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Primate Observation: Orangutans, Chimpanzee

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Primate Observation

In my trip to the zoo I was able to see many different primates, some more common to us than others. The three primates I took my time to observe were Orangutans, Chimpanzees, and Gorillas. Each of these primates have a common ancestor with us, the homo sapiens. From observing these primates closely I was capable of seeing why we share so many things alike. These animals not only share a common ancestor with us but they share many traits that we humans have. The Pongo Pygmaeus and Pongo Abelii, stated on the plaque, were the first primates I closely observed, we know them as Orangutans. These Orangutans came from the tropical forests on Sumatra and Borneo, shown on the plaque outside the captivity, so there captivity …show more content…
The biggest orangutan in the captivity was a 265 pound male that can get up to 300 pounds since its still growing, the zookeeper informed me. Then I asked “who are bigger males or females?”, the zookeeper told me that makes were much heavier in weight and were taller. In this orangutan captivity I saw six orangutans, two of them were a mom and her 1 year old baby orangutan, I was told by the zookeeper. This baby was beautiful and would only be around her mother, there was not a second she would separate from her. From my observation I saw them sleep together and when mama orangutan woke up she stretched out just like a human would right after waking up. After she stretched she swinged on the ropes, and one minute later the baby orangutan woke up brachiating to her mother. The zookeeper notified me, saying that the baby orangutan learned to brachiate when he was 7 months old. After the baby swinged to her mom they started playing with each other, but mom soon looked like she got tired and picked up her baby and nicely throw her on her back, like a piggy back ride. Mama orangutan starting walking on all fours with her feet curled to the side and her fist acting like feet to get food

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