...In America, the management of workers by assimilation into is being replace by the “integration of diversity”. This article summarized what issues arise in communication and speaking with one another in the workplace. It really touched on the differences in men and women. All of these qualities and variations all stem from childhood. Boys played in large groups and were programmed to emphasized their strengths while girls on the other hand, were taught to downplay their strengths because sounding too sure of themselves will make them unpopular. This can create problems for women getting promotion or being recognized. It also states that women tend to apologize more, simply to show concern. Men on the other hand think of apologizing as accepting responsibility for errors or taking a step down. This also has to do with giving compliment or asking questions (Toomey, 2008) Question 1 I work at a Human Resources Service center where the majority of the associates are females. The highest position such as President, Vice-President or Senior managers are all held by men. Many of the ideas and planning comes from women of the group. It is very apparent that the women are very careful about not bragging about their achievements or ideas. The ideas or conclusions that come to in meetings are often passed along to the male heads of the department and, take credit and pass them to the board of directors as their own. Question 2 American corporate culture is all about who is bigger...
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...Being a good leader isn’t easy According to the University of Georgetown Professor of linguistics, professor Deborah Tannen’s article on “The Power of Talk”, she explain that there is no particular way to communicate; for example, In saying what you mean or how you say what you mean is crucial, and differs from one person to the next. Because using language is a learned social behavior that will lead to a positive attribute in making a connection professionally or personally in our lives. And in order to be a leader and deal with others is to become profeciate and interact with different gender, cultural or diversified individuals. Therefore, in making these improvements on yourself to better understanding how to comprehend, verbal or nonverbal linguistic style, is a positive attribute to have as a manager. For this reason, one must be flexible in all situations and understand how to regulate one’s communication into meaning if a leader is to inspire confidence,...
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...Managing Diversity Paper #3 The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why Deborah Tannen’s article essentially points out that men and women have different ways of communicating. Women’s conversational style is more towards developing rapport, providing support, or nurturing in such a way to show how they are attune to communication. This style is conducive towards promoting intimacy and the importance of relationships. On the other hand, men’s conversational style is more assertive, more indicative of independence and the maintenance of hierarchical relationships. This style is important in establishing and communicating the status of a person engaged in communication. Tannen’s views regarding these differences are shared by others. In “Bridging the Gender Gap,” Glaser points out that it is not the fact that men and women play by different rules, but that the problem lies in now knowing what the rules are (n.d.). Tannen noted in her article that differences in communication style for men and women are product of their socialization during childhood experiences. Glaser adds that in the workplace, men do not exclude women intentionally, but that it is men’s assertiveness that may make this perception. Men do not wait to be invited; they simply join in. Moreover, she also states that women have a tendency to be apologetic and to attach qualifiers to their conversation. For example, women would add, “This may be a stupid question…”, “I think this may...
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...Running Head: “MONEY TALKS” ESSAY 1 “Money Talks” Essay Tammy R. Mathews Liberty University “Money Talks” Essay Based on the definition in our textbook (Littlejohn & Foss, 2011, p. 19) I would argue that “Money Talks” does not fit the criteria for a theory. It is not "an organized set of explanations." It's simply an idiom or a metaphor -- maybe "loosely" considered a personal theory, but nothing close to the types of theories in our textbook. Literally, money does not talk; it has no such characteristics. However, the phrase “money talks” is based on the concept that money gives one power and influence to help get things done and get one’s own way. Therefore, I would describe the phrase, “money talks,” more specifically as a communication theory. “Money talks” is a communication tool for those who have the means to be a powerful influence to get one’s way. Sometimes, this communication is spoken or unspoken. It is taken for granted that communication can influence what is done and what is not done. This is not always based on what is right or wrong. It is definitely about the power of the almighty dollar. In a lot of instances, money does talk and it talks very loud! “Money talks” is a representation in the real world. Is it a true representation? It shouldn’t be but the reality is that “it is.” “Money “stands for” the economic...
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...to a symmetrical one in which doctors and patients work as partners” (Tsai and Lu, 2001) Actually in mainland China, too much has been recently informed and reported about the complaints on the part of patients and about the physical attack and the legal cases sued against doctors and hospitals. Doctor-patient interaction has remain under-researched in the Chinese context. 2. Objective To examine asymmetrical verbal behavior and power relations of doctors and patients in the consultation room of Chinese medical institution, with focus on conversation openings and closings, questions and answers, interruptions, and topic control. 3. Research questions Whether and how asymmetry is interactively and locally produced through doctor-patient talk at the Chinese consultation room; How power is interactively and locally represented through asymmetrical doctor-patient conversation behavior; How this power-loaded asymmetry works for the Chinese medical institution. 4. Key terms Asymmetry: the unbalanced verbal behavior of participants in talk, with examples from the consultation room where doctors ask more questions than patients and from the classroom where teachers...
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...Am I Talking to Me? By Izzy Gesell The Power of Internal Dialogue to Help or Hinder Our Success Good communication skills are high on everyone's list of relationship "must-haves." Successful communication can be described as the transmission of thought, feeling or action so that is satisfactorily understood. Usually, the skills referred to are of the interpersonal variety. I think it's just as important to understand your internal communication, referred to as your self-talk, Self-talk is defined as the ongoing dialogue we have with ourselves that determines our behavior and it turns out we talk to ourselves all the time. This self-talk both reflects and creates our emotional states so when the self-talk is negative we become more stressed, less confident and more concerned with what other people think. We often tend to believe our self-talk is real and objective, not always aware that it comes from a feeling or belief we have. The good news is that we can transform our life experiences by learning how to defuse the power of negative self-talk. This entry will look at what self talk is, how it works and describe 5 kinds of negative self-talk. Part 2 will describe 5 additional kinds of negative self talk and offer a way to turn negative self talk around into positive action. HOW SELF-TALK WORKS In the memorable subtitle scene of the movie "Annie Hall." Woody Allen ("Alvy" and Diane Keaton ("Annie") are on the balcony off Annie's apartment. With a cityscape in the background...
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...“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” (The Constitution of the United States of America. 1787) The preface of the constitution of the United States of America is probably one of the most quoted paragraphs used by every citizen of the world when referring to established laws, and from every citizen of the United States when it is referred to Freedom, and Justice. Ironically when people refer to this and therefore the whole constitution they are directly referring to one of the greatest minds in history: Charles Louis de Secondat Baron de Montesquieu. He is not only one of the real founders of the American Constitution, but he is the start on revolutionary ideas in means on anthropology, politics and economical revolutions; he is the founder of society comfort, he is the inspiration for the French Revolution with his ideas of Justice, Freedom and Equality. Still his name has almost disappeared in the modern world. Charles Louis de Secondat was born on January 18, 1689, at the castle of La Brède near Bordeaux in France. His father Jacques de Secondat was a soldier with a long noble ancestry, and his mother, Marie Françoise de Pesnel, was an heiress who eventually brought the barony of La Brède...
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...her essay “Women Talk Too Much,” Jonet Holmes argues that to dominate talking depends on many different factors, including the social context in which the talk is taking place, relative social confidence and perception (299-304). By contrast, Ronald Macaulay declares his statement in his article “Sex Difference” that language use and development as a result of the social environment have a great impact on the talking between women and men, not the sex differences in language (307-313). It is explicit that both Holmes and Macaulay express their personal perspectives about the similar purpose of talking, the dissimilar factors of language development and the perception of language that could affect their conversational style. In Holmes’ article, she told about the purpose of talking in public between man and women, “Formal public talk is often aimed at information people or persuading them to agree to a particular point of view” (301). She agrees that public talk is often undertaken by those who emphasize their degrees of public status. In addition, when the men have an effective talk in public, the purpose of the speech is to improve their social status. In private context, women contribute to establish social contact with others and develop personal relationship. Likewise, Macaulay illustrated his opinion in his article that those different social positions would affect the talking between women and men. “It is also obvious that those in a position of power often expect...
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...differences in the speaking styles of women and men? In antiquity, the answer was a simple and fascinating ‘yes’. In his essay “Sex Differences”, Ronald Macaulay believes there is no differences as such that affects language acquisition, although social factors interfere in the way they both talk. In contrast, Janet Holmes expresses in her essay “Women talk too much” that language is biased because it is men who have positions of power and seek authority, who judges when talk is too much, when its appropriate, and that women assert themselves less when speech is more valued. As we progress, we shall examine more closely their positions and expose the nature of their claims. In fact, the use and style in language has no bearing on one’s gender. The way one communicates with others has much to do with personal life experiences, self-image, and the overall make up of our personality and character. According to Macaulay, women are more straightforward and use the language in a simpler manner while men tend to be more creative. First of all, men are associated with toughness and aggression, sometimes boldness whereas women are associated with sweetness, being innocent, shy and loyal. These talks are not to be used to judge each of the sexes although in certain occasions they are. Secondly, the author discusses the difference between men and women in the way they develop the language to suit their tone and personality. Various studies prove that women are more likely to succeed...
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...Imagine living in the world where one person can do whatever he feels like whenever he likes. On top of all that he is the person that controls The United States of America. Do we really want to let our president slowly get the power to do anything he wants? Do we want a dictator to rule the United States? By letting the President Obama bomb whoever he feels like was part of 9/11 without even talking to the Congress is giving The President of The United States way too much power. In 15 years the president has bombed 6 countries without congress approval that he had felt had something to do with 9/11. In this article we will talk about why it is wrong that the president has the power to bomb anyone, also we will talk about what power the president has, and what power the congress has. Unfortunately the majority of American does not know the power the president has and to what extent he can use it. According to Article II of the US Constitution the president has the power to control the military which includes The Army, The Navy, and The National Guard; however the president cannot send the Army off to war without the...
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...Jamont Waters Macroeconomics November 5, 2012 Oprah Winfrey Most Successful Talk Show Host to Live Oprah Winfrey is the most successful talk show host that has ever graced this earth. Oprah was born in a poor rural town of Kosciusko, Mississippi on January 25, 1954. After a troubled childhood filled with sexual abuse by a number of male relatives and friends of her mother, Vernita, Oprah moved to Nashville to live with her father, Vernon, a barber and businessman. She went to Tennessee State University in 1971 and began working in radio and television broadcasting in Nashville. In 1976, Oprah moved to Baltimore where she hosted the TV chat show, People Are Talking. The show became a hit and Oprah stayed with it for eight years. She then hosted her own morning show A.M. Chicago after she was recruited by a Chicago TV station. At this time Donahue was competition for her, but within several months of her A.M. show, she had won her 100,000 more viewers than Donahue and had taken her show from last place to first in the ratings. Her success led to nationwide fame and a role in the film, The Color Purple, in 1985. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Oprah launched the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1986 as a nationally syndicated program. Her show grossed over $125 million by the end of its first year, which Oprah received $30 million. She was on 120 channels and had an audience of 10 million people. She soon gained ownership of the program from ABC, drawing...
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...Self-Talk: Can It Drag You Towards Downfall? Although self-talk does not necessarily lead to neurotic imposture, both of these ideas of behavior are very viable and accurately based off of scientific research and common personal experiences. Amy Cuddy’s, “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are”, discusses how internal communication, which is how a person speaks to oneself through body language, can have an effect on the overall outcome of life experiences and bases this claim off of personal experiences communally shared by the audience and most people. “The Dangers of Feeling like a Fake,” by Manfred Kets de Vries, explains neurotic imposture, and how these feelings of fakeness can eventually lead to the downfall of the impostor and even the...
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...Power is represented through using different techniques in Hawk Roosting and Flag. Both writers use language techniques to show power. In Hawk Roosting, there are many words connected with altitude such as: ‘top’ ‘buoyancy’ ‘flight’ ‘upward’ ‘high’ ‘fly up.’ We usually connect height with increased status / power. The Hawk acts as an overseer, or dictator, holding power over everything below it. The frequency of these words reminds the reader that the hawk is a symbol of power. The word ‘buoyancy’ is particularly obscure but the hawk talks about how it is of ‘advantage’ which reinforces how height equates to power. Flag, suggests that the actual flag it talks about is a symbol of power which, through patriotism, unites and controls a body of people. Each stanza uses repetition to suggest that the flag is powerless. However, ironically, it then goes on to talk about the effect that it has. ‘It’s just a piece of cloth / that dares the coward to relent,’ here coward and relent are examples of emotive language. The effect of this is to reinforce to the reader the emotional control that the flag and what it symbolises. Hawk Roosting also uses repetition. ‘It took the whole of Creation to produce my foot… Now I hold Creation…’ The poet is reinforcing how Creation has formed the hawk and the tone of this section seems to strengthen this argument as the hawk is full of ego and seems proud that he is ‘God’s gift.’ Now he is in control of ‘Creation’ he is effectively playing God. Often...
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...THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER MANCHESTER BUSSINESS SCHOOL | GLOBAL EVENTS AND LEADERSHIP | PART 1 US/Iran nuclear talks offer rejected The Iran supreme Leader has dismissed the proposal to have a one to one talk with the US over his country's nuclear program. Ayatollah Khamenei said in a speech posted online that the US was proposing talks while "Pointing a gun at Iran". “Iran’s president has said he is ready for directs talks with the US if the West stops pressuring his country. His comments directly contradict the words of the Supreme leader of Iran who rejected the US proposal of direct negotiations. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made his statement at a rally to mark the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution. “You pull away the gun from the face of the Iranian nation, I myself will enter the talks with you,” he said.”1 “ Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, rejected any idea of bilateral talks with the United States on Thursday in a speech in which he scoffed at Iranian officials who might consider such negotiations.”2 Iran which has suffered sanctions from the international community has been arguing that her nuclear programs are for peaceful reasons mainly for research and electricity power generation.However,Iran's critics argue that the country is developing weapons of mass destruction(WMD) despite the country being a signatory to various treaties that are against such developments.These treaties includes the Biological Weapon Convention3,the Chemical...
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...Introduction to Comm Paper # 1 Meaning of Communication: Power and Control Communication can be described as something that is everything and everywhere. Communication can be looked at as not only something that happens between human beings, but something that occurs between all living organisms. When communication occurs words are not the only thing that is being transferred. Communication can be the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. In order to have communication, there must be understanding. When understanding is present, more effective communication can occur. Communication to me is far beyond the words that are being said. I think a lot can be told through expressions in the face and tone of voice that is being used. The verbal part of communication is a main piece to the process, but you can tell a lot more of how the person feels or get a good sense of what is being said through the tone and facial reactions that you see. Communication is far more complex than the way I look at it in the paragraph above. Communication can also be traced back through culture and experiences. When looking at culture, it is easier to look at where communication came from. Within each culture there must be one language which will serve as the means of communication. Culture helps define communication because culture helps a society share the same ideas, customs, and beliefs. When two people (or things) share the same idea...
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