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Political Correctness Is Destroying America

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Political correctness, a notion initially meant to protect minorities and strengthen the country, has become no more than an appalling evil that is destroying America. It is an over sensitive effort to abolish things such as history and the freedom of speech. It stiffens polite people's freedom of expression, because they are afraid of offending someone, and in reality the practice of political correctness does not prove itself to be efficient. Nobody should have to be politically correct when dealing with others.

What was primitively a noble idea, to minimize offensive words, has become no more than self appointed people imposing their views on others. They have gone so far as to take down statues of war heros, only because they didn't agree with what they believed in. People like this also limit the first amendment rights, freedom of speech. Forcing others to be politically correct is as wrong as discrimination, and people should be able to speak their minds and represent themselves without being concerned with what others think may be acceptable. …show more content…
Words such as snowman are being censored because it's referring to man instead of a women, or no gender at all. Other words that are absurdly “offensive” are birthday, dinosaur, divorce and televisions. It seems like in today's day and age people nitpick at words or phrases to find someway to take offense it, and this has limited others to their rights of freedom of speech. In reality words that are censored such as these are immensely unnecessary, because if we followed the logic of those deemed politically correct, we would have to refrain for using every word every said because somebody, somewhere will take offense to

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