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Employee Satisfaction Proposal


Submitted By priyamohan
Words 819
Pages 4
A. Introduction
Employee satisfaction has been defined as a function of perceived performance and expectations. It is a persons’ feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products’ outcome to his/her expectations.
If the performance falls short of expectations, the employee is dissatisfied and if it matches the expectations, the employee is satisfied. A high satisfaction implies improvement in efficiency and performance doing work or service. The process is however, more complicated then it appears. It is more important for any organization to offer high satisfaction, as it reflects high loyalty and it will not lead to switching over once a better offer comes in.

B. Research Problem
Employees are the basis of every organization. Recruiting and retaining knowledgeable people for the job is essential for an employer. But it works only if employee satisfaction is considered more important because of it employees attracted and not leave the company. It is require studying the various factors to assess employee satisfaction level.

C. Research Questions
1. What is the current employee satisfaction approached used
2. What is the perception of the consumers in terms of the employee satisfaction rates?
3. What do you think should be included in the Employee Satisfaction Index System that will serve as guidelines?
4. What are the ways that the management can do to effectively implement employee satisfaction index system?

D. Research Objectives * To Measure the satisfaction levels of employees on various factors and give suggestions for improving the same. * To study the relationship between the personal factors of the employee (Gender, Designation, Qualification, Age, and Years of Service in a company) with satisfaction level. * To derive and analyze the current satisfaction level of the employees in the company * To study the various factors which influencing employee satisfaction.

E. Related Literature Review

Most organization as well as their management invests on human resources because it is known to be one of the most significant assets of the organization. The concept of having satisfied staffs and personnel’s is considered as the basic idea of keeping the best staffs and personnel’s to stay in the organization. There has been many HR management strategies provided to satisfy the staffs and personnel’s. These approaches are initiated implemented to avoid staffs and personnel turnover and other issues. Consequently, turnover happens when an staffs and personnel leaves a specific job or organization permanently and his/her services are no longer available. In the previous investigations and cases, one of the typical reasons why staffs and personnel’s leave their job is because they are dissatisfied with their job that they tend to search for options as well as compare those options with their current jobs, and depart or leave the organization if any of the alternatives are judged to be better than their current job opportunities. Other investigations have described the conventional turnover process as characteristically beginning with dissatisfaction of the staffs and personnel’s. The intention to leave, the antecedent to turnover, shows the staffs and personnel’s estimated probability that his/her resignation is impending.

F. Research Methodology
The methodology followed for conducting the study includes the specification of research design, sample design, questionnaire design, data collection and statistical tools used for analyzing the collected data.
Data collection:
The data source: Primary and Secondary
The research approach: Survey Method
The research instrument: Questionnaire Method
Questionnaire schedule
Questions are framed in such a way that the answers reflect the ideas and thoughts of the respondents with regard to level of satisfaction of various factors of employee satisfaction.

G. Significance of the Study
The employee satisfaction is the orientation of the industry towards his work role, which he is presently playing. The organization will only thrive and survive when its employees are satisfied.
This makes person says completely that he is fully satisfied with the job. This study conducted so that the employees give their full, honest and frank opinion by remaining anonymous about how they feel about their jobs.
The survey is also useful way to assess the training needs and also a tangible expression of the management’s interest in the employee welfare, which would give the employee a cause to have and feel better towards the management. H. Limitations of the Study Each and every task has certain limitations and hurdles in the course of its performance. But this does not mean that the task should stick up whenever certain limitations come up. The need is to try one’s level best to solve incoming limitations. Few limitations of the project are enumerated below: * This study is only limited to this company. * The method of random sampling is suitable for small populations only. * To create good image, respondents may give responses vary from the facts. * It does not ensure proportionate representation to all constituent group of population. * I was able to cover only those employees who were currently working in the company.

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