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Post-D Case Studies

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We have completed the assessment of Kevin for consideration of Post-D. We have determined Kevin marginally appropriate or not appropriate candidate for Post-D due to concerns associated with parental involvement and assaultive behavior in detention.

Reports reflect that Kevin has a very strained relationship with his father, Kevin Brittingham Sr. Presently, Mr. Brittingham Sr and paternal aunt, Marie Rollins share joint guardianship of Kevin. Kevin lived with his aunt prior to his current stay in detention in Laurel, Maryland. During Mrs. Rollins’s interview with Ms. Carroll for the clinical assessment, she expressed that she was hopeful that Kevin would be able to return to Chesterfield County to live with his father. Reports from documents …show more content…
Brittingham missed the appointment without prior notification. Although Mrs. Rollins is open to family counseling, she is non committal as to if Kevin could return to her home at this time if necessary. It’s important to note that the parental component is a critical part of our services and support towards a youth’s successful completion of the program and return home. Therefore, we find our service delivery in this area is considerably limited for family counseling, home passes, meeting Kevin’s needs while in the program and Kevin having a suitable place to live upon release. KEVIN IS UNSURE OF YOU HE WOULD LIVE WITH MENTIONED ANOTHER AUNT WHO LIVES IN CHESTERFIELD.

We are also concerned with Kevin’s pattern of assault behavior towards his peers. A review of the Detention Tracking System reflects that during Kevin’s most recent stay, he has assaulted two residents which required him to be restrained by staff. Due to his behavior, in both incidents Kevin received 72 hours of room restriction and after his most recent assault he was also placed on early bed room confinement until further notice. This behavior would not only be disruptive to his progress and treatment in the Post-D program, but would be

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