...Running head: LEAD PEOPLE LIKE ORGANISIMS Lead People Like Organisms Not Machines & Biblical Application to Roman 12:7 and Exodus 18:1-27 Daniel Fields Belhaven University MBA 682 Principles of Executive Leadership November 12, 2011 Leaders who desire to understand why and how people behave the way they do in the workplace must challenge his or her self to first develop an understanding of how people in an organization should be lead. To develop this understanding a leader can approach this subject by seeking to answer the question, “Should people be lead like they are machines or organisms?” Whichever side is taken to answer this question would significantly affect an individual’s ability to lead others. From an effective leader’s perspective, people are human beings and should not be treated as machines; therefore, they should be lead like organisms. People are living organisms with a variety of individual values, assumptions, beliefs, and expectations (VABEs). To take the approach of leading people like they are programmable machines will result in unsatisfactory visible behavior. This paper will discuss why leaders who use the organisms approach to leadership are more effective by contrasting machines and organisms (people), proving that people are organisms with similarities and differences, and discussing what motivate human behavior. People are living organisms born with two powerful legacies; a genetic inheritance and memes [ (Clawson, 2009)...
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...Biblical Integration Paper: Group 1 Paul Cobb Anastasie Destouche Jennifer Kearns Paul Pirkle Mark Ricker Liberty University Abstract Servant-leadership is widely researched and discussed from a secular and Christian worldview (Fischer, 2010; see also Blanchard & Hodges, 2005). A Christian is called to follow God in all he does but life experiences can be conflicting in dealing with the spiritual and secular context; however, Christ wants his followers to operate within the context of the secular world. True servant-leadership is to emulate how Jesus led those around him - with complete selflessness and by serving others. Moreover, it is challenging for humans to be servant-leaders as they often desire personal recognition in life; yet, dedication to the Word and quiet reflection in God can help one to lead like Jesus. Larry Spears labeled Greenleaf a Grandfather of empowerment movement in business leadership (Greenleaf, 1996) because of his zeal toward servant-leadership. Greenleaf’s viewpoint, though commendable, conflicts with biblical principles. Thus, this paper analyzes Greenleaf’s work from a Christian worldview and institutes a biblical basis for servant leadership. Keywords: servant leadership, biblical perspective, gifts, loving, individual Introduction Servant-leadership is widely researched and discussed from a secular and Christian worldview (Fischer, 2010; see also Blanchard & Hodges, 2005). Paul encouraged believers to be imitators...
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...LIBERTY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Theology of Christian Leadership LEAD 520 – D01 LUO The Life of Leaders December 11, 2013 Table of Contents I. Introduction 3 II. What is Leadership 3 III. Christian Leadership 3 IV. Biblical Perspective 4 V. Servant Leadership 5 VI. Leadership Disciplines 6 VII. Conclusion 7 VIII. Bibliography 8 Introduction According to Bill Hull, “While certain pockets of evangelicalism have grown, overall, the church is in a decline. Many congregations can attest to Hull’s assessment, in that, churches in America are indeed experiencing sharp declines in its numbers of baptisms and church attendance. Over time we have produced a body of people that enjoy hearing the word of God preached and experiencing the supernatural presence of God. This is not enough, people must be taught, nurtured, and mentored toward living a transformed life reflecting the resemblance of the Lord, Jesus Christ. This paper will explore the importance of the role of leadership in developing leaders in the body of Christ. Leadership There are different definitions and different styles of leadership. Leadership can be viewed as the process of influencing other people to work together to accomplish a desired purpose. Dr. Michael Mitchell defines a leader as one who possesses a clear mission with an attendant vision, stands before others effectively conveying the message...
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...effective intercultural leadership techniques and cross-cultural approaches to communication. Such contemplations are especially necessary to Christian pastoral and missional efforts, as leaders attempt to communicate the gospel message, provide counseling, and offer an apologetic within a multicultural context. Fittingly, this paper will examine Leading Cross-Culturally: Covenant Relationships for Effective Christian Leadership, identifying definitive concepts of the publication and identifying their practical application value within the context of Christian ministry, while demonstrating...
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...Chapter 2: SHARPENING YOUR LEADERSHIP 1 It’s a good thing to aspire to leadership, but we must always do a quick heart check. As we consider the kind of leader you need to become, let’s check your motivation for leading others. Appropriate Motives for Leadership 1. Serve Christ “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24 2. Bear fruit in your life “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8 3. Keep watch over (shepherd) others “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.” Acts 20:28 4. Be an example to the body “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.” 1 Peter 5:2-4 5. Use your gifts to serve others “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body...
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...Individual Biblical Integration Project BUSI502-D02 Abstract The concept of Servant Leadership was pioneered by Robert Greenleaf in 1970. According to Greenleaf’s original concept, through the act of servant leadership we, as contemporary Christians, are attempting to lead as Jesus did. In short we are striving to be leaders/managers who serve instead of being served. Specifically, there are 10 Principles which are considered to be important characteristics of the servant leader. According to Spears’ article Practicing Servant-Leadership, these include listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, and building community. Servant Leadership as a whole concept is deeply rooted in Biblical principles. Further, each of these individual traits are ‘backed up’ by Biblical doctrine and support. Through the utilization of these ten traits, the Servant leader is able to not only lead their team/people from their head, but to lead them with their heart. While the concept of Servant Leadership is relatively simple, it can be hard to apply to our everyday lives. In short, if we lead like Jesus; we will become more like Him. (Blanchard & Hodges, 2008) Spears (2004) summed up Greenleaf’s 10 characteristics of a servant leader. Listening The first trait is listening. A servant leader must listen to their co-workers ideas. Through this action, the leader is able to ascertain the will and needs...
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...Biblically". The major theme of the writings focuses on the character and development of pastors in accordance with New Testament scripture including: Acts 6, 1 Timothy 2-4, Titus 1, 1 Peter 5. The authors demonstrate through biblical reference and personal experiences the model and character of one prepared for pastoral ministry. The aim of the text is to validate the biblical authority of the ministry, to educate in the biblical qualifications of pastoral ministry, and to outline priorities for the pastoral ministry. Summary John MacArthur and his panel at the Master’s Seminary Faculty separate the twenty chapters presented in the book into four major categories that are designed to provide the reader with a dynamic portrayal of what it takes to be an effective biblical pastor. The four categories transition the reader from the biblical perspective of pastoral ministry to the practical. They include: biblical perspectives of pastoral ministry, the preparatory perspectives of pastoral candidates, personal perspectives of the life of a pastor, and pastoral perspectives for shepherding the people of God. Through the text, we recognize several prominent and consistent themes including: accountability to scripture, the character of a pastor, and leadership. One theme that remains prominent throughout the text is the accountability to scripture. In creating a text that is designed to help equip and shape the...
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...BAPTIST COLLEGE OF THEOLOGY, LAGOS TERM PAPER ON Moses-Jethro Leadership Style: A Concept for Church Leadership Submitted to Rev’d (Mrs.) Adebayo M.O In partial fulfillment of the requirement of the course RED Leadership Principle, Recruitment and Training [RED 287] By OLALERE, SOLOMON OLADELE Matric number 2014/1078 April, 2016. Agbowa, Lagos. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP MOSES’ LEADERSHIP PERSPECTIVE JETHRO’S COUNSEL OF LEADERSHIP STYLE IMPLICATION OF MOSES-JETHRO LEADERSHIP STYLE ON CHURCH LEADERSHIP CONCLUSION BIBLOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION Leadership style has been shown to be a major factor in the effectiveness of the organization, and different leadership styles are sometimes more effective in different situations. “Leadership is a relationship- a relationship in which one person seeks to influence the thoughts, behaviors, beliefs or values of another person.” That is, from the experience one person who is interested in passing it to another person, to change his entire being and give him another orientation in formal way or informal. Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard define leadership as “any attempt to influence the behavior of an individual or group” DEFINITION OF TERMS JETHRO: - Jethro, also called Reuel (Exod. 2:16-18; Num. 10:29), was “the priest of Midian” (Exod. 2:16). We first encounter Jethro when Moses rescued his seven daughters from the rough treatment of other shepherds at a well and helped them water their flocks...
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...1 LIBERTY UNIVERSITY BABPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY THE PEACE MAKING PASTOR: A BIBLICAL GUIDE TO RESOLVING CHURCH CONFLICT A REPORT SUBMITTED TO DR. DONALD HICKS BY JAMES E. JORDAN LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA AUGUST 11, 2011 2 Contents Introduction Biblical Background Antithesis Examination God-ward Perspective Conclusion Bibliography 3 3 4 5 5 7 3 Introduction In this report, I will examine an example where conflict is the substance of the text within the Bible. I will discuss how the story unfolds and demonstrate the antithesis between the children of God and the children of Man. Antithesis is defined as “contrast or opposition.”1 I will also discuss God-ward perspective in relation to conflict. Biblical Background “For the wages of sin is death: but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23 [KJV]). This verse out of the book of Romans is a clear example of antithesis within the Bible. When the entire book of Romans is reviewed it is obvious that the author of this letter to Rome is Paul (Romans 1:1; [KJV]). Paul writes this letter to the Romans somewhere between the times of A.D. 55 and 58 and occurred “during his third missionary journey.”2 It is rightly placed first among the Epistles because it is the most complete exposition in the New Testament of the central truths of Christianity. Paul needed to visit the Roman Christians and his desire to communicate to them the great doctrines of grace that...
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...Running Head: SERVANT LEADERSHIP Servant Leadership BUSI 502 – Servant Leadership Professor Kahlib Fischer Rachel Murray Liberty University October 9, 2010 Abstract In the process of interviewing a servant leader, this paper investigates the defining behavior of servant leadership from a practical and philosophical standpoint. There are practical behavioral characteristics that can be uniformly integrated into the business infrastructure that is founded upon Biblical principles yet not used as a pool to proselytize. Through research and group discussion boards, this paper analyzes the institutional applications and the interpersonal relationships necessary to be an effective servant leader within any level of management and work environment. It is through the process of comparing and contrasting the interviewees’ statements that servant leadership is better understood. Servant Leadership Literature Review History is consumed with pictures and historical facts that have defined the ‘Great Leaders’ of the human race. When one investigates the qualities that have placed men and women into the limelight as heroes who successfully lead people, organizations and nations, there are characteristics and styles that have brought them into a place where many would follow them. However, there have been leaders of gangs, mobs, and cults that have the same characteristics...
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...LIBERTY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BOOK CRITIQUE: TWO VIEWS ON WOMEN IN MINISTRY A Paper Submitted to Liberty Theological Seminary Dr. Garry Graves In partial fulfillment of the requirements For completion of the course Systematic Theology II THEO 530 By Vernon L Langley July 26, 2012 Beck, James R. Two Views on Women in Ministry: Revised ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005. ISBN: 978-0-310-25437-9. Thesis Statement: in view of the fact that my own outlook on women’s responsibility in ministry is in between social equality and Complementarian; however I will attempt to show that women have a part in ministry, through the assessment of these two differing points of views as offered in the principal book Two Views on Women In Ministry and as contrasted with other academic books. Introduction: Dr. James R. Beck has assembled four academic assessments which present the egalitarian and complementarianism / hierarchical analysis regarding women in ministry with unprejudiced supplementary counterpoints to completely enlighten the one who reads. The arrangement of analysis appear to evaluate and distinguish in a reasonable, impartial way that supply the one who reads with a good insight of the dispute, with opposing opinions offered at the conclusion of every article. However, the reasonable approach to the arrangement of both components regarding women in ministry do not completely disclose...
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...Bradley Isbell Doctor James Strange Life and Letters of Paul 5.6.2010 Biblical Studies and the Gender Question in the Church The role of gender in the church is one of the toughest issues facing the church-body today. In fact, the role of women in all parts of society has come under scrutiny over the years. Concern and sharp disagreements across the globe are shedding light on the role women should play, do play, and are restricted from playing in the church. Many answers have emerged but no definitive conclusions have come to the surface. This is in part due to the apparent conflicting evidence that we see in biblical texts. It seems that everyone has an opinion on what it actually says. While some churches whose traditions and practices are less rigidly tied to Biblical doctrines have begun placing women in leadership positions such as pastor or teachers, others that interpret the Bible more literally have been slow to adopt changes. The opposing egalitarian and complementarian views on gender illustrated by the following interpretations can be attributed to differing approaches to exegetical techniques, hermeneutical principles, outside authorities, and contrasting ideas on authenticity both literal and situation-specific in scripture. These ideas will be explored a bit later. To begin our discussion we need a general explanation of what is meant by an egalitarian or complementarian view. Egalitarianism is a moral code that holds that everyone should be...
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...The Effects of Servant Leadership within an Organization Ariel Davis Dallas Baptist University MANA 6314 Organizational Change and Development The Origin of Servant Leadership The philosophy of servant leadership is attributed to the writings of Robert K. Greenleaf and based on his faith and experiences working at one of the world’s largest telephone companies. (Greenleaf, 1977; Spears, 1995). Greenleaf speculated that one individual could simultaneously be both a leader and a servant. Though the foundation of the concept is associated to Greenleaf, he states Jesus Christ amongst other biblical front runners are the greatest leaders who served others. (Greenleaf, 1977). Servant leadership gained popularity after the writings of Greenleaf in 1970. Since the original 1970 essay by Greenleaf, additional research articles, books, and lectures have been written on the topic of servant Leadership. In the article, Work, Spirituality, the Moral Point of View Kenneth E. Goodpaster describes the concept of Servant Leadership as a buzz phrase that has taken corporate America by storm, In an environment racked with stress, insecurity, tough decisions and 60-hour weeks, you might expect a resurgence of a management model, based on Machiavelli's Prince, Leonia Helmsley or some other Theory-X icon. Instead, there's a stirring in the opposite direction: A flood of management books, articles and musings that propose the idea of leading from a service perspective; managing...
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...of Science in Business - Organizational Leadership [pic] By Jeff Dugger May 2011 Copyright ( 2011 by Jeffrey Paul Dugger ABSTRACT A RESEARCH STUDY OF HOW THE LEADER BUILDS A HEALTHY TEAM Author First/Last Name This applied leadership study was conducted to …… TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER ONE: Statement and Description of the Leadership Issue 4 Introduction 4 Statement of the Leadership (Thesis Statement) 4 Statement of Purpose 4 The Setting 5 History and Background 5 Scope of the Project 6 Importance of the Project 6 Conclusion 6 CHAPTER TWO: Survey of Secular Literature 8 Introduction 8 Leadership Principle One: Healthy teams are established through skilled communication, personal integrity and enabling of others 8 Leadership Principle Two: Healthy teams grow as they educate, motivate and innovate 10 Leadership Principle Thee: Healthy teams are sustained by strong group dynamics, organized behavior and visionary intuitiveness 11 23 Conclusion 13 CHAPTER THREE: Survey of Christian Literature 14 Introduction 14 Leadership Principle One: Healthy teams are established through skilled communication, personal integrity and enabling of others Leadership Principle Two: Healthy teams grow as they educate,...
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...…………………………………………………………………………..4 BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………………………..5 INTRODUCTION Prayer is the way that believers communicate with the Lord. While many view prayer as a means to: thank the Lord, ask for help, and confess their sins; prayer goes beyond that. Dave Earley explains that “The eminence of great leaders in the Bible is attributable to the fact that they were great in their praying.” In his book, Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders, Earley covers nine topics that are essential and applicable for those who are spiritual leaders. SUMMARY The nine principles that Dave Early covers are supported by leaders both from the Bible and other well-known leaders through the course of the history of Christianity. The book can be divided into two sections: developing a prayer life and developing boldness of prayer. The text can further be divided into the nine principles which are: value the power of prayer, make time to pray, pray for those you serve, train others to pray for your, turn your problems into prayer, fast and pray, possess a bold faith, build on the basic, adopt best practices, and putting it all together. In the first chapter, Value the Power of Prayer, Early shares statistics that show the average pastor spends between seven and fifteen minutes a day in prayer. Chapter one continues to provide Scriptural and historical...
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