...How Can We Reduce the Police`s Use of Excessive Force? Police`s use of excessive force happens in the United States every year. Even more, excessive force by police causes a thousand civilians to be killed in 2014 (Scott Shackford). In the quote, “We have an incredible warrior class in this country. People in law enforcement, intelligence and I thank God every night we have them standing fast to protect us from the tremendous amount of evil that exists in the world” by Brad Thor, describes clearly about police, and they have seen as a shield for civilians. They can protect civilians from the harms from criminals. On the other hand, a lot of civilians get over harm during law enforcement. If we want police to become better effect for communities, the top priority is that we need reduce the police use of excessive force. First of all, police should wear body camera to reduce police brutality. According to the article, “Self-Awareness to Being Watched and Socially-Desirable Behavior: A Field Experiment on the Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Use-of-Force." By Barak Ariel, PhD describes “body cameras can give police some limitation by creating self-awareness. (8)” Once they want to abuse their power, they will think that they can get punishment from those evidences recorded by cameras. Second of all, ethics training reduces excessive force significantly. Furthermore, it can improve police ethics during the law enforcement, and it will help them thinking before they pull trigger...
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...Procedures: If requested by your mentor, use an assignment cover sheet as the first page of the word processor file. The assignment header should include the Learner’s last name, first initial, course code, dash, and assignment number (DoeJXXX0000-1) justified to the left and the page number justified to the right. Keep a Photocopy or Electronic Copy of Your Assignments: You may need to re-submit assignments if your mentor has indicated that you may or must do so. Academic Integrity: All work submitted in each course must be the Learner’s own. This includes all assignments, exams, term papers, and other projects required by the faculty mentor. The known submission of another person’s work represented as that of the Learner’s without properly citing the source of the work will be considered plagiarism and will result in an unsatisfactory grade for the work submitted or for the entire course, and may result in academic dismissal. | | | |CJ7011-8 |Gabriele Suboch | | | | |Ethics and Criminal Justice |Assess a Case Scenario to Foster a Culture of Ethics | | ...
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...Police officers play many different roles in society. These roles include maintaining peace and order within a community, enforcing the laws, pursuing justice for victims, and serving the public need. Many officers favor a public service role, while others adhere more to a crime fighter role. The way they fulfill these roles in the community is based on the application of a formal code of ethics of law enforcement and an informal police subculture. The two roles officers can adopt greatly influence their professional and moral behaviors. The formal code of ethics of law enforcement is a type of code adopted by most police agencies and taught in police academies to serve as a guide for expected behaviors as a law enforcement officer. When...
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...Ethics in Policing Darlene Freeman CRIJ 5322 Introduction This paper explains issues that shape the role of ethics in policing. Police ethics involves hard choices as well as avoiding violations of basic moral standards. Police officers inevitably face ethical issues when it comes to what’s right or wrong. The authority that police officer are given to protect the public presents the temptation to abuse the power that’s given to them. This paper will explain the rule- of-law and how it represents societal standards that define police duties and responsibilities. Police officers are given a significant amount of discretion simply due to the nature of their job. Officers are faced with many threatening situations forcing them to react quickly yet appropriately. They have the power to infringe upon any citizen’s rights to freedom and therefore must use their power effectively. One major concern with a number of discretion officers have is their power to decide when to use force or when to use lethal force (Lee, Lim, Moore, & Kim, 2013) Additionally, public perception of policing will be discussed, police brutality and due process within the criminal justice system. Accountability is one of the most important components when it comes to public perception of police officers. When officers begin to use force to control the community, citizens began to review officers as authority figures instead of protecting and serving the community. This results in a breakdown...
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...Discretion is defined as the authority to make a decision between two or more choices. More specifically, it is defined as “the capacity to identify and to document criminal and noncriminal events. Every police officer has a great deal of discretion concerning when to use their authority, power, persuasion, or force. Depending on how an officer sees their duty to society will determine an officer’s discretion. Discretion leads to selective enforcement practices and may result in discrimination against certain groups of people or select individuals (Young, 2011). Most police officer discretion is exercised in situational situations with individuals (Sherman, 1984). Discrimination can lead to legal problems for an officer of the law. If discrimination due to an officer’s use of discretion results in a violation of due process it is a violation of the law (Young, 2010). Due process is the constitutionally mandated procedural steps designed to eliminate error in any governmental deprivation of liberty, life, or property (Pollock, 2010). One of the main concerns with using discretion is the possibility of it leading to a violation of due process by racial profiling. Types of Negative Police Discretion Racial profiling occurs when a police officer uses a “profile” as reasonable suspicion to stop a person with the intent to obtain consent to search their belongings (Pollock, 2010). These stops are usually traffic stops and the officer is looking to obtain consent to search the...
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...Police Ethics Name Professor Institution Course Date The impact of terrorism on the police mission in the United States? The roles of police in United States according to Schmalleger (2007) include; law enforcement, apprehending law offenders and investigating crimes, crime prevention, and domestic peace as well as providing the society with the required enforcement services, and ensuring that there exists tranquility. Over a long period, the police roles remained as stated until the effects of September 11, 2001 Islamic terrorist attack when the police assumed the responsibilities of antiterrorism and incidents related to terrorism activities. Currently, police are dedicating much of resources and time in training as preparation in case of future potential terrorist attack. Intelligence and information gathering have become very essential activities by police to ensure continued prevention of terrorism attack. In addition, police have prioritized their response to incidences of terrorism and were considering the responses as of more precedence compared to other roles or duties (Crank J. P., 2010). Disagreements in existence towards law enforcement to combat terrorism Since the September 11 terrorist attack, disagreements have emerged on how to deal with the threat of terrorism attack (Delattre, 2006). The first of all the disagreement was on how much intelligence federal...
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...the Moral Justification of Force in the UK Police Consequentialism and the Use of Deadly Force Among Police Personnel in the UK Against a backdrop of a democratic society, the use of deadly force by the police in countries such as the UK seems implausible for human rights activists. First, police officers are expected to uphold the human rights of every individual hence, civilian rights are always preserved even in criminal cases where the due process of law is considered to be the golden standard in the judicial system. Thus, threading the line between regulations and policies of the agency as well as the ethical and moral dilemma in the use of deadly force predisposes police officers to question the legitimacy as well as the moral justifications in their use of deadly force. While several philosophical theorists have argued for different justifications through philosophical theories, the theory of consequentialism appears to be the one that closely justifies the use of deadly force among the police. Before examining the moral and ethical arguments for the use of deadly force using the consequentialist paradigm, let us first examine the important aspects of deadly force and the use of it by the UK police. First, deadly force as defined by Geller and Scott (23) pertains to the force reasonably capable of causing death or bodily harm. According to this definition, an act that can kill should be consumated before it can be considered as a deadly force hence; threats are not considered...
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...The Use of Police Force Police officers in today’s society are given a significant amount of discretion simply due to the nature of the job. These officers are often faced with many threatening situations forcing them to react quickly and properly. They have the power to infringe upon any citizen's rights to freedom and therefore they must use this power within the limits of the law. One major concern with the amount of discretion an officer has is their ability to decide when to or not to use lethal force while apprehending a subject. Manning (1997:295) argues that it is generally accepted that police should be allowed to use force when necessary. He also goes on to explain that there is an uncertainty amongst citizens as to what constitutes excessive force. The link between what is necessary and what is extreme is very marginal. The use of force is no doubt one widely debated aspect in policing; however, excessive force should also be used with great discretion. If officers do not use force on every suspect they encounter, then they may be creating a negative environment for the community. As defined by David Allender (2004:18-19), community policing is a philosophy of full-service, custom-made policing where the same officer patrols and works in the same area on a mandatory basis, from a decentralized place, working in a proactive partnership with citizens of that community to identify and solve problems as a team. The most important factors pertaining to community...
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...Use of Excessive Force by Police Use of Excessive Force by Police Police officers are given a significant amount of discretion simply due to the nature of the job. Officers are faced with many threatening situations forcing them to react quickly, yet appropriately. They have the power to infringe upon any citizen’s rights to freedom and therefore they must use this power effectively. One major concern with the amount of discretion officers have is their power to decide when to use force or when to use lethal force. Manning (1997) argues that it is generally accepted that police should be allowed to use force. He also explains that there are an uncertain amount people who agree on as to what constitutes excessive force. The line between what is necessary and what is extreme is very thin and hard to see. Use of force is no doubt one of the most important aspects in policing; however, force should also be used with great discretion. The community policing style is defined by David Allender (2004) as a philosophy of full-service, personalized policing where the same officer patrols and works in the same are on a permanent basis, from a decentralized place, working in a proactive partnership with citizens to identify and solve problems. The most important factors to community policing include personalization, partnership and problem solving (Allender, 2004). The idea is to create a relationship with citizens that are both trustworthy and honest. When officers begin to use force...
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...Abuse of Police Authority For years men and women of all nationalities and creed have been victim of harassment and brutality by the people who they pay to protect their neighborhoods and streets. Namely the police departments, the police have a vital role to play because they, more than any other institution, are at the epicenter of the upheavals that erupt in our cities. What they do or fail to do can affect fundamentally the scope of the damage to life, property, and community spirit. Police officers take an oath when they first join their department. This oath is a code of ethics. The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics, promulgated in 1893, established the basic responsibility of a police officer: To serve the community; To protect lives; To save the weak from those who would use intimidation; To obey the constitutional guarantees afforded to every citizen; To keep an officer’s private life separate from his official duty (such as personal or political beliefs, prejudices, aspirations, animosities or friendships); To be courageous and show resolve when faced with the possibility of death; The badge symbolizes not only authority, but also acts as an image of public faith; The officer will maintain confidentiality; and The conduct of the officer will always be ethical and consistent with department regulations and the law . These are the expectations of the citizens, and when there abused it lessens the faith of all. The abuse of police authority makes the head lines...
Words: 1876 - Pages: 8
...enforcement oath of honor is as follows. “On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the constitution my community and the agency I serve.” On a daily basis police officers risk their lives to protect citizens and defend liberty. It is a noble and selfless occupation that makes a difference in the quality of life. Before taking the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor it is important to comprehend its meaning. Honor, means your word is given as a guarantee, Betray is breaking faith with the public trust, Badge is your symbol of office, Integrity is adhering to the same code of conduct in private life and public duty, Character is distinguishing qualities of an individual, Public Trust is the faith of those you serve that your conduct will be ethical, Courage is strength against danger fear and non-ethical pressure, Accountability You answer to the office of your oath and are responsible to it, and Community is the jurisdiction of the office and the citizens within it ("International Association of Chiefs of Police"). Officers are public servants who have authority over others and make decisions that contribute to public welfare. We expect them to wield this power without favor or prejudice. As a public servant ones life will be judged by the community....
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...Unethical Police Operations Willie L Jones CJA/214 12/3/2012 University of Phoenix Abstract Police unethical operations, imposes high cost on police, the criminal justice system, and society. Criminal activity by a police officer undermines the basic integrity of law enforcement and the grounds which the laws were based on. Regardless if an officer takes a small bribe or is involve in a drug trade, the corruption forever change the relationship between communities and the face of justice. . . Unethical Police Operation When a Police Officer abuses his authority, it is called police misconduct. Police misconduct is a broad term used to describe police corruption and police brutality which include violations of state and federal laws, the violation of an individual’s constitutional rights, and the abuse of police authority for personal gain: excessive force, false arrest and imprisonment, malicious prosecution, and wrongful death. (The Free Dictionary, n d.) Corruption is one of the world oldest practices and is defined as the abuse of authority for personal gain. Before the 1970, alcohol, gambling, and prostitution were the primary drivers of police corruption. Drug-related police corruption became a major factor after the 1970’s. Ethics involve making moral judgments about what is right or wrong. It is said that ethics provides a way to make moral choices when we are uncertain about what to do in a situation. Police officers everyday life involves this...
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...Ethics and Code of Conduct CRJ220- Ethics and Leadership in Criminal Justice Dr. Ackerman October 25, 2015 When explaining three reasons ethics and integrity are very important for any police chief, look at the famous speech was given at West Point, May 12, 1962, When General Douglas MacArthur explained the obligation of soldiers with only three words: "Duty, Honor, and Country." I don't think there is anything that comes close to anyone who has served in our fighting forces. When we talk about law enforcement officer, these words do apply, but also does Integrity, courage, and allegiance. What does Integrity mean it means a strong, unyielding adherence to a code of moral uprightness. Non-police personnel might be honest and moral within their vocation while straying from the ethics of private life. People or Professions such as lawyers and doctors are held to a higher standard just like the police. Conduct unbecoming an officer applies whether on duty or off duty. Courage: It may take a lot for any lawyer to face a jury or for a painter to make an estimate and climb buildings, but to act when other lives are in danger. Only women and men of law enforcement are threatened with danger every day, but they must be courageous and ethical while facing lethal risks such as gun fights. The law is intended to reflect and enforce moral and ethical standards within the justice system. The rights and duties set by the law must have a foundation in ethical meaning and decision...
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...Head: POLICE COMMUNITY RELATIONS A Look into the Importance of Police Community Relations In 2002 the public’s trust in police was at an all-time high at around 70%, by 2010 that number dropped to 57% (Jones, Nurses Top Honesty and Ethics List for 11th Year, 2010). The number can fluctuate going even lower if one looks at individual states’ trust in their police. Police relations is defined as relations between police and ethnic and racial minorities (Walker & Katz, The Police in America ,An Introduction 6th edition, 2007), however, that is extremely limiting in its reach. It is not only minorities that the police come into contact with, yet the focus has always been on how to better police relations with racial and ethnic minorities. There are many questions that arise from the public’s trust or lack of trust in police, such as how did perception of police start to falter, how important is the public trust and support to police and what can be done to bolster the public’s perception and support? Police officers in countries around the globe acknowledge that public perception and trust is crucial in order for law enforcement to be affective. One of the key issues to public perception of police is transparency. Initial studies into the transparency of police are not promising. This is why the creation of civilian complaint boards arose. Civil complaint boards are independent agencies, with subpoena power that handle complaints about different types of police misconduct...
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...Corruption of Florida Police Officers Name Learning Institution CORRUPTION OF FORIDA POLICE OFFICERS Police officers are law enforcement officers who are expected to keep law and order in the society by controlling crimes, investigating crimes, making arrests, patrolling streets and controlling traffics (MacVean & Neyroud, 2012). They are expected to show high level of good ethical conduct such as honesty, integrity, courage, responsibility and good character (MacVean & Neyroud, 2012). This has not been the case in the country. Controversial behaviors have widely been reported among the police officers who are expected to enforce the low and order. The police have been accused of violating the moral ethical values by engaging in corruption (MacVean & Neyroud, 2012). Therefore this paper intends to discuss the ethical issues in regards to police officers in Opa-Locka and Miami Florida. Ethics and Corruption Ethical issues do crop up in our day to day life. In the law enforcement departments, a clear understanding of the ethics will be of greater importance since the officers are highly expected to practice good moral values in the society. Therefore, police administration and the Attorney General should ensure that officers adhere to the police code of conduct so as not to develop mistrust in the eyes of the public (MacVean & Neyroud, 2012). However, ethics is defined as the study of the specific moral conducts an individual practices while relating...
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