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Proctor's Flaws In The Crucible

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Proctor realizes that his flaw is the reason why Abigail has targeted his wife, Elizabeth. He states, “My wife will never die for me! I will bring your guts into your mouth, but that goodness will not die for me! (Miller 2.80) Proctor does not want his wife, Elizabeth to pay for his mistake. In court, Proctor pleads the for his wife’s innocence and he tries to convince the court that the girls are merely acting bewitched. He tries to resolve the situation by trying to get Mary Warren to testify for him. This goes south when Mary fails to prove that she’s been pretending to be a witch. Instead, she gives into peer pressure and accuses Proctor of forcing her to sign the book of the Devil. Proctor is willing to take the fall for his actual sin,

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