Premium Essay

Privacy Laws and Policies


Submitted By jlee2219
Words 256
Pages 2
Prior to research and class discussion on communication privacy laws and policies in the workplace, I though that it was an invasion of employee’s privacy. After researching employer and employee views on the topic, I am for the policies and laws regarding workplace communications. Although employees should have privacy, many U.S. companies are implementing workplace monitoring, consisting of recording telephone calls, viewing e-mails, Internet connections and employee computer files (E-Monitoring in the Workplace, 2006). Because many companies rely on technology to complete jobs, employers must protect their assets as well as ensure their employees are productive. The federal legislation protects both the employee and employer under the Electronic Communications Act (ECPA). When an employee is at work he or she is operating a piece of technology owned by the employer. The employer provides the technology to the employee to conduct business for the company, not for his or her own personal use. The ECPA states an employee is entitled to privacy, but an employer does have the right to monitor employee communications to ensure he or she are conducting business and not placing the company at risk (E-Monitoring in the Workplace, 2006). If an employer discovers an employee is conducting a personal conversation, the employer must stop the surveillance and give the employee privacy. The purpose of workplace communication policies and laws is to protect the interest of the company and its employees. The ECPA is a law that allows use of monitoring employee’s performance, while respecting employee

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