot tables • Develop custom functions, program with VBA, and create UserForms • Try new slice-and-dice tools to dynamically filter your data Preview how your copied text will look www.wiley.com/compbooks Spot trends in your data with Sparklines John Walkenbach aka “Mr. Spreadsheet” is the principal of J-Walk and Associates, Inc. and a Microsoft Excel MVP. He is a leading authority on spreadsheet software and the creator of the award-winning Power Utility Pak. John has written more than 50 books, as well as articles and reviews for publications including PC World, InfoWorld, and Windows. He also maintains the popular Spreadsheet Page at spreadsheetpage.com. ® • All the examples and workbook files used in the book Microsoft® Follow the examples in the book, chapter by chapter, using the bonus materials on the CD-ROM: Excel 2010 What’s on the CD-ROM? • Get up to speed on everything new in Excel 2010 • Perform magic with array formulas—and even more with Sparklines ...
Words: 167105 - Pages: 669
...Research Proposal on Islamic Banking Table of Contents TOC \o 1-2 1) Research Title PAGEREF _Toc \h 3 2) Introduction to the Research Topic and Main Research Question PAGEREF _Toc1 \h 3 3) Literature Review Outline and Detailed Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc2 \h 5 3.1) Introduction PAGEREF _Toc3 \h 5 3.2) Background of Islamic Banking PAGEREF _Toc4 \h 5 3.3) Features of Islamic Banking PAGEREF _Toc5 \h 6 3.4) Determination of Whether Islamic Banking is a Matter of Semantics PAGEREF _Toc6 \h 8 3.5) Detailed Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc7 \h 10 4) Ethical Considerations PAGEREF _Toc8 \h 10 References PAGEREF _Toc9 \h 12 Bibliography PAGEREF _Toc10 \h 17 1) Research Title “Islamic Banking: A Matter of Semantics?” 2) Introduction to the Research Topic and Main Research Question Islamic banking is denoted as a banking system, which is mainly governed by the principles that have been formulated by the Islamic Shariah (Hasan, 2012). In general, the term Islamic banking is not only typically based on evading internet-based transactions that are strictly prohibited under the law of Shariah, but also discards any sort of unsocial or unethical practices (Ahmed, 2011). With this concern, it can be affirmed that Islamic banking is regarded as the procedure of transforming predictable money lending into transactions that are fundamentally based upon real as well as tangible services (El-Gamal, 2006). This banking...
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