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Presentation Analysis and Adaptation Worksheet


Submitted By kingtraxz
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University of Phoenix Material

Presentation Analysis and Adaptation Worksheet

Speaker ____Derrick Logan____________________________ Topic ______________________Android OS__________

Who is the audience for this presentation?

The audience will people who are interested in knowing more about the Android OS who have only been exposed to the Apple OS

What is the purpose of this presentation?

To persuade individuals into using android devices

Explain how the topic is specific and relates to the audience.

The topic is specific and related as well because it is dictated by the audience they will be allowed to ask as many questions about the topic at hand.

Target Audience Analysis: What special adaptations for these audience types might be necessary for this presentation to be effective?

|Technical Personnel |Yes Technical personal will be on-site |
|Non-Technical |N/A |
|Management |N/A |
|Client/Stakeholder |N/A |
|Age/Experience |N/A |
|Other (specify) |N/A |

Environment Analysis: What special adaptations may be necessary for the environment or situation of the presentation?

|Size |Room that can

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