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Unit 505/096 Unit 2

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Unit 2. H/505/0912 Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training. 4. What is the difference between a.. Be able to apply theories, principles and models of learning and communication to deliver inclusive teaching and learning.

4.1 Design resources that • actively promote equality and value diversity • meet the identified needs of specific learners Students are to submit evidence of at least 4 resources including power point presentation, poster, leaflet etc. and explain how the resources in your opinion promote E&D and meet the individual needs of your specific learners.

4.2 Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in the use of inclusive teaching and learning approaches and resources, including technologies, to meet …show more content…
While this is more aligned to the Reading/Writing component of VARK, the Visual component is achieved via the use of interactive infographics throughout the PDF, and the Kinaesthetic component (at a base level) via having to type answers on the keyboard. The EDI classroom workbook is a set of activities I use to break up sessions. Aligned to the content of the sessions, this booklet allows for a diversion from the content of what is on the screen and supports elements of VARK not normally accessed via ‘chalk and talk’ (Kinaesthetic for example). Whilst there are specific points where the workbook is utilized in my sessions, if I believe the classroom is starting to become unsettled I will utilise this as an activity to re-engage learners who are becoming otherwise distracted since this enables a differentiated approach to learning. When designing my sessions, more than anything, I tend to keep VARK in the forefront of my mind, and consideration of how different people learn.

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