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Pro Death Penalty Research Paper

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Although the death penalty has many problems including its expense and cruelty to inmates, it is imperative that we utilize this punishment due to the horrendous crimes people. Many people believe that we should get rid of death penalty, but really people need it for all the outrageous things people have done.
There are so many pros and cons debating whether the death penalty is good or bad. Many believe that its way too expensive taking care of the inmates such as electricity, water, food, and clothing. The government approximately spends about $1 million on each inmate sentenced to life in prison. There is around 2,000 inmates that are in prison for death row a year, that is a lot of money spent on just bills and food, also that's not even …show more content…
That is a lot of extra roads being built, more schools for the community and more joy to our states. So many people are being sentenced to death row per year such as in 2006 over 400 people were sentenced to death row. We need less crimes in the us to help everyone else that really needs it. California is expensive to keep an inmate in prison, it cost $90,000 per year just for one prisoner. For the 670 inmates in california they spent over $60 million. Criminals need to have more criticism for the cost they are causing. If someone is going to be executed for something terrible they have done then the government need to speed the process in execution instead of wasting money on someone that isnt gonna be coming back out. We have been doing good since the year 2000, the percentage has decreased by 60% since that year. But the worst part is that most people think that the death penalty doesn’t affect the murder rates that we have (Dieter,

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