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Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care


Submitted By jbadger81
Words 3131
Pages 13
Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care

1.1 Physical abuse is an act of another party involving contact intended to cause feelings of physical pain, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm including hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, or inappropriate sanctions
Sexual abuse is a statutory offense that provides that it is a crime to knowingly cause another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat. Including encouraging relevant individuals to look at pornography, harassing them by making sexual suggestions or comments, or sexual acts where the individual has not consented or could not consent or was pressured into consenting.
Emotional/psychological abuse is subjecting an individual to bullying tactics such as threats.These bullies can take away the self-confidence of their victim and sometimes render them brain washed into believing they will never make a go of it on their own or they are ugly, fat, that the opposite sex wouldn't want them; they are stupid because they may have not got high enough marks in school, or in the elderly threatening to put the elderly person in a home if they do not do as the abuser's wishes. Mental and emotional abuse can be between couples in a relation, siblings, elderly abuse or abusing one's peers. Including emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks.
Financial abuse is a form of mistreatment and fraud in which someone controls another person's money or other assets. It can involve, for instance, stealing cash, not allowing a victim to take part in any financial decisions or preventing a victim from having a job. Including theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property or

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