...Prior to Obama being sworn in, there were several negative precursors which indicated that America was facing impending and unavoidable obstacles both domestically and overseas. For one, the country was facing an economic recession during which the cost of living skyrocketed while employment rates were simultaneously decreasing. Over two million families faced the threat of foreclosure on their homes and a growing population of citizens were not covered by any form of health insurance. Overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan, thousands of American troops were engaged in war. Despite the imminent issues at hand, Obama vowed to take on the responsibility. (President) President Obama was a perfect candidate because of his success story and claim that,"in...
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...2001, President George W Bush exercised his right to his first veto. A directive that banned federal funding for any more research into stem cell lines created after that date (August 9, 2001). In 2009, President Barack Obama ended the stem cell ban. Obama said his decision was a “difficult and delicate balance”. He said he wanted to side with the majority of Americans, who did support federal funding for this research. (“Obama reverses Bush-era stem cell policy.” 1) The benefits of this research can lead to new, more effective treatments for human ailments. Stem cell therapy has alleviated the suffering of thousands of people. Unused stem cells are being discarded instead of being used for research. (“Frequently asked questions.” 3) Stem cells are quite resourceful. They can easily be taken from our own bodies and stored just like blood. During radiation or chemotherapy, white and red blood cells can get damaged. These affected cells can easily be replaced with healthy stem cells that adapt. (Pros and cons of stem cell research, 1)The biggest debate about this topic isn’t about whether stem cells work, but who’s going to pay for the research. It’s not a matter of pro-life or pro-choice, it’s pro-science. If my family had the finances for stem cell therapy, we would have made sure that my grandmother was in as little as pain as possible when she was diagnosed with myeloma. No matter what type of injury or disease, cells can easily be replaced with healthy stem cells. (Pros and...
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...Obama Care Obama Care Obama Care is thought by most people to be a US law aimed at reforming the American health care system. The main focus for this care is to provide more Americans with access to reasonable health insurance, improving the value of health insurance, regulating the health insurance industry, and decreasing health care spending in the US (Government, 2012). Many people have mixed feelings about Obama Care and how it is used in the US. In this paper, I will discuss the origins and the history of how Obama Care got started and its difficulties. Then, I am going to talk about the pros and cons dealing with Obama Care and the ways it will affect our economy. Next, I will discuss how Obama Care is funded and how there are still missing pieces that the administration needs to clear up. Lastly, I will argue how some of the American population thinks Obama Care is a scam. Then, to wrap up my paper I will be giving my opinion on this complex matter. Steps in the process of Obama Care The history of Obama Care is very complex but the name is the unofficial name for The Patient Protection and Affordable Care act, which was singed into law on March 23, 2010. The major requirements went into effect in January 1, 2014 even though significant modifications had happened before this date. Many Americans were opposed to Obama Care before it was even passed because they didn’t like the idea of the government taking over the healthcare polices. Now, I am going to...
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...No Child Left Behind Luisa Villalba EDU623 Professor Smith November 5, 2012 The No Child Left Behind act was put in place to help better educate America’s youth. The NCLB act shines light on our education system, and how our focus needs to be on educating our children. Explore what the NCLB act was intended to do its pros and cons, and President Obama’s fight to reform NCLB. In 2001 President George W. Bush proposed a federal law known as The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). The law supports several federal programs intended to improve U.S. schools by raising the standards of responsibility for school districts, schools, and states. The law also allows room for parents to choose the schools they would like their children to attend. The NCLB act concentrates on increasing reading, and math sores nationwide. The objective of the NCLB act is that all students meet state guidelines set in hopes of students reaching their full academic potential. Funding for the NCLB act is divided into quite a few sections, or titles. For example * Title I, Part A focuses on obtaining resources for disadvantaged students. This is done by providing funding to bring qualified educators into the classroom. * Title 1, Part D ensures that children who are found to delinquent, or neglected receive quality education while in detention centers, or institutions. * Title II, Part A concentrates on bettering the quality of teachers, and principals. This title...
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...Thesis Outline: A. Introduction: What is Obamacare? What does Obamacare offer its patients? President Obama and Health Care. I. What is Obama Care? Obamacare or the Affordable Health Care Act is a healthcare reform law that provides families affordable health insurance. Obamacare allegedly is supposed to provide the families access to quality healthcare with lower fees/insurance. II. President Obama and the Origins of the AHCA Obamacare was modeled after Mitt Romney’s “RomenyCare”, a health care reform passed in the state of Mass. Obamacare was passed on March 23, 2010 by President Obama President Obama assured that in 2014 all of the insured 85% of Americans with Obamacare have been experiencing what the program has to offer since 2010 In 2015 President Obama announced that will Obamacare the patients will not have experiences with out-of-pocket costs. III. What does Obamacare offer its patients? (BRIEF) Obamacare offers Americans a number of new benefits, rights, and protections in regards to their healthcare Obamacare allows Americans to purchase federally regulated and subsidized Health Insurance during open enrollment Obamacare Expanded Medicaid to all adults in many states Obamacare Improved Medicare for seniors and those with long-term disabilities Obamacare Expanded employer coverage to millions of employees “As of 2013 there were around 44 million Americans who went without health insurance (about 16% of the population). The...
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...Healthcare Plan of 1993 also known as the Health Security Act was a package presented under the direction of President Bill Clinton. His presidency started on January 20, 1993 and lasted until January 20, 2001. During his 1992 presidential election, Clinton pushed for this bill to be passed by Congress. “After nine months of brainstorming and politicking, President Clinton delivered to Congress today a 240,000-word proposal for universal health insurance” (Pear, 1993). This manifesto was the most multiplex, comprehensive plan conveyed by any President. Under the Clinton plan, most Americans would get health insurance coverage only in regional alliances. “ A company with more than 5,000 full-time employees could operate its own health insurance program outside the alliances. People working at company headquarters would be in the corporate health plan” (Pear, 1993). If there were employees of a large company that worked in another state with 100 or less than they were able to join the local alliance there. The Clinton Healthcare Plan of 1993 would supply additional treatment of helping. “Mr. Clinton said his proposal would provide much more coverage of preventive services than is usually found in private health insurance plans” (Pear, 1993). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 also known as Obamacare is a United States federal law signed in by President Obama on March 23, 2010. This law, jointly with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act represents...
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...A change for a change Kathryn Fleming POL201 Demian Fontanella Nov. 5 2012 President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010. This is also widely known as “Obama care” and is the new Medicaid. This comprehensive health reform law has brought about significant changes in the health system. I am specifically focusing on three of the main components of the law, delivery system improvements, health insurance coverage and cost containment. Though many may disagree with the “right” solution when it comes to Obama care, it is commonly agreed that there is a fundamental problem with the current healthcare system: nearly 50 million people in this nation are without insurance and those who are covered face high premiums with plans that do not cover the services they need. This current system is inefficient and therefore is poor quality and creates high cost. The ultimate goal of the legislation was to extend both private and public coverage to about 32 million people who were uninsured; to improve access to quality coverage for the uninsured; to improve how affordable coverage would be; and to ultimately reduce the overall growth in health care costs. Now for the pros and cons of this law, this was passed on June 29 2012. The pros of this law are that Patients with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied coverage by insurance companies, and companies can no longer drop someone once they get sick. This also means that if an insurance...
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...23, 2010 President Barack Obama signed the affordable care act into law (American Public Health Association, 2014). This law will potentially provide up to 44 million people the chance to be able to gain a health care plan that they can afford. Several people have a big issue with this because some regulations of the law give a large amount of control to the federal government. People argue that this involvement from the government makes the law unconstitutional. The biggest question being is if the pros outweigh the cons and if the plan will benefit the people of this nation There have always been issues in this country with healthcare being extremely expensive. This being the case, many people have been forced to go uninsured and put their own health at risk simply because they could not afford to make it a priority. Not only does this cause them to go without preventative care, but when the time comes in an emergency and medical attention is needed the average American cannot afford to pay the out of pocket medical bill and ends up filing bankruptcy on the medical bill resulting in the hospital losing a ridiculous amount of money. President Obama along with many Americans agreed that something has to be done to change this travesty. There are many pros and cons to the Affordable Care Act that needs to be evaluated in order to decide if this law is good or bad for our country. The following are some main points that we all need to think about: Pros: • Affordable...
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...Footnotes 1 The Real Promise of Stem Cell Research Dr. David Prentice, HealthNewsDigest.com 2 Derivation of Human Stem-Cell Lines from Human Blastocysts, C. A. Cowan and others. March 25, 2004, New England Journal of Medicine, p.1355 with secondary reference to footnotes 13-17 p.1356. Stem Cell Research Pros The following article is a take on the ongoing debate related to stem cell research pros and cons. The stem cell research information covered in the article below will help you understand the potential of this new research for the benefit of humanity. [pic] Stem cell research, sounds like a plot from a best-selling novel by Robin Cook. However, it's not just a fictional thought, but a reality making waves in genetic research. There is a lot of controversy surrounding stem cell research. There are two groups formed, one supporting and the other against embryonic stem cell research. Both groups use the advantages and disadvantages of stem cell as the basis of arguments. We too shall discuss some of the stem cell research pros in the following paragraphs. This research is a major breakthrough in the scientific world. It is important to understand the positive points of this discovery before we push it over to the recycle bin. Let us have a look at the advantages stem cell research to shed some positive light on this debatable topic. What are Stem Cells? Let's first brush up on our basic, by beginning with some information related to what are stem cells. Stem cells...
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...Obamacare Obamacare POL 201 American National Government December 10, 2012 Obamacare In an attempt to create a solution to health care, President Barrack Obama came up with a universal healthcare program called the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Obamacare was signed into law on March, 2010. It has been the most significant repair to the United States healthcare since Medicare and Medicaid passed in 1965. In this paper, the key points that will be discussed are obamacare policy, it pros and cons, if it raises any issues with federalism and the policys effectiveness. Obamacare is aimed at helping the underinsured to gain insurance. With this plan everyone would have health insurance regardless of income, or anything that would stop the person from attaining health insurance. The Affordable Care Act is a watershed in U.S. public health policy. Through a series of extensions of, and revisions to, the multiple laws that together comprise the federal legal framework for the U.S. health-care system, the Act established the basic legal protections that until now have been absent: a near-universal guarantee of access to affordable health insurance coverage, from birth through retirement.(Rosenbaum, 2010) Obamacare is a name used by critics of President Obamas efforts to reform health care. Its a common term used to describe the Patient Protection and Affordable care Act of 2010. ObamaCare contains many benefits...
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...Obamacare POL 201 American National Government December 10, 2012 Obamacare In an attempt to create a solution to health care, President Barrack Obama came up with a universal healthcare program called the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Obamacare was signed into law on March, 2010. It has been the most significant repair to the United States healthcare since Medicare and Medicaid passed in 1965. In this paper, the key points that will be discussed are obamacare policy, it pros and cons, if it raises any issues with federalism and the policys effectiveness. Obamacare is aimed at helping the underinsured to gain insurance. With this plan everyone would have health insurance regardless of income, or anything that would stop the person from attaining health insurance. The Affordable Care Act is a watershed in U.S. public health policy. Through a series of extensions of, and revisions to, the multiple laws that together comprise the federal legal framework for the U.S. health-care system, the Act established the basic legal protections that until now have been absent: a near-universal guarantee of access to affordable health insurance coverage, from birth through retirement.(Rosenbaum, 2010) Obamacare is a name used by critics of President Obamas efforts to reform health care. Its a common term used to describe the Patient Protection and Affordable care Act of 2010. ObamaCare contains many benefits, especially for low...
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...CAMPUS NEWS The gun control in US Is there enough gun control in the U.S.? Or should the control be tightened up? After the many school shootings in the U.S. arms control has become a much-discussed topic. The President of the United States and the Congress are in the process of discussing what should be done about the gun control. Barack Obama, the U.S. president, has presented some new proposals around the Firearms Act, which should help to prevent future shooting tragedies. In January 2013 Barack Obama presented a new plan to prevent shootings. The most important thing was to significantly improve background checks on those who buy guns. He wants to drastically improve the system of background checks. Mr. Obama believes that by improving background checks when people buy guns, there will be fewer shootings and reduce the number of mentally ill people being able to by guns. However, says Jack Levin, a professor of sociology and Criminology from Northeastern University in Boston, that background checks will not prevent school shootings since gunmen will let their parents with spotless criminal record buy guns for them. There can be spoken both for and against the use of a more thorough background check, but it's only positive that Barack Obama will improve the system of arms control. Another suggestion is that he wants to ban assault weapons and large ammunition magazines. The proposal should eliminate all sales of these weapon designs. Mr. Webster has said that...
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...Yolanda Johnson HCA-255 February 21st, 2014 Prof: Deborah Conway Health Reform Why the Clinton Health Reform Plan never passed in the 1990”s Possibly the Clinton organization's utmost error was unwarranted determination. The strategy struggled instantaneously to protect worldwide insurance coverage, controlling the isolated coverage market, changing health care funding through a company requirement, regulate prices to planes imposed by a nationwide health panel, and change the provision system through managed care. In the least any one of these ideas alone was going to be difficult to achieve, and even though there is a practical validation for taking all of them on at one time, it would prove to be an administrative double-crossing task. Without a doubt, each element of the Clinton plan stimulated conflict (Joanathan Oberlander, 2007). The National Federation of Independent Business strongly was against the business obligation. The Health Insurance Association of America struggled against coverage guidelines and federally enforced price controls. Congressional Republicans criticized the whole design, including the health agreements, as being too much “big government.” The organization's hold on to the proficient opposition of health care system change separate well-insured, middle-class Americans (Joanathan Oberlander, 2007). The Clinton organization both overestimated the opposition and misjudged the support for reform. The organization did not organize any planned constituency...
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...dollars cut that’s labeled welfare reform. President Trump wants to take SNAP away from families that were poor and are not able to work. SNAP was created to provide people with the help they need to feed themselves and their families, but it was not intended to be a permanent lifestyle. We want to provide the nutrition people need, but we also want to help them transition from government programs, back to work and into lives of independence President Trumps says. He also says, I know people they work three jobs and they live next to somebody who doesn't work at all. The person who's not working at all and has no intention of working at all is making more money and doing better than the person that's working his or her butt off everyday, So we're going to go into welfare reform. How would you feel if you were disabled and you could not go back to work or what about if you couldn’t find a job? You will need that SNAP program to provide food for you and your...
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... to write an essay about the Arizona immigration law. We get some material as, facts, articles and interviews with Barack Obama. In the following part I would make a summary of the materials. To discuss the problems about the Arizona immigration law, I need to know something about the US political system, how you approve the law. In the USA, there are two types of laws: The Federal legislation there applies to all Americans and all the states. It's about everything that is common to all. For example, the civil rights, immigration law, foreign policy laws. There is also The State legislation that stands for the law in the single states, things there can be different from state to state as taxes. In this text we will mostly work with the state Arizona, where the governor signs the Immigration law. ” Immigration - local impact of Arizona law” summary In TV-program about “the Arizona Immigration law”, are about the state Arizona and a new immigration law. The new law makes it possible for Arizona’ police department to check every person they suspect as illegal immigrants. They can hold them at the station, to the suspects background where discovered. Neighborhood state California, see the opportunities in the law because of the many immigrants in California. “President Obama on fixing the broken Immigration system” summery The American President Barack Obama talks about the immigration system. He said every American have an immigrant inside and America was created on these immigrants...
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