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Preventive Criminology

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Second issue: strategies of resisting and preventing the medical criminal errors
Today, preventive criminology in the form of preventing is used and divided into two main subsections of social prevention (social or environment based) and deducting prevention. As for preventing occurance of criminal errors of treatment team the only proposition in the theory of social prevention the first type is applicable. The theory of social prevention from crime assumes that structures and social institutions have a considerable role in criminology by changing these structures occurrence of criminal events decreases (Jamali, 2010, p. 65).
The second section of preventive criminology that is called deducting prevention. In the process of deducting prevention …show more content…
Where a system was applied to express medical errors, data analysis done to prevent and deal with factors of error. One of the most efficient methods of data analysis was root causes analysis method. To this end, firstly, the analysis should establish a sequence of events or timeline based on reviewing available documents and interviewing with individuals involved in the error. Secondly, based on the data compiled during data analysis, the active and determined errors and defects of system were identified. Thirdly, all the causes which should be involved in identified errors were listed and finally, the list of root causes was categorized within the respective subgroups (environmental, organizational causes and related ones with process…). In this step, we should draw cause and effect algorithms to identify the actual place and structural relations of root cause errors (Dabagh, 2006, 957-966). After establishing special commission seeking the exact cause of events reported, physicians participated in multidisciplinary medical teams to analyze issues and make significant strategies to prevent similar events in the future (Shojania KG, 2002, 847-67) and finally it is suggested that nursing managers and educational supervisors to design …show more content…
So that existence of capable human resources and their commitment to organization in every organization decreasing absence, delay and replacement and causes drastic increasing of organizational performance, mental joy of workers and better achievement of high purposes of organization. Commitment is a term with different definitions from different views; accordingly we can accept that organizational commitment is connection between individuals and organization that is known by three factors: 1. Strong believing and accepting purposes and values of organization, 2. intending many attempts for organization, 3. Strong interest in remaining in

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