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“Principle Based Accounting Standard Is More Beneficial to the Society Than Rules Based” - an Evaluative Study


Submitted By nifoj2000
Words 3080
Pages 13

List of Contents


Part: 1 Social Relevance of Accounting Information 1.1. Accounting Standards
1.2. Need for Accounting Standards
Part 2: Types of Accounting Standards
Rules Based Accounting
Principle Based Accounting System
Part: 3 Comparisons of Principle and Rules Based Accounting Standards
Conceptual Framework
Flexibility of Rules and Principles
International Accounting Platform
Comparability of Financial Statements
Realistic Representation of Accounting Information
Part:4 Findings of the Research Study
Part :5 Conclusion
Appendix 1: Narration on Figure 1 - Qualities of Accounting Information


The proposed research paper attempts to illustrate the importance of a global accounting system and the impact of standards on the global market, as well as, providing the means for comparable financial reporting for decision making by both investors and corporations. This research provides understanding about the major differences of a Rules-based and Principal Based Accounting Systems, including the benefits and drawbacks of such a shift. Proponents of principles-based accounting blame the Rules-Based Accounting System for the major accounting scandals. They believe that the Rules-Based system encourages the use of financial structuring to achieve desired accounting results, which will undermine the quality of financial reporting. Supporters of rules-based accounting argue that principles-based accounting relies heavily on judgment, which will reduce the consistency and comparability of financial information. The current study tries to make a theoretical comparison of both Principles-Based and Rules-Based Accounting Systems in the lights of the Qualities of Accounting Information expected by Society. The research aims at understanding the social

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