...An Objection to Political Correctness Political Correctness has in all honestly is a difficult category to provide a quick summary of it’s entirely, though non the less the individual movements of political correctness and how it has been attempting to change society as a whole should be quite familiar to the general audience. From identity politics that attempt to demand the over importance of individual characteristics no one got to choose whether it be sex, race, sexuality, or to the social movements that demand public figures fired or shamed by the method of demonizing their ideas that are contrary to the politically correct agenda. The ideas behind the politically correct agenda are pervasive and don’t even have name themselves besides...
Words: 1908 - Pages: 8
...Political correctness, a notion initially meant to protect minorities and strengthen the country, has become no more than an appalling evil that is destroying America. It is an over sensitive effort to abolish things such as history and the freedom of speech. It stiffens polite people's freedom of expression, because they are afraid of offending someone, and in reality the practice of political correctness does not prove itself to be efficient. Nobody should have to be politically correct when dealing with others. What was primitively a noble idea, to minimize offensive words, has become no more than self appointed people imposing their views on others. They have gone so far as to take down statues of war heros, only because they didn't agree with what they believed in. People like this also limit the first amendment rights, freedom of speech. Forcing others to be politically correct is as wrong as discrimination, and people should be able to speak their minds and represent themselves without being concerned with what others think may be acceptable....
Words: 501 - Pages: 3
...become important for the wider population to take care of what they say and in what situation they say it. This has been incorporated in the term now called Political Correctness or PC. In the last decade, this term has increasingly gotten popular in almost every institution of society. In this paper, the prevalence of political correctness in politics is analyzed. As politics plays a part in connecting all other function of society, it is important to take a view of how the lack of political correctness has changed the society in difference forms by causing an upsurge in hate crime and white supremacy. In this paper, the presidency of Obama and Trump is contrasted as two differing sides of PC and the harmful effects of Trump’s anti-PC campaign are showcased. Political Correctness in Politics The term Political correctness has been weaving in and out of political talks since quite a while but...
Words: 1564 - Pages: 7
...There once lived a young wommon named Cinderella, whose natural birthmother had died when Cinderella was but a child. A few years after, her father married a widow with two older daughters. Cinderella’s mother-of-step treated her very cruelly, and her sisters-of-step made her work very hard, as if she were their own personal unpaid laborer. One day an invitation arrived at their house. The prince was celebrating his exploitation of the dispossessed and marginalized peasantry by throwing a fancy dress ball. Cinderella’s sisters-of-step were very excited to be invited to the palace. They began to plan the expensive clothes they would use to alter and enslave their natural body images to emulate an unrealistic standard of feminine beauty. (it was especially unrealistic in their case, as they were differently visage enough to stop a clock.) Her mother-of-step also planned to go to the ball, so Cinderella was working harder than a dog (an appropriate if unfortunately speciesest metaphor). When the day of the ball arrived, Cinderella helped her mother- and sisters-of-step into their ball gowns. A formidable task: It was like trying to force ten pounds of processed nonhuman animal carcasses into a five-pound skin. Next came immense cosmetic augmentation, which it would be best not to describe at all. As evening fell, her mother- and sisters-of-step left Cinderella at home to finish her housework. Cinderella was sad, but she contented herself...
Words: 1512 - Pages: 7
...emphasis on the finishing (killing) part. During a 30 year career in the U.S. Army I saw the emphasis on “finishing” erode. It was overtaken by the imposition of “Political Correctness” on the U.S. Military by its civilian (political) leadership. Now that we are at war with Islamic terrorists we are inundated by urges of the worldwide press and the timid around us to retreat from finishing what we have started. Looking back at the end of World War II we see the value of bold strikes being made by bold leaders. The American-led invasion of Normandy resulted in 425,000 enemy and allied troops...
Words: 1124 - Pages: 5
...individual or entities based on logical or | | |irrational decisionmaking. | |Institutional discrimination |Institutional discrimination is when an institution or dominant group promotes | | |discrimination. An example of this could be if you local community college made all the | | |girls sit outside. This would be discrimination against the females and the college would be| | |the institution. | |Political correctness |Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to| | |PC) is a term which denotes language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to | | |minimize social and...
Words: 275 - Pages: 2
...before, and the one after their time. The people living through that time determines if they will be known for something great. I believe every generation feels a need to leave a positive legacy to pass on. We as people are constantly advancing in social acceptance but where we grow and excel in some areas we start to lack in others. My parents generation and my own have varying differences on political correctness, biracial couples and being entitled. In my generation being politically correct is a must. Small children just entering the education system can tell you what being politically correct means and if what you are saying is correct or not. The media has made such a big deal over what is okay to say and what is not, which leads most people to be worried if they are offending someone. My generation is extremely accepting, women have rights along with African Americans, and gay couples. Most people want everyone to feel like their lives matter and that they are accepted especially minority groups. In order to make everyone feel accepted we have adopted political correctness so we do not offend anyone's choices, beliefs, race, morals, and sexual preferences. Even though being politically correct is important. I believe society is making too big a deal about needing to constantly be correct. By worrying so much if we are offending others I believe we are holding society back. We are verbally limited, therefor sentences start to become unnatural and robotic. At times...
Words: 1289 - Pages: 6
...that the notion of complete, 100 percent political correctness is going overboard in society today, leading to unbelievable actions taken by the government and related officials. 2. These articles do have a bias. Eric Zorn and David Limbaugh both believe that implementing political correctness on every single possible detail imaginable is beyond the scope of what we should be focusing on instead. 3. In the newspaper article, “Let’s just leave it at ‘Happy Holidays,’ shall we?” Zorn starts off by explaining how he prefers the phrase “Happy Holidays” over more specific alternatives such as “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Hanukkah.” Continuing on that vein, the author describes...
Words: 682 - Pages: 3
...Politically Correct Cinderella We all know the story about Cinderella who starts out by being simple farm girl. And of course we also know the evil stepmother and stepsisters, and the fairy good mother. We also know about the ending where Cinderella gets the beautiful prince and they lived happily ever after. There is also another version of the story. Politically Correct Cinderella is the funnier and modern parody of the Traditional Cinderella story. Politically Correct Cinderella written by James Finn Garner in 1981. In this essay I’m going to analyze the Politically Correct Cinderella story, and then compare it to the traditional Cinderella story, and finally end it by relating to the concept of “political correctness”. The Politically Correct Cinderella has the main plot as the traditional Cinderella Story. It’s about Cinderella whose birthmother had died when Cinderella was just a child, and then her father married the evil stepmother, with the evil stepsisters. But this story is written in a different way. An example could be the language: when he writes woman he write it like this: “wommon or womyn” – in this case I believe it is to keep it more correctly. It is also to see it from a feminist point of view, which change the way we perceive the story. The fairy good person is a man here, which makes it a lot weirder for us, because the fairy good mother was one of the central characters in the story we became familiar with. Just as we are used to the fairy good person...
Words: 877 - Pages: 4
...spans four generation: Traditionalist, Baby Boomer, Generation Xers and Millennial. As mature adults remain employed, we increasingly need to understand the strength and challenges inherent in multigenerational workplace and find ways to leverage age diversity. The reality, according to research, is that generations are different in some ways, but similar in many more. More gap than chasm, generation difference has subtle impact, not the dramatic conflicts portrayed in the popular press. Research by Jennifer Deal, Author of Retiring the Generation gap. Clearly, managing a workforce that spans four generation, represents tremendous challenges to the manager that want to be in tune with social trend, progressive thoughts and political correctness. It involves recognizing the value of difference, combating discrimination and legal action against the organization. Devoe 1999. With perception that older workers are dinosaurs when it comes to innovation and technology but are portrayed as loyal and hardworking. Younger workers are viewed as innovative and technological inclined but disrespectful, lazy and egocentric. Taken this view on the face value, these stereotypes can lead to conflict and turmoil in the workplace. Lancaster, Lynne when generations collide. Studies has shown that older worker are receptive to change, technology and equally as productive as the younger worker. Robbins & Judge. Effective managers are aware that certain skills are necessary for creating...
Words: 538 - Pages: 3
...and dosed some LSD with a friend so I could contemplate my worries from a more spiritual perspective. Heading home early the next morning, coming down from my trip and listing to Sirius radio I heard a 10 second blurb "End of America.com". I was a Democrat with zero interest or knowledge of finance with Bill Mahr as my main source of political 'information', but was captivated by the provocative website domain. I watched the video as soon as I got home and bought the Stansberry Digest immediately afterwards. I have a degree in Applied Mathematics and have always been good with numbers. I was a young American guy hypnotized by the country's pretentious sense of entitlement to live the American Dream, but I was forever changed by the insurmountable evidence of the irresponsible financial policies, corrupt political practices, and historical warnings hiding in in the daze of the average American's prideful ignorance. Porter, thank you for inspiring me to learn about such important issues and to motivate me to be part of solution. I love the Black Label shows, and definitely think that our society is overly concerned about political correctness. I have also seen many examples of fundamentalist people that are bat-shit crazy and usually very hypocritical as well. In college I dated my good friend’s younger sister who came from a very Southern Baptist family. I hated the big lunches after church where each little clique would gather and talk shit about the current gossip amongst...
Words: 1287 - Pages: 6
...TThe historical background for the early 20th century literature A: 1. Universities that try to take a student's individual background into account are liable to be accused of political correctness. (”are” istedet for ”is” da der er tale om en kongruensfejl, for der er jo tale om flere universiteter) Engelsk Grammatik - §166 2. I've had to give up training after a knee injury. (”Training” istedet for ”to train”, "to give up" skal altid følges af en -ing-form) Engelsk Grammatik §140 3. The incredible thing was that he had no idea of the impression he made on her. ("incredible" kan ikke bruges som et substantiv alene, og der bruges derfor støtteordet ”thing”.) Engelsk Grammatik §35 4. Let's hope Geri does better than Britney, whose marriage ended in a divorce (Det er "whose" i stedet for ”which” da which er om en ikke-person) Engelsk Grammatik §78 5. 14 months after Mel tried the knot with Jimmy, the relationship was in tatters (Der skal ikke være omvendt ordstilling, så ”was” kommer foran ” relationship”) Engelsk Grammatik §196 6. History shows that violent protests lead to repression. (Der skal ikke være “the” før “history”, da det ikke er en historie, men historien om.) B: 1. I have never laid eyes on them before. 2. She had lain awake, filled with worry about what would happen in the morning. 3. He laid on the floor and looked into the garden. 4. She was still laughing softly as she laid the phone down. 5. The seeds had lain in the ground...
Words: 324 - Pages: 2
...Who was the sender? | Kevin Strikwerda | Who was the receiver? | John Knowles (co-worker) | What was the message? | Broken Truck – who broke it and how long had it been damaged | What Channel was used to send the message? | Phone conversation | What was the misunderstanding that occurred? | Who broke the work truck | Kevin Strikwerda Week 1 - ASSIGNMENT 1.1: COMMUNICATION PROCESS MODE How could have the misunderstanding been avoided? | I jumped to conclusions without asking questions first. Let emotion get the best of me | 1. What did you learn about the communication process from this activity? I learned that there are many distractions, cause and effects to all levels of communication. For me the emotion side of it is something I need to react better to. Calming down and reacting with a level head is best for both parties. I learned that the receiver is reacting to my hand and face gestures just as much as my spoken word. In the work place I feel the communication needs to be very “PC” (politically correct). Personal emotion and opinion needs to be left out and not used as a distraction in the conversation. 2. What seemed to be the main causes of the misunderstandings? The main cause of the misunderstanding was my lack of information about the initial problem. I jumped to conclusions before asking any questions and was fueled with emotion. I let my emotions get in the way of thinking with a clear head. When I should have taken a moment to calm down...
Words: 549 - Pages: 3
...Dear First Semester Student, I have come to learn that by resting and nurturing yourself, getting to class prepared and on time, and creating a master calendar, you can help yourself transition into college much easier. Having followed these tips, my freshmen experience has been smoother and more productive, giving me a great start to what I hope to be an intellectually enriched journey with a positive outcome due to my preparation. Transitioning into college has its challenges. When it comes to registering you are on your own. Mommy and daddy don’t hold your hand while waiting in line to get your schedule. In college you’re expected to keep up with current and upcoming assignments on your own accountability, as for in high school you are walked through and updated on a constant basis. Also, there might be some programs that help with transportation but usually you are pretty much responsible for getting to school. Unless you live nearby the college campus, you cant stand at the your neighborhood street corner chatting it up with your high school buddies waiting on the school bus to get you to school on time to make breakfast. More likely you’re going to have to travel quite a distance to get to school and there will be no warm breakfast to be spoon-fed to you. Since this is a grown up world, it’s going to be up to you to get a good night sleep and a healthy breakfast to begin your day. It would be wise to prepare your school supplies at night, because it is...
Words: 543 - Pages: 3
...1 A person likely to participate in political behavior is insensitive to social cues has a desire for power believes he or she has little influence is a social nonconformist Correct 2 A primary goal of politics in the workplace is to promote organizational goals form alliances exclude undesirable peers secure limited resources Correct 3 In convergent periods, the role of executive management is to develop new strategies for the problems at hand shift middle managers to promote new views reemphasize the mission and core values challenge middle managers to reinvent their departments Correct 4 Political behavior in the workplace works only in an upward or lateral influence direction https://newclassroom3.phoenix.edu/Classroom/#/contextid/OSIRIS:47954803/context/co/view/activityDetails/activity/36bbc35d50034c108c6793bfffe303e7/ex… 2/5 3/15/2015 attempts to influence decision making works only in a lateral influence direction is unlikely in a wellrun organization Week 6 Quiz Assessment Activity Week6 LDR/531 eCampus Correct 5 Organizational momentum relates to patterns of behavior, norms, and values growth in sales, profits, and so forth willingness to move beyond incremental change the rate of change to make improvements Correct 6 Organizational change relies on a balance of change and strategy vision continuity planning Correct 7 Central to managing a successful organizational strategy implementation are/is tracking progress formal models of implementation...
Words: 564 - Pages: 3