...Emerging Technology Report of 3D Printer: By Ali Sugule 11/22/13 3D printer, otherwise known as additive manufacturing is a machine that can turn a blueprint into a physical object. 3D printer is a process for making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many successive thin layers of a material. For example if you feed it a wrench, it produces a physical, working wrench or if you scan a coffee mug with a 3D scanner, send the file to the printer, and produce thousands of identical mugs. 3D printing can be used to create objects. At its most basic, 3D printing would allow you to design bookends that look like your face, or even custom action figures. 3D printing could be used to make simple machines like bicycles and skateboards. More elaborately, when combined with on-demand circuit board printing, 3D printing could be used to make simple household electronics like a custom remote control for your TV that is molded to fit your hand, with all of the buttons exactly where you want them. 3D printers use a variety of very different types of additive manufacturing technologies, but they all share one core thing in common: they create a three dimensional object by building it layer by successive layer, until the entire object is complete. Each of these printed layers is a thinly-sliced, horizontal cross-section of the eventual object. Current state-of-the-art applications: 3D printing is capable of mixing many materials, it is now able...
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...3-D PRINTERS Your name Author’s note INTRODUCTION A 3D printer is a machine used to create 3D objects from digital files. The designer creates a 3D image of the object in a CAD software or scans the object using a 3D scanner then uploads the file to the 3D printer (3D Printing, n.d.). The printer then slices the object into layers which are then used to print out the object. 3D printers were initially known as rapid prototyping technology as they emerged into the manufacturing industry in the early 1980’s. Little was known about this technology but it was promising because as an additive manufacturing technique, it reduced lead time. The lead time is the time between the ordering and the getting of a product by the consumer (Definition of Lead Time and Cycle Time, 2010). This is highly reduced due to little or no machining of the component. 3D printing reduces material wastage and finishing operations on the manufactured object. This has encouraged the manufacturing sector to welcome it with open arms because it also saves on money, maximizes profits and reduces any needed man power compared to the subtractive techniques (welding, filing, drilling etc.) being employed. Printing in 3D is essential in the upcoming world. Till recently, a designer does not need to design and then manufacture the component in order to sell or present it to potential consumers. This technique has enabled creating of Open Source Hardware platforms, where an idea created in Russia can be perfected...
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... Generally, architectural models are constructed for the main reason of communication. But, whatever an architect wants to communicate differs according to the stage or phase of the project. 3D printers come in handy during these phases as explained below. Project acquisition There are several ways to win architectural projects. When developing a new business, one has to communicate ideas in a clear manner. First, although very few people will admit it, people have a hard time reading and interpreting architectural drawings. It takes experience and training to actually visualize a 3D concept explained using 2D drawings. 3D printed models have the benefit of being able to display an idea while staying abstract to encourage a discussion of new inputs. This is usually crucial especially in developing client relationship. Preliminary design In an urban design stage, it’s vital to study the impacts of a new mass on the environment. An architect would like to show the client how to improve and change the urban plan using a certain design. An architect can do this by using a 3D printing model of an existing site with removable plugs of the projected site. Several design plugs which can be switched around the context model are printed. The one benefit of doing this using a 3D printer is one only has to edit a computer model having the previous plug as compared to beginning from scratch. Preliminary design The task on every design stage is to have a cohesive design which includes...
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...Laser Melting (SLM) - is a manufacturing process that uses 3D CAD data as a digital information source and energy in the form of a high-power laser beam, to create three-dimensional metal parts by fusing fine metal powders together. * Welding - is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing fusion, which is distinct from lower temperature metal-joining techniques such as brazing and soldering, which do not melt the base metal. * Autodesk - is the California-based software company behind AutoCAD, a computer-aided design software that helps architects and engineers model real-world objects in the digital sphere. 4) What is this 3D Printed Metal Bridge? The 3D printer bridge, which is on track to be completed by 2017, is one of MX3D creations. The bridge will be constructed entirely by robots that can "print" complex steel objects in midair. The bots are like mechanical, welders that melt together layer upon layer of steel to form a solid object. It's the first time that Tim Geurtjens (The Co-founder and chief of MX3D) and his colleagues are designing and building a bridge using this printing technology. Until now, the company was mainly using its robots to build free-form sculptures and giant pieces of furniture. This is a great way to show that its version of 3D printing is extremely useful for making all kinds of things in the real world. To build the bridge, the bots will move along a specially...
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...Printer & Scanner Innovations (HP) 2011 Print from places you seldom thought possible Products like the HP Officejet Pro K8600 e-All-in-One (AIO) printer connect to the Internet, enabling key benefits such as ePrint—letting you print from virtually anywhere with a web connection by emailing the printer’s unique email address. Another benefit of web-enabled printing is print apps, which allow you to enjoy instant access to printable web content from your printer’s control panel. The ePrintCenter feature on the HP Officejet Pro K8600 lets you view printer status, add or remove print apps, use a host printer’s apps, and manage ePrint settings remotely and through any web browser. [pic] Scan more than just flat objects Scanners have traditionally been used primarily as a tool for scanning photographs and the document management, but the evolution of technology has opened the door to many new and exciting possibilities. The HP TopShot LaserJet Pro M275 is HP’s first web-connected color laser multifunction printer with the power to scan 3D objects, which can be used to create unique artwork and presentations. In addition to 3D objects, converting your paper documents into electronic form allows you to store, share, and use them more effectively. Considering document management with scanners like the HP Scanjet 5590 is just smart business. | |HP Officejet Pro 8600 |HP Officejet Pro 8600 Plus |HP Officejet Pro 8600...
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...SEMINAR REPORT ON: 3D PRINTING TECHNOLOGY SUBMITTED BY: NAME: PRANATI DASH ROLL NO: 1021019 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF: PROF.ASHUTOSH BEHERA PROF.MANOJ MISHRA PROF.JAYANTI DANSANA SCHOOL OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING KIIT UNIVERSITY BHUBANESWAR-24. Seminar Report-2014-15 3d Printing CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the report entitled “3D PRINTING TECHNOLOGY” is submitted by Pranati Dash (1021019) in 8th semester at School of Computer Engineering, KIIT University, and Bhubaneswar during the academic year 2014 as Seminar Report, under my constant guidance and supervision. The matter embodied in this report is original. X Examiner X Prof.Ashutosh Behura Seminar Guide X Examiner Seminar Report-2014-15 3d Printing ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank everyone who helped to see this seminar to completion. In particular, I would like to thank my seminar coordinator, Prof. Ashutosh Behura for the moral support and guidance to complete my seminar on time. I express my gratitude to all my friends for their support and help in this seminar. Last, but not the least I wish to express my gratitude to God almighty for his abundant blessings, without which this seminar would not have been successful. Seminar Report-2014-15 3d Printing ABSTRACT The last two decades ended in the midst of revolution caused by a technology that was barely noticeable at the beginning of the decade. In 1980 few would have guessed that personal computer along with...
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...Hewlett-Packard Company DeskJet Printer Supply Chain Summary Hewlett-Packard is company dedicated to manufacture computers and peripheral products. It was founded in 1939 by William Hewlett and David Packard. Their products included printers, plotters, magnetic disc and type drives, terminals and network products. In 1990 HP had over 50 operations worldwide, with revenues of $13.2 billion and net income of $739 million. One of its most successful products was the DeskJet printer, which was introduced in 1998. Sales had grown steadily, reaching a level of over 600,000 units in 1990 ($400 million). However, inventory growth had tracked sales growth closely. Already, HP’s distribution centers had been filled with pallets of the DeskJet printer. Worse yet, the organization in Europe was claiming that inventory levels there needed to be raised even further to maintain satisfactory product availability. HP’s Vancouver division, in Vancouver, Washington was also in charge of designing and producing the InkJet printers, which were sent to three distribution centers (DC) in Europe, Asia, and America. Inkjet printers were one of the most promising printer technology which can provide good quality printing at smaller cost. Worldwide market for printers in 1990 was about 17 million units amounting to $10 billion, with major players being HP in the US, Canon in Japan and Epson, Manisman-Tally, Siemens etc in Europe. Despite its new InkJet printers sold well, the level of reserves...
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...Install a Printer: The Windows Server 2008 video was interesting to say the least; however sound or narration to the video would have been more helpful. Since it is silent it is difficult at times to ascertain exactly what the demonstrator is trying to communicate. At times the instructor was pointing to menu lists even though these were not part of the process. The process pretty much followed the same process that the lab book suggested in fact I had just finished the lab when I started watching the video. The only difference here was that the setup was for adding the printer on a Standard TCP/IP Port, which wasn’t covered in the lab book. Typing a printer name also selected the same as the port name. The instructor did copy/paste the IP address and Port Name, which did make that part seem much easier as well. Strange though the device wasn’t detected on the network and additional information was asked if the instructor. A generic network card was selected and then the printer still wasn’t located but the Add Printer window appeared and allowed the instructor to select the printer out of hundreds of others. Finally, an IBM 4029 laser printer was selected and of course the computer prompted for the driver disk immediately. Then a name for the printer was typed in, and then the installation process continued. Afterwards the Printer Sharing window appeared and the instructor entered the information required for sharing. After which the process continued and the printer was installed...
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...Summaries: Printers were the main topic of this video clip. There were three separate printers that were mentioned throughout the video: the Dot Matrix Printer, the Inkjet Printer, and the Laser Printer. After learning how to identify the printers, the video progressed into how to identify the four different connectors: centronics, parallel, USB, and SCSI. The main purpose of this video was to demonstrate how to properly connect a printer in order to enhance its performance. Topics: A Printer_Hardware 1. Dot Matrix 2. Inkjet Printer 3. Laser Printer 4. Six steps in Laser printing 5. Problems with Laser Printers 6. Printer Interfaces 7. Installing a Printer 8. Improving performance 9. Spooling 10. Queue Definitions: 1. Dot Matrix – a grid of dots that are filled selectively to produce an image on a screen or paper. 2. Inkjet Printer - a printer in which the characters are formed by minute jets of ink. 3. Laser Printer – a printer, linked to a computer, producing good-quality printed material by using a laser to form a pattern of electrostatically charged dots on a light-sensitive drum, which attract toner (or dry ink powder). The toner is transferred to a piece of paper and fixed by a heating process. 4. Spooling – Software that manages sending jobs to the printer. When an application prints a document, the formatted output is stored on disk, and the print spooler feeds the print images to the printer in the background...
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...Network Printer Design for Universality radical B02: 1. In what way is a Universal power impart a postponement strategy? Ans: The power depict requirements for printers were different in North the States and Europe. For North America a 110-volt add was needed and for Europe it was 220-volt turn in. Due to want lead sequence of manufacturing, HP had to specify the requirements for each subjectwrite at least 14 weeks ahead. This often gave rise to wide demand forecasts which created huge inventories for one location while create lost gross revenue due to stick-outs in a nonher. Eg: Case of Viper where growth was sold out in Europe but was less(prenominal) in demand in North America. Universal tycoon Supply pass on solve this problem as the system of rules design takes care of both types of input supply (110V and 220V). indeed it can be sold in both American and European markets. As such the marketing team does not have to specify the individual forecasts for these markets a long time ahead. On the contrary, only the worldwide product demand has to be made. Individual market demand forecast can be delayed or postponed for two and half months. This will serve well create more accurate forecasts and help prevent hole errors. 2. What are the personifys and benefits of a universal power supply (feel free to make assumptions)? Ans: Costs: The primary cost involved in developing the Universal power supply printer vis-a-vis separate power supply type printers is increase...
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...building. As of now, we build things with our hands using material we purchase from a hardware store, which in turn was made in a factory. Now, we have created the 3-D printer. The 3-D printer is a machine that can create an object by solidifying material (usually powder or liquid) in very thin layers on three axis’s, using a selective laser sintering process, to build the work piece. (Encyclopædia Britannica, September, 2014a) Summary of Key Findings The 3-D printer has the ability to change the way we manufacture our everyday essentials. We could potentially be printing out our own kitchenware, decorative figurines, vases, and essentially parts the can connect together to give you a much more intricate piece. Having a 3-D printer also opens up a world of opportunities everyone, even those without degrees in drafting and designing. Businesses could drastically increase production rate as well as make more precise manufacturing specifications to fit consumer needs. Production has also reached the point of portability, providing businesses to the ability to physically take their workshops to the site and have the customer’s request printed directly where it’s needed. This also takes away the need of having a large crew work for several days to complete a project. Manufacturing has reached a whole new level. The 3-D printer can produce many things from our daily life ranging from tools, appliances, and even weapons. Industries have been playing with the idea of 3-D printing for over...
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...Steve Hauptmann Windows Server 10 Nov. 2013 Ch. 6 PostScript Printer PostScript is a general-purpose programming language that allows you to specify the appearance of both text and graphics on a page. A PostScript printer is equipped with a computer that runs an interpreter for processing PostScript language files. When a PostScript printer receives a file, it runs that file through the interpreter and then prints it. Unless special provisions have been made by the manufacturer, files submitted to a PostScript printer must be written in the PostScript language. In addition to providing excellent facilities for managing text and graphics and combining them, most major applications that support printed output support PostScript. Graphics operators facilitate the construction of geometric figures that can then be positioned and scaled with any orientation. The text capabilities allow you to specify a number of different fonts that can be placed on a page in any position, size, or orientation. Because text is treated as graphics, text and graphics are readily combined. Moreover, the language is resolution and device-independent, so that draft copies can be proofed on a low-resolution device and the final version printed in higher resolution on a different device. Applications that support PostScript, including word-processing and publishing software, create documents in the PostScript language without intervention by the user. Thus, it is not necessary to know the...
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...The history of printing is also a history of people, culture and trade. Technological changes come as they are needed and as people are ready for them. Cultures rise to their day in the sun and fall into decline, sometimes suffering a long darkness. Printing began as all things begin: a thousand efforts, with no goal in sight, no big picture, combined in a thousand ways to affect a thousand ends. The history of printing could as well be the history of civilization. The story of print is a long and complex one. It may be too much to claim that print was the single cause of the massive social, political and psychological changes it is associated with. However, print did wield enormous influence on every aspect of European culture. Some historians suggest that print was instrumental in bringing about all the major shifts in science, religion, politics and the modes of thought that are commonly associated with modern Western culture. The history of printing goes back to the duplication of images by means of stamps in very early times. The use of round seals for rolling an impression into clay tablets goes back to early Mesopotamian civilization before 3000 BC, where they are the most common works of art to survive, and feature complex and beautiful images. The printing press is considered one of the most important inventions in history. This device has made it possible for books, newspapers, magazines, and other reading materials to be produced in great numbers, and it plays an important...
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...of new trends in packaging and design Threats: * Competitors offering same products with low prices * New entrants focusing and specializing in one product segment (can capture vantage’s market as well) * Availability of resources for producing final products SO strategy: Vantage can always use their potential for packaging and passion of their work for the changing trends in marketplace. For instance providing one-stop-shop solutions for their customers will be a great idea. Keeping a keen eye on what and how market and business are changing can help vantage to improve or even diversify in right direction. Utilizing past experiences and learning for developing effective communication in future. View about Vantage Printers: Success story of Pakistani entrepreneur, Mr. Adnan Bashir started his business in early 90’s and now leading one of the leaders in printing industry. What inspired me most were his vision, passion and creativity which helped him throughout and now vantage has...
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...I took my lesson from an incident which I will relate to you. When I was a journeyman printer, one of my companions, an apprentice hatter, having served out his time, was about to open shop for himself. His first concern was to have a handsome signboard, with a proper inscription. He composed it in these words, 'John Thompson, Hatter, makes and sells hats for ready money,' with a figure of a hat subjoined. But thought he would submit it to his friends for their amendments. The first he showed it to thought the word 'Hatter' tautologous, because followed by the words 'makes hats,' which showed he was a hatter. It was struck out. The next observed that the word 'makes' might as well be omitted, because his customers would not care who made the hats. If good and to their mind, they would buy them, by whomsoever made. He struck it out...
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