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Power Bases


Submitted By karlo
Words 446
Pages 2
Bill Clinton Bill Clinton is a Human being that when he meditate think about on race, religion, science, and the nature of the human soul. His mind would roam widely and yet pull together disparate themes into a coherent narratives no other politician of his generation. As ever, Clinton is generous to his friends and ruthless toward his enemies.
Legitimate Power: As we speak he is no longer the president of the United States and for the same reason he does not have a legitimate power, but when he was The President of the United States his power base was laid down by the Constitution and by the people that elected him as President, having at that moment Legitimate Power.
Referent Power: Bill has the power of interpersonal attraction and today as we speak, the place to hear him think out loud is at the annual Clinton Global Initiative conference in New York on March 30 - April 1, 2012, so for being a good team leader, having charisma, being is fair, doing good in everything that he does and have the power to gather hundreds of heads of state, business man, nonprofit executives, academics, and even Hollywood stars, not just to talk about the world's problems but to do something about them, and base on this, I am confident to say that he has a Reference Power.
Expert Power Base: Throughout the articles that I read there were some wise phrases that Bill Clinton said and that call my attention to share it, and from my point of view this make reference to the Expert Power Base, base on the knowledge that he achieved throughout his mandate at the presidency of the United State when he travel around the world. With his knowledge he express his ideas and even his dreams for the future in this beautiful world where he would like to see peace and harmony among the human race,

 " In the poorer places just getting agriculture up to speed and putting all the

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