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Prejudice In The African-American Community

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When one think of social class, one sometimes think of the prejudices which come from those who are of Caucasian descent and are the top one percent of the wealthy. There are also prejudices which come from the African-American community and some of these prejudices are the amount or lack of money which is in an African American’s bank account, the skin tone of an African-American, and the neighborhood in which the African-American lives. Therefore, social class prejudices happen in all cultures.
In the African-American community, there are some who may look down at a person who is not in the same tax bracket as another. According to Palen (2015), famous African American scholar, Henry Louis Gates stated that “there always has been a small upper-class black elite, belonging to Links (a national upper-class social club) and whose children belong to Jack and Jill (an invited, member-only organization for upper-class black children”). Unfortunately, this author was not asked to participate in the Jack and Jill organization because this author’s family came from the thirteen percent of the working poor. With not having a large bank account, this author’s family was looked down on not only the Caucasians but also the African-Americans in her youth. …show more content…
In the African American community, one could be looked down on by one's skin tone as much as by Caucasians. In the African American community, there are multiple shades of “black” and if one’s skin tone is pecan tan and not the color of a paper bag, in one's own community, they could be assessed as ignorant or ghetto. Due to the darkness of this author’s skin tone, teasing was a way of life not only by classmates but by family members as well. Although, what hurt the most was when going on interviews to have an interviewer look at the skin which was given by GOD, knowing that the job would go to another person due to skin

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