...A2 English Language Revision Guidance and Easter Work 2015 (1) Make sure you have your revision timetable worked out. Use calendar to plan work for different subjects (2) Make sure your folders/booklets/handouts are sorted out for: a. Language Diversity i. Language Change – over time (timelines, key events, language features, theories, standardisation etc) ii. Different varieties of English (American, Caribbean, Indian, theories, Kachru, divergence, creolisation, basilect, prestige forms, etc) b. Child Language Development i. Spoken Language (terms, theories, stages, etc). ii. Written language (terms, theories, stages, phonics, IPA etc). (3) For each area of the course, revise terminology, concepts, issues, theories etc (see overleaf). Booklets provide a very good starting point + VLE and links to helpful resources and sites. (4) Terminology and Method: For all questions you need to be able to use the Language Constituents and relate these to Context. So revision of Language Constituents, word classes, grammar etc is important eg you need to be quick and confident recognising features like imperatives, passive voice, noun phrase structure, different pronouns, modal verbs etc. And of course be able to comment on their effects: TERM – DEFINITION - EXAMPLE – COMMENT ON EFFECT [See the checklist overleaf.] (5) Theories and Issues. Read and makes notes on ‘Language: A Student Handbook’ (you have to give this book back after Easter). Particularly useful for...
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...expectations which are shared with students each year).INFO:11-18 Mixed comprehensive school situated on the edge of Faringdon – an affluent Oxfordshire market town.Specialist Status in Engineering and Applied LearningRated Ofsted Outstanding May 2008 KS5 DATA (2012):Small cohorts – 42 in 2012.2012 Average UCAS points per student – 359.A*-E 99% at A2A*-B 50% at A2 | Attendance & punctuality - find out in advance of the next lesson what work was missed so students will not be behind.Lack of homework will affect rewards such as “Student of the month”All courses give students the following info in first lesson:An outline of the syllabus;coursework details (type, interim deadlines); a schedule for completion of the syllabus (weekly or termly); exam details. | Range of activities in lessons e.g. questioning, matching tasks, videos, discussions & note taking.Active participation, e.g. discussing & listening to others’ ideas.Effective written communication is encouraged.Students expected to bring past work to lessons.Bringing textbooks to every lesson.Regular setting of personal targets which are reviewed in lessons.Weekly exam practice.After each ‘Unit’ is taught a past paper will be sat as a Unit Mock.Copying / highlighting chunks of notes from textbooks discouraged. Students record info using: Notes Bullet points Tables Spider diagrams | Meeting deadlines for any homework that is set - it may be preparation for the next lesson or to consolidate previous learning.Be interested...
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...[pic] A2 Business Studies Pre-Release Research Task ‘Development in Emerging Markets: China’ Learner Name: _____________________________ Preparing for A2 Business The Unit 3 examination Strategies for success • 25% of A level • 1 hour 45 minutes exam • 80 marks • The exam is case study based and comprises one 10 mark calculation question, two 18 mark evaluation questions and one 34 mark report. The Unit 4 examination The Business Environment and Managing Change • 25% of A level • 1 hour 45 minutes exam • 80 marks • Section A: Pre-release research tasks leading to a 40 mark essay • Section B: Choice of 3 essays, one must be chosen for 40 marks • This unit is synoptic – this means that it pulls together all the material from the entire AS and A2 specification. There are two key additional elements of preparation for this paper: Complete the research task The research task is designed to enable you to investigate in detail a small part of the Unit 4 specification. The research brief will give you precise guidance on the tasks to complete. Do not make too much of this task and extend your research beyond what is asked. Do, however, relate your research to a variety of large businesses producing goods and services and operating in different markets. Read widely about business You should read newspapers, magazines, and books, watch television and surf the internet for news...
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...Handbook for Teachers Content and overview Paper/timing Content Part 1 Three texts on one theme from a range of sources. Each text has two multiple-choice questions. A text from which six paragraphs have been removed and placed in a jumbled order, together with an additional paragraph, after the text. A text followed by seven multiple-choice questions. A text or several short texts preceded by 15 multiple-matching questions. One compulsory question. Candidates are expected to be able to write non-specialised text types such as an article, a contribution to a longer piece, an essay, information sheets, a letter, a proposal, a report, a review, or a competition entry, with a focus on advising, comparing, evaluating, expressing opinions, hypothesising, justifying and persuading. Candidates are expected to demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge of the language system by completing a number of tasks. Test focus Candidates are expected to show understanding of attitude, detail, implication, main idea, opinion, purpose, specific information, text organisation features, tone and text structure. 1 READING 1 hour 15 minutes Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 1 2 WRITING 1 hour 30 minutes Part 2 Candidates choose one task from a choice of five questions (including the set text options). Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 A modified cloze test containing 12 gaps and followed by 12 multiple-choice items. A modified open cloze test containing 15 gaps. A text containing 10...
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...Bare Bones Revision Guide AQA A2 Business Studies Unit 4 The Business Environment & Managing Change y y lic po ar e h th ow gr ar et on m y ion lic o yp t ec ot tive pr pec t s st n o em ti un xa idy ta ubs s c e l se w s po ket ies ar eg e m at g str ad y c s tr gin te er ra oli ver ersment n of emorpo m l p o rg ploy xatio ts ke e cl er ers n m lder p yme u ns keho plo a co n io t fla in g lin r e ng hao a ke c eed c a m fis t objectives t fr d men aims an ic environnment m econo enviro ment social nviron ange h legal e e em un ta of c causes ship leader g and proc hange g for c ess entin implem ing change s manag decision plannin rship exch st rates intere tives objecg markets in g emerg tion inflaange rates cto phic fa nemp subsid taxa hea u n envirot l M e ade s on na a n gi ra demog al dec politic ow ons er su n c C change i nfl subunemployateion men si m nt t re gula dy tio p an h envir social u lea ence ns d s fisc ersh al p i olic p y ge leade e cultur nt onme leg al inte stra rnal c teg au infl ic decisio ses enviro n missio tec al envir ecisio nt ra hno onm ns logi ent po cal or c strategi es influenc ent nm han...
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...Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. SEGMENTATION AND TARGETING 2 2.1. GEOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION 2 2.2. DEMOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION 3 2.3. PSYCHOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION 4 2.4. BEHAVIORAL SEGMENTATION 6 3. POSITIONING 7 3.1. VALUE PROPOSITION OF PHD OUTLETS 8 3.4. COMMUNICATING ON POPS AND PODS 8 4. DIFFERENTIATION 9 5. BRANDING AND BRAND EQUITY 10 5.1. BRAND AWARENESS 10 5.2. BRAND ASSOCIATION 10 5.3. BRAND LOYALTY 11 5.4. BRAND ASSET VALUATOR 12 6. MARKETING MIX 13 6.1. PRODUCT AND SERVICE 13 6.2. PRICING 16 6.3. PROMOTIONS 21 6.4. PLACE 24 6.5. PEOPLE 25 6.6. PROCESS 26 6.7. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE 26 7. CUSTOMER ACQUISITION AND RETENTION 27 7.1. CUSTOMER ACQUISITION 27 7.2. CUSTOMER RETENTION 29 8. REFERENCES 31 1. Introduction 2. Segmentation and Targeting To begin with, we segmented the market place into different categories broadly based on three consumer characteristics. The classification becomes more specific as we go deeper into the categories. 2.1. Geographic Segmentation The first step of classification is based on geography. We have broadly classified our target customers as belonging to 2 groups on the basis of population as recommend by the Sixth Central Pay Commission of India in 2008. • Tier I cities: Population more than 4 million Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai • Tier II cities: Population between 1 million to 4 million Pune, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Calicut etc. The reason behind focusing on these two segments is...
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...TESTS English Grammar (Tests) © 2003—2006 www.english-test.net 1. elementary-1 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1 Speaking already Q1 Can you hear what he is .......? (a) saying Q2 (d) watched (b) next (c) by (d) nearby (c) similar (d) same (c) least (d) later (c) did (d) make (c) real (d) whole (c) in (d) on (c) in (d) on (b) like (b) latest (b) done I want you to tell me the ....... truth. (a) all Q9 (c) viewed I only ....... one mistake in last night's test. (a) made Q8 (b) looked This television gives you the ....... news. (a) last Q7 (d) till She looks ....... a famous film star. (a) as Q6 (c) yet (b) already We live ....... the city centre. (a) near Q5 (d) talking I ....... TV yesterday evening. (a) saw Q4 (c) telling She hasn't come home ........ (a) still Q3 (b) speaking (b) exact He is looking ....... a present to buy his girlfriend. (a) for (b) at Q10 That's what I would like ....... Christmas. (a) for (b) at © 2003—2006 www.english-test.net 2. elementary-2 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 2 Drive carefully Q1 You must not drink and then ....... a car. (a) lead Q2 (c) dislike (d) mind (b) lend (c) loan (d) owe (b) bring (c) fetch (d) remove (b) over (c) through (d) on (b) on (c) in ...
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...MULTIMEDIA LEARNING MATERIALS FROM THE EXPERTS PRODUCT CATALOGUE JANUARY 2012–JUNE 2012 BPP Learning Media has been producing high quality study materials for more than 30 years. We are the publisher of choice for students, tuition providers, companies and professional bodies in more than 150 countries worldwide. Using the expertise of our specialist authors and tutors, we have developed a range of innovative study aids in a variety of formats including web delivery, audio-visual products, CD-ROMs and books. Our products are designed to support a variety of different learning styles, ensuring all students make the most of their study time and successfully achieve their learning outcomes. This catalogue is your comprehensive guide to the qualifications we publish for and the learning materials we offer in support of those qualifications, together with our UK and overseas stockists directory. CONNECT WITH US bpp.com/learningmedia twitter.com/bpplm LinkedIn: BPP Learning Media Clients contents 04 ABoUt Us WhaT’s neW aT 12 BPP LeaRning MeDia 14 insTiTUTe OF LeaDeRshiP anD ManageMenT (iLM) 15 MeDiCaL seRies assOCiaTiOn OF BUsiness exeCUTives (aBe) 16 a BRanD neW 17 aPPROaCh a neW iDenTiTY 17 a neW PROPOsiTiOn 18 inFORMaTiOn FOR BOOKseLLeRs 20 WhOLesaLe ORDeRs 23 BeCOMe a sTOCKisT TUiTiOn PROviDeRs 24 TeRMs anD COnDiTiOns OF saLe RegiOnaL saLes ManageRs 24 CUsTOMeR seRviCes PRinTeD 25 PRODUCTs 26 sTUDY TexTs PRaCTiCe & RevisiOn KiTs 27 PassCaRDs 28 eLeCTROniC PRODUCTs...
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...Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1 Introduction Exercises 4 Chapter 2 Entity Relationship Model Exercises 9 Chapter 3 Relational Model Exercises 30 Chapter 4 SQL Exercises 42 Chapter 5 Other Relational Languages Exercises 58 Chapter 6 Integrity and Security Exercises 74 iii iv Contents Chapter 7 Relational-Database Design Exercises 84 Chapter 8 Object-Oriented Databases Exercises 98 Chapter 9 Object-Relational Databases Exercises 109 Chapter 10 XML Exercises 119 Chapter 11 Storage and File Structure Exercises 129 Chapter 12 Indexing and Hashing Exercises 141 Chapter 13 Query Processing Exercises 155 Chapter 14 Query Optimization Exercises 166 Chapter 15 Transactions Exercises 175 Chapter 16 Concurrency Control Exercises 182 Chapter 17 Recovery System Exercises 194 Contents v Chapter 18 Database System Architectures Exercises 201 Chapter 19 Distributed Databases Exercises 208 Chapter 20 Parallel Databases Exercises 217 Chapter 21 Application Development and Administration Exercises 225 Chapter 22 Advanced Querying and Information Retrieval Exercises 232 Chapter 23 Advanced Data Types and New Applications Exercises 241 Chapter 24 Advanced Transaction Processing Exercises 249 C H A P T E R 1 Introduction Chapter 1 provides a general overview of the nature and purpose of database systems. The most important concept in...
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...not plan to take STEP. The questions are all based on recent STEP questions. I chose the questions either because they are ‘nice’ – in the sense that you should get a lot of pleasure from tackling them – or because I felt I had something interesting to say about them. In this booklet, I have restricted myself (reluctantly) to the syllabus for Papers I and II, which is the A-level core (i.e. C1 to C4) with a few additions. This material should be familiar to you if you are taking the International Baccalaureate, Scottish Advanced Highers or other similar courses. The first two questions (the sample worked questions) are in a ‘stream of consciousness’ format. They are intended to give you an idea how a trained mathematician would think when tackling them. This approach is much too long-winded to sustain, but it should help you to see what sort of questions you should be asking yourself as you work through the later questions. I have given each of the subsequent questions a difficulty rating ranging from (∗) to (∗ ∗ ∗). A question labelled (∗) might be found on STEP I; a question labelled (∗∗) might be found on STEP II; a question labelled (∗ ∗ ∗) might be found on STEP III. But difficulty in mathematics is in the eye of the beholder: you might find a question difficult simply because you overlooked some key step, which on another day you would not have hesitated over. You should not therefore be discouraged if you are stuck on a one-star question; though you should probably...
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...The Project Gutenberg EBook of Calculus Made Easy, by Silvanus Thompson This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Calculus Made Easy Being a very-simplest introduction to those beautiful methods which are generally called by the terrifying names of the Differentia Author: Silvanus Thompson Release Date: October 9, 2012 [EBook #33283] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK CALCULUS MADE EASY *** Produced by Andrew D. Hwang, Brenda Lewis and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.) transcriber’s note Minor presentational changes, and minor typographical and numerical corrections, have been made without comment. All A textual changes are detailed in the L TEX source file. This PDF file is optimized for screen viewing, but may easily be A recompiled for printing. Please see the preamble of the L TEX source file for instructions. CALCULUS MADE EASY MACMILLAN AND CO., Limited LONDON : BOMBAY : CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK : BOSTON : CHICAGO DALLAS : SAN FRANCISCO THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltd. TORONTO CALCULUS MADE EASY: BEING A VERY-SIMPLEST...
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...CT1 – P C – 09 Combined Materials Pack ActEd Study Materials: 2009 Examinations Subject CT1 Contents Study Guide for the 2009 exams Course Notes Question and Answer Bank Series X Assignments* *Note: The Series X Assignment Solutions should also be supplied with this pack unless you chose not to receive them with your study material. If you think that any pages are missing from this pack, please contact ActEd’s admin team by email at ActEd@bpp.com or by phone on 01235 550005. How to use the Combined Materials Pack Guidance on how and when to use the Combined Materials Pack is set out in the Study Guide for the 2009 exams. Important: Copyright Agreement This study material is copyright and is sold for the exclusive use of the purchaser. You may not hire out, lend, give out, sell, store or transmit electronically or photocopy any part of it. You must take care of your material to ensure that it is not used or copied by anybody else. By opening this pack you agree to these conditions. The Actuarial Education Company © IFE: 2009 Examinations All study material produced by ActEd is copyright and is sold for the exclusive use of the purchaser. The copyright is owned by Institute and Faculty Education Limited, a subsidiary of the Faculty and Institute of Actuaries. You may not hire out, lend, give out, sell, store or transmit electronically or photocopy any part of the study material. You must take care of your study material to ensure that...
Words: 168437 - Pages: 674
...School of Health and Education Secondary PGCE Programme Handbook 2015-16 Student Name: Programme Leader: Eddie Ellis PGCE Secondary Programme Handbook 2015-16 Information in alternative formats This handbook can be found online at: https://myunihub.mdx.ac.uk/web/homecommunity/mystudy If you have a disability which makes navigating the website difficult and you would like to receive information in an alternative format, please contact http://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/support/disability/i ndex.aspx Sections from this publication can be supplied as: • a Word document with enlarged type — sent by email or supplied on a CD or memory stick • printed copy with enlarged type • printed copy on non-white paper • as Braille Other formats may be possible. We will do our best to respond promptly. To help us, please be as specific as you can about the information you require and include details of your disability. PGCE Secondary Programme Handbook 2015-16 Purpose and status of your student programme handbook The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with information about your programme of study and to direct you to other general information about studying at Middlesex University, the majority of which is available on UniHub. The material in this handbook is as accurate as possible at the date of production however you will be informed of any major changes in a timely manner. Your comments on any improvements to this handbook are welcome. Please put them in writing...
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...and Communication Technology (ICT) (Single Award: 9751)/(Double Award: 9752) Edexcel Advanced GCE with Advanced Subsidiary (Additional) in Applied Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (9753) Issue 4 September 2010 Edexcel, a Pearson company, is the UK’s largest awarding body, offering academic and vocational qualifications and testing to more than 25,000 schools, colleges, employers and other places of learning in the UK and in over 100 countries worldwide. Qualifications include GCSE, AS and A Level, NVQ and our BTEC suite of vocational qualifications from entry level to BTEC Higher National Diplomas, recognised by employers and higher education institutions worldwide. We deliver 9.4 million exam scripts each year, with more than 90% of exam papers marked onscreen annually. As part of Pearson, Edexcel continues to invest in cutting-edge technology that has revolutionised the examinations and assessment system. This includes the ability to provide detailed performance data to teachers and students which helps to raise attainment. This specification is Issue 4. Key changes are sidelined. We will inform centres of any changes to this issue. The latest issue can be found on the Edexcel website: www.edexcel.com Acknowledgements This specification has been produced by Edexcel on the basis of consultation with teachers, examiners, consultants and other interested parties. Edexcel would like to thank all those who contributed their time and expertise...
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...learning method Learn and recall questions, answers and negatives using 8 common verb forms • Learn 400+ essential vocabulary words • 100% photocopiable • • • • englishbanana.com’s Talk a Lot Spoken English Course Elementary Book 1 This book is dedicated to Anna and Julia, with love and thanks xx and also: ………………………………………………………………. (Insert the name of the teacher who has most inspired you to learn.) English Banana.com info@englishbanana.com ISBN-13: 978-0955701511 English Banana.com Copying Licence: You may freely print, copy and distribute this book, subject to our Copying Licence (visit our website at www.englishbanana.com for full details) First published in the UK by English Banana.com 2008 © Copyright Matt Purland 2008 Talk a Lot Introduction Welcome to a new kind of English course! Talk a Lot is a great new way to learn spoken English, and quite a departure from the standard ELT course book. Instead of spending hours reading and writing, students have the opportunity to engage in challenging and fun speaking and listening activities with their friends. On this course students learn how to think in English as well as Talk a Lot! The Talk a Lot course objectives are very simple: • • • • Every student talking in English Every student listening to and understanding English Every student thinking in English, and Every student taking part in class Talk a Lot is structured so that every student can practise and improve English grammar, vocabulary...
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