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Product-Service System Types and Implementation Approach


Submitted By paulalnobre
Words 4116
Pages 17
Product-Service System types and implementation approach
Britta Pergande , Paula L. A. Nobre , Anderson C. Nakanishi , Eduardo S. Zancul , Leandro Loss , Lucas C. Horta
1 2 1 2 2 2 3 3

University of Bremen, Germany

Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Politécnica, Depto. de Engenharia de Produção, Brazil Axia Value Chain, Brazil

Abstract The article presents two results concerning Product-Service System (PSS): a typology for PSS and an implementation approach. The proposed typology shows several possible combinations of products with the corresponding services, in order to form the PSS. It illustrates the potential PSS for the respective products. The implementation approach defines the necessary steps for implementation and details which actions have to be performed in order to create and improve a PSS. Combined, the two results presented by the article should support companies in establishing Product-Service Systems with expected benefits on business models and environmental impact. Keywords: Product-Service Systems; PSS types; Implementation approach



Product-Service Systems (IPS2), and service design. Various available case studies on Product-Service Systems and servitization of products were identified and analyzed. The analysis focused on service characteristics and their connection to products, providing insights for the specification of PSS types. The results of the case studies were purely analyzed from outside. Based on data gathered on case studies, an inductive approach was applied to propose the PSS typology. Moreover, a deductive approach based on literature research was applied to define the necessary steps to implement PSS. 3 3.1 STATE OF THE ART Definition of Product-Service System

Manufacturing companies have been focusing more and more on providing additional services for their existing products, offering

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