...the prevailing Western literature and based on an empirical study in Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs), this study develops an IHRM model and argues that it can be widely applicable. The model indicates that an MNE’s IHRM policies and practices are the interaction of the home HRM system, firmspecific factors and host-contextual factors. The firm-specific and host-contextual factors have a differentiated, changing and concurrent impact on IHRM policies and practices. There is also interplay between IHRM policies and practices. Intervening factors and their impact may vary over time and in different contexts. IHRM IHRM model intervening factors Chinese IHRM multinational enterprises (MNEs) Internationalization and the effective use of international human resources are two major issues facing firms in today’s global economy. As more and more firms operate internationally, there is a clear need to develop an understanding of how to manage human resources that are located outside the domestic environment. An IHRM system is a set of distinct activities, functions and processes that are directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining the human resources of a multinational enterprise (MNE). These activities, functions and processes result from the strategic activities of multinational enterprises and impact on the international operations and goals of enterprises (Schuler et al. 1993; Scullion 1995; Taylor et al. 1996). IHRM seeks to assist organizations...
Words: 8539 - Pages: 35
...Responses to Review Questions Answer One What are the factors that influence a company's decision to go abroad? Please explain how these are related to each other. In the discussion on the internationalisation process of a firm, the product life cycle model plays a major role. Please explain and discuss the usefulness this model. (A) Generally, the first decision to go abroad is a specific one. It is a decision to look at the possibility of a specific investment in a specific country, not a general decision to look around the globe for investment opportunities. At this stage the organisation has no experience with the complexities of foreign investment, although it often has had some export experience. There are no standard operating guidelines, which can be given to deal with these complexities. What is needed mostly is a strong push and/or commitment to go abroad. A company benefits from these earlier experiences in the subsequent investment decisions. The organisational factors include: • role of the management • motives of the organisation • success at home Other than these internal forces, a number of factors in the environment, outside the organisation, may also force a company to go abroad. These drivers of internationalisation may include: • unsolicited proposal that cannot be ignored. These may include proposals from a foreign government, distributor or customer • competitive drive or bandwagon effect following other competitors or a general belief...
Words: 8082 - Pages: 33
...does is Johnson & Johnson (J&J). Since the start of its U.S. operations in 1886, J&J has evolved into the most broadly based health-care company in the world. International activity began in 1919 with J&J Canada. Headquartered in New Brunswick, New Jersey, J&J lists 250 operating companies across the world, holds more than 54,000 U.S. and foreign patents, sells products in more than 175 countries, and employs about 115,000 people worldwide, with nearly 70,000 working in 57 countries outside the United States. Its steady success is renowned. Sales in 2010 were $61.6 billion and it increased its dividend for the 49th consecutive year. J&J is generally regarded as the most admired pharmaceutical company in the world. The quality of J&J's portfolio of anti-infective, cardiovascular, dermatology, immunology, and oncology products is...
Words: 18038 - Pages: 73
...positioned the different views that have existed about the nature of IHRM. IHRM encompasses: ‘. . . the worldwide management of people in the multinational enterprise’ (Poole, 1990; p1) ‘. . . human resource management in an international environment . . . problems created in an MNC performing business in more than one country, rather than those posed by working for a foreign firm at home or by employing foreign employees in the local firm’ (Briscoe and Schuler, 2004; p1) ‘. . .how MNCs manage their geographically dispersed workforce in order to leverage their HR resources for both local and global competitive advantage’ (Scullion, 2005; p5) ‘. . . a branch of management studies that investigates the design of and effects of organizational human resource practices in cross-cultural contexts’ (Peltonen, 2006; p523) ‘. . . all issues related to the management of people in an international context [including] human resource issues facing MNCs in different parts of their organizations [and] comparative analyses of HRM in different countries’ (Stahl and Björkman, 2006; p1) ‘. . . complex relationship between globalization, national systems and companies [which provides us with] three distinct “levels of analysis” for interpreting and understanding HRM strategies and practices [the globalization effect, the regional and national effect, and the organization effect]’ (Edwards and Rees, 2008; p22) ‘. . . the subject matter of IHRM [must be] covered...
Words: 11695 - Pages: 47
...Individual assignment 1. Through illustrative cases, examine the drivers of divestment from emerging markets. 2. Advise an established multinational or small-medium enterprise on an appropriate foreign market entry strategy Candidate Number : Word Count Examiner Place Degree Course Date : : : : : : 59552 2746 Professor Dr Joseph Amankwah-Amoah University of Bristol MSc Management International Business March, 2013 Table of Content I Table of Content I. List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................. II II. List of Tables ....................................................................................................... III 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1 2. Structure of the Thesis ......................................................................................... 1 3. Divestment ........................................................................................................... 1 4. Divestment in India ............................................................................................... 3 4.1 Coca-Cola ...................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Recent Divestment Cases .............................................................................. 4 4.3 Lessons Learned ........................................
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...University, 420 Wehner Building, 4221 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4221, USA. Tel: þ 1 979 845 4851; Fax: þ 1 979 845 9641 Abstract Prior studies have found that foreign affiliates of multinational enterprises (MNEs) suffer from liability of foreignness (LOF). Foreign affiliates may be able to improve their social legitimacy and overcome LOF by demonstrating social commitment to host-country constituents through corporate social responsibility (CSR). If LOF is positively related to the distance between the home and host countries, and CSR activities confer social legitimacy benefits on foreign affiliates, we should expect CSR activities and distance to be positively related. However, we argue that, despite this potential motivation, foreign affiliates from more distant home countries are in fact less likely to engage in host-country CSR. Our argument focuses on the ways in which distance affects the MNE’s willingness and ability to engage in CSR abroad. We also predict that hostcountry CSR reputation negatively moderates this relationship. Using Community Reinvestment Act data for foreign bank affiliates from 32 countries in the United States over 1990–2007, we find strong support for our hypotheses. The paper enriches our understanding of CSR practices in MNEs, and of when and how MNEs try...
Words: 17534 - Pages: 71
...MG209: Individual Assignment McDonalds Business Portfolio Submission Deadline: 12/12/14 Word count: 3, 163 Contents Page Introduction Page 3&4 Theme 1 Page 5 * Remaining Market Leader while doing business overseas * (i) Position and Structure as a Transnational corporation Page 5 * (ii) Focus on the Brand and Strategic Targets Page 6 Theme 2 Page 7 McDonalds External Dependencies and Influences on Structure * (i) Relationship with suppliers Page7&8 * (ii) The Contextualizing Industry and the government as stakeholders Page 9 Theme 3 Page 10 McDonalds Organizational Culture * (i) Company Culture in relation to strategy and structure Page 10 * (ii) Post Bureaucratic Cultural Control Page 11 Conclusion Page 12 References Pages 13- 15 Portfolio Pages 13 – 24 Acknowledgement I confirm that the work undertaken for this assignment is entirely my own and that I have not made...
Words: 4218 - Pages: 17
...ork2012 - 2013 Catalog A Message from the President “Sullivan University is truly a unique and student success focused institution.” I have shared that statement with numerous groups and it simply summarizes my basic philosophy of what Sullivan is all about. When I say that Sullivan is “student success focused,” I feel as President that I owe a definition of this statement to all who are considering Sullivan University. First, Sullivan is unique among institutions of higher education with its innovative, career-first curriculum. You can earn a career diploma or certificate in a year or less and then accept employment while still being able to complete your associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree by attending during the day, evenings, weekends, or online. Business and industry do not expand or hire new employees only in May or June each year. Yet most institutions of higher education operate on a nine-month school year with almost everyone graduating in May. We remained focused on your success and education, and continue to offer our students the opportunity to begin classes or to graduate four times a year with our flexible, year-round full-time schedule of classes. If you really want to attend a school where your needs (your real needs) come first, consider Sullivan University. I believe we can help you exceed your expectations. Since words cannot fully describe the atmosphere at Sullivan University, please accept my personal invitation to visit and experience...
Words: 103133 - Pages: 413
...Survey of the Theories of GLOBALIZATION by Wendy M. Jeffus Southern New Hampshire University TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. Internationalization versus Globalization Multinational Enterprises Exporting Licensing/Franchising Strategic Alliances Joint Ventures Wholly-Owned Subsidiary Emerging Economies Developed Economies Universalizers versus Particularists World-systems Diversity of Cultures Global Mindset III. HYPERGLOBALIZATION Conflicting Goals Environmental Consequences Social Consequences Extended Product Responsibility Subsidies and Preferential Treatment of the Corporation Lack of Accountability Misaligned Incentives Short-term Profits Money versus Spirituality Borderless Economy Liberalization Conflicting Goals Misaligned Incentives Short-term Solutions versus Long-Term Growth Protection of Natural Resources Lies, Damn Lies, & Statistics Standardization versus Adaptation Regional Focus New Paradigm IV. GLOBALIZATION AND STRATEGY Global versus Multidomestic Strategies Service Industry Common Global Misunderstandings Developing and Implementing a Global Strategy Organizational Culture V. GLOBALIZATION AND PUBLIC POLICY Approaches to Economic Organization Historical Review ...
Words: 19799 - Pages: 80
...3122-prelims.qxd 10/29/03 2:20 PM Page i International Human Resource Management 3122-prelims.qxd 10/29/03 2:20 PM Page ii 3122-prelims.qxd 10/29/03 2:20 PM Page iii second edition International Human Resource Management edited by A n n e - Wi l H a r z i n g J o r i s Va n R u y s s e v e l d t SAGE Publications London l Thousand Oaks l New Delhi 3122-prelims.qxd 10/29/03 2:20 PM Page iv © Anne-Wil Harzing and Joris van Ruysseveldt, 2004 First published 2004 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. SAGE Publications Ltd 1 Olivers Yard London EC1Y 1SP SAGE Publications Inc 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd B-42, Panchsheel Enclave Post Box 4109 New Delhi 100 017 British Library Cataloguing in Publication data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0 7619 4039 1 ISBN 0 7619 4040 5 (pbk) Library of Congress Control Number...
Words: 205529 - Pages: 823
...Student Handbook 2012 WELCOME TO WAIKATO Welcome to the University of Waikato. I hope you make the most of your time here and the opportunities that will present themselves during the course of your study. You have come to an excellent university that is ranked top in 10 subjects under the Government’s Performance Based Research Fund. We are also internationally connected; we have research connections and student exchanges with some of the world’s top universities. I urge you to consider taking part in these while you are with us. Here at the University of Waikato, you will be taught by lecturers who are leaders in their fields of research and who win national teaching awards. We are proud of our academic quality and the fact that we turn out sought-after graduates who go on to take up important roles in all parts of the world. You will already have noticed our beautiful campus which is set in 68 hectares of gardens, green space and lakes. At the heart of it all is the new Student Centre, which was completed in 2011. With its accessible areas, Library services and multitude of facilities, it is a place for students to study or just gather together and we are very proud of this building. In 2011 we celebrated 10 years of another important building, the Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts. This world-class facility was the vision of a group of driven Waikato people. It quickly became a focal point in the campus and continues to be an important venue for the performing...
Words: 126279 - Pages: 506
...year since 1950, which is more than 50 percent faster than growth of output the most dramatic increase in globalization, has occurred in financial markets. In the global forex markets, billions of dollars are transacted each day, of which more than 90 percent represent financial transactions unrelated to trade or investment. Much of this activity takes place in the so-called Euromarkets, markets outside the country whose currency is used. This pervasive growth in market interpenetration makes it increasingly difficult for any country to avoid substantial external impacts on its economy. In particular massive capital flows can push exchange rates away from levels that accurately reflect competitive relationships among nations if national economic policies or performances diverse in short run. The rapid dissemination rate of new technologies speeds the pace at which countries must adjust to external events. Smaller, more open countries, long ago gave up illusion of domestic policy autonomy. But even the largest and most apparently self-contained economies, including the US, are now significantly affected by...
Words: 80869 - Pages: 324
...Economy Academic Writing Introduction into Business Introductory Macroeconomics Introduction into Economic Analysis Economics of Integration Information Technology Intermediate Microeconomics Issues in Macroeconomic Policy Mathematical Economics Statistics Regional Economics Introduction to Strategic Management Banking and Finance International Business Law Research Proseminar Accounting Managerial Economics International Economics Intermediate Macroeconomics Econometrics Research Methods Social Policy Game Theory Public Finance Investment Analysis BA Seminar Electives Financial Accounting Monetary Theory and Policy - The Impact of Global Crisis Principles of Marketing The World Economy – Retrospective View The Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Sector Economics of Telecommunication Demography and Economics of Contemporary European Migration Personal Finance in Practice (with Excel) Contemporary China - Genesis and Background of Chinese “Economic Miracle" Negotiations and Communication Tax Policy Energy Security and Climate Protection in The European Union Risk Management 2 Lazarski School of Commerce and Law Student’s Handbook- Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics Introduction to Intercultural Management Accounting in...
Words: 47436 - Pages: 190
...Disclosures About CSR Practices: A Literature Review Kavitha W * and Anita P ** Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is now prominent and evident more than ever due to the emphasis laid on businesses regarding environmental, social and ethical issues. The level of CSR activities of the firms is made known to public only through the disclosures. This paper reviews the literature on CSR disclosures and the effect of these disclosures. There are various factors which determine the extent of disclosures like the size of the firm, industry, high visibility, etc. Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is now prominent and evident more than ever due to the emphasis laid on businesses regarding environmental, social and ethical issues. This is because over the recent years, there have been social, political and economic pressures on corporate management to pay attention on social and environmental consequences of corporate activities. These pressures motivated the corporate management to actively participate in a wide range of social welfare activities. CSR now-a-days covers almost all issues like the use of child labor; inequality of employment; environmental impact; involvement in local community; products’ safety; company cultures; brand image and reputation. Apart from this, companies are now disclosing these activities in their annual reports, and one of the parameters to judge the performance of a company is CSR reporting. Corporate Social Responsibility ...
Words: 28706 - Pages: 115
...Analysis of Competition in the Mobile Phone Markets of the United States and Europe International Business Master's thesis Mika Husso 2011 Department of Management and International Business Aalto University School of Economics AALTO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Department of Management and International business Master’s thesis ABSTRACT ANALYSIS OF COMPETITION IN THE MOBILE PHONE MARKETS OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE Competition in an economic context is a widely studied phenomenon with a significant body of accumulated research and theory. However, competition in the mobile phone industry, despite its prevalence in public discussion, has received significantly less attention in academic research. Within the international business (IB) context there are very few academic studies that seek to analyze and compare the different geographical mobile phone markets from the viewpoint of competition. This thesis examines competition in the mobile phone markets of the United States and Europe in light of interviews and secondary data covering years 2002 - 2011. The framework used for the analysis is founded on concepts drawn primarily from industrial organization (IO) economics, IB theory and microeconomics. The first part of the thesis gives an overview of the U.S. and European mobile phone markets and the second part focuses specifically on Nokia, its actions and performance on the U.S. market. The findings reveal that the U.S. and European mobile phone...
Words: 30791 - Pages: 124