Premium Essay

Power of Duties


Submitted By faizuljasemi
Words 6010
Pages 25
Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees
The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability, the norms set for discharge of functions and the rules and regulations held under the control of the organization and used by its employees are detailed below.
Shri Raji Philip
Chairman-cum-Managing Director
The Chairman and Managing Director is the Chief Executive of the Corporation and is responsible to the Board of Directors. He is responsible for all the activities of the Corporation including personnel, financial and commercial management, and corporate planning and project implementation. He is responsible for the effectiveness of the organization in the pursuit of the
Company’s goals and objectives and in particular for the performance and supervision of the technical, administrative and day-to-day operations of the Company.
The powers exercised by CMD are as per “Delegation of Powers” of CMD in vogue from time to time. Shri A K Bhatia
Director (Operations)
Director (Operations) is a member of Board of Directors and reports to Chairman and Managing
Director. He assists the CMD in all technical matters, in procurement of providing support to the mills for efficient operations, forestry raw material and other major inputs, setting technical parameters and monitoring the operations against the set norms, closely inter-acting with the Chief
Executives of the mills on all technical matters including innovation in achieving optimal capacity utilization, quality improvement equipment balancing , modernization, etc.
The powers exercised by Director(Operations) are as per “Delegation of Powers” of
Director(Operations) in vogue from time to time.
Shri MV Narasimha Rao
Director (Finance)
Director (Finance) is a member of the Board of Directors and reports to the Chairman and
Managing Director

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