...Professionalism is a vital aspect in the education preparation program. In the article, professionalism is defined as “the ideal to which individuals and occupational groups aspire, in order to distinguish themselves from others” (Creasy). Professionals are people who acquire specific knowledge so that they can make the right judgments and follow the standards to which they are accountable.Professionalism can be broken down into three categories. A teacher must first adhere to the professional parameters like the legal and ethical issues. They must learn to follow the local, state, and federal laws pertaining to issues like “No Child Left Behind” and “Child Maltreatment”. The next category would be professional behaviors. Teachers must...
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...1. Do you think Mindy dresses appropriately for a professional interview? No, I do not think Mindy is dress appropriately for a professional interview. Mindy look like she is dress to go work at a tattoo shop with the piercings, and tattoos she have. I believe that Mindy’s dress is inappropriate for the medical facility because her hair is colored different bright colors, she has facial piercings, her clothes do not cover her body and undergarments are showing, she has on too much make up, she is wearing dangling earrings and bracelet, her tattoos are not covered up and she has on open toed shoes. Most employers have a standard for dress codes. If she is not breaking any of the dress codes, then nothing can be done to make her dress more professionally. The numbers I choose that would best fit her for a professional interview is 1, 2, and 1. 2. Does personal "style" detract from the medical facility's air of professionalism? Mindy’s personal “style” does detract from the facilities air of professionalism. She looks like she should be working in a tanning salon or a tattoo parlor, not a professional medical clinic. 3. What are your thoughts on how and why it is important to project a professional image at the interview? In order to project a professional image, one should follow the dress code established by the business. You should be polite and helpful in any situation presented to you. You should use tact when talking to others and be respectful of others opinions....
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...placed on a back burner and sometimes even forgotten completely. Empowerment is an important part of the human services profession and therefore the barriers that affect empowerment associated with human services need to be looked at and addressed. Barriers Associated with Empowerment Within human services empowerment is a key aspect of helping individuals seeking help. Human services professionals work with individuals in need of help that the individual is unable to achieve on his or her own. Where human service professionals have an array of information and guidance available to him or her, clients that seek out assistance from human services professionals do not. This is where empowerment begins to take shape and where human services individuals start encountering barriers in the attempts of empowerment. Barriers become present in many different shapes and forms when empowerment is concerned. One of the biggest barriers that a human service professional encounters in regards to empowerment is resistance. When human services professionals begin helping individuals the human service professional works on the individual’s self-esteem and empowers the individual to become independent. Many times this empowerment is met with resistance caused by the fear that an individual has with the change that will occur. This resistance can be a large barrier in the way of empowerment for the client and the human services...
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...Continuing Professional Development ent (CPD) is a growing area of interest. If we interpret the term ‘professional’ quite loosely, then we can include not just the traditional regulated professions such as medicine and law under this heading but also include management and similar fields of work. The requirement to continue to keep up to date has been the starting point for CPD. In medicine, for instance, there are new drugs and procedures appearing all the time. Doctors need to keep on top of this and therefore they need to continue to learn. Indeed the UK Government is proposing that General Practitioners will have to be revalidated every five years in order to maintain their licence to practice. However the emphasis on just knowledge learning has broadened over recent years. Now we find the pressure is for professionals to increase their skills and capabilities to cope with a changing world. ... Read More - Please log in or register to read this content. Membership is free. We see this area as clearly strategic as the best CPD is a process of continuing to learn in one’s professional arena for as long as one is employed in that profession. It cannot be just a short term, quick fix activity. However many professional bodies still see it in the latter terms. This is especially so when CPD means no more than attending some seminars or conferences in the year and ticking off boxes on the form you send to the professional body and then getting the OK for having done your CPD...
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...clinical nursing is no exception in this regard. Moreover, professional behaviors are the true manifestation of professional attitudes and hence the importance of professionalism in clinical nursing can not be over emphasized. Cambridge Dictionary defines professionalism as follows: “Having the type of job that is respected because it involves a high level of education and training” OR “Having the qualities that connect you with trained and skilled people, such as effectiveness, skill, organization, and seriousness of manner” (Cambridge Dictionary). Therefore it becomes crystal clear that adhering to defined rules, regulations and procedures is the utmost pre-requisite to professionalism because of which it holds paramount significance for all professions including clinical nursing. Without specific knowledge and skilled training pertinent to a field, the true essence of professionalism can not be materialized. Attributes of Professionalism: There are numerous vital elements of professionalism out of which following are some of the essential attributes of professionalism: 1. Specialized Knowledge: Specialized knowledge is the foremost characteristic of a professional. It highlights such professionals who endeavor hard to enhance and improve their skills through degrees and certifications that serve as the stepping stone for specialized knowledge (RNAO, 2007). 2. Competency: Another powerful characteristic of professionals is...
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...and deliver across every aspect and specialism of the profession. (Source: CIPD) It outlines what you need to know, what you need to do and how you need to do it. Covering 10 professional areas and 8 behaviours, set out in 4 bands of competence, which covers every level of the HR profession. Each professional area of the map has activities, knowledge and behaviours that are essential for an effective HR practitioner. The two professional areas at the core of the map are ‘Insights, strategy and solutions’ followed by ‘Leading HR. The remaining 8 are as follows; Organisation design, Organisation development, Resource and talent planning, Learning and development, Performance and reward, Employee engagement, Employee relations, Service delivery and information.’ The following 8 behaviours identify how professionals need to carry out their activities and make a contribution to organisational success; Curious, Decisive thinker, Skilled influencer, Personally credible, Collaborative, Driven to deliver, Courage to challenge and Role model. The 4 bands of the professional competence define the contribution that professionals make at every stage of the HR career. Band 1 at the start of a HR career, progressing to Band 2 and 3 through to Band 4 for the most senior leaders. The sequence in which the Professional Areas appear is significant; Insights, strategy and solutions is right at the heart of the map from where everything else stems from. This means developing actionable insights...
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...Professional Knowledge and Abilities Rachel Thomas GEN/200 April 11, 2010 Lisa Kempton The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association or ASHA is the professional, scientific and credentialing association for speech and language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists in the United States and internationally. ASHA’s vision is to make effective communication, a human right, assessable, achievable for all. ASHA’s mission is to empower and support speech- language pathologist’s audiologists, and speech, language, hearing scientists by: Advocating on behalf of persons with communication and related disorders. Advancing communication science and promoting effective human communication. ASHA started in 1925 under the name national association of teachers of speech. The members of this group became interested in the field of speech correction and wanted to establish an organization to promote scientific, organized work in the field of speech correction. In December 1925 the national association of teachers of speech changed the name of the organization to American Academy of Speech Correction. Since then the organization has had many name changes, but in 1987 they changed the name to American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. The organization is still called American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. ASHA can contribute to my professional knowledge and abilities because on their website they have plenty of helpful information. A section...
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...The Map is based on extensive research with HR professionals in different organisations, at different levels and based all around the world. It is developed to create prioritized and situational HR strategies that can make a difference in HR. Professionals use the map in their own careers for a variety of reasons from seeking a promotion, learning about the profession, interview preparation, building a case for development and many more. The framework of the core skills, knowledge and behaviours that form the basis of HR. It is designed to help professionals become equipped with the appropriate skills needed for current practice and growth areas across HR. It sets out in a simple style what the HR professional, needs to know and do at every stage of their career. The map recognises that HR professionals can enter the HR profession from a wide range of backgrounds. The CIPD Profession Map contains three key elements. It includes ten professional areas, eight behaviours and are displayed in four bands. The ten professional areas. This element describes what activities you will need knowledge of and what activities you will need to do for each area of the human resource profession at the four bands of professional competence. The eight behaviours, this element describes the behaviours that are needed to carry out the HR activities. The behaviours are described across the four bands. The four bands are professional areas of competence from beginner to leadership...
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...government’s efforts to build a Knowledge Economy? I believe the occupation group of “Professionals” will drive the UAE Government’s effort to building a Knowledge Economy. The reason I believe Professionals are the ones driving this, is because I feel although knowledge and Training are provided by the Government on a continuous basis, there is a lack of professionalism in the individuals working for the UAE organizations. In addition, unfortunately whenever there is an existing project, outsourcing is always required especially when it comes to professional positions, therefore I feel the UAE’s focus must be on their nationals in order to promote this type of occupation group & avoid the dependence on expats. Although UAE is diversified due to the high levels of tourism, and would like their organizations to have the best quality professionals, they should not over-look their nationals who would most likely be willing to occupy higher level positions even in the Private sector. 2. Which major occupation group would you target to increase Emiratization and why? In my opinion, I would target the occupation group of Technicians and Associate Professionals due to the following reasons: * High number of outsourced candidates in the technical field. * Lack of UAE nationals who are considered skilled Technicians. * Constant need for the groups of Technicians and Associate professionals both in the Government and the Private sectors. UAE has reached a high level of technicality...
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...Kevin Keliipio Dee Forbes AVS-127 4 October 2015 Learning Goals Response Paper: Guy R. Maher wrote an article titled, “Building the right attitude”. It is a reflection of his experience when Mr. Maher went to the Robinson Safety course, a requirement for pilots that want to become a CFI for any Robinson aircraft. Mr. Maher observed the vast majority of the group had an attitude. The attitude he is talking about is the attitude that they know more than what is being taught. But Mr. Maher went a step further, he asked himself if they act like this here, would they act like this at their profession? This got me thinking of my actions on subjects that I find, “pointless” or topics that I have extensive knowledge in. When I look back to my first week of school, I realize that in every class I enrolled in, I had that “attitude” Mr. Maher wrote about. I thought I knew it all, didn’t give a care in the world to the subject and actually asked to test out of certain classes. My view changed when I was given this assignment. I started to do research on adaptability and how students react to topics they feel will not benefit them in their profession. I found that people who neglect certain topics, generate a routine or habit that limits personal growth. Studies found that people limiting themselves to what they are interested in will neglect opportunities that will impact their chosen field of interest. Like Jim Palmer, a senior HR pilot recruiter said, “it is between...
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...1.1 Briefly summarise the HRPM-the 2 core professional areas, the remaining professional areas, the bands and the behaviours. The CIPD HR Profession Map sets out standards of professional competence for HR practitioners, and is a useful tool to help them identify any future learning and development needs, in order to achieve their professional goals at every level of HR profession. The HR Profession Map describes what HR professionals need to do, what they need to know and how they need to do it, in order to be effective and successful in the HR role. The CIPD HR Profession Map consists of three main components-10 professional areas, 8 behaviours and 4 Bands of professional competence. The Professional areas There are 10 Professional areas in HR Profession Map - Insights, Strategy and Solutions, Leading HR, Organization design, Organization development, Resourcing and talent planning, Learning and talent development, Performance and reward, Employee engagement, Employee relations and Service Delivery and Information. The first two professional areas-Insights, Strategy and Solutions and Leading and Managing the Function, are considered as the core areas, and are applicable for all HR practitioners, regardless of their role and position. First core one-Insights, Strategy and Solutions, explains how to develop actionable insights and solution, which are adjusted to a deep understanding of the business. The HR professionals must know organisation’s strategy, vision, what are...
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...HR Professional Map According to CIPD, the HR Profession Map sets out what HR practitioners need to know and do and how they need to do at every stage of their career. It has the versatility to be used in part, or viewed as a whole, with the core professional areas acting as the key or center that is relevant to all. The architecture of the HR Profession Map includes: PROFESSIONAL AREAS Describes 10 professional areas, 2 areas being the core for any HR profession and other 8 areas identify the activities and knowledge that is needed to provide specialist HR support set out in 4 bands of competence. Core : Insights, Strategy and Solutions Develop understanding of the organization and its con text and use these insights to tailor strategy and solutions to meet current and future organization needs. Core : Leading HR Providing an active and insightful leadership. Be a driving force towards the development and growth of themselves, others and organization activities. Organization Design Ensure organization is appropriately managed to achieve its long and short term objectives and effectively manage structural changes. Organization Development Ensure to develop and retain a culturally fit and committed workforce needed to deliver strategic ambitions of the organization. Resourcing and Talent Planning Ensure that the organization is able to identify and attract key talents to meet changing needs and fulfill long & short term strategies. Learning and Talent...
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...Summary Professional code of ethics, Definition, “Professionally accepted standards of personal and business behavior, values and guiding principles” Importance, A code of ethics is essential to a profession; the code will provide an ethical starting point for the professionals and for others outside the profession. Professional code inform members of the profession about the viewpoints they should consider in making a decision. A code of ethics serves to promote the values of the profession over the personal, societal, and (sometimes) institutional values. It serves as a guideline for professionalism and quality of service. Ethical principles, 1) Integrity 2) Objectivity 3) Competence 4) Fairness 5) Confidentiality 6) Professionalism (7) diligence Development of teacher code of ethics, 1) Obligation towards students: a. Deal justly & impartially with students. b. Identifying the individual needs of the students. c. Respects the right of every student. d. Encourage students for the betterment of their future. 2) Obligation towards parents a. Respect the basic responsibility of parents for their children. b. Establish friendly & cooperative relationship. c. Keep parents informed about the progress of their children. 3) Obligation towards community i. Respect & be loyal to the community’s moral, spiritual ...
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...Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/social-and-behavioral-intelligence-is-crucial/ Social and behavioral intelligence is crucial to presenting yourself as a professional and collaborating successfully with your peers and supervisors. In the previous units, you explored and learned about what defines a professional presence. You reflected on your own current professional image and where growth and change would strengthen it. In this Assignment, you will create a standard PowerPoint presentation representing yourself as a professional. Be sure to reflect on what you have learned thus far in the course as you complete this Assignment. Instructions for creating a PowerPoint are listed in the Unit 5 Learning Activities as well as below. PowerPoint Basics Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations Instructions: Your PowerPoint presentation should include a total of five slides using the following format: • Slide 1: Cover page that includes assignment title, your name, course, section number, and date. • Slide 2: Introduction—who you are and your chosen professional field. • Slide 3: A brief overview of how you perceive yourself professionally. You may include a photo. • Slide 4: A description of attributes which contribute to professionalism in your chosen field such as professional attire, communication, and behavior. • Slide 5: Cite all sources you have used. Assignment Format • PowerPoint Presentation with five slides • Notes for the content slides...
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...life. Schultz, D. (2010). Ethics Regulation Across Professions. Public Integrity, 12(2), 161-172. doi:10.2753/PIN1099-9922120204 Gifting, a private act of friendship and charity among individuals that has deep cross-cultural roots, is increasingly seen as a morally problematic practice in many professions. Gifting done within the context of employment is now the subject of regulation in many professions as part of a broader effort to promote independence, impartiality, and objectivity. Based upon a survey of more than twenty professional associations and fields of employment, this commentary examines the historical roots of gifting, why it poses an ethical problem, and how many organizations across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors are adopting policies to address this practice. Overall, three conclusions are reached. First, because gifting creates a sense of dependency, reciprocity, or indebtedness, its practice within a professional setting causes potential or real conflicts of interest, regardless of the size or type of the gift. Second, because of the problems that gifting poses, many professions have already recognized the need to address the practice. Finally, the field and practice of public administration needs to address...
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