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Pro Immigration Attitudes In Canada

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Understanding Pro-Immigration Attitudes in Canada
In September 2015, Denmark’s immigration ministry published an advertisement in several newspapers in Lebanon, a country that hosts over one million Syrian refugees, to discourage refugees from coming to Denmark. The ad listed many reasons that portray Denmark as a wrong destination for refugees (Denmark advert in Lebanon, 2015). Although it was not stated explicitly, the message was very clear: refugees are not welcome in Denmark. This negative attitude towards immigrants is not exclusive to Denmark. In fact, most European countries have followed suit and have shown an attitude that ranges from reluctant to hostile. Even in a country like the United States that has been known as a “nation of …show more content…
8). This leads Kwok (2007) to emphasize the importance of immigration to address the population aging problem, and to sustain Canada’s population growth (p. 8). Accordingly, Canada seems obliged to adopt a “mass immigration” program for over a century, with “an expansionist policy” since the end of the World War Two, according to Reitz (2012, p. 520). In the last two decades, between 200-280,000 immigrants have been admitted annually to Canada. This is a remarkable number since it is “twice the size of its American counterpart, even including undocumented immigrants from Mexico” (Reitz, 2012, p. …show more content…
Multiculturalism became Canada’s official policy in 1970s. It was meant to help immigrants “overcome barriers related to race, ethnicity, and cultural or religious background” by encouraging them “to retain their cultural heritage rather than to assimilate” (Ng & Metz, 2015, p. 255). In this sense, Multiculturalism has helped immigrants to integrate, which contributed to the positive attitudes towards them. Ng and Metz (2015) argue that Multiculturalism has helped skilled talents to integrate and to play a significant role in the economic growth and in the process of nation building in Canada. This is supported by a study that has shown that “government funding of ethnic community organizations produces higher citizenship acquisition rates in Canada compared to the US” (Reitz, 2012, p. 530). This makes multiculturalism widely supported by Canadians who became less worried about the ability of immigrants to integrate and contribute to the best of their new country as polls show (Reitz, 2012, p.

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