...at the global and regional levels to respond to identified problems in each of the three areas. Often these have seemed to develop in isolation from one another. Yet the links between human rights, health and environmental protection were apparent at least from the first international conference on the human environment, held in Stockholm in 1972. “Man is both creature and molder of his environment, which gives him physical sustenance and affords him the opportunity for intellectual, moral, social and spiritual growth. . . . Both aspects of man’s environment, the natural and the man-made, are essential to his well-being and to the enjoyment of basic human rights even the right to life itself.” Therefore, it becomes very important to study the impacts of industrial pollution and threats to bio diversity closely while studying about Human Rights. Industrial pollution is one of the main causes of pollution worldwide. Industrial activities are a major source of air, water and land pollution, leading to illness and loss of life all over the world. The World Health Organization estimates that outdoor air pollution alone accounts for around 2% of all heart and lung diseases, about 5% of all lung cancers, and about 1% of all chest infections. Apart from health hazards, water pollution due to discharge of contaminated water and Global Warming are some of the harmful effects of industrial pollution. Industry accounts for more than half the volume of all water pollution and for...
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...Abstract The topic of this paper is Sea turtles endangered by Global warming. It argues that global warming have a bad effect on the environment and threatens some species in the world. In the specially, sea turtles which is the oldest species in live in the world so we need to find solutions to protect this specie. There are three reasons for this argument. The first is that we need to find solutions to decrease global warming. The second is that we need to decrease the pollution due to human. Finally, protect the sea turtle of human and predators. Sea Turtles threatened with extinction A lot of species are endangered because of global warming and more specifically the Sea turtle, which is the oldest species known in the world (Velaquez-Manoff 2007); it lived during the dinosaurs. Now the change of the climate threatens these species, and if we don’t do something in a hurry, this species will disappear. The increasing temperature (more than 2 degrees these last years) have an impact directly on the turtle’s eggs (Velaquez-Manoff 2007, Brahic 2007). The problem is that more females than males are born; that means the future will be difficult for reproduction. According to WWF (2007), it’s not only the future population which is in peril, because there is also habitat loss and degradation, pollution, disease because of human and marine pollution, and natural predators. As Bhattacharya (2007) said, we need to do something and we can already...
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...Global Warming Today, the global warming is an undeniable fact, which proves that our planet and its climate are in a big trouble. Global warming affects all areas of our life including; politics, economics and a social sphere. The study of global warming includes many sciences in order to examine what causes global warming and try to find possible solutions to reduce the impact of our civilization on the planet. An interdisciplinary research in this field is important, because global warming is caused by many factors and has an impact on different spheres of our life. For example, climate science is aimed to investigate the changes caused by global warming. Geology examines the impact of human activities on climate. Economic science helps to understand economic benefits and material losses caused by severe weather conditions taking into account results obtained by climate science and Geology. Economic science inquiries into and develops measures to reduce negative impact of economic activity on climate and global warming. Taking into account the information mentioned above, it is evident that an interdisciplinary research is crucial, because one scientist is unable to solve the problem of global warming without any sort of collaborative effort with other disciplines. Natural disasters such: hurricanes and tornados are the result of global warming. In Recent years, hurricanes have become a great problem for many coastal villages and towns around the world. Scientists say that...
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...environmental and economic impacts of global climate change has increased over the past few years. Many state governments are encouraged to develop policies that address climate-related issues. Most of the policies are focusing on the mitigation and reduction of greenhouse gases through state-level climate action plans. “In North Carolina, the “clean smokestacks” legislation passed in 2002 states that a commission is to be established to study policy options for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. In 2005, the General Assembly passed the North Carolina Global Warming Act. This act established a Global Warming Commission that evaluates potential impacts on the state from rising temperatures, creates goals on reducing global warming pollutant, and prepares the economy to enhance economic markets associated with global warming” (“Cordato”). After passing this act, North Carolina became the first state in the Southeast to meaningfully step forward in the fight against global warming. North Carolina is one of the most vulnerable states to the impacts of global warming, but it can position itself to take advantage of opportunities that come along from the development of new technologies. The decisions we make today can affect the impacts of global warming on North Carolina, the opportunities for North Carolina to address the issues on global warming, and the recommendations that are established to fight against global warming. The impacts of global warming can have several different effects...
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...Essay On The Pollution ESSAY The word, 'pollution' means to make dirty. Pollution causes imbalance in the environment. Environmental pollution is a serious problem. Nearly 35 percent of India's total land area is subject to serious environmental pollution. Industrialization has led to urbanization, which has added to the pollution problem. Air pollution is the most dangerous form of pollution. land and water pollution have worsened the situation. Pollution causes several types of harmful disease. We must control pollution for our survival. The word pollution 'pollution', has been derived form a Latin word, 'pollutionem,' which means to make dirty. Pollution is the process of making the environment. i.e. the land, water and air dirty by adding harmful substances to it. Pollution causes imbalance in the environment. This imbalance has threatened the very survival of life. It is a threat to the whole world. Environmental pollution is a serious problem of the industrialized societies. The industrial development and the Green Revolution have adversely affected the environment. People have converted the life supporting systems of the entire living world into their own resources and have vastly disturbed the natural ecological balance. Serious degradation and depletion have been caused thought overuse, misuse and mismanagement of resources to meet the human greed. Environmental pollution is defined as the unfavorable alteration of our surroundings. It is by product of man's...
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...What is global warming? Global warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature. This hurts many people, animals, and plants. Many cannot take the change, so they die. What is the greenhouse effect? The greenhouse effect is when the temperature rises because the sun’s heat and light is trapped in the earth’s atmosphere. This is like when heat is trapped in a car. On a very hot day, the car gets hotter when it is out in the parking lot. This is because the heat and light from the sun can get into the car, by going through the windows, but it can’t get back out. This is what the greenhouse effect does to the earth. The heat and light can get through the atmosphere, but it can’t get out. As a result, the temperature rises. The sun’s heat can get into the car through the windows but is then trapped. This makes what ever the place might be, a greenhouse, a car, a building, or the earth’s atmosphere, hotter. This diagram shows the heat coming into a car as visible light (light you can see) and infrared light (heat). Once the light is inside the car, it is trapped and the heat builds up, just like it does in the earth’s atmosphere. Sometimes the temperature can change in a way that helps us. The greenhouse effect makes the earth appropriate for people to live on. Without...
Words: 1635 - Pages: 7
...as Crises The gradual heating of the earth, also known as global warming, strengthens the melting of the polar ice caps, and reduces air quality. Air pollution, just like global warming. Global warming is the change of the earth’s climate and melting of the polar ice caps. Air pollution is a threat to human’s health and the ecosystem as a whole. Deforestation, results in climate changing and decreasing in condition. It’s the eradication of the earth’s forests and trees on a massive scale; killing thousands of species with them. Global warming, deforestation, and air pollution are all large-scale problems that if aren’t fixed, or even acknowledged, will become colossal complications in the...
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...Can Economics Solve the Problem of Global Warming? The potential negative effects of global warming are very serious. Even by just concentrating on economic factors, global warming has the potential to cause unprecedented costs to the global economy. Yet, despite the forecasted dangers and economic costs, there seems to be a disinterest in implementing necessary policies to avert the consequences of global warming. There are many reasons why it is difficult to deal with the issue of global warming such as the problem of “free rider”, externalities, intergenerational externalities etc. Global warming is by definition a phenomena which affects every country. Pollution may be caused by a small percentage of developed countries and yet those who suffer the most may be pacific islands who contribute nothing to global warming. When it comes to reducing carbon emissions there is a classic free rider problem. Countries can benefit from lower emissions by relying on other countries to make sacrifices and reduce their pollution levels. The problem is that countries can then become reluctant to start reducing emissions until other countries start reducing emissions as well. Why should a tiny country like Sweden make sacrifices in reducing carbon emissions, if the US continues to create a large part of the world's CO2 emissions? Global warming is to a large extent caused by externalities. When you drive an SUV, the contribution to global warming is an external cost which you don't...
Words: 761 - Pages: 4
...Global warming means a gradual increase in the Earth's average lower atmosphere due to emissions and build up of greenhouse gases . Global warming is when the earth heats up and the temperature rises. It happens when greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature. Greenhouse gases are released mostly by the burning of fossil fuels for transportation, heating, electrical appliances and manufacturing, but they are also released as a result of the natural decomposition of organic materials, wildfires, deforestation, and land-clearing activities. The diffusion of these gases results in the spread of various epidemics. There are myriad problems that emerge due to global warming. The repercussions of the soaring temperature are serious and irreversible. Global warming can have devastating long term consequences. It disturbs the biodiversity of various species and their genetic makeup. It causes the sea levels to rise everywhere, permanently flooding many low lying parts of the earth. Many geographical areas may experience reduction in crop yield due to drier and hotter condition. In particular, global warming will result in the extinction of many under water species and is a major threat to marine ecosystems. Also, the increase in temperatures results in the melting of glaciers and expansion of ocean water, both of which cause sea level to rise. Higher...
Words: 2214 - Pages: 9
...Overfishing and destructive fishing Fishers in the Philippines are increasingly coming home with pitiful catches. Of a number of factors which have led to this situation, one stands out: over-fishing in many areas. According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), there has been a drop of 90% in the quantity of marine organisms that can be trawled in some traditional fishing areas of the Philippines. This isn’t just a question of declining fish stocks and biodiversity, but also of social impacts and economic losses. Mismanagement of fisheries resources is estimated to cost US$ 420 million annually in lost revenues. At the root of the overfishing problem is weak fisheries management, ineffective policies and poor enforcement of fishery laws. Deforestation After decades of deforestation, which has left about 3% of the original cover, forests continue to be under threat from agriculture and urbanization, illegal logging and forest fires. Sustained forest loss in the Philippines is causing severe soil erosion, and is threatening the country’s rich biodiversity. This is particularly worrying as many of the Philippines’ species, which depend on these forests, are endemic (they cannot be found anywhere else in the world). For example, of 180 native terrestrial mammal species here, about 61% are endemic. Inconsistent laws, inadequate regulations, weak enforcement and lack of funding are making forest conservation a major challenge. Sources • BirdLife. Red Data Book - Threatened...
Words: 599 - Pages: 3
...Brian ( Chun Lok Lee ) ESL90 Writing Draft 2 3/3/2015 Global Warming Today, the degree of temperature is growing higher and higher in the world. The South Pole and North Pole are melting rapidly. "In 50 years, polar bears and penguins will completely extincted" Andrew Derocher who is scientist pointed it out. Also, global warming brings many problem to the earth, such as natural disaters. Scientists estimaed and guessed that the season of Fall and Winter will be disappeared after 40 years. Global warming has become a serious problem. The concept of global warming means the average degree have been growing up from the gree house affect. Although there are many kind of reasons cause global warming, I think the main problems are less educational system and lack of international cooperation. For instance, an educated country has good air quality. In New Zealand and Australia, there almost have no air pollution problem because the people get environmental awareness in these both countries. How in some countries, for example, in China, the air pollution has become a really serious problem. In Beijing, people have to always wear mask while they are hanging out. The industries in China discharge polluted water without filtration because some people in China have been taught what environmental awareness is while they are studying in school. the New York-based Natural Resources Defense Council estimated that "in 2012, coal burning led to 670,000 premature deaths in China from diseases...
Words: 980 - Pages: 4
...human doings implies continuous damage to the Earth. These activities include air pollution as a result of industrial emissions, water pollution caused by industrial waste products, noise pollution, and soil pollution. These damages yield adverse effects such as global warming, climate change, and loss of marine life among many aggravating effects of environmental damage. Even though, global organizations and governments have devoted much effort to environmental protection and restoration, is the damage reversible? Therefore, this paper aims at assessing various forms of damage to the environment and evaluating whether the damage can be reversed. Global warming has adverse effects on human health across the planet. For this reason, it has triggered responses from global corporations, and nations aimed at combating global warming. This can be accomplished through mitigation of the causes and effects, adaptation to altering the ecosystem, and geoengineering to reverse global warming, (Haldar, 2011). Sequestration method can be used as a means of mitigating global warming that involves capturing and storage of greenhouse gases while reducing emissions of these gases. Planetary engineering called geoengineering can be used as another method of deliberating modifications of the Earth’s natural environment enormously to suit human needs, (Haldar, 2011). These measures can reverse the danger of global warming, however; it can be achieved after many years. Human involvement plays a vital...
Words: 653 - Pages: 3
...Atmospheric Pollution As I had started my research on atmospheric pollution, I had come to find that it all coincides with global warming. Due to the gases that are being released in the air from vehicles, it starts to destroy the atmosphere. However, it is not just the gases from the vehicles, there are also gases from power plants and aerosol cans, for example, hairspray. Smokers also contribute to the pollution in the atmosphere. All of this will be discussed further into the paper. The one thing that was asked was to give a detailed description of the problem. Coming up with a detailed description was not a problem but difficult and time consuming. I have come up with a number of problems that atmospheric pollution, or global warming, has on people, animals and the world. Map Results I have found a map that shows the locations where there is air pollution. On this map, there are images of blue, purple and red dots. These dots represent the U.S. Industrial facilities that use toxic chemicals. The city and states with a high count of toxic usage had the blue and red dots next to them. These city and states are as follows: Phoenix, Arizona, Salt Lake City, Utah, San Diego, California, Los Angeles, California, Riverside, California, Bakersfield, California, San Francisco, California, Stockton, California, Sacramento, California, Las Vegas, Nevada, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle Washington. There are 34 city and states including Canada that are highlighted...
Words: 2142 - Pages: 9
...University of Phoenix Material Environmental Pollution Outline Complete the following outline using Ch. 21–25 of the text. Use complete sentences. Here is an example: Example - Environmental History Before 1960, few people had ever heard the word ecology, and the term, environment, meant little as a political or social issue. Silent Spring by Rachel Carson Rachel Carson published Silent Spring in 1960. At about the time the book was published, several environmental events were occurring. Examples of these environmental events are oil spills and highly publicized threats of extinction of many species. Environment became a popular issue. Early Days of Modern Environmentalism Environmentalism was dominated by confrontations between those labeled environmentalist and those labeled anti-environmentalists. Environmentalists believed that the world was in peril. The anti-environmentalists believed that social and economic heath and progress were necessary. Today The situation has changed from the early days of modern environmentalism. Public opinion polls show that people around the world rank the environment among the most important social and political issues. No longer is there a need to verify that the environmental problems are severe. Complete the rest of the worksheet based on the example above. Remember to be thorough in your answers and write in complete sentences. Water Management Describe Water Management and Use Freshwater sources are ground water...
Words: 999 - Pages: 4
...Global Warming Global warming, an increase in the earth's temperature due to the use of fossil fuels and certain industrial and agricultural processes leading to a buildup of “greenhouse gases” (principally carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and water vapor) in the atmosphere. Since 1896 it has been known that these gases reduce the escape of the earth's infrared radiation into space and this function to maintain the earth's relatively warm temperature. This is called the greenhouse effect. Although there is broad agreement that human activity, such as burning fossil fuels has reached a scale that is beginning to influence climate, there is much uncertainty and debate over how much and how fast the climate will warm. Elevated global temperatures could result in coastal flooding and the shifting of major climatic zones and may have serious implications for agricultural productivity. Since 1850 there has been a mean rise in global temperature of approximately 1.8 Fahrenheit and a 28 percent rise in carbon dioxide levels. While most scientists think this temperature rise to the increase in carbon dioxide levels, other scientists argue that this temperature rise could just be part of a natural fluctuation; such fluctuations have been recorded for tens of thousands years and operate in short-term as well as long-term cycles. Because of the difficulty of distinguishing between emissions caused by humans and those caused by natural sources, and a number...
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