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Poverty Is Literally Making People Sick Analysis

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Analysis of “Poverty is Literally Making People Sick…”
Researchers found, when they looked at data for California between 2000 and 2008, that “Poverty Is Literally Making People Sick Because They Can't Afford Food”. This article by Matthew O’Brian, whose title is previously quoted, is studded with hard facts and statistics. These are meant to persuade his audience into caring and helping the poverty-stricken, as well as influence you to do something about it. He does this by offering clear explanations as to why poverty could affect the health of people, using multiple statistics, and offers solutions to the problem, as well as bringing up other’s thoughts on the subject.
Pointing out that, for those living below the poverty line there is over a 26% increase in likelihood that one visits the …show more content…
This isn’t a bad thing, as it not only made this article easier to read but also more memorable. The fact that he also quotes and uses statistics published by prominent scientific institutes or persons, like the graph of data from the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, increases the credibility dramatically. He started his article with a reference towards a paper in a popular and reputable journal which seems to be the foundation of the article, this makes it easy to check his work, especially since he credited the authors and journal in the same paragraph, as well as makes you want to trust him more. One of the most moving references is from Adrianna McIntyre where Matthew takes from her “we can’t separate social policy and health policy for low income households”. His explanation afterwards of this is great and adds clarity to his article. It is one thing to have statistics from a study in your paper but properly citing the appropriate organization, and a reputable one at that, is

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