...‘BANK OF BHUTAN LIMITED, AN INTERNAL SCANNING STRATEGY’ CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Introduction Bank of Bhutan Limited was incorporated by Royal Charter, 1986 and is now incorporated under the Companies Act of Kingdom of Bhutan 2000 and Financial Institution Act of Kingdom of Bhutan, 1992. The Bank was established as the public sector commercial bank until the establishment of the Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan. Until then they served the function of central bank in the Bhutan. The Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan is the Central Bank of Bhutan, which was established in 1982 and is responsible for the regulating the financial sector and formulating the monetary policies in Bhutan. Bank of Bhutan started with only 20 account holders and currently has about 150,000 accounts. The bank was established with a paid-up capital of Nu 2.5 million. Though the bank was established in May 1968, due to non-convertibility of the local currency the desired pace of growth could not be achieved. Consequently, in 1971, a team of banking experts from India and the representatives from Royal Government of Bhutan recommended for collaboration with the State Bank of India (SBI). SBI was identified as partner in management and share holding. Accordingly, Bank of Bhutan was reconstituted under the Royal Charter of bank of Bhutan (1972) inducting State bank of India as partner in capital (in the ratio of 60:40) and the management of Bank of Bhutan. The SBI share in Bank of Bhutan was reduced...
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...INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPING ECONOMIES IDE Discussion Papers are preliminary materials circulated to stimulate discussions and critical comments IDE DISCUSSION PAPER No. 256 Performance of Financial Institutions in Bhutan Dil Bahadur Rahut* Iván Velásquez Castellanos** Pravakar Sahoo*** Abstract The Kingdom of Bhutan is a small landlocked country in South Asia, located in the eastern Himalayas, and bordered by India and China. Bhutan is a small and fragile economy with a population of about 687,000. Nevertheless, its banking system plays an essential role in the growth and development of the country. This paper analyzes the financial performance, the development and growth of bank and non-bank financial institutions of Bhutan for the period 19992008 using both traditional and data envelopment analysis (DEA). The DEA analysis shows that financial institutions in are efficient and Bhutan National Bank has been the most efficient one. Overall, the paper finds that the ROE of the financial institutions in Bhutan are comparable to the international banks. Key words: Financial institution, performance, loan, deposit, net income, Bhutan. JEL Classification: G20; G21; G28; O16 *Chief, Research, Planning and Monitoring Department, Bank of Bhutan, Bhutan. Email: dilbhutan@yahoo.com **Bolivia Country Programme Coordinator, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS). Email: velasquezivanomar@yahoo.com ***Associate Professor, Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi, India and Visiting ...
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...COOPERATION CHALLENGES FOR BANGLADESH Course Name : International Economics SUBMITTED BY: Muhammad Jahangir Alam ID:40814010 14TH Batch MBA (Marketing), University of Dhaka. Date of Submission: 28.12.2010 Introduction Born from the great Liberation War of 1971, Bangladesh is a non-communal, progressive, democratic state that has worked to establish an economy and society free of inequality, and to nurture a culture of democracy and respect for human rights for all fostered by patriotism in all areas of social existence. Along with a tolerant democracy, the aspiration is for a more caring society based on a system of values rooted in the culture and traditions of Bangladesh. The country’s value system will develop as it progresses, and the values will translate from collective to individual perspectives creating a collective drive to work together towards national development. Bangladesh’s heritage, rich in content and diversity, shall have a place in our present and be the anchor for the country’s ambitions. Globalization in the broadest sense implies integration of economies and societies across the globe through the flow of technology, trade and capital. Economic globalization is a process of rapid economic integration between countries that is driven by the increasing liberalization of international trade and foreign direct investment. Liberalization of the economy in Bangladesh seemed...
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...of all goods and services the country produces. A high GDP indicates a productive economy, where wealth will filter down to improve standard of life for society. However, critics note that this does not account for the distribution of wealth within a country so wealth could be concentrated in the elite groups oppose to being equally issued. Furthermore, the approach is based on Western capitalist ideologies that see wealth as synonymous with the well-being, ignoring the potential negative effects of rapid and unrestricted accumulation of profit. The data can be unreliable which would make it incomparable between countries. Another way in which to measure development is Human Development Index (HDI). This is a combination of scores of education, wealth and life expectancy between 0 (least developed) and 1 (most developed). The HDI is not completely comprehensive and does not disclose inequalities within a nation. The index lacks depth, detail and is oversimplified which challenges the validity. It does not include other factors of development for example, birth rates. The Quality of Life Index (QLI) also measures development. QLI is a survey which uses nine factors to determine a nation’s score. These factors are health, family life,...
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...the south, and shares international borders with Bhutan in the west,Myanmar in the east and the People's Republic of China in the north. Itanagar is the capital of the state. China and ROC claim most of the state as part ofTibet and call the disputed area South Tibet.[2] Arunachal Pradesh, which translates to "land of the dawn-lit mountains",[3] is also known as the Orchid State of India or the Paradise of the Botanists. Geographically, it is the largest among the North-east Indian states commonly known as the Seven Sister States. As in other parts of Northeast India, the people native to the state trace their origins from the Tibeto-Burman people. A large number of migrants from various parts of India and foreign lands have and have been affecting the state's population. No reliable population count of the migrant population exists, and the percentage estimating the total actual population accordingly vary. Arunachal Pradesh has the highest number of regional languages in South Asia[4] enriched with diverse culture and traditions. Contents [hide] * 1 History * 1.1 Early history * 1.2 Drawing of McMahon line * 1.3 Sino-Indian War * 1.3.1 Tawang * 1.4 Current Status * 2 Geography * 2.1 Climate * 3 Districts * 4 Economy * 5 Tourism * 6 Languages * 7 Demographics * 8 Transport * 8.1 Air * 8.2 Roads * 8.3 Railway * 9 Education * 10 State symbols * 11 See also * 12 References ...
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...introduction The major objectives of planned development have been increased national income, rural development, self-sufficiency in food, and increased industrial production. However, progress in achieving development goals has been slow. Political turmoil and untamed natural hazards of cyclone and flooding have combined with external economic shocks to persistently derail economic plans. In 1991, with the reinstitution of elected government, a new economic program was initiated that included financial sector reform and liberalization measures to encourage investment, government revenue improvement efforts (realized largely through implementation of a value-added-tax), and tight monetary policy. Income transfer measures, Food-for-Work, and other programs were also implemented to help protect the poorest segments of the population from the transitional effects of structural reform. Fiscal year 2000 was marked by a sharp increase in monetary expansion due to unprecedented borrowing from the banking sector (though the sale of treasury bills) to cover budget shortfalls due. Domestic borrowing increased primarily due to the reduced availability of external concessional financing. For 2001/02, however, the IMF predicted a sharp decline to around 3.5% due to the global economic slowdown and the contractions after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 on the United States. Economic Environment During the early 1990s, Bangladesh made considerable progress in stabilizing and...
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...Case study 1: Bhutan and Gross National Happiness Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Target 1: Launch programs aimed at providing poverty and income relief through temporary work for the unemployed to carry out socially useful activities. Target 2: To create job opportunities for the unemployed by the year 2020. Target 3: Providing unemployed citizen with the necessary skills to practice farming. This will ensure that these citizens can financially provide for their families by selling their crops and livestock. This will also provide food for their families. Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education Target 1: Ensure that children, youth and adults have access to some form of educational institution and skills development programmes. Introduce libraries and career guidance programs in townships and rural areas to encourage a culture of reading and among learners and their families. Target 2: Reopen teacher training colleges since development of teachers and gives a sense of pride among teachers and teaching in general. Target 3: Technology can help to fill the gap where skilled teachers are not available, or where big learner numbers make it impossible for teachers to provide individual guidance. Goal 3: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases. Target 1: Promoting safer sexual behavior, male circumcision, and providing treatment for HIV prevention. Target 2: Promoting use of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets to combat malaria. Target 3: Educate...
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...the South Asia. The labour surplus economies of South Asia have of recent awakened to the concerns of these workers, as bilateral agreements are being entered in to. The SAARC has also adopted a Social Charter. The SAARC Social Charter is an important milestone in the area of regional cooperation. The well-written document identifies seven social areas of concerns but fails to include labour as one of them. Under the condition whether concerns of migrant worker could be included in a multilateral agreement, and if so whether it will help to check the human and labour right violations that the migrant workers the faced with? This is a big question. South Asia Scenario: The South Asian Region consists of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. These countries are members of the United Nations, Non-aligned movement, South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation [SAARC] and of the Group of 77 Developing Countries. The present paper, however, concentrates on Bangladesh, India,...
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...The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an organisation ofSouth Asian nations, which was established on 8 December 1985 when the government of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka formally adopted its charter providing for the promotion of economic and social progress, cultural development within the South Asia region and also for friendship and co-operation with other developing countries. It is dedicated to economic, technological, social, and cultural development emphasising collective self-reliance. Its seven founding members are Sri Lanka, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Afghanistan joined the organisation in 2007. Meetings of heads of state are usually scheduled annually; meetings of foreign secretaries, twice annually. It is headquartered in Kathmandu, Nepal. The objectives and the aims of the Association as defined in the Charter are:[3] • to promote the welfare of the people of South Asia and to improve their quality of life; • to accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region and to provide all individuals the opportunity to live in dignity and to realise their full potential ; • to promote and strengthen selective self-reliance among the countries of South Asia; • to contribute to mutual trust, understanding and appreciation of one another's problems; • to promote active collaboration and mutual assistance in the economic, social, cultural, technical...
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...European Union:- A group of European countries that participates in the world economy as one economic unit and operates under one official currency, the euro. The EU's goal is to create a barrier-free trade zone and to enhance economic wealth by creating more efficiency within its marketplace. The current formalized incarnation of the European Union was created in 1993 with 12 initial members. Since then, many additional countries have since joined. The EU has become one of the largest producers in the world, in terms of GDP, and the euro has maintained a competitive value against the U.S. dollar. EU and non-EU members must agree to many legal requirements in order to trade with the EU member states. The European Union is a group of countries whose governments work together. It's a bit like a club. To join you have to agree to follow the rules and in return you get certain benefits. Each country has to pay money to be a member. They mostly do this through taxes. The EU uses the money to change the way people live and do business in Europe. Countries join because they think that they will benefit from the changes the EU makes EU is a unique economic and political partnership between 27 European countries that together cover much of the continent. The EU was created in the aftermath of the Second World War. The first steps were to foster economic cooperation: the idea being that countries who trade with one another become economically interdependent and so more likely to...
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...Hindus in South Asia and the Diaspora: A Survey of Human Rights 2011 www.HAFsite.org March 12, 2012 “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” “One should never do that to another which one regards as injurious to one’s own self. This, in brief, is the rule of dharma. Yielding to desire and acting differently, one becomes guilty of adharma.” “Thus, trampling on every privilege and everything in us that works for privilege, let us work for that knowledge which will bring the feeling of sameness towards all mankind.” Swami Vivekananda, “The Complete works of Swam Vivekananda,” Vol 1, p. 429 Mahabharata XII: 113, 8 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 1 "All men are brothers; no one is big, no one is small. All are equal." Rig Veda, 5:60:5 ...
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...factors contributing to Gender Disparity in Education Name: Sonam Jamtsho SCM: 019421 Faculty of Education COURSEWORK COVER SHEET COURSE LECTURER’S COPY Name (According to NRIC/PassportSonam Jamtsho | NRIC/Passport NumberG037585 | SEGi Student ID019421 | Current SemesterJune | Name of Course LecturerDr Loh Wah Ching | Course Code | Course NameIntroduction to Education | Assignment Deadline10th July, 2012 | Date of Submission10th July, 2012 | I am submitting (please tick the appropriate box) Other (please specify)__________________ ____________________________________ CD Hardcopy document of ( ) pages | I confirm that this assignment is fully my own work. Student’s Signature: ___________________________________________ I have read and understood the University regulations on plagiarism and cheating as stated in the Student Handbook and declare that the assignment submitted does not breach those regulations. Collected by: ___________________________________________ Table of Content 1. Introduction…………………………………………………..(4) 2. Concept of Gender Disparity…………………………………(5-8) 3. Conclusion…………………………………………………….(9) 4. Reference………………………………………………………(10) Introduction As the world has recognized the importance of education for development in the world over recent decades...
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...SAARC Ministerial Declaration on Cooperation in Combating Terrorism ***** We, the Foreign Ministers of Member States of SAARC, are deeply concerned about the continuing scourge of terrorism afflicting the region which has caused extensive social disharmony, loss of human life, destruction and damage to property. Terrorism poses a serious threat to peace and cooperation, and friendly and good neighbourly relations. It jeopardises the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of States, while constituting a serious violation of fundamental human rights. We renew our commitment to strengthening comprehensive region-wide cooperation among SAARC Member States to combat and eliminate all forms and manifestations of terrorism and in this context affirm the need to reinforce further the regional legal regime and instituting pragmatic cooperation to address this issue effectively. We also recognise that our cooperation shall proceed on the basis of sovereign equality, mutual respect and the principles of non-intervention and non-interference in the internal affairs of Member States consistent with the SAARC Charter. As we meet in Colombo, at the Thirty-first Session of the Council of Ministers, we solemnly declare and agree to undertake the following measures of cooperation: 1. We reiterate our commitment to implement measures against organising, instigating, facilitating, financing, fund raising, encouraging, tolerating and providing training for or otherwise...
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...Final Draft PERSPECTIVE PLAN OF BANGLADESH 2010-2021 ____________________________ MAKING VISION 2021 A REALITY General Economics Division Planning Commission Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh April 2012 Contents ABBREVIATIONS ...............................................................................................................................v PREAMBLE of the Perspective Plan (2010-2021) ............................................................................ 1 I. ............................................................................................................... Context of the Perspective Plan .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 II. .......................................................................................... Current state and Development Perspective .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 2 CHAPTER 1: VISION FOR A PROSPEROUS FUTURE........................................................................ 10 1.1 The Vision ..........................................................................................................
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...reference is made to the same author(s) for a second and further time(s), the year of publication is omitted in the second and further references - as long as it does not lead to confusion. Multiple publications; same author • Same author; different years Normal conventions (author, year, title, etc). • Same author; same year More than one reference by an author in the same year: these are distinguished in order of publication using a lower-case alphabetical suffix after the year of publication (eg 1988a, 1988b, 1988c, etc). The same suffix is used to distinguish that reference for the in-text citations. Order of Listing The List of References is ordered alphabetically by primary authors' surnames. • Multiple authors. o Use the sequence of authors' surnames exactly as given in the publication. The primary author, ie, major contributor, is listed first by the publisher. • Same author: o different years: list the author's references chronologically, starting with the earliest date. o same year: use an alphabetical suffix (eg 1983a, 1983b). Compiled by OpenJournals Publishing Books Single Author In-Text Example (Doss 2003) Reference List Example Doss, G., 2003, IS Project Management Handbook, Aspen Publishers, New York....
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