Premium Essay

Hawthorn Arms


Submitted By ronak99
Words 15443
Pages 62
REV: JUNE 21, 2010


Global Dive ersity a Inc and clusion at Roy Dutc Shel yal ch ll most o for tributions to th success of o company. S he our
I am m grateful to Linda Cook f her many important cont
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LNG) capacity h risen by ov 60% in the last five years, with more to come. has ver tch rmer CEO Jer roen van der V
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Peter V
Voser, CFO an soon-to-be CEO of the oil and gas c nd e company Roy Dutch She (hereafter Shell) yal ell realized th the “optic surrounding the comp hat cs” position of his just-announ s nced Executiv Committee (EC) ve e were not g good. It was May 27, 2009 and Voser w addressin 200 of She
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all-white, male, Swiss, American, an British eig nd ght-person team was a sig gnificant depa arture from th of hat his predecessor, Jeroen van der V n Veer. Absent were the two female members: Linda Cook, a 25 year o a
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Trading Com mpany. Nor were there any Asian membe e A ers—despite i being a ma it ajor thrust of Shell’s strategic growth (See f h.
Exhibit 1 for the 2008 and 2009 EC Voser wo
orried that the new EC wo e ould be seen as a signal th he hat was moving away fr

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