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Writing essays in French

Presenting the theme
Origins of the problem Il y a quelques jours... - A few days ago... Depuis un certain temps... - For some time now... On parle beaucoup en ce moment de... - There is a lot of talk at the moment about... On entend souvent dire que... - It is often said that... Les récents événements de X ont mis en évidence Y - The recent events of X have highlighted Y Un problème dont il est souvent question est celui de... - A problem that often arises is that of... Tout le monde s’accorde à penser que... - Everyone agrees that... Il est généralement admis que... - It is generally agreed that... Il est bien connu que... - It is well known that... Nous vivons dans un monde où... - We live in a world where... De nos jours... - Nowadays... The question that arises Il convient donc d’examiner... We should therefore examine... La question est donc de savoir... The question therefore is... Quand se décidera-t-on à faire... When will it be decided to... Quelles vont être les conséquences de ... - What will the consequences be of ... Est-ce vraiment la solution à... - Is this really the solution to... Est-il vrai que... - Is it true that... Peut-on accepter que... - Is it acceptable for... Il est généralement admis que la télévision peut avoir une mauvaise influence sur les adolescents. […] Il convient donc d’examiner les relations entre la délinquance juvénile et la violence sur nos écrans. It is generally agreed that television can have a bad influence on teenagers. […] We should therefore examine the relationship between teenage crime and violence on our screens. Il est bien connu que le tabac est à l'origine de maladies mortelles. […] La question est donc de savoir comment faire prendre conscience aux gens du danger qu’ils courent. It is well known that tabacco causes a range of fatal diseases. […] The question therefore is how to make people aware of the risk they are running. Il ne se passe pas de semaine sans qu'on ne signale un incident grave sur nos autoroutes […] Quand se décidera-t-on à prendre des mesures plus rigoureuses en matière de sécurité routière? Resource provided by the website
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Barely a week goes by without reports of a serious accident on our motorways […] When will it be decided to take more stringent measures to ensure safety on our roads ?


Presenting the structure to come
Alors pour ou contre le pouvoir nucléaire? Pour tenter de répondre à cette question nous évoquerons dans un premier temps les effets négatifs de cette technologie. Nous nous attacherons ensuite à en décrire les aspects positifs. So should one be for or against nuclear power? In attempting to answer this question we shall first of all examine the negative effects of this technology. We will then move on to describe the positive aspects. Nous traiterons cette question en trois points. Premièrement nous examinerons les origines de ce problème. Deuxièmement nous aborderons les développements qui ont eu lieu au cours des dernières années. Et finalement nous nous pencherons sur les possibilités que la situation s'améliore à l'avenir. We shall deal with this problem in three parts. Firstly will look at the origins of the problem. Secondly we will address the developments that have taken place in recent years. And finally we will turn our attention to the possibilities that the situation will improve in the future.


Introducing the first argument
La première constatation qui s’impose, c’est que / La première remarque importante que l'on peut faire est qu' un taux croissant d'illettrisme n'est pas limité à la France The first point to note / The first important remark one can make is that one cannot remain indifferent when faced with the statistics relating to the subject Commençons d'abord par examiner / En premier lieu examinons / Prenons comme point de départ les différents problèmes qui entravent la paix dans la région Let us begin by examining / First of all let us examine / Let us start with the various problems serving as obstacles to peace in the region Il convient tout d’abord de se pencher sur le contexte historique de ce débat Let us first of all turn our attention to the historical background to the debate Il s'agit tout d’abord de désigner les sources du problème Let us first try to pinpoint the source of the problem Pour illustrer l'étendue de ce problème, il suffit de prendre les dernières statistiques du gouvernement à ce sujet To illustrate the extent of the problem we only need to take the latest government statistics on the subject Plusieurs arguments viennent renforcer la position anti-nucléaire. There are several arguments making up the anti-nuclear position. Parmi les arguments principaux de ceux qui soutiennent la cause antinucléaire est... Among the principal arguments of those supporting the anti-nuclear cause is... Resource provided by the website
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Introducing further arguments
Venons-en maintenant à considérer le point de vue des partisans des organismes génétiquement modifiés. Let us now consider the point of view of the supporters of genetically modified products. Après avoir examiné les arguments pour la légalisation du cannabis, considérons maintenant les arguments contre Having looked at the arguments in favour of legalizing cannaibis, let us now consider the arguments against Il convient maintenant d'analyser / Il faut maintenant s'interroger sur les arguments de ceux qui préconisent une législation plus stricte We should now look at the arguments of those advocating a tightening up of the law A ces difficultés économiques intérieures vient s'ajouter la récente instabilité des marchés monétaires internationaux To these domestic economic difficulties can be added the recent instability on the international money markets


In conclusion
En conclusion / En dernière analyse Internet est un outil ambivalent. D'un côté il peut être vu comme une formidable opportunité. Mais les questions qu'il suscite sont nombreuses In conclusion / In the final analysis the Internet is an ambivalent technology. On the one hand it can be seen as a significant opportunity. But it also raises many questions Quelles conclusions tirer de cette analyse? / Deux conclusion s’en dégagent... What can we conclude from this analysis? / Two conclusions emerge from this... Le problème se résume donc a ceci : la création des emplois-jeunes résout-elle à long terme le problème du chômage ? The problem can thus be summed up as follows: List of concluding expressions: tout bien réfléchi / considéré - all in all tout compte fait / toute réflexion faite - when all is said and done à tout prendre – taking everything into account somme toute, en somme - in short, all in all en définitive - when all is said and done en dernière analyse - in the final analysis en fin de compte - when all is said and done, at the end of the day en conclusion / pour conclure - to conclude / in conclusion


Detailing and illustrating
Adding and listing
Les options qui s’offrent au gouvernement sont peu nombreuses : ou bien augmenter les impôts, ou encore se défendre, ou enfin capituler devant l’armée ennemie. There are few options open to the government: either page 3 Resource provided by the website
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On sait déjà que ... Plus important encore ... A noter également que … Il faut compter aussi avec ... La possibilité enfin de X n'est pas à exclure We already know that …More important still,… It should also be noted that…One should also mention… The possibility of X cannot be ruled out Le plus grand avantage de X tient dans ....... A ce premier avantage s'ajoute le fait que ... Si l'on ajoute à cela / le fait que ... on voit bien l'intérêt que l'on peut avoir à faire The biggest advantage of X lies in its ... To this first advantage can be added the fact that ... If one adds to that the fact that…one can see the benefits of doing Parmi les désavantages de X compte ... L'un des autres risques est que ... Y est également très inquiétant Among the disadvantages of X is ... One of the other risks is ... Y is also very worrying Start tout d'abord, en premier lieu - first of all pour commencer - to start off with premièrement - firstly Middle ensuite - next de plus - in addition en outre - furthermore qui plus est - what is more de surcroît - moreover à ceci s'ajoute / il s'y ajoute - to this can be added encore - also en deuxième (etc) lieu secondly par ailleurs - in addition End en dernier lieu - lastly enfin - finally pour terminer / achever - to finish up with quant à - as for


Introducing sources / quotations
D’après / Selon le ministre, ses propos à ce sujet auraient été déformés According to the minister, his remarks on the subject have been misquoted Comme le font remarquer les auteurs du rapport, il y a un fort risque que l'économie entre en récession vers la fin de l'année As the authors of the report point out, there is a strong risk of the economy going into recession towards the end of the year Comme le laisse entendre la presse / A en croire les journaux le ministre était au courant du problème d’avance As the press are suggesting / If the papers are to be believed the minister knew about the problem in advance Dans un article apparu dans Le Monde du 2 mars 2002, X rapporte que ... In an article which appeared in Le Monde on 2 March 2002, X reports that De nombreux observateurs ont émis la crainte que Many observers have expressed the fear that… Resource provided by the website
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Un consensus semble se dégager selon lequel… A consensus seems to be emerging according to which… Dans une étude consacrée au problème de l'échec scolaire, les auteurs affirment que les inégalités liées aux origines sociales des élèves demeurent In a report looking into the problem of failure at school, the authors maintain that inequalities linked to the social origins of pupils remain Selon un rapport réalisé pour le Ministère de la Santé / Une étude menée par l'INSEE en 2001 montre que ... A report carried out by Office of National Statistics shows that ...

Avoiding using dire affirmer que - to maintain that ajouter que - to add that assurer que - to maintain that constater que - to note that déclarer que - to state, declare that estimer que - to think that préciser que - to state that prétendre que - to claim that rapporter que - to report that remarquer que - to point out that souligner que - to stress that soutenir que - to maintain that

Note that French has many more verbs than English for presenting direct speech: « ...» a affirmé / assuré / évoqué / soutenu le ministre " ... " said the Minster


Introducing an example
Prenons à titre d’exemple / Considérons l’exemple l'affaire du sang contaminé Let us take by way of an example / Let us consider the example of the contaminated blood affair Il suffit de prendre pour exemple l'affaire Elf pour nous rappeler que les hommes politiques ne sont pas tous honnêtes We only need to take the example of the case of the Elf affair to remind us that not all polticians are honest L'éducation sexuelle ne rend pas forcément les jeunes plus responsables dans ce domaine. Le pourcentage de demande de pilules du lendemain dans les lycées en est une illustration frappante. Sex education does not necessarily make young people act more responsibly in this domain. The demand for morning-after pill from sixth-formers is a striking illustration of this. Un exemple significatif / frappant de ce problème est fourni par... A significant / striking example of this problem can be found in... Ces cas ne font qu'illustrer le problème du chômage dans cette région de la France These cases just serve to illustrate the problem of unemployment in this part of France


Introducing one’s own point of view
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À mon avis / Selon moi – In my opinion Pour ma part / En ce qui me concerne – As far as I’m concerned A mon sens – As I see it Il me semble que – It seems to me that J’estime que – I consider that Je soutiens que – I maintain that Je suis d’avis que - I’m of the opinion that Je suis persuadé que – I am convinced that À mon avis / Selon moi la mondialisation présente des opportunités aussi bien que des inconvénients In my opinion globalisation offers opportunities as well as disadvantages Pour ma part / En ce qui me concerne je crois qu'il devrait y avoir un referendum pour régler cette question For my part / As far as I'm concerned I think there should be a referendum to settle this matter Je suis d’avis que la décentralisation ne peut être que bénéfique pour l’économie I’m of the opinion that decentralization can only be beneficial to the economy


Making a judgement
Words expressing positive / negative judgements
· positive approuver - to approve louer - to praise admirer - to admire féliciter qn pour qch - to congratulate sb for sth se féliciter / se réjouir de qch - to be very pleased about sth soutenir / appuyer qn dans - to support some in sth negative condamner - to condemn critiquer / blâmer qn pour qch - to criticize sb for sth désapprouver qch - to disapprove of sth remettre qch en cause - to call sth into question accuser qn de qch - to blame sb for sth tenir qn pour responsable (de) - to hold sb responsible (for) rejeter - to reject démentir, nier - to deny réfuter - to refute se plaindre de qch - to complain about sth contester - to question, dispute exprimer son mécontentement – to express one’s displeasure refuter une idée / théorie – to reject an idea / theory Resource provided by the website
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Words expressing advice conseiller à qn de faire - to advise sb to do / recommend that sb do inciter / pousser qn à faire - to urge sb to do préconiser de faire - to recommend / advocate doing sth préconiser / prôner / recommander qch - to advocate sth revendiquer - to demand réclamer - to call for


Expressing a position for / against
· for être d'accord avec - to agree with être / se prononcer pour - to be / to declare oneself in favour of être favorable à - to be for être bien disposé à l'égard de - to be well disposed towards être partisan de - to a supporter / advocate of avoir de l'enthousiasme pour - to be enthusiastic about tenir à - to be keen to do against être (fermement) opposé à - to (firmly) be opposed to être / se prononcer contre - to be / declare oneself against être défavorable à / hostile à - to be against être réservé à l'égard de - to be guarded about être adversaire de - to be an opponent of avoir des craintes quant à - to have misgivings about être réticent à faire - to be reluctant to do



Indicating one's own agreement
C’est un argument de poids – it’s a forceful argument Les choses évoluent dans la bonne direction – Things are moving in the right direction Ceci donne du poids à... - this lends weight to... Il y a bien des mérites à faire - There's a lot to be said for jouer un rôle bénéfique - to play a beneficial role Le gouvernement a intérêt à faire... - It is in the government's intetest to do... Mieux vaut faire X que de faire Y - It is better to do X than to do Y C'est une idée Þ juste - sound clairvoyante - perceptive pertinante - relevant persuasive - persuasive perspicace - insightful Beaucoup de gens s'inquiètent du nombre croissant d'accidents sur les lieux de travail et effectivement / en effet la situation est préoccupante Resource provided by the website
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Many people are worried about the growing number of accidents in the workplace and indeed the situation is worrying Il serait vain de nier que le pays est en crise It would be pointless to deny that the country is in crisis De nombreuses voix se sont, à juste titre, élevées pour protester contre ces mesures Many people quite rightly spoke out against the measures


Indicating one's own disagreement
Ce serait une erreur de croire que - it would be wrong to think that Rien ne sert de... - There is no point in... Il est illusoire de s'imaginer que... - It is fanciful to believe that... Croit-on vraiment que... - Do people really believe that... A quoi cela sert-il de faire... - What is the point of doing... A quoi bon faire... - Why bother doing... On voit mal comment... - It is hard to understand why... Cet argument Þ ne rime à rien - doesn't add up ne résiste guère à l'analyse - doesn't stand up to scrutiny est (hautement) contestable - is (highly) debatable est démenti par les faits - is belied by the facts n'est guère probant / convaincant - is scarcely convincing C'est une idée Þ aberrante - absurd inadmissible - unacceptable démentielle - crazy Il faut s'interroger sur le motif d'une telle démarche / sur la justesse d'une telle affirmation We must ask ourselves about the motives of such a step / about the acccuracy of such a claim L'argument selon lequel [...] est dénué de tout fondement The argument that [...] has no basis whatsoever On peut soutenir que les réformes mises en place jusqu'ici laissent beaucoup à désirer It is arguable that the reforms that have been implemented so far leave a lot to be desired Il est difficile de voir le bien-fondé d'un tel point de vue It is hard to see the validity of such a point of view Il est peu logique / peu cohérent de se plaindre de la qualité du système éducatif et dans le même temps refuser d'y investir It is illogical / inconsistent to complain about the state of education system whilst at the same time refusing to invest in it Resource provided by the website
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Presenting a problem avoir de la peine à faire - to have difficulty doing un véritable casse-tête - a real headache une question épineuse - a thorny question une situation inquiétante - a worrying situation la principale difficulté porte sur - the main difficulty involves une pierre d'achoppement - a stumbling block un obstacle insurmontable - an unsurmountable obstacle une tâche quasiment impossible - a virtually impossible task remuer la couteau dans la plaie - to rub salt into the wound cette tendance s'accentue - this trend is increasing pour ne rien arranger - to make matters worse pour comble de malheur - to cap it all des obstacles subsistent encore - some stumbling blocks remain le problème a pris une telle ampleur que - the problem has taken on such proportions that avoir un effet dévastateur sur - to have a devastating effect on la situation Þ s'aggrave - the situation is getting worse empire de jour en jour - is geting worse everyday arrive au seuil de la catastrophe - is verging on a catastrophe


The mechanics of the argument
Expressing facts / certainty il s'agit de - this is il y a / il existe - there is / there are on peut constater / remarquer / observer / noter que - it can be observed that on peut soutenir que - it is arguable that il est certain / exact / sûr que - it is certain that il est évident que - it is clear that il ne fait pas de doute que - there is no doubt that nul ne saurait douter que (+ subj) - nobody can doubt that incontestablement / indubitablement - unquestionably il est indéniable que - it cannot be denied that il apparaît que - it appears that tout semble indiquer que - everything seems to indicate that cet incident met en évidence ... - this incident demonstrates ... il faut reconnaître / admettre que il va de soi que / cela va sans dire que - it goes without saying that chacun peut constater que… – anyone can see that il y a fort à penser que / il y a tout lieu de penser que - there is every reason for thinking that force est de constater que – one cannot help stating that

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Avoiding using être
Il s'agit là d'un progrès décisif par rapport aux méthodes traditionnelles This is a real advance on traditional methods Le pays se trouve confronté à de grosses difficultés économiques The country is faced with major economic problems Le déficit du budget s’élève à / atteint 10 milliards The budget deficit is 10 billion L'opinion publique reste divisée sur cette question Public opinion is divided on this question Les actions du gouvernement constituent une attaque contre les principes du syndicalisme The government's actions are an attack on the principles of La compagnie figure au premier rang des exportateurs de The company is among the leading exporters of Le déficit représente plus de 3% du PNB The deficit is more than 3% of the GNP

Avoiding using avoir
Le ministre éprouve des difficultés à convaincre le public des bénéfices de cette politique The minister is having difficulty convincing the public of the benefits of this policy Le gouvernement dispose de plusieurs options pour résoudre le problème The government has several options for solving the problem Le musée recueille tous les meilleurs tableaux de l'artiste The museum has all the artist's best paintings Le nouveau système présente plusieurs avantages The new system has many advantages


Expressing probability / possibility / doubt il est (bien) probable que - it is (very) probable that il serait étonnant que (+ subjunctive) - it would be surprising if il se pourrait (bien) / il est (bien) possible que - it is very possible that il se peut que - it is possible that il y a toutes les chances que / peu de chances que - it is highly likely / unlikely that il est douteux que - it is unlikely that il est encore trop tôt / prématuré pour savoir si - it is still too early to know whether on ne dispose pas de suffisament d'informations sur - we do not yet have enough information about reste à savoir si - it remains to be seen if il faut se poser la question de - one must ask oneself the question on ne peut pas écarter la possibilté que - One cannot rule out the possibility that

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Expressing contrast / concession mais - but en fait - in fact cependant, toutefois - however au contraire - on the contrary à l'inverse / par contre - by contrast néanmoins, quand même - nevertheless pourtant - yet (il) reste que - the fact remains that pour autant - for all that quoi qu'il en soit - be that as it may La contrepartie des avantages considérables présentées par Internet est le risque de dérives inhérent à un outil par nature difficile à contrôler The downside to the considerable advantages offered by the Internet is the risk of La presse à sensation est très critiquée par le public, toujours est-il que leur tirage ne cesse d’augmenter Although the tabloid press is strongly criticized by the public, nevertheless their circulation keeps on increasing Beaucoup d'analystes se félicitent des bénéfices de l'euro en termes de stabilité monétaire. Ceci dit, le pari n'est pas gagné. Many analysts are pleased with the benefits that the euro is having with regard to monetary stability. That having been said, there is still some way to go Cette déclaration va à l'encontre de la politique du gouvernement sur l'Europe This declaration goes against the government's policy on Europe Certes, on ne peut pas reprocher au ministre les politiques de son prédecesseur. Mais ... Admittedly the minister cannot be blamed for the policies of his predecessor. But... For a detailed survey of ways of expressing opposition / concession, see Unit 53


Expressing the importance of something
On pourrait aller même jusqu'à dire que... It could even be said that... Le plus frappant est que... The most striking thing is... Ceci constitue le point crucial / le point de mire du débat This constitutes the crucial point / the focal point of the debate Il est utile de s'attarder sur... It is worth dwelling on... Il faut insister sur le fait que / l'importance de... Resource provided by the website
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We must emphasize that / the importance that... Jouer un rôle primordial / prépondérant dans... To play a major part in... Il convient de souligner l'importance historique de l'immigration dans le développement économique de cette région It is important to stress the historic importance of immigration in the economic development of the region Il faut bien préciser / souligner que c'était le ministre lui-même qui a lancé l'enquête It should be emphasized that it was the minister him/herself who launched the enquiry De nos jours, l'opéra est vu comme élitiste, d’autant plus que les spectacles sont de plus en plus chers Nowadays the opera is considered to be elitist, all the more so considering that performances keep on getting more expensive Il n'est pas exagéré d'affirmer que le développement d'Internet aura des conséquences considérables sur la vie quotidienne. It is no exaggeration to say that the development of the Internet will have significant consequences on our everyday life. La situation dans la région est on ne peut plus grave The situation in the region couldn't be any more serious


Clarifying / moderating a statement
En d'autres termes, / Bref, il a changé d'avis In other words / In short he has changed his mind Cela revient à dire que... This boils down to saying that... Sans vouloir critiquer cette façon de procéder, on peut constater que... Without wishing to criticize this course of action, it can be said that ... L'auteur a raison dans l'ensemble, mais... The author is broadly speaking right, but... Il serait injuste de reprocher à X... It would be unfair to blame X for... Il faut néanmoins nuancer cette affirmation en disant que... This claim should nevertheless be qualified by saying... Il est clair que les deux sociétés convergent vers le même objectif, à savoir une reconnaissance sur le plan international It is clear that the two companies are moving towards the same objective, namely international recognition page 12 Resource provided by the website
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Il ne s'agit pas à proprement parler d'une récession This is not strictly speaking a recession Malgré tous ces problèmes, le catastrophisme n'est pas de mise Despite all these problems, it is not all gloom-and-doom


Contrasting or comparing
Certains / Les uns pensent que... À l’inverse, d’autres / les autres croient que ... Some people think that... By contrast others believe that Comparé à la transition entre anciens francs et nouveaux, le passage à l'euro s’est effectué en douceur Compared with the transition from old to new francs, the change to euros has gone smoothly Les conditions de travail dans ce secteur se sont nettement améliorées par rapport à il y a dix ans The working conditions in this sector have significantly improved compared with ten years ago Il en va de même pour... The same can be said of...


Indicating the reason for something parce que - because à cause de - because of grâce à - thanks to puisque - since être dû à - to be due to avoir pour origine / trouver son origine dans - to be a result of être la conséquence de - to be a consequence of provenir de - to stem from résulter de - to result from cela expliquerait - that would explain en effet - this is because c'est pour cette raison / pour cela que - this is / that's why L'usage de la voiture en ville présente des risques importants; l'année dernière il a occasionné / causé 2 400 décès et plus de 100 000 blessés The use of cars in towns creates significant risks; last year it caused 2 400 deaths and more than 100 000 L'hésitation des Français envers Internet s'explique par leur attitude habituelle à l'égard des nouvelles technologies The coolness of the French towards the Internet can be explained by their usual attitude towards new technologies Resource provided by the website
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La crise dans nos hôpitaux est la conséquence / suite directe d'années de manque d'investissement The crisis in our hospitals is a direct result of years of underfunding Le PDG a cité comme raison profonde des mauvais résultats la chute du niveau des exportations The MD cited the fall in the level of exports as the prinicpal reason for the poor results On peut attribuer le succès de l'extrême droite aux dernières élections à une désillusion générale face à la politique The success of the far right at the last election can be put down to a general disillusionment with politics Si les électeurs ont rejeté le gouvernement, c'est qu'ils n'ont plus confiance dans son intégrité politique If the voters have rejected the government, it's because they no longer have any confidence in their political integrity L'émission retrace les événements qui sont à l'origine de la crise au Moyen Orient The programme traces the events that lie at the root of the Middle East crisis Les problèmes qui ont résulté du krach boursier se font toujours sentir The problems that resulted from the stock exchange crash can still be felt Les mauvais résultats de la compagnie tiennent à une baisse du cours du dollar The company's poor results were due to a fall in the rate of the dollar For a more detailed survey of ways of expressing cause, see Unit 51


Indicating the consequences of something par conséquent / en conséquence / par voie de conséquence - as a result dans ces conditions - in these conditions pour cette raison - for this reason avoir pour conséquence / résultat de - to have the effect of dès lors - so, consequently de ce fait - de ce fait il en résulte / découle (fatalement) que - the (inevitable result) of this is il s'ensuit que - it follows that face à cette situation - given this state of affairs Les conséquences de cette politique mal conçue se font toujours sentir The consequences of this ill-conceived policy can still be felt today

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A la suite des attaques récentes on a pris des mesures plus rigoureuses en matière de sécurité As a result of the recent attacks more rigorous security measures have been taken Il y a plusieurs facteurs qui touchent l'industrie aérospatiale en ce moment There are several factors affecting the aerospace industry at the moment La réduction du temps de travail aura certainement une incidence sur les coûts de production The reductions in the working week will certainly have an effect on production costs L'accroissement des dépenses en matière de santé répond à une inquiétude croissante parmi le public à propos de l'état de nos hôpitaux The increase in health spending is a response to growing worries among the public about the state of our hospitals Ce nouveau plan de redressement ne peut que déboucher sur des augmentations de tarifs This new recovery plan can only lead to price increases Ces mesures devraient permettre / favoriser la création de nouveaux emplois dans le secteur These measures should ensure / encourage the creation of new jobs in the sector

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Picking Professors find names of the professors you are looking for in this note. CTRL + F -- type the name of the professor on the white box on your upper right so that it'll be a whole lot easier and you no longer need to read the entire note :) Hey, guys. As promised, here is the first part of the note about profs to pick and I made them in detail so that you will have a basis on why I recommended them. I will be editing this document every now and then to update you if ever I have more profs to recommend :) I will be including here some more profs maybe tomorrow or the next days. :) GUYS IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, COMMENT THEM HERE AND I WILL BE ANSWERING THEM THROUGH EDITING THIS DOCUMENT SO THAT THE ANSWER/COMMENT THAT I'LL BE RESEARCHING ABOUT THAT CERTAIN PROFESSOR WILL BE SHARED TO PEOPLE WITH COMMON QUESTIONS :) THANK YOU!! KASPIL1 - Mr. Xiao Chua / Dr. Dery / Mr. Viktor Torres / Mr. Bascarra KASPIL2 - Mr. Xiao Chua / Dr. Dery / Mr. Viktor Torres - All of them are good in terms of grades & does not give heavy workload. Mr. Chua (for me) is the best choice but all of them are profs to pick because they’ll really make history fun for you. Grades are pretty high & all are sure pass if you’ll attend their class :) As for Mr. Bascarra, super chill and nice professor. He knows how to speak french, Italian, Spanish, and German! Just recite and you’ll get a 4.0 from him. Always attend class so you will be exempted for the midterms and finals. VERY GOOD PROFESSOR and it is beyond doubt...

Words: 5081 - Pages: 21

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Accounting Professor

...ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION Vol. 25, No. 2 2010 pp. 227–244 American Accounting Association DOI: 10.2308/iace.2010.25.2.227 What It Means to be an Accounting Professor: A Concise Career Guide for Doctoral Students in Accounting Brooke Beyer, Don Herrmann, Gary K. Meek, and Eric T. Rapley ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to provide a concise career guide for current and potential doctoral students in accounting and, in the process, help them gain a greater awareness of what it means to be an accounting professor. The guide can also be used by accounting faculty in doctoral programs as a starting point in mentoring their doctoral students. We begin with foundational guidance to help doctoral students better understand the “big picture” surrounding the academic accounting environment. We then provide specific research guidance and publishing guidance to help improve the probability of publication success. Actions are suggested that doctoral students and new faculty can take to help jump-start their academic careers. We finish with guidance regarding some important acronyms of special interest to doctoral students in accounting. Keywords: career guidance; doctoral students; research; publishing. INTRODUCTION igher education faces a severe, and growing, shortage of accounting professors. As a result, the job prospects for new accounting doctoral graduates are very good and are getting better. Starting salaries are increasing, but so are the requirements...

Words: 10477 - Pages: 42

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Assistant Professor: Job Structure

...Job Evaluation: Assistant Professor - Salary and Wages Clifton’s information seemed to cover most everything. Here is a little extra data that might be helpful. For the 2011-2012 academic year, the following universities paid their assistant professors as follows: Harvard - $ 109,800; Princeton - $94,200; Yale - $89,700; University of Alabama - $67,500. Job Description: Assistant Professor The assistant professor is an entry level position that for most will hopefully lead toward associate professor and eventually into becoming a full professor. The responsibilities of the assistant professor vary greatly, often depending on the type of department they are currently in. Some of general tasks the position is often responsible for are developing and maintaining new instructional methods, guiding and directing research scholars in their research projects, as well as managing teaching assistants. While assistant professors often conduct much less research than full professors, there is still an expectation of their engagement in research projects as well as publishing their findings in reputable academic books or journals. In regards to specific daily tasks, assistant professors will help grade papers and tests, prepare classroom lessons and lab experiments, and of course supporting their supervisor professor in needed areas. Assistant professors are expected to be proficient in verbal communication; public speaking as well as active listening. Critical thinking is another value...

Words: 336 - Pages: 2

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Job Description-Assistant Professor

...NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF MODERN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES LAHORE CAMPUS Submitted by: Maj Abdul Malik Submitted to: Mrs Rabia Salman Assignment: JD & JS Class: MBA 2nd Semester (Evening) Date: Feb 14, 2011 National University of Modern Languages Job Title : Assistant Professor | Job Code : E 3073 | Recommended Salary Grade : 65,000 | EEOC : | Job Family : Instructions | Report To : Regional Director | Division : Higher Education | Location : Empress Road, Lahore | Department : Management Sciences | Joining Date : May14, 2011 | SUMMARY The person required for management science department will be responsible to impart knowledge and instructions to MBA students on stat and Business Mathematics. More so he would be responsible to head the financial part of management department. Person should be conversant with use of multimedia and modern teaching devices. The individual will be exposed to national and international gatherings on the subject of enhancement of career. SCOPE AND IMPACT OF JOB He/ she will be made responsible of following:- a. In charge of financial subjects of the management sciences department, especially preparation of course outlines for economics, stats, financial management and business mathematics. b. Take classes on the above given subjects. c. Supervise the performance of associates. d. Monitor the performance of students through conduct...

Words: 352 - Pages: 2

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The Film Professor M.

...While there is a notion of “good and evil” in this film, it is done in a way that represents evil as an equal and opposite force. Sherlock’s counterpart and enemy in the film, Professor M. is more than just a crazy genius. He acts as the representation of “evil.” The constant bantering and “chess” game they play is an intriguing balance that I have yet to see in a film. Perhaps this has much to do with the way Doyle intended it to be. In most films the villain is portrayed as superior, but most of the time has an army of people on his side that do most of the dirty work for him. In this film Professor M. is a mastermind in the total sense of the word. He is always a step ahead of Sherlock. This stayed true to the story, which appealed to me...

Words: 269 - Pages: 2

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...CURRICULUM VITAE Professor Patit Paban Mishra, an Indian national was educated in Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Rabindra Bharati University. Professor Mishra’s main area of research lies in history , international relations and Asian studies. After retirement from Sambalpur University, Orissa, India; as a Professor in 2011, he took up assignment as visiting Professor at Northern University of Malaysia(UUM). CURRENT DESIGNATION Visiting Professor, UUM College of Law, Government and International Studies (COLGIS) Universiti Utara Malaysia 06010 UUM Sintok, Kedah DA, Malaysia. Malaysian phone numbers are , +60149344425, +60108049347. E-mail, and/or ACADEMIC/RESEARCH/TEACHING INTEREST History, international relations and Asian studies. ------------------------------------------------- EDUCATION ------------------------------------------------- D. Litt.(1998) Rabindra Bharati University, Calcutta, Orissa in Trans-National Migration: A Study of Culture in Transit. ------------------------------------------------- Ph.D.(1979)Centre for South, Southeast and Central Asian Studies, J.N.U., New Delhi, ------------------------------------------------- The Problem of Laos: Its international dimensions since the Geneva Conference respectively. ------------------------------------------------- M.Phil (1972) Centre for South, Southeast and Central Asian Studies, J.N.U., New Delhi, The Pathet Lao...

Words: 2765 - Pages: 12

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...2011/8/24 MSc Finance Program Orientation 2011/2012 Date: 23 August, 2011 Time: 7:00pm Venue: J210-J212 Acting Program Coordinator of Finance’s Welcome Remark Dr. Lewis Tam Assistant Professor of Finance Department Staff– Finance Area Welcome Master of Science in Finance 2011 Intakes • • • • • • • • • • • • • Chair Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer So Yuk Chow, Jacky Fu xiaoqing, Maggie Lai Neng, Rose Lam Siu Kwan, Keith Cheung Ming Yan, William Lei Cheuk Hung, Adrian Lo Chia Chun, Steve Qian Xiaolin Ren Jinjuan, Susan Tam Hon Keung, Lewis Vong Pou Iu, Anna Wu Feng Chui Man Wai, Peter Briefing Outline  Briefing From Finance Program Coordinator  Program Curriculum  Q&A  Refreshments • • • • • • • • • • • Department Staff– Business Economics Area Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Lecturer Li Guoqiang Siu, Ricardo Chi Sen Gu Xinhua Huang Bihong, Jenny Lei Chun Kwok, Henry Qiao Zhuo Tam Pui Sun, Priscilla Yuan Jia Zhang Yang Lam Man Kin, Jonty Si Tou Sio Tan, Vanessa 1 2011/8/24 Briefing Contents  Rules, Regulations and Reminders  Program General Information  Contact Information Application...

Words: 390 - Pages: 2

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...and homework. We sometimes have mini quizzes in business communication class. For example, what is article, what is the best position of preposition like that. So professors always give us a quiz paper every quizzes. It can be so hard to do typing and printing it. However, it is not necessary in nearpod. Let me explain the strategies. First step is the professors must log-in first and make quizzes in their presentation. They can log-in through google account or make new nearpot account. However, the students do not have to make their ID. They can log-in with their name. And put the number of pin number for finding professors’ presentation. I will show you how to work in nearpod later. When the professors share the quizzes in their presentation, the students can do quizzes there during the class. And also the professors can check the students’ score immediately. The next specific method is homework. The homework in nearpot is to review the slides after classes. For example, the professors email students like Hello~ this is slides for my classes~ like that. And the link is also included there. So if the students click the link, they can see the slides. I will show you how to use the nearpod. As I mentioned before, the professors must log-in and make their presentation first. I already made account. After the professors log-in, they can see 3parts. Create will be used for creating new presentation and edit it, engage will be used for launching their presentation to the students...

Words: 506 - Pages: 3

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Organizational Behavior and Management

...consequence of policy change, a professor was reverted as lecturer and his immediate subordinate was elevated to professor and head of department cadre. A tremendous change in his approach and attitude towards colleagues as well as students was observed. How would you account for such change? Give your arguments. Solution: Sometimes there is internal movement within an organization when due to policy change, employees are promoted, transferred or demoted. In the case in question, as a result of policy change a professor has been reverted as lecturer and his immediate subordinate has been elevated to professor and head of department cadre. One can confidently say that this is a clear case of demotion. A demotion can be defined as a compulsory reduction in an employee’s rank or job title within the organizational hierarchy of a company, public service department or other body (Wikepedia, 2012). It is also the reassignment of a lower job to an employee with delegation of responsibilities and authority required to perform that lower job and normally a lower level pay. It is the direct opposite of promotion. A demotion may be done for a variety of reasons such as disciplinary purposes, reorganization of work, inability to perform at a higher rank, poor attendance, and poor attitude; therefore, it is in this light that most people view it as a punishment. When somebody is demoted he/she may be demoted within a department as in the case of the professor according to the company’s’...

Words: 780 - Pages: 4

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...provided you do not alter or remove any copyright, author attribution, and/or other proprietary notice. Use of this material other than stated above may constitute copyright infringement.[8/28/2012 11:01:36 AM] , 2 r.._~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... FETISH AND FANTASY IN SAMBIA INITIATION Gilbert H. Herdt The Author Gilbert H. Herdt is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Stanford University. He was born in western Kansas in 1949 and educated in Wichita. He began his graduate work in California, including weekend research among Japanese-Americans, and later conducted a year of more intense fieldwork on psychotherapy as ''ritual healing'' in a large psychiatric ward. Between 1972 and 1974, he did further postgraduate work at the University of Washington, where studies with Professors L. L. Langness, K. E. Read, and J. B. Watson stimulated him to work in New Guinea. There he focused on the "discarded problems" of ritual initiation and its subjective experience among initiates. On a Fulbright...

Words: 466 - Pages: 2

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Managerial Accounting

...Basillio Corespondencia AC330 - Managerial Accounting for Business Professionals Professor Christine Covan Unit 10 Writing Assignment   Reflect and describe which key concepts and topics in this course have made you a stronger candidate to enter the business world. When I first began this course, I didn’t really understand what Managerial accounting for Business Professionals were. I was very confused and also a bit intimidated with what is expected and how is the professor going to be. In my previous classes I have had some professors who seem to not care about us students. I have felt often that since it’s an online environment they could answer whichever way they want because there isn’t anyone to meet face to face to speak. Professor, you have been a wonderful teacher and mentor for us. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. Even though some of the weeks were challenging I was able to overcome them. What I enjoyed the most was the budgeting planning in Unit 6.I am always looking to grow within my job and department, so learning some other things and being able to speak with my peers about what I have learned enables me to show that I am eager to move up the ladder of success and get promoted. I think that the Wiley assignments were very educational and with the 5 chances that we were given to do the work, this really helped me analyze and truly learn how to solve a problem. Discuss how this course has affected you in your professional development as a...

Words: 366 - Pages: 2

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Taking a Stand for Science

...of study suggests that focusing on logical, ‘proven’ studies of science are the pinnacle of any teaching, while the other says that freedom of speech in an academic capacity is the primary goal. The way an individual looks upon such questions is mainly based on upbringing and social views. Someone raised in a religious household is bound to view the debate on intelligent design, creationism, and evolution in a radically different light than that of someone raised without religion as a basis for understanding. The concerns voiced throughout the article of choice about Professor Hedin are deep and wide. They are mostly based on the principles of freedom of academic speech, generic freedom of speech, sound science principles, and whether or not it is robbing a professor of their freedom of academic speech by forcing them to focus on what the majority of scientific scholars view as legitimate. The idea that Professor Hedin’s teaching on Intelligent Design is somehow a legal dilemma seems to be grasping for traction. That is to say, it is a far stretch of the imagination. It would seem that though it may be a legal dilemma, it is much more an ethical issue. The First Amendment protects freedom of speech, but it does not protect nor apply in this situation, because the university does not require Hedin’s course ‘Boundaries of Science’ to be taken. PZ Meyers, a biologist at the University of Minnesota puts it quite plainly: “The First Amendment does not apply; this is not a course students...

Words: 1141 - Pages: 5

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Personal Narrative: What I Learned In A College Class email, but I never knew how I should address a professor in college. I learned that for this class I could say “Dear Kate”, but if I emailed...

Words: 890 - Pages: 4

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Communication Is Key communication courses, was not viewed as a primary concern when considering executives for promotion” (DeKay ,2012, 450). This article has been peer-reviewed, therefore considered to be of scholarly value. The author’s work as an adjunct associate professor at the Graduate School of Education, St. John’s University, Jamaica, Queens, New York and as V.P. for corporate communications at BNY Mellon Corporation in New York City supports his authority. Hynes, Geraldine E. (2012). Improving Employees’ Interpersonal Communication Competencies: A Qualitative Study[->1]. Business Communication Quarterly, Vol. 75 Issue 4, p466-475. doi: 10.1177/1080569912458965. What I found interesting about this article was how important interpersonal communication is in the work place and the lack of interpersonal communication skills graduating students have. “While typical undergraduate business degree programs offer a course or two in writing and formal speaking, a course dedicated to interpersonal communication or daily workplace interactions is rarer”(Hynes, 2012, 473). This article has been peer-reviewed, therefore considered to be of scholarly value. Hynes source of authority comes from being a professor and an author. She is a professor in the College of Business...

Words: 523 - Pages: 3

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A Comparsion of High School and College

...Comparison Essays 10/28/13 A Comparison of High School and College “Education is a gift of knowledge that can not be stolen and can bring you to the top of your dreams.” It is one of the most important assets in every individual’s life. Moreover, Education is a key factor to a successful and a professional life. High school and college are both fundamental of education, which help students to grow and enhance their lives with knowledge. However, they are two completely different worlds. The three differences aspects of high school and college are responsibilities, academic subjects and instructors. The first distinction between high school and college is responsibilities. High school students can count on their parents and teachers to tell them what to do. Parents and teachers are always there to help high school students in reminding them of their academic responsibilities and provide instructions in setting their priorities. Also high school is full with rules and regulations. If high school students behaved inappropriate, they will be punished. On the other hand, college students must balance their responsibilities. One of the most important responsibilities for college students is time management; they have to set their own priorities. In college, one will be treated like an adult because they are more mature. Unlike, high school, college does not have a lot of rules and regulations. Though, college students are expected to take responsibility along with...

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