...com/finance.htm Financial Performance Evaluation of Some Selected Jordanian Commercial Banks Ahmed Arif Almazari Department of Administrative Sciences- Finance Section, King Saud University E-mail: aalmazari@ksu.edu.sa; ahmadarif26@hotmail.com Abstract This study attempted basically to measure the financial performance of some selected Jordanian commercial banks for the period 2005-2009. It is evaluatory in nature, drawing sources of information from secondary data. The financial performance of banks is studied on the basis of financial variables and ratios. In this paper an attempt was made to analyze the financial performance of seven selected Jordanian commercial banks using simple regression in order to estimate the impact of independent variable represented by; the bank size, asset management, and operational efficiency on dependent variablefinancial performance represented by; return on assets and interest income size. It was found that banks with higher total deposits, credits, assets, and shareholders’ equity does not always mean that has better profitability performance. It was also found that there exists a positive correlation between financial performance and asset size, asset utilization and operational efficiency, which was also confirmed with regression analysis that financial performance is greatly influenced by these independent factors. This study can be a source of help to bank managers to improve their financial performance and formulate policies that will promote...
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...CLUSTERING STRATEGY IN SME DEVELOPMENT : An Integral Development Supports By: Noer Soetrisno Presented at : 2004 APEC INFORMATIZATION POLICY FORUM FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES July, 15-16, 2004 SMEs in Economic Development 1. There is no Regional or Global Consensus on SME The Coverage of SME definition are Commonly Associated With : - SMI (Manufacturing Industry) - SMI + Services (Selected) - All Sectors Except Agriculture - All Sectors Include Agriculture 2. Variable to Measure SME - No of employee (Industry) - Assets (Fixed Asset, Asset other than lands building) - Sales 3. The Role of SME in Economic Development - Contributor to Value added (Growth) : About 57% of GDP - Provider of Employment : Contribute to 99.5% of total employment - Potential Contributor to Export : Share about 16-21% of total export - Flexibility and Resilience to Shocks : continue to survive during the crisis, micro and small enterprises more resilience, but medium enterprises are not fully recovered from the crisis up to 2003 •SME Cluster Development in Indonesia - Cluster development approach has been adopted since 1970’s * Small industry zone * Export processing zone * Agglomeration of SME activities - At present exist about 9800 units of Small Industry Cluster : * 78% Low technology group * Productivity / worker : • Low technology IDR 970 Thousand (100) • Medium technology IDR 2 Million (212) • High technology IDR 8.24 Million (849) Government Policies...
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...Commercial Bank Commercial bank: Commercial bank mostly deals with deposits and loans from corporations or large businesses. Famous Commercial Banks of Pakistan are Muslim Commercial Bank(MCB),United Bank,Habib Bank. Functions of Commercial Banks: The functions of a commercial banks are divided into two categories: - Primary functions - Secondary functions including agency functions. - Primary functions: The primary functions of a commercial bank include: - accepting deposits; and - granting loans and advances The role of commercial banks Commercial banks engage in the following activities: * processing of payments by way of telegraphic transfer, EFTPOS, internet banking, or other means * issuing bank drafts and bank cheques * accepting money on term deposit * lending money by overdraft, installment loan, or other means * providing documentary and standby letter of credit, guarantees, performance bonds, securities underwriting commitments and other forms of off balance sheet exposures * safekeeping of documents and other items in safe deposit boxes * sale, distribution or brokerage, with or without advice, of insurance, unit trusts and similar financial products as a “financial supermarket” * cash management and treasury services * merchant banking and private equity financing * traditionally, large commercial banks also underwrite bonds, and make markets in currency, interest rates, and credit-related...
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...Introduction Natural Hazard any natural event which has an adverse socio-economic impact on the human being. Alternatively, an extreme natural event, such as a cyclone, an earthquake or a flood, that is not caused by human beings. These are naturally occurring phenomena that only become hazardous due to the intervention of human infrastructure. The vulnerability of human infrastructure to destruction (risk) by a disaster is also an important factor in understanding natural hazards. The distribution and impact of natural hazards is unequal with greatest loss of life and property in the developing part of the world. This is not because of greater hazard frequency but simply because of greater vulnerability. Therefore, the people in the developing countries are at high risk than those of developed countries. Combining the risk factor the natural hazard can be defined as the probability of a change in the natural environment of a given magnitude occurring within specified time period in a given area while the associated risk is the consequent damage or loss of life, property and services. The frequency of major hazard appears to have increased since 1960 and the number of people killed each year has decreased at a rate of about 6% and the loss or property has also decreased steadily. This has taken place owing to increased awareness and better hazard management. The increase in the frequency of hazard can be assigned to such factors as better global news coverage, increasing population...
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...[pic] A REPORT ON BUSINESS COMMUNICATION PROCESS OF BASIC BANK LIMITED MGT 242: Business Communication Prepared for Afrins Farid Faculty, School of Business Prepared by Syed Wahidur Rahman 10310423 Sabiqun Nahar 10310432 Nasrin Akter 08410021 Parvez Ahmed 10310371 MD. Mahtab Hossain 10310388 Kazi Arif Hossen 10310439 University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS) April 09th, 2011 Acknowledgement: I would like to give thanks to those people who helped us to prepare this report and we are very much grateful to them for their cordial assistance, helpful co-operation and essential suggestion. At first we would like to express deep gratitude to our honorable course instructor Afrins Farid , Faculty, School of Business, University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS), for her sincere guideline and valuable remarks, thoughtful comments and essential suggestions. She inspired us and gave us encouragement to complete this report. We would also like to express our gratitude to the all managers and employees of the organization, where we have gone to collect information for preparing...
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...Share Price 11/28/08 Shares Outstanding Market Cap LT Debt P/E (forward) 52 Week Range Float Short Interest Avg Daily Volume (3m) Beta $63.53 243.57 million $15.47 billion $955.7 million 11.74 $58.14 - $93.24 241.22 million 1.12 million 1,963,240 0.73 II. Business Overview Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) manufactures and sells a host of medical devices, diagnostic equipment, and cell analysis products to healthcare institutions, clinical laboratories, and private consumers. Incorporated in New Jersey in 1906, the company is divided into the BD Medical, BD Diagnostic, and BD Bioscience product segments. BD Medical comprises the majority of the firm’s revenues and includes Medical Surgical Systems, Diabetes Care, Ophthalmic Systems, and Pharmaceutical Systems. As the secondary sales-generating division of the company, BD Diagnostic is comprised of the Diagnostic and Preanalytical Systems divisions. Supplying life science research labs with tools for cellular anaylsis, BD Bioscience is the smallest revenue contributor. Becton, Dickinson and Company employs around 28,000 people in 50 countries and derives 55% of its revenues from countries other than the US. BD Medical The leading segment in terms of sales...
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...Share Price 11/28/08 Shares Outstanding Market Cap LT Debt P/E (forward) 52 Week Range Float Short Interest Avg Daily Volume (3m) Beta $63.53 243.57 million $15.47 billion $955.7 million 11.74 $58.14 - $93.24 241.22 million 1.12 million 1,963,240 0.73 II. Business Overview Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) manufactures and sells a host of medical devices, diagnostic equipment, and cell analysis products to healthcare institutions, clinical laboratories, and private consumers. Incorporated in New Jersey in 1906, the company is divided into the BD Medical, BD Diagnostic, and BD Bioscience product segments. BD Medical comprises the majority of the firm’s revenues and includes Medical Surgical Systems, Diabetes Care, Ophthalmic Systems, and Pharmaceutical Systems. As the secondary sales-generating division of the company, BD Diagnostic is comprised of the Diagnostic and Preanalytical Systems divisions. Supplying life science research labs with tools for cellular anaylsis, BD Bioscience is the smallest revenue contributor. Becton, Dickinson and Company employs around 28,000 people in 50 countries and derives 55% of its revenues from countries other than the US. BD Medical The leading segment in terms of sales...
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...1.0 Introduction The report topic ‘Role of a Credit Rating Agency in the capital market development of Bangladesh’ is a significant one in the present capital market context of Bangladesh. The report focuses on increasing the understanding on the workings of the present capital market, the concept of credit rating and the effect it can have on the capital market. 1.1 Origin This report has been authorized to the students as an integral component of the Business Communication (C- 501) course requirement. The Course Instructor Ms. Mahjabeen Ahmad has authorized this report on March 27, 2002 with the date of submission being June 30, 2002. 1.2 Objective The main objective of the report is: ▪ To portray the role that a Credit Rating Agency (CRA) can play in the capital market development of Bangladesh The sub-objectives of the report are: ▪ To review the current situation of the capital market of Bangladesh ▪ To discuss the activities /operations of a Credit Rating Agency 1.3 Scope The scope of the report is limited to the presentation of a broad overview of the capital market of Bangladesh, definition and description of general activities of a Credit Rating Agency and the impact it can have on Bangladeshi capital market. The depiction does not include any discussion on the Stock Exchanges of Bangladesh or the International capital market. Since the rating business in Bangladesh is still at its infancy, no practical example...
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...AB Bank Limited BCIC Bhaban 30-31 Dilkusha Commercial Area Dhaka 1000 AB Bank Limited _____________________ Auditors’ report and consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2011 S. F. AHMED & CO Chartered Accountants House 25, Road 13A, Block D, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh Telephones (880-2): PABX 989-4346 & 989-4258 Others 881-6467 & 881-5101 Fax (880-2): 882-5135 E-mails: (i) sfaco@citechco.net (ii) sfaco@sfahmedco.org Website: www.sfahmedco.org Auditors’ Report to the Shareholders of AB Bank Limited We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of AB Bank Limited (“the Bank”) and its subsidiaries, namely, AB Investment Limited, AB Securities Limited, Cashlink Bangladesh Limited, AB International Finance Limited and AB Exchange (UK) Limited which comprise Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 December 2011 and Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement, Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and Liquidity Statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as management considers necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud and error...
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...Answer: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been an important part of the economic transition, business liberalization and macro-economic growth story in Bangladesh over the last decade. Since the last decade, there has been a considerable change in global flows of trade and finance including a surge in FDI. Despite being a recent phenomenon, several underlying factors have contributed to increasing the FDI inflow in Bangladesh, such as trade and exchange liberalization, current account convertibility, emphasis on private sector led development, liberalization of the investment regime, opening up of infrastructure and services to the private sector-both domestic and foreign, and above all the interest of foreign investors in energy and telecommunication sector. It is argued that more open trade policies are associated with the presence of foreign firms and economy-wide technological and productivity gains in developing countries like Bangladesh. There also exists evidence of a strong positive correlation between increasing share of FDI in GDP and diversification to high-technology exports in countries that have open trade regimes. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has played a key role in the modernization of the Bangladesh economy for the last 15 years. Bangladesh received FDI of $1.13 billion last year compared to $910 million in 2010. This increase of about 25% is higher than the average 23% worldwide growth of FDI. According to the 2012 World Investment Report (WIR)...
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...Globalization has brought in many changes in the business scenario with the whole world inching towards a big market place. Communication between buyers and sellers become critical as each can opt to explore a greater number of alternatives than before. E-commerce through the use of internet, e-mails, websites and other facilities enables a businessman to be linked with every corner of the world and thus opens up greater opportunities in the world market. As a signatory of WTO practices Bangladesh has accepted The Code of Good Practices of WTO agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade. E-commerce facilitates the very process of International transactions; this involves securing and finalizing a contract, delivery of a product and finally payment for the performance of the product. The movement of goods and services and payment mechanism within a country and outside of a country is governed by regulatory and legal issues. Though Bangladesh Govt. has a strategic vision and policy framework to boost up e-commerce, a lot of factors are also hindering the way of doing E-commerce. Definition of E-Commerce: E-Commerce refers to the process of buying or selling products or service over an electronic network. The most popular medium in which e-commerce is conducted is the internet. It combines a range of process such as: • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). • Electronic mail (E-mail). • World Wide Web (WWW). • Internet Applications. • Network Applications. ...
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...PERSONAL ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE OF Course Name: Principles of Insurance Course Code: F-210 Submitted to: Samia Sultana Tani Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka. Submitted by: Group No: Section :B B.B.A 17th Batch Department of Finance University of Dhaka. Date of Submission: 27 November, 2012. A Combined Effort of Sl No. | Name | ID-No. | Remarks | 01 | Rakibul Islam | 17-052 | | 02 | Ivy Akhter | 17-046 | | 03 | Mousumi Saha | 17-154 | | 04 | Morium Sultana Moni | 17-104 | | 05 | Nipul Hosen | 17-058 | | 06 | ShantaDev | 17-086 | | 07 | ShamsunNaher | 17-112 | | 08 | Emaj Sultana | 17-062 | | 09 | FatemaTujJuhura | 17-156 | | 10 | SadiaSharminUrmi | 17-192 | | Letter of Transmittal 27 November, 2012 Samia Sultana Tani Assistant Professor Department of Finance Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka Subject: Submission of the Report. Dear Madam, It gives us immense pleasure to submit the report on “personal accident and health insurance of pragati insurance limited” This report is submitted as the requirement to fulfill the course “Principles of insurance”. The experience that we gathered through this research was very interesting, joyful and valuable one. This is an ideal ground for...
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...What is HR consultancy firm- A Human Resource consultant not only concentrates of compliance issues and following best practices, but will also assist in employee programs and training and development. National PEO, for example, provides Human Resource services ranging from employee handbooks to compensation analysis. Professional Employer Organizations (PEO) has the staff and expertise to make business run more efficiently. They have special tax rules that company needs to utilize. Their employers are trained in the special needs that an HR consultancy business have. For example, Axis consultancy firm of bd have detailed knowledge pertaining to that community and its trends. It’s best to have a consultant that can take care of your local (city) needs along with whatever the state may require. Most major cities and even a few small metropolitan communities have Human Resource consulting firms. Knowledge or rules, laws and regulations are not the only things PEOs offer. Human Resource consulting needs are certain differ from business to business and city to city. They also provide any sort of service for employ’s background and other record checking. To recapitulate in short, whatever your particular business needs may be a reliable professional employer organization can be the key to your business running more efficiently and with a higher profit margin Arizona, Tuscon, Phonix, Las vegas are the most renowned international HR firm. Locally we have some renowned HR firms...
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...(1) Given the following activities for a project: Activity | TE (weeks) | Preceding Activities | a: Check feasibility | 3 | None | b: Determine funding | 1 | None | c: Find possible banks | 3 | a | d: Select two possibles | 4 | a | e: Interview two banks | 4 | b | f: Analyze funding costs | 5 | b | g: What chance of success? | 2 | c,e | h: Sign contract | 3 | f | a. Draw the network (with complete details in nodes) b. Identify the critical path c. When do you think the project will be completed? d. What would be the impact to the project if activity e (interview two banks) takes an extra of three weeks? (2) Pinnacle marketing received a contract from a large private hospital to design a nationwide advertising campaign for their recently approved new method of treatment for cancer patients. The new treatment is easily performed as compared to the current treatment. Pinnacle marketing has assigned to the task a project manager, who in turn, has delegated minor subprojects to subordinate managers. The project will be evaluated using AOA analysis. Due to the extensoive length of the project, many activities were combined: the following is the result. Activity | Time (months) | AB: Obtain patient lists | 3 | BC: Select interviewees | 6 | BD: Engage interviewers | 2 | BF: Train interviewers | 5 | BE: Interview patiens | 4 | CD: Collate results | 9 | DG: Summarize data | 20 | FG: Analyze rsults | 6 | EH: Identify main...
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...Introductions BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Capital market is absolutely a vital consider for the proper functioning of capitalistic economy, since they serve the channel funds from savers to borrowers. The securities market allows sound listed companies to raise additional capital quickly and cheaply, as they enjoy reputation. A vibrant and liquid securities market encourages increase in savings by offering attractive and rewarding securities in terms of higher return, lower risk and easy option for conversion to cash. Investors in Bangladesh became increasingly interested in equity markets because many entrepreneurs look for requirements from the equity markets for many reasons. For this regard floating securities through IPO in the stock market is very analytical task and the whole procedure is the main focus of this report. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The main objective of the report is to comprehensive study on Dhaka detailed procedure of IPO, the performance evaluation of IPO based on the year 2012 and to find out the problems inherent with this. The following are the other objectives of the study- * To identify the advantages and disadvantages of IPO Process. * To identify the requirements to be fulfilled by the companies for collecting capital through IPO. * To discuss the analyzing process of the Draft Prospectus submitted by the companies willing to be held for IPO. * To know the performance of the post IPO companies. * To know the relationship of the company...
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