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Professional Knowledge and Abilities


Submitted By MLeeWoods1273
Words 679
Pages 3
Professional Knowledge and Abilities

Mary L Woods

Gen 200

January 31, 2011
Maya Chapman

Professional Knowledge and Abilities

The American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA) is a nonprofit organization of professionals who manage affirmative action, equal opportunity, diversity, and other human resource programs. The association was founded in 1974 as a national nonprofit organization for professionals working in areas of affirmative action. Their mission is to help their members be more successful and productive in their careers. They do this by promoting understanding and advocacy of affirmative action to enhance access and equality in employment, economic, and educational opportunities.
The Goals of the AAAA Some of the goals of this organization include fostering effective affirmative action and equal opportunity programs nationwide, establishing and maintaining ethical standards and sponsoring education and training programs. These goals and others are a basis of the AAAA’s mission statement: “We help our members to be more successful and productive in their careers. We promote understanding and advocacy of affirmative action to enhance access and equality in employment, economic, and educational opportunities” (AAAA, 2011). The association is made up of individuals and organization from many aspects of the public and private sector, businesses, social services, legal, government, and educational. With their help civil rights laws have been enacted to remove discriminatory grievances based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability. They are committed to doing away with all forms of invidious discrimination. Affirmative action is good for business (AAAA, 2011). This is a way to address the exclusion of individuals of talent on the basis of their gender, or race from the opportunities to

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