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Presidential Inauguration Research Paper

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Malacheye Simpson Presidential Inauguration of 2017 Jan 23 2017 The Presidential Inauguration is an event to mark the beginning of the new President’s four-year term. The most recent one happened Friday, January 20th, 2017. Donald J. Trump. Barack Obama was replaced. The Inauguration is a peaceful transition of the presidential power. Donald Trumps’s Inauguration was the forty-fifth inauguration in American history. Many people didn’t want it to happen, but obviously it did because a lot more people want Donald Trump as President than the others presidential candidates like Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson, etc, etc. The Inauguration began when Donald Trump and his wife Melania attend service at St. John’s Church at 8:30 am. An hour and ten minutes later Barack Obama and his wife Michelle welcome the Trumps to the White House. Five minutes later they all have coffee and tea. At 10:30 am, The Trumps, and the Obamas leave for the Capitol. …show more content…
Roy Blunt, Inaugural Committee Chairman, delivers opening remarks. 11:21 am, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Rev. Dr. Samuel Rodriguez, and Pastor Paula White-Cain deliver invocations. Later at 11:30 am, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer delivers remarks. Five Minutes later, The Vice Presidential Oath is administered by Associate Justice, Clarence Thomas. 11:47, Presidential Oath is administered by Associate Justice John Roberts. Three minutes later, Donald Trump gave his inaugural Speech. At 12:12 pm Rabbi Marvin Hier, Rev. Franklin Graham and Bishop Wayne T. Jackson deliver benedictions. Five minutes later, Jackie Evancho performs national

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