...‘Knowledge is power’, an old saying from Francis Bacon, which is considered as a true statement that has been recognised for a long time (Greco, 1993; Nielsen and Rasmussen, 2011). Especially, in recent 20 years, the interest and importance of knowledge in organisations has been increased remarkably in both theoretically and practically (Cheema, 2010; Knight and Howes, 2003; Rasmussen and Nielsen, 2011). The reason is revealed by Migdadi (2009) and Politis (2005), in the new economy, the intangible resource, knowledge has become the foundation of organisational competitiveness compared to tangible assets. In other words, the traditional driving factors of production, including, land, labour and capital have turned into the secondary resources as knowledge become the primary source of power in production within the contemporary economy. The work of Rasmussen and Nielsen (2011) reveal that intangible resource is regarded as a typical feature of knowledge, which can build capabilities for both organisations and individuals, consequently, in this new economy, also can be called knowledge-based economy made knowledge become strategically important to provide sustain competitive advantage for enterprises, especially in high technology and bioengineering sectors (Niu, 2010). Knowledge therefore has emerged as a main source of power as well as core competency in today’s emerging economies. However, new possibilities and threads are constantly taken place to challenge the power of knowledge...
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...Hi-Gen Power Limited 3 Task 1.2: The relationship between structure and culture that can impact on business performance of Newton, Chambers and Co 4 Task 1.3: The factors of influencing individual behaviour in Newton, Chambers and Co 5 Task 2 6 Task 2.1: The comparison of effective leadership styles within Newton, Chambers and Co and Hi-Gen Power Limited 6 Task 2.2: The way of management functions, managerial roles and management authorities will under plain the practice of management in this company 7 Task 2.3: The evaluation of different approaches of management used by Newton, Chambers and Co and Hi-Gen Power Limited 7 Task 3 9 Task 3.1: The impacts of having different leadership styles on organisational motivation in the periods of change in Newton, Chambers and Co 9 Task 3.2: The comparison of the application of two different motivational theories within my work place 9 Task 3.3: The usefulness of these motivational theories for managers in Newton, Chambers and Co 10 Task 4 11 Task 4.1: The nature of groups and group behaviour within Newton, Chambers and Co and Hi-Gen Power Limited 11 Task 4.2: The factors for promoting the development of an effective team work within Newton, Chambers and Co and Hi-Gen Power Limited 11 Task 4.3: The impact of technology on team functioning in Newton, Chambers and Co 12 Conclusion 12 References 13 Introduction This study can indicate to analyse the individual behaviour within business organisation those are...
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...‘Knowledge is power’, an old saying from Francis Bacon, which is considered as a true statement that has been recognised for a long time (Greco, 1993; Nielsen and Rasmussen, 2011). Especially, in recent 20 years, the interest and importance of knowledge in organisations has been increased remarkably in both theoretically and practically (Cheema, 2010; Knight and Howes, 2003; Rasmussen and Nielsen, 2011). The reason is revealed by Migdadi (2009) and Politis (2005), in the new economy, the intangible resource, knowledge has become the foundation of organisational competitiveness compared to tangible assets. In other words, the traditional driving factors of production, including, land, labour and capital have turned into the secondary resources as knowledge become the primary source of power in production within the contemporary economy. The work of Rasmussen and Nielsen (2011) reveal that intangible resource is regarded as a typical feature of knowledge, which can build capabilities for both organisations and individuals, consequently, in this new economy, also can be called knowledge-based economy made knowledge become strategically important to provide sustain competitive advantage for enterprises, especially in high technology and bioengineering sectors (Niu, 2010). Knowledge therefore has emerged as a main source of power as well as core competency in today’s emerging economies. However, new possibilities and threads are constantly taken place to challenge the power of knowledge...
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...LEADING AND MANAGING CHANGE INDIVIDUAL WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT (100% of the module assessment) Introduction Understanding change and its underpinning and emerging dynamics are crucial areas for the success and sustainability of organisations. This module aims to encourage critical analysis and evaluation of emerging issues, situations, threats and opportunities when change unfolds within organisations, and aims to examine and assess how the influence of organisational dynamics may shape perceptions, interventions and responses. Assignment Given the ideas introduced in the paragraphs above, you are required to research, plan and write an individual 3000 word essay which critically evaluates an aspect of organisational dynamics that influences leading and managing of change within organisations. Your experience/observations of change should be used to support your critical evaluation and commentary. Given the word limit and the requirement for depth of discussion it is crucial to establish a defined focus for your paper. You are not required to try and work with all of the Module themes, that are introduced in class sessions but to be selective in line with the requirement for critical evaluation of the influence/ impact of organisational dynamics. Previously the assignments achieving the higher marks have been from those students who have been able to consider ideas introduced within the Module but also evidence increasing initiative and independent thinking...
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...A BROAD DEFINITION 2 3 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT 2 4 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 2 4.1 Industry Attractiveness 3 4.2 Porters Five Forces Model 3 4.3 Industry Dynamics 4 5 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS OF MARUTI SUZUKI 4 6 MARUTI SUZUKI’S INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT 4 6.1 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and threats 4 6.2 Maruti Suzuki Broad Environmental Forces 5 7 INDUSTRY ATTRACTIVENESS OF MARUTI SUZUKI 5 7.1 Bargaining power of customers: High 5 7.2 Bargaining power of suppliers: Medium 6 7.3 Existing competitors (rivalry’s): High 6 7.4 Threat of new entrants: Increase 6 7.5 Substitute Providers: Increasing 6 8 CONCLUSION 7 9 DECLARATION STATEMENT 8 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY 9 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to critically explain what is meant by Industry analysis in context of the External environment. I will also analyse the attractiveness of the industry in which Maruti Suzuki is operating in. The analysis will be based on Porters Five Forces model which will comprise of looking at the power of buyers (Customers), the power of suppliers, existing competitors, potential competitors (threat of new entrants) and substitute providers (substitute products or services). 2 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS - A BROAD DEFINITION Osmond Vitez defines an industry analysis as a business function that is used to help organisations understand the market they are competing in and how this understanding can be used to gain a competitive advantage. (Definition of industry analysis...
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...form of a report to the board. The purpose of the team is to manage the company’s operations and to maximise capacity and productivity within the organisation. The culture, dynamic and behavior of the team itself in relation to the rest of the organisation will determine to a greater or lesser extent its effectiveness in achieving its intended purpose. The role of the team will be examined in relation to its context both within the organisation and within behavioral theories in terms of its development and operation. The leadership within and outside the team will be examined - including relevant theoretical aspects to leadership that exists within KGNZ. The analysis of the team’s effectiveness will focus on both behavioral aspects of the team and its make-up and also specific company set objectives of the team in promoting the capacity and productivity of the organisation. In order to gauge effectiveness of the team against its current purpose it is necessary to examine specific aspects of the company that are directly within the team’s purview being issues of capacity and productivity within the organisation and how the team currently deals with these as well as make several recommendations that could improve the current status quo. In order to analyse the team’s cultural and organisational dynamic as well as leadership dynamics it is necessary to examine the relationships of the team and how they determine its effectiveness. Each member of the team has been interviewed and...
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...Unit 4003 INTRODUCING ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE, VALUES AND BEHAVIOUR 1.1. Determine a framework for analysing organisational culture. The contemporary definition of organizational culture includes what is valued, the dominant leadership style, the language and symbols, the procedures and routines, and the definitions of success that characterizes an organization. Organisational Culture represents the values, underlying assumptions, expectations, collective memories, and definitions present in an organization (Schein, 1992; Cameron & Quinn, 1999). Cameron and Quinn (1999) have developed an organizational culture framework built upon a theoretical model called the "Competing Values Framework." This framework refers to whether an organization has a predominant internal or external focus and whether it strives for flexibility and individuality or stability and control. The framework is also based on six organizational culture dimensions and four dominant culture types (i.e., clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy). In addition the framework authors generated an "Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI)" which is used to identify the organizational culture profile based on the core values, assumptions, interpretations, and approaches that characterize organizations (Cameron & Quinn, 1999). The central issue associated with organizational culture is its linkage with organizational performance. Connections between OC and performance have been established....
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...Organisational Change –an overview b) Kurt Lewin and his theories of change c) General Motors International 2. APPRAISAL OF KURT LEWIN’S 3- STEP MODEL (Manufacturing change at General Motors as a case study) 3. CRITIQUES OF THE MODEL 4. CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION In a dynamic world of increasing technology, competition, power relations and managerial opportunism, investment in Research and Development (R&D) by organisations and fluctuations in consumer demand, a complex phenomenon such as change is imperative. Change can be defined as the art of altering the current state of an entity from its present state to another while organisational change is the transformation process of taken up by an organisation in order to move from its existing level to a strategically proposed level by taking up new ideas and a different approach to its operational practices and procedures (Beckhard and Harris, 1987. cited by: Andriopoulos and Dawson, 2009). In analysing the various categories of change, research works have identified a number of traits used to classify the various levels and sorts of change. These include substance of change, scale and scope of change, timeframe of change.(Dawson and Adriopoulus,2009). Grundy (1993) also stated that three varieties of change has set a basis for how managers view change as a homogenous concept and coined them as Discontinuous, Smooth incremental and Bumpy incremental change(Senior and Fleming 2006). Many organisations appear in...
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...Management THE ENVIRONMENT The environment is what gives their means of survival. It creates opportunities and its present threats. This chapter therefore provides frameworks for analysing changing and complex environments. These frameworks are organised in a series of ‘layers’. Within the environment there is Macro-environment, this is the highest-level layer that consist of broad environmental factors that impact to a greater or lesser extent on almost all organisations. Industry or Sector forms the next layer within this broad general environment; this is made up of organisations producing the same products and services. Competitors and markets are the most immediate layer surrounding organisations; here the concept of strategic groups can help to identify the different kinds of competitors. This chapter works through this three layers in turn. 1. THE MACRO-ENVIRONMENT The three concepts in this section are PESTEL, key drivers and scenarios these are interrelated tools for analysing the broad macro environment of an organisation 2.1. PESTEL framework The PESTEL framework categorise the environmental influences into six main types, namely: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal. Politics highlight the role of government, Economics refers to macro-economic factors such as exchange rates, business cycle and different economic growth rates around the world, social influences include changing cultures and demographics, Technological influences refer...
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...To what extent are people subordinated to systems and organisations in the 21st century? The purpose of the ensuing study is to critically evaluate the role played by individuals in organisations in the 21st century. The author aims to conclude the analysis with a logical and coherent explanation to the roles individuals play in organisation. Hence, for the purpose of this study, organisational life is dissected with the help of three distinct dimensions; effects of national culture on organisational culture, power and politics within organisations and psychological ownership. The study bases strong emphasis to the formulation of organisational culture and how it differs from national culture, it then moves on to specifically outline the culture of male dominated organisations and aims to address the issue of why there exists a culture of gender bias within organisations, and finally, with the help of psychological theories, the study aims to establish the outcomes of individual psychological emotions towards an organisation. With the help of the above, the study aims to reach a rationale on better understanding people and organisations by outlining the culture systems and roles played by the former in the latter. Kroebar & Kluckholm defined culture as: ‘a set of patterns, explicit and implicit, of behaviour acquired and transmitted by symbol, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiment in artefacts; the essential core...
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...interpersonal process and organizational dynamics. 1. Organisation 2. Behaviour An organization is a collection of people working together in a division of labour to achieve a common purpose. The study of organizational Behaviour (OB) is very interesting and challenging too. It is related to individuals, group of people working together in terms. The study of organisational behaviour relates to the expected behaviour of an individual in the organisation. No two individuals are likely to behave in the same manner in a particular work situation. It is the predictability of a manager about the expected behaviour of an individual. Organisational Behaviour is concerned with the study of what people do in an organization (social system) and how that behaviour affects the performance of the organization: * Individual Behaviour * Individual and Group Behaviour * Organizational Structure 1.1.1 DEFINITIONS OF ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR: According to Luthans (OB: 2002) OB is directly concerned with the understanding, predicting and controlling of behaviour in organizations. According to Stephen P Robins (1999: 31-43) Organizational Behaviour is a systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within organisations According to Roman J.Alday (2006:91) Organisational Behaviour is a branch of the social science that seeks to build theories that can be applied to predicting understanding and controlling behaviour in the work organisations. Organisational behaviour is a field...
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...LEADING ORGANISATION CHANGE 1.0 Introduction Organisations can consider as dynamic and complex social systems where changes need to be done as whole within the organisation system. Today, OD is counted on to improve organisations that are operating in a quite different environment than that of the 1960s. The nature and forms of organisations are changing dramatically. The field of organization development requires its own evolution to accommodate the evolution of organisations. 2.0 The Philosophy of Change Management In order to understand change management we need to look it as strategy and strategic management. According to Viljoen (1994) defines strategic management as “the process of identifying, choosing and implementing activities that will enhance the long term performance of an organisation by setting direction and by creating ongoing compatibility between the internal skills and resources of the organisation, and the changing external environment within which it operates. Change Management is the process of aligning an organisation‟s people, processes, and culture with changes in business strategy, structure and systems. It can be reactive or proactive and strategic or operational in nature. “Organization Development is the attempt to influence the members of an organisation to expand their candidness with each other about their view of the organisation and their experience in it, and to take greater responsibility for their own actions as organisation members...
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...both private and public sector market projects such as offices & industrial facilities, using the traditional form of procurement with lead down procedures going on about 10-15 years which is resistant to organisational and cultural change. The purpose of this report is to provide the analysis of Salfordia’s current organizational culture ,team dynamic ,leadership ,status and make proposals that would help transform Salfordia current organizational culture, leader etc. to modern standard organization. The principal finding of this report as, adopted by Salfordia in there organizational structure Adhocracy which has the support staff as its key part, using informal communication (mutual adjustment) as it means of coordination. . Information and decision processes flow flexibly and informally and uses selective patterns of decentralization. . Using Adhocracy Salfordia have the tendency to hire and give power to professionals whose speciality is required to promote the company’s productivity thereby making profit unlike the professional Bureaucracy, the Adhocracy cannot rely on the standardized skills of experts in other to achieve coordination(Mintzberg 1983). Finally this report recommends that Salfordia should undergo Kolb’s organisation learning cycle which would help them even in acquiring more experience and boarding there knowledge on other procurement system. And they should consider procuring contracts using other forms of procurement system like partnering ...
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...Question 1. The revised case, originally written by Alex Bavelas, portrays a story of Bob Knowlton, an employee who acts as project head at Simmons Securities. Throughout the short case, Bavelas narrates about Knowlton and his computer simulation project, the ‘Millennium derivative’, in addition to how the introduction of fellow employee Simon Fester affected him personally, and the organisation and group he was associated with (Bavelas). Bob Knowlton, prior to the introduction of Simon Fester, was a project manager. He was leader of his group who had been tasked with designing and adapting this derivative. In relation to the Homan’s model, personal systems and external status came into the equation when Fester, a seemingly bright and switched on character, was hired to be a part of Knowlton’s team. These factors influenced the required systems of the organisations culture. Required systems in an organisation features three parts; activities, interaction, and attitudes. Fester’s introduction to Knowlton’s team changed the dynamic of the group’s mentality, organisation, and operational style. The activities to be undertaken remained the same, however, interaction changed (for the worse), as well as the communication and attitudes of members within the group. Fester is a telling type of leader, whereas Knowlton is more of a participating type leader (Quick, Wright, Adams, & Nelson, 2012). As time wore on, Fester’s superior intelligence slowly moved him up the ranks within...
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...A Critical evaluation of the impact that organisational culture on both internal corporate Communication and team dynamics: A Case Study Introduction In recent years, cutthroat demands on organisational operational effectiveness and competitive advantage have increasingly pushed managers to adopt skillful ways to strengthen and enhance efficient organisational functions. The effectiveness of an organisation’s employment of its resources as well as their tactical maneuvers must be related to the motivation and quality of the organizations work force (Pettinger, 2006). Carmarthen Building Supplies ltd is teaming with varying elements of communication problems, pre established organisation’s cultural environment and lack of sufficient team work. Given the f knowledge and experience that the new general manager, Gareth Jenkins, has on organisation and management, and its accompanying features on the importance of communication, culture and teamwork, he sets on a path to change the tide. Gareth Jenkins must confront a number of communication, cultural and team work challenges bedeviling the company at the moment. Underlying the influence of organisational culture on a firm’s communication and team dynamics is the fundamental leadership function. The function of a leader within the organisation is to steer the body towards realisation of a cooperative goal, but within a system of social authority and incentive framework (Schein, 2010). Carmarthen Building Supplies ltd, as...
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