...Paper Job Analysis of Probation Officers This paper will provide some insight on the functional job analysis for a probation officer, it will discuss how a functional job analysis can be used within this organization, it will go on to evaluate the reliability and validity of a functional job analysis, this paper will also evaluate different performance appraisal methods and how they might be applied to a probation officer, this paper will conclude by explaining the various benefits and vulnerabilities of each performance appraisal method concerning the job of a probation officer. Probation Officer: Functional Job Analysis The selection method for probation officials utilizing the functional job evaluation is very important. The functional job evaluation consists of observation and selection interviews; it assists to set recommendations for the job outline. Rapport shared with probation/parole and a functional job evaluation is the least complicated. The job requirements for a probation officer candidate should satisfy the requirements. At the least a bachelor’s qualification in social work, criminal justice, psychology, or a relevant study is needed for certification (Education Portal. 2011). Nevertheless, much more information by way of functional job evaluation assists to decide eligibility needs to work for the Department of Corrections. In the state of Delaware I/O psychiatrists have evolved physical, psychological, medical, selection interviews, and track record inspections...
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...mental illness lies in the assumed need for the offender to recognize the danger and undesirability of his criminal behavior and make a significant effort to renounce it. The treatment model does not "remove" criminal behavior, as surgery might remove a malignancy or chemotherapy extinguish an infection; rather the "patient" or inmate is made to see the rewards of socially acceptable behavior and encouraged to adopt it as a mode of conduct for himself. (1) Contrary to some popular misconceptions, the treatment ideology does not mean that inmates are "coddled" and permitted to do as they please within an institution. ______________________________ (1) Sanford Bates, "The Establishment and Early Years of the Federal Probation System," Federal Probation 51 June 1987, p : 4-9. - National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, A National Strategy to Reduce Crime, Washington , U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973p: 121. In fact, some form of treatment ideology can permeate the most restrictive and security-oriented institution . The major difference between the treatment and punishment ideologies is that in the former the inmate is assigned to a correctional...
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...Public Personnel Case Study Abstract This paper will address the functionality of the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice. First, it will examine the Agency as a whole and then it will explore the individuality of sectors within the agency. Second, the paper will discuss the different ways that the agency survives and serves the community. The South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice plays a vital role in the success of at risk youth and maintaining a secure structure to assist youth that end up in troublesome situations. Introduction The public service of assisting youth may be one of the most difficult jobs around. Not only does the job have to consider what is in the best interest of the child but it also has to satisfy the child’s parents. Therefore choosing the right individuals to fulfill the dynamic roles within this public service is vital. The South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) is an agency dedicated to assisting at risk youth with correcting negative behaviors so that they can one day become more responsible members of the community. In order for this agency to accomplish this goal they have to seek resources from many different avenues. Moreover, they have to assure that the quality of life for the housed youth are humane. This is done through proper care, continuous education, and providing the right rehabilitative services possible to name a few. This means drawing in a wide range of candidates to fill positions. DJJ...
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...functioning system. A true system is a fine tuned process, where all participants involved work towards a common goal. Every transition in a true system, is a smooth change, where no participants in the system will do anything to jeopardize the proper functionality of the next process in that system. This is not the case of the U.S. criminal justice system. The U.S. criminal justice system is comprised of numerous individuals, groups, organizations, and agencies funded by both government and non-government sources. Because, the U.S. criminal justice system is funded from different entities, there are several different agendas being carried out. There are three major components to the administration of the U.S. criminal justice system: the police, the courts, and corrections. In a perfect criminal justice system the police would arrest violators of the law, the courts would prosecute all law violators, and corrections would punish and rehabilitate violators, to integrate them back into society. While this is the formula the U.S. criminal justice system governs itself by, reality shows us that this quite often this is not the case. Only ten percent of court cases ever go to trial, with almost 90 percent of trials, being settled by plea bargain before going to trial. This often time eliminates the rehabilitation aspect of corrections. There are also instances where due to over packed jails and prisons, inmates do not end up serving their whole sentence. This is a break in...
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...million victimizations in 2009 repeat violent felons off of the streets treat minors as adults create mandatory sentencing laws reduce time-off-for-good-behavior - Shift in Public Opinion 4.3 million violent crimes 33 million personal theft crimes - 7.2 million 3% (1 in 33) of adults in the U.S. are under some sort of correctional supervision -Probation (community sentence) and parole are NOT the same thing -1.3% average annual increase from 2000 to 2009 But declined 1.3% in 2010 to 2009 “has the correctional population supervision increased or decreased from 2000 to 2009?” Answer: INCREASED - the majority of people in the corrections system are on PROBATION - Percentage breakdowns for types of offences: 9% Public Disorder (35% federal) DUI, indecent exposure, drunken disorderly, prostitution, etc. 18% Drug Offence (51% federal) 19% Property Offense (less than 10% federal) 53% Violent Offenses (less than 10% federal) - Regions highest to lowest South West Midwest Fed? North East - Top 5 States Federal Texas California Florida New York Notes From Ch. 1 in Textbook- - Penology the study of the use of punishment for criminal acts - Penitentiary typically used to describe older or highly secure prisons; first term used to describe secure facilities to hold criminals - Corrections the range of community and institutional sanctions, treatment programs, and services for managing criminal offenders - Gaols English system of jails - Walnut...
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...the rules of the correctional facility that includes a strict scheduled daily life, limit time for outside activities out of the cells, limited access to visitors and limited time of the visits. Prisoners in the United States have a shorter period of time for visitors to visit prisoners compared to other countries. The life of prisoners in the correctional institutions is based on the authoritarian regime of the prison’s authorities that are in charge of regulations. Victories for prisoners seeking relief from abusive prison conditions are all too rare. US courts are often as hate to condemn the mistreatment of inmates and wretched prisons as the public is willing to condone - if not encourage - them. Sometimes, however, inmates win. One case involving a cross gender strip search in jail. The other involved...
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...Support decreased for rehabilitate programs and increased for keeping offenders incarcerated; many people subscribed to the idea that keeping criminals off the streets is the surest way to keep criminals off the streets is the surest way to keep them from committing more crimes. As a result, the federal government and a growing number of states introduced mandatory sentencing and life terms for habitual criminals. They also limited the use of probation, parole, and time off for good behavior.”(Gale 2007) For the majority of the detainees, going to jail implies their chance to get an instruction, furthermore to learn abilities for employments. A few jails permit their detainees to get classes/courses via mail; not very many penitentiaries might have instructors visit the office to show nuts and bolts, such as perusing, written work, arithmetic, and possibly a few subjects. There are some more youthful individual’s gains their secondary school recognitions while serving in jail. Relatively few were permitted to take school courses, it requires great conduct. The majority of this is to offer detainee some assistance with preparing for the outside world subsequent to serving their time the greater...
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...offenders who are approved for release by community corrections boards, formerly known as Parole Boards (Begg&Tasmania). A level of Supervision Inventory (LSI) assessment for risk and needs are required on each offender before a final decision to release is made as a safety precaution to the communities (Howard, John, 2002). C. Why were the programs created? Like most community-base correctional programs , halfway house were designed to contribute to the reduction of prison and jail overcrowding and is considered a cost saving component compared to traditional correctional system(Howard,john,2002). According to the Colorado, Department of Public Safety, halfway house were created for felons who need more treatment and supervision than those on probation but less confinement than prisoners. PURPOSE OF HALFWAY HOUSE PROGRAMS A. The objective of Halfway House Programs The main goal of Halfway House programs is to protect the community’s well-being by reducing recidivism (Marion, 2002), strengthening neighborhoods, enforcing social justice, and creating a better and safer place for the residents to live (Gilbert, Settles, 2007). B. What are the programs designed to accomplish? The offender is expected to apply for and maintain employment, pay for room and board, go to school, or attend rehabilitative treatment programs (Bonta, Motiuk, 1985). Once the offender is granted full parole while at a halfway house, they are eventually allowed...
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...Crime and law enforcement is in a unique period that has been going on for over 30 years. During the 1960s crimes presented to police skyrocketed and more criminals being apprehended. Lawmakers started enacting strict laws that expanded punishments for criminals, the amount of legal cases prosecuted by the court of law soared, the amount of individuals in jails, prisons, and undergoing probation or prison release observation escalated dramatically, and spending by branches of government surrounding criminal justice organizations increased. It was also during this time that the Federal Governments position in the Nations attempts to combat crime was additionally restructured. Agency policies There were more than 14,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States in 2008, employing more than 700,000 officers. Intrinsically, policies are different between law enforcement agencies; and are centered on the agencies history and problems they have encountered. Law Enforcement policies, budget and technology evolves as society around it evolves. In 1987, the Association of Chief of Police joined alliance with the U.S. Justice Department to establish a nationwide policy. The Chiefs of Police commission was founded to aid agencies throughout the country enforce the same set of laws. According to Matz, and Kim, (2013), the result of the partnerships between agencies resulted in created an alert system called “America’s Missing Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER)” and Homeland...
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...with a staff of 10 supervising field officers and an outpatient treatment budget of $120,000. Today, the total caseload is down to about 280, as the department has done a better job keeping very low risk youth out of the system altogether. Of those youth who do enter the system, some 150 low risk youth are supervised by 1 1/2 officers with diversion programs and minimal supervision, while the remaining officers are managing the 130 moderate to high risk juveniles (a 38% reduction in individual case load size) and providing individualized treatment through programs such as FFT (Functional Family Therapy) and T4C (Thinking for a Change)– cognitive behavioral programs that have shown through research to reduce a youth’s likelihood to reoffend. continued on page 8 Yolo County CA Probation Department Achieving Positive Outcomes with Assessments.com With her County experiencing a dramatic 70% reduction in juvenile residential placement over a three-year period, the chief of Yolo County Probation was being questioned by other juvenile justice...
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...old student. Tammy was a Christian, a mother, a veteran and now labeled a sexual offender for the rest of her entire life. She was charged with aggravated sexual abuse and sentenced to 180 days of prison with 4 years of probation. Tammy tells the author, Erica Meiners, about many of her struggles she's faced since being convicted. One of them includes finding a job. No matter where you go, no matter how much work experience or how impressive your resume is, your chances of finding a job are near impossible if you're a convicted sexual offender. After numerous job interviews Tammy found a job working for a telemarketer who was actually a convicted sexual offender as well. Tammy claimed the hardest part about being a sexual offender is finding a place to live. Megan’s Law has Tammy’s location accessible to the public. Leaving tenants unable to negotiate rent with her for the safety of the surrounding residents. Erica Meiners believes that Megan’s Law will only get worse for sexual offenders. Former United States president, Barack Obama signed a law that identifies sex offenders when they travel. It is a notification to let authorities know a sexual offenders is travelling and to document the information. Tammy was clearly a good person who was a teacher...
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...Hendy also provided a data set taken from multiple interviews with police officers that were involved in 77 shootings in Sweden between 1985 and 2004. Of these shootings, 45% resulted in shots being fired directly at the offender—35% effective in hitting their target, with 10% being classified as warning shots. During this study, Hendy found that 82% of the shots were cited as self-defense. Of these 77 shootings, 56% were done before the officer was mentally prepared to shoot. In 37% of the incidents the officers reacted in a panicked state, but this rose to 47% if the officer believed that they shot in self-defense. Half of the officers who panicked fired the first shot within three seconds of assessing the initial threat. Out of this 50%, 42% of those shots were fired within three meters of the offender (Hendy,...
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...Resources Department 9 Old Practices 10 Turning Point 13 The New Hiring Process 14 We’re Not Done Yet! 18 Review of Kotter’s 8 step Model 22 Human Capital, the most Important Asset of an Organization 25 My Hopes 26 The Massachusetts Court System Massachusetts Trial Court Focus The Massachusetts Court System consists of the Supreme Judicial Court, the Appeals Court, and the Executive Office of the Trial Court, the 7 Trial Court Departments, the Office of the Commissioner of Probation, and the Office of the Jury Commissioner. For the purpose of this paper I will be discussing my place of work which is the Massachusetts Trial Court consisting of: Executive Office of the Trial Court, the 7 Trial Court Departments (Boston Municipal Court, District Court, Juvenile Court, Superior Court, Housing Court, Land Court, and Probate and Family Court), Office of the Commissioner of Probation (OCP), and the Office of Jury Commissioner. Exhibit 1 Massachusetts Trial Court is committed to fair and impartial administration of justice; protection of constitutional and statutory rights and liberties; equal access to justice for all in a safe and dignified environment; efficient, effective and accountable resolution of disputes; prompt and courteous service to the public by committed and dedicated professionals utilizing best practices in a manner that inspires public trust and confidence. The Massachusetts Trial Court has about...
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...What are they Doing with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology? DATA BRIEF ON CURRENT JOBS R o b e r t a S p a l t e r- R o t h a n d N i c o l e Va n Vo o r e n January 2008 In AY 2005 the American Sociological Association’s Research and Development Department surveyed a sample of close to 1,800 seniors to find out their satisfaction with the sociology major and their future plans for work, graduate school, or both. Early in 2007 we resurveyed the class of 2005 to find out what they were doing with their bachelor’s degree since graduation.1 This Data Brief, the first in a series of downloadable publications from the second wave of the survey, provides information on the post-graduate activities of graduates, the kinds of jobs they held as of December 2006, their satisfaction with these jobs, and the changes in their overall satisfaction with the sociology major. Figure 1 compares the 2005 responses of senior majors as to their future plans with their 2007 reports as to what they actually were doing. The figure shows that in 2005, 40 percent of respondents planned to work and not attend graduate school after they obtained their _________________________________________________ 1The response rate for the second wave of the survey was 44 percent or 778 graduates. FIGURE 1: MORE SOCIOLOGY BACHELOR’S RECEPIENTS ARE WORKING, PLANS FOR THE FUTURE AT TIME 1 VS. STATUS AT TIME 2 (in Percents) 42.1 Job Only 60.3 22.2 Grad School Only 13.1 ...
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...A STUDY ON THE EMPLOYABILITY AND ATTITUDE OF EMPLOYERS, TOWARDS EMPLOYING EX-PRISONERS AND EX-OFFENDERS AS PERCEIVED BY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGERS IN ORTIGAS PASIG CITY Prepared By: Ms. Marilyn Dimaculangan CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION It is well known that employment is an important need of most individuals; it provides income, social connection, and feelings of societal contribution and self worth. What may be less well known are the barriers to employment faced by those with criminal record, the challenges faced by employers in hiring ex-offenders and what can be done to facilitate employment opportunities as record numbers of people transition from incarceration to the community. A great number of employers are reluctant to hire individuals with a criminal past citing lack of skills and work history, untrustworthiness, and fear of liability for negligent hiring, among other things. Employers use of criminal history background checks over the past decades and they are less willing to hire ex-offenders that any other advantaged group. Their willingness to hire ex-prisoners varies according to the industry and position, the type and severity of offense committed by applicant and work experience since release. Employers are not always consistent in what they say versus what they do when it comes to hiring former offenders and prisoners Jail is a synonym for prison, especially when the facility is of a similar size as a prison. As with prisons...
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