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Production Operations Control


Submitted By jacklewis1960
Words 2645
Pages 11
Cross-Cultural Human Resource Management
BUS 357
February 20, 2012

Cross-Cultural Human Resource Management Today’s business world continues to evolve to worldly new levels due to the global market. Before globalization began taking place, business was primarily localized or regionalized within villages, townships and kingdoms. The initial changes of transportation’s or shipping’s delivery methods from the beginning of time by just human delivery to the transportation or shipping of goods and people by methods using horses, donkeys, camels, elephants and other animals began to change access to goods and services from more distant areas, lands and cultures. The innovative minds of humanity began the progression of new transportation, travel, shipping and delivery methods with the inventions of wagons, boats, trains and airplanes. These inventions changed the access to goods and peoples from every point on the globe, resulting in numerous progressions and changes to travel, business and industry around the world.
Other new technologies of the telegraph, phone, radio, televisions, satellites and the computer have all changed the communication techniques and access to people and information all over the globe. Where it once took possibly hours, days, weeks and even months for communications or information to flow from different locations, the world is able to communicate or access information in seconds today. Different cultures began the progression from receiving goods and communicating with other cultures to traveling and relocating to other cultures and countries around the world. Today’s global society and business community has become extremely diverse with numerous different ethnic backgrounds and cultures from around the world. This new globalized business world and cross-cultural diversity in the people employed has created numerous new

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