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Profile of a Leader


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Warren Buffett
Gigantul american care si-a donat mai mult de jumatate din avere fundatiilor caritabile: ”ma simt grozav sa donez bani si cand mi-am facut ultimul control psihic in octombrie mi s-a spus ca nu am nimic”.

INTRODUCERE A fost odata ca niciodata un baietel care s-a nascut in Omaha intr-o familie mediocra.La varsta de 11 ani a cumparat prima actiune, la 13 ani si-a dedus din impozit valoarea bicicletei lui drept cheltuieli de capital, iar la 14 ani si-a cumparat o mica ferma din banii stransi din livrarea ziarelor.A absolvit Universitatea din Nebraska, dupa care a studiat bussines-ul sub indrumarea maestrului Benjamin Graham. In 1962 a cumparat actiuni la o firma de textile, Berkshire Hathaway.Cu timpul a renuntat la producerea de textile si a transformat aceasta companie intr-un instrument de investit care detine astazi 27 de companii publice si 65 private(Coca-Cola, Gillette Razors, See’s Candy, Gulfstram Jet si Geico).Cu doar 16 angajati aceasta a devenit o afacere de 115 bilioane de dolari.Ghici ghicitoare ghici cine e?Ati ghicit e Warren Buffett(78 de ani), presedintele si directorul executiv al companiei Berkshire Hathaway care a reusit in doar 33 de zile sa-si mareasca averea neta cu 8 miliarde de dolari. Hai sa presupunem ca o persoana a investit 10000 $ in 1956 intr-un parteneriat a lui Buffet, cand acesta a inceput afacerile. Sa zicem ca parteneriatul s-a incheiat in 1968, si aceasta a reinvestit totul in Berkshire Hathaway. Astazi aceasta persoana ar avea o avere mai mare de 280 milioane $- dupa plata tuturor taxelor.Va pare rau nu, ca nu v-am zis mai devreme? Ce ne place la el?Locuieste in aceiasi casa, cu 3 dormitoare, pe care a cumparat-o acum 50 de ani si declara ca nu are nevoie de nimic in plus.Isi conduce singur masina si nu are garzi de corp, nu calatoreste cu avioane private desi detine cea mai mare companie de acest gen, nu are telefon mobil si nici calculator pe birou, mai mult, nu socializeaza cu inalta societate.Vreti mai mult?Warren Buffett este singura persoana care si-a construit imperiul investind.El joaca in fiecare saptamana bridge cu Bill Gates, dar nu investeste in afacerea lui pentru ca sustine ca nu cunoaste tehnologia. “Cred ca va ramane in istorie nu numai ca unul dintre cei mai mari investitori ci si drept unul dintre cei mai mari investitori in acte de caritate”-Bill Gates “A inteles ca a pune bazele si a conduce o fundatie este complicat.Fundatiile sunt industrii in sine, cu produse si piata a muncii, precum si o mare birocratie interna.El nu s-a implicat niciodata in asa ceva.El este un vizionar, un jucator la noroc, un om cu o perceptie si o atentie intense, dar in mod sigur nu un tip elementar”-Jim Freeman LIDER SAU NON-LIDER, MANAGER SAU LIDER? Este un lider sau un manager, reprezinta cu adevarat un lider?Doar voi puteti decide, eu am sa incerc doar sa va conving. Mai intai cred ca ar trebui sa dau cateva definitii.”Leadeshipul consta in creearea unei zone in care oamenii isi aprofundeaza continuu intelegerea realitatii si devin mai capabili sa descifreze lumea.Leadershipul consta in a crea realitati noi”(Peter Senge in introducerea cartii Synchronicity:the Inner Path of Leadership de Joseph Jawaroski).Dupa parerea mea leadershipul reprezinta o credinta , un process prin care oamenii ajung sa devina idoli ai unui grup, este vorba despre oameni in care subordonatii cred si pe care-I urmeaza indifferent de directie, este o cale de a face lumea mai buna, un mod de a crea lideri care sa conduca spre bine.Ce este un lider?”Un lider este un negustor de speranta”(Napoleon Bonaparte). Ceea ce toti vor sa stie este de unde are atata success.El este un leader deoarece felul lui de a conduce oamenii marcheaza o diferenta fata de altii, a fi un lider inseamna a tine pasul cu schimbarile, iar el a demonstrat de atatea ori ca este in stare sa citeasca “hartile lumii” si sa paseasca odata cu ele.A invatat din greseli si le-a transformat in experiente pozitive, a urmat pas cu pas procesul de transformare intr-un lider adevarat.Persoana cu cea mai mare influenta in viata lui a fost marele Benjamin Graham care l-a ajutat sa descopere secretele unui leadership de success. O problema des abordata in leadership este comunicarea, iar Warren este un communicator desavarsit in toate aspectele vietii.Stie sa fie la timpul potrivit in locul potrivit. Pentru a fi ascultat trebuie sa sti sa asculti, iar el este cunoscut pentru aceasta.Warren Buffett poate transmite informatia printr-o usa deschisa si nu trebuie sa sparga pereti pentru a o face, deoarece cand el vorbeste oameni il asculta. Felul lui de a investi si strategiile sunt exmple ale unui leadership de success bazat pe perceptie, anticipare si gandire.Stie sa aleaga posibilitatea cea mai buna, accepta schimbarea, si aloca eficient resursele.Din toate acestea reiese faptul ca este un inovator, dar inovatia cere creativitate, un lucru care nu-I lipsesre deloc, stie sa combine stiinta cu perceptia si arta bussines-ului. Singurul lui defect este loialitatea de care da dovada: daca cumpara o companie o cumpara pentru eternitate.Stie sa-si gaseasca cea mai buna strategie si ramane ferm pe pozitie pana cand isi atinge scopul.Nu isi asuma riscuri in ceea ce priveste investitiile, ii place sa cumpere companii a caror produse, branduri le foloseste chiar el si de care este sigur ca vor avea success cel putin 20 de ani de la data achizitiei:”Nu vreau sa sar 7 pasi deodata, ci doar unul dar de care sa fiu sigur”(W.B.) Nu poate sa-si ascunda emotiile, iar daca ceva il ameninta devine defensiv si chiar agresiv, are o dorinta si un talent innascut in a conduce si a concura.Actioneaza dupa anumite reguli pe care le respecta cu sfintenie: reinvesteste-ti profitul, fi dispus sa fi diferit, nu sta si gandi prea mult-actioneaza, stabileste de la inceput ce vrei si ce ceri, fi atent la costurile mici, limiteaza-ti imprumuturile, fi persistent, trebuie sa sti cand sa renunti, evalueaza riscurile, afla ce inseamna succesul cu adevarat. Tine discursuri pentru a mentine o anumita educatie in sistemul lui fapt care demonstreaza accentual pe care il pune pe valorile organizatiei, isi tine intotdeauna promisiunile, si nu considera ca succesul este numai al lui, il imparte tot timpul cu angajatii.Criticii si contemporanii sunt de accord ca tot ce are a castigat pe buna dreptate. In oranizatii se comporta ca orice alt angajat, are un salariu mediu si isi trateaza angajatii ca niste prieteni.La inceputul fiecarui an organizeaza o sedinta in care le da indicatii managerilor firmelor pe care le detine in care include si respectarea a doar doua reguli de catre acestia: pierdeti banii pe care-I investiti, uitati prima regula.Nu isi suna angajatii, sau directorii executivi pe baza unei regularitati, ii trateaza cu incredere pentru ca acestia sa vrea sa castige nu sa se simta obligati.Stie sa vorbeasca, isi cunoaste oamenii cu care lucreaza iar acesta este un atuu forte.Vice-presedintele lui este Charlie Munger un avocat si un investitor de success care ii este si cel mai bun prieten, iar Warren ii recunoaste de cate ori are ocazia meritele. Este unul dintre putinii lideri care si-a pastrat integritatea si reputatia intacta.Prin faptul ca nu dezvaluie mult si-a castigat respectful in fata altora.Ce inseamna Warren Buffet este doar bussines iar de aceea este greu sa-I gasesti o anumita filozofie de viata si sa o separi complet de etica pe care o foloseste in organizatie.Desi a devenit cel mai puternic om de pe planeta nu-I place sa pozeze ca atare si declara ca succesul lui se datoreaza oamenilor de care este inconjurat.A fost dintotdeauna un om simplu cu gusturi simple.Actioneaza repede si decsiv iar personalitatea si modul de a se comporta cu oamenii a facut sa fie votat de 25% dintre cititorii revistei Forbes ca cel mai potrivit presedinte al Statelor Unite. TIPURILE DE LEADERSHIP PRACTICATE El intrupeaza tot ceea ce este bun in leadership.Din toate argumentraile a reisit faptul ca acest simplu om este un lider democratic care pune accent pe anagajati si le asculta parerile, dar totodata si un lider transformational, fiind orientat pe succesul viitor si avand o slabiciune pentru munca in echipa si tratandu-si angajatii ca niste egali., inspirandu-I si oferindu-le increderea de care au nevoie pentru a avea succese. Dupa cum afirma si Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis si Annie McKee cel mai bun lider este cel primordial care se apropie de oameni si reuseste sa le coordoneze emotiile si greselile spre ceva pozitiv , o anume inteligenta emotionala de care da dovada si investitorul Warren Buffett.Intr-o organizatie toata lumea urmareste liderul si incearca sa-l urmeze, iar faptul ca Buffett genereaza doar emotii pozitive si lucreaza cu determinare pana la sfarsit ii face pe angajati sa se apropie de standardul acesta si sa incerce sa devina ca si el, ceea ce conduce la o munca eficienta. Intr-o carte a lui Andrew Brown numita “The 6 Dimensions Of Leadership” am gasit o alta categorie in care se incadreaza acet lider ,Warren Buffett, mult mai interesanta si mai detaliata. La fel ca si prietenul sau Bill Gates, cea mai potrivita denumire a tipului sau de leadership practicat ar fi LIDER CA SI EROU SIMBOLIC.Ce caracteristici doveditoare are? Este un simbol al organizatiilor pe care le conduce, este considerat de oameni ca si un erou care ii va ajuta ori de cate ori are nevoie, este ascultat si urmat in toate deciziile pe care le ia.Stilul sau de viata si valoarea emotionala cu care impresioneaza demonstreaza inca o data aceasta teorie. Imaginea lui are o rezonanta,iar ceea ce spune atinge pe oricine.Mai mult, acest tip de lider are tendinta sa-si creeze o lume a lui departe de realitate, ceea ce face si Buffett, el fiind un visator care tinde sa cada in extreme.Totodata el se poate incadra si in tipul ambasadorului:”Eficienta grupului sau va fi foarte mult determinata de cum va presta liderul rolul sau de ambassador” (Charles Handy).Warren dovedeste ca prin motivarea pe care le-o ofera angajatilor acestia devin eficienti, exemplele sunt companiile pe care le-a achizitionat si care si-au marit cifra de afaceri intr-un timp foarte scurt. STILUL DE ABORDARE A CONFLICTULUI In ceea ce priveste abordarea conflicului Warren doreste intotdeauna evitarea lui, de aceea ca strategie spunem ca uitilizeaza aplanarea.Desi este o persoana combativa si ii place sa concureze in privinta conflictului situatia sta diferit.Renunta la o afacere pentru a nu intra intr-un conflict.Are de pierdut din cauza aceasta, dupa parerea mea, dar totodata isi castiga un respect din partea oamenilor, iar relatiile interpersonale sunt foarte bine cladite.Cum am mai spus ii place munca in echipa , din asta rezulta ca tine foarte mult la oamenii care-l incojoara si apreciaza relatiile cu acestia, din cauza aceasta evita orice fel de conflict.Indiferent de improtanta problemei sau de puterea detinuta el pune pe primul loc relatia cu acea persoana..Totodata daca acea relatie are o valoare mica pentru el am putea spune ca se declanseaza un adevarat razboi, dar un razboi civilizat , o lupta de interese, “fara mizerii si aruncari de noroi”. Este un om prea elegant ca sa ajunga sa-si “barfeasca” adversarul pentru a castiga o lupta. Ca sa va conving am sa va spun cateva dintre conflictele pe care le-a aplanat.De exemplu conflictul de interese cu firma Dow Jones, sau cu cei de la Moody’s.Datorita faptului ca vrea sa achizitioneze afaceri(Dow Jones) sau are o parte mare din companie(Moody’s) are de a face foarte des cu aceste conflicte de interese, la care totusi renunta.Un alt exemplu:dup ace a investit 5 bilioane de dolari intr-o companie profitabila , Goldman Sachs, el a renuntat.Nmeni nu stie de ce dar se banuieste ca ar fi fost vorba de un conflict de interese.Il admir pentru faptul ca desi este o persoana foarte ambitioasa nu se lasa dus de incapatanarea proprie si stie cand sa renunte.

DEZVOLTAREA ECHIPEI Ce nu ii place lui Warren in administrarea unei companii:
-Managerii care achizitioneaza diferite lucruri din banii companiei, cu un alt motiv decat buna functionare a companiei- excursii personale, pentru a tine pasul cu adversarii sai, decizii prost luate (cumpara o broasca si cred ca se va transforma intr-o printesa dupa ce o saruta), dupa cum a spus si el in 1981: „Multi manageri (printi) raman increzatori in potentialul saruturilor lor chiar si dupa ce curtea companiilor lor este plina de broaste”.
-Managerii care urmaresc expansiunea, de dragul acesteia, ramanand indiferenti la valoarea acelei cresteri pentru companie.
-Managerii care se imbogatesc pe cheltuiala companiei, prin salarii extravagante si abuzul de putere. Buffet recunoaste ca cei mai buni manageri se vor scufunda, daca afacerea nu este rasunatoare. Cel mai recent comentariu al sau despre manageri este: „Cand o firma cu potential economic slab este condusa de buni managerii, reputatia companiei e cea care ramane intacta”. Ce cauta W.Buffett la managerii sai:
-capabilitatea de a aloca capital
-manageri care se rezuma la a face ce face compania cel mai bine; „cele mai bune afaceri sunt cele care astazi fac ceva similar cu ce faceau cu 5 sau 10 ani in urma”.
-o abordare conservativa a datoriilor.
-capabilitate demonstrata de a creste substantial incasarile firmei. Cand o anumita afacere il intereseaza el ii declara proprietarului:
-nu va interactiona cu procesul de conducere al firmei
-va lasa angajarea si concedierea pe mana executivilor
-fiecare firma va avea un capital atasat iar surplusul va fi trimis firmei lui pt a fi investit in scopuri sigure Din toate acestea observam ca ceea ce cauta Warren atunci cand doreste sa-si formeze o echipa este abilitatea de a munci si de a gandi in echipa.Asta vrea de la managerii sai, de aceea nu incearca sa-I forteze pe proprietarii firmelor achizitionate sa-si schimbe comportamentul sau stilul de conducere.El el ofera libertatea de a allege si de a decide.Singurul lucru pe care il cere este sa nu piarda bani, iar de restul se ocupa el.In Berkshire Hathaway situatia se schimba deoarece el este presedintele companiei, incercand sa inglobeze compania intr-o singura echipa care se bazeaza pe performanta, pe cresterea productivitatii , pe comunicare.Vrea ca angajatii lui sa creada in obiectivele si valorile organizatiei, sa se bazeze unul pe altul, astfel incat sa ajunga la un rezultat maxim atat pe plan individual cat si pentru intreaga organizatie. Avand doar 16 angajati el resuseste sa faca tot ce isi propune.Si-a ales cei mai buni oameni in care are incredere deplina, ar putea nici sa nu intervina, dar el iubeste lucrul in echipa si de aceea participa alaturi de ei la planificarea companiei, la formarea strategiilor si impreuna stabilesc obiectivele ce sunt necesare a fi indeplinite. Atunci cand vrea sa cumpere o companie el vrea sa afle cat mai multe despre ea si despre felul in care face fata problemelor.Daca decide sa o achizitioneze le va da managerilor cateva norme de indeplinit, oferindu-le si multa libertate in acelasi timp, iar mai apoi dup ace se asigura ca totul functioneaza se retrage.Companiile la care are actiuni fac parte si ele din echipa lui si de aceea stie foarte bine cum sa le aleaga. Intr-un fel el este doar un figurant, dar e gresit daca ganditi asa, deoarece din umbra conduci cel mai bine.Desi le ofera libertate el coordoneaza lucrurile dupa bunul plac fara ca acestia sa se simta constransi. El se considera un simplu alocator de resurse dar dupa parerea mea este mai mult decat atat.Este un excellent coordonator, dar de asemenea si un finalizator.De asemenea poate fi si un formator, mai ales un creator.Nu stiu care dintre aceste roluri I s-ar potrivi mai bine,eu cred ca si le adapateaza in functie de puterea pe care o are si de situatie.Warren este un innovator cu o creativitate deosebita, ii place sa stabileasca obiectivele si sa implementeze strategiile, iar intotdeauna ultima decizie este a lui.Alegeti voi, eu consider ca este un om prea complex la nivel de bussines ca sa-I pot atribui un singur rol cand vine vorba de munca in echipa. CULTURA ORGANIZATIONALA Charlie Munger:”Cultura noastra organizationala este foarte demodata, un Ben Franklin sau Andrew Carnegie.Vi-l imaginati pe Andrew angajand consultanti?Este uimitor cum aceasta abordare inca mai functioneaza.Multe companii pe care le cumparam sunt la fel ca si noi “de moda veche”” Ce inseamna cultura organizationala?Nu are rost sa va spund definiitii “stiintifice” pe care deja le stiti, am sa incerc sa va spun punctual meu de vedere in ceea ce priveste acest termen. Dupa parerea mea cultura organizationala promoveaza o anume identitate a unei organizatii, arata ceea ce sunt angajatii, cum se comporta ei si ce-I uneste in realizarea obiectivelor. Este un mod de stilizare a perceptiilor angajatilor.Deseori este impusa dar poate fi si create de catre membrii organizatiei. In ceea ce priveste Berkshire Hathaway cultura ei organizationala dupa cum afirma si vicepresedintele companiei este “de moda veche”, dar totusi inca functioneaza, chiar foarte bine. Ceea ce promoveaza acest tip de cultura este respectarea traditiilor in bussines, desi acestea se cred a fi invechite, Berkshire Hathaway ne arata ca inca functioneaza. Dupa parerea mea si dupa parerea altor contemporani cum ar fi Jhon Price (cel care a scris cel mai complex raport despre cum investeste Warren Buffett) cultura organizationala a cestei companii este orientate spre sarcina(Williams, Dobson si Walter).Angajatii se bazeaza pe indeplinirea obiectivelor, lucreaza ca o echipa incercand sa aduca inovatia in toate domeniile organizatiei. La fel ca si Warren si Charlie Munger Berkshire Hathaway este orientate spre viitor(Scholz) si nu spre prezent, iar in domeniul investitiilor asta conteaza, sa sti sa analizezi viitorul, sa ai perspective, sa fi creativ, rezultand o cultura creativa.Desi este orientate astfel performanta se poate masura, se pot autoevalua chiar si in prezent fara prea mari dificultati. In ceea ce priveste tipurile de cultura ale lui Deal si Kennedy , Berkshire Hathaway are o cultura de tip “work-hard, play-hard”.Feedback-ul fiind rapid iar angajatii nu-si asuma riscuri foarte mari( desi in domeniul investitiilor riscurile sunt chiar foarte mari, dar in ceea ce priveste aceasta companie lucrurile sunt diferite, tocmai din cauza liderului lor). Berkshire Hathaway poate raspunde foarte repede la schimbarile de pe piata, este o organizatie care doreste indeplinirea obiectivelor dar totodata se axeaza si pe oameni. Aceasta companie inglobeaza mai multe tipuri de culture organizationale devenind astfel complexa desi are un nr mic de angajati, dar o “productie mare”. CONCLUZII SI RECOMANDARI Avand in vedere ca vorbim despre Warren Buffett care este cu adevarat un lider (sper ca am reusit sa va conving pana acum), nu stiu daca as putea sa-I dau recomandari, dar totusi as vrea sa-si raspunda in sine la cateva intrebari puse de Andrew Brown:
1.In mintea ta iti este clar ce valori si idei promovezi, esti sigur de ele?
2.Pui in practica ceea ce spui si ceea ce le sugerezi altora?
3.Daca ar fi intrebati angajatii tai despre valorile pe care le promovezi, ar raspunde corect majoritatea?
4.Vorbesti cu un numar mare de angajati din compania ta si ii si asculti?
5.Ai facut eforturi vizibile sa-ti construiesti si sa mentii cultura organizationala?
6.Partenerii tai te vad ca pe o persoana care aduce coerenta in organizatie si care-si daruieste individualitatea? Daca va raspunde afirmativ la toate intrebarile dupa parerea mea cred ca nu are nevoie de nici o recomandare, dar ca sa fiu putin critica as avea ceva de reprosat.Cred ca Warren are de pierdut mult, in afaceri, din cauza loialitaii si corectitudinii de care da dovada, de asemenea un rol are si incapatanarea de care face dovada.Desi aceste caracteristici il ajuta in viata personala si in relatiile cu ceilalti.Ar trebui sa nu mai cada in extreme si sa gaseasca o cale de mijloc, dar i-as cere sa se schimbe si nu cred ca ar putea-o face.Pentru faptul ca nu socializeaza cu “crema societatii” il felicit, pentru ca respectul care il acorda oamenii este foarte mare si tocmai datorita acestui lucru. Ar trebui sa mai lase afacerile putin deoparte si sa se ocupe si de viata lui personala, pentru a se putea indeplini in toate planurile vietii. Ii urez success in continuare desi stiu sigur ca va avea si sa nu-si schimbe pasiunea de a dona si sa nu renunte la umorul lui, putin acid. “Liderul este cel care ghideaza oamenii peste obstacolele emotionale, prin obiective clare si realizabile si aratandu-le cum sa ajunga acolo”(Graham R. Little,” The five steps to successful bussines leadership”) “Leadershipul este ca si frumusetea:dificil de definit, dar il vei cunoaste cand il vei vedea” (Warren Bennis, “The 6 dimensions of leadership”). Sper ca efortul meu de a va prezenta acest “gigant” al bussines-ului a meritat.Eu am ramas profound impresionata de caracterul lui si de cariera ascendenta pe care a avut-o.A mers incet, urcand doar cate-o scara pan ace a ajuns in varf.Desi teoreticenii sustin ca nu exista lider innascut, eu consider ca aces tom, Warren Buffett, a fost lider de cand a venit pe lume, altfel nu-mi explic cum a ajuns atat de sus.Este printer putini oameni care au descoperit ce inseamna cu adevarat succesul si care nu a lasat banii sa-l schimbe in nici un fel. Este un exemplu pentru noua generatie, care vine la puterea lumii , iar sfatul lui pentru acestia este: “Nu lua credite, investeste doar in tine”.

Graham R. little the five steps to successful business leadership

Andrew brown the 6 dimnsions of leadership

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...limitations of traditional leadership style, Blue Ocean Leadership believes leadership to be a service which people either buy or do not buy. It proclaims the idea that if people value the leadership styles then they will become committed and act accordingly. Blue Ocean Leadership focuses on the acts and activities performed by leaders to motivate their team, unlike the traditional leadership where it ought to change the values, behavioral style and qualities which are not entirely possible. Moreover, Blue Ocean Leadership also emphasizes on inputs about what leaders should do from the people facing market realities like frontline personnel which will add not only to form accepted leadership profiles but also to minimize cost. Unlike traditional leadership, Blue Ocean Leadership believes in distributive leadership to various management levels. The core value is to maximize corporate performance at all levels i.e. top, middle or frontline. To achieve its basic objectives in practice, the Blue Ocean Leadership follows four steps. Firstly, the leadership dealt with analyzing the leadership reality within the firm. This suggests the analysis to understand where the leader acts strong or falls weak in order to bring appropriate changes. Leadership Canvases i.e. analytic visuals about management’s investment of time and effort are developed based on the perception of bosses and subordinates....

Words: 720 - Pages: 3

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Personal Develpoment Plan

...Professional Development Plan Kate Bethea LDR/531 June 22, 2015 Dr. Dave Aiken Professional Development Plan Management develops a plan that will address the characteristics of their team. With this plan, management can better lead their team by using each's personality characteristics. If such plans are used effectively, they can also determine a team's strengths, weaknesses, their skills, any improvement areas, and to help members of the team reach professional goals. Throughout this essay, such a plan will be developed to for "Learning Team D” and address the team member designated as manager. DISC Assessment In week, one of organizational leadership each member of “Learning Team D” completed the DISC Platinum rule. The DISC Platinum rule is a behavioral style assessment that breaks down an individual’s predominate behavior styles; dominate, interactive, steadiness, and cautious. There are sixteen sub-styles that further attempt to explain the results. "Learning Team D" is comprised of three members, and not one of them has the same style. One of the team members predominate style is dominated, one member style is cautious, and the third member is steadiness. Those who have the dominate style are driven self-starters who are fast-paced, goal oriented, decisive in their actions and decisions, and are more at ease when they have freedom to manage themselves and others. A cautious style is slower-paced and task-focused, they are cautious in their decisions and actions...

Words: 735 - Pages: 3

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Ldr 300edu the Power of Possibility/Ldr300Edudotcom

...2 and DQ 3 LDR 300 Week 2 Team Assignment Leadership Profile Part I LDR 300 Week 2 Individual Assignment Leadership Theories Matrix LDR 300 Week 3 DQ 1, DQ 2 LDR 300 Week 3 Team Assignment Leadership Profile Part II LDR 300 Week 3 Individual Assignment Leadership and Power Paper LDR 300 Week 4 DQ 1, DQ 2 and DQ 3 LDR 300 Week 4 Team Assignment Positive Leadership Theories Presentation LDR 300 Week 4 Individual Assignment Positive Leadership Summary Table LDR 300 Week 5 DQ 1, DQ 2 and DQ 3 LDR 300 Week 5 Team Assignment Leadership Profile Part III LDR 300 Week 5 Individual Assignment Leading Diversity LDR 300 Final Exam ………………………………………………………………. LDR 300 Final Exam FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How would you define successful leadership? What standard do you apply when evaluating leadership success? Is it possible to predict success based on organizational cultures or other factors? Provide examples to support your answer. What methods exist to develop leaders in an organization? What methods does your organization use? Why? Have any methods been counterproductive? In what ways? In The Art and Science of Leadership, Nahavandi writes about the dark side of power. Provide an example. What organizational factors contributed to the leader’s behavior? What were consequences of the behavior? What obstacles exist for leaders involved in participatory management? What methods may a leader employ to overcome these obstacles? What are some reasons...

Words: 868 - Pages: 4

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Leadership Profile

...What is leadership profile and what it means to you as an individual? What makes a great leader? These are questions that have been asked and researched for years. I’m going to try to explain my theory on what leadership profile means to me. Leadership profile is the way you view a leader from your observation of how they lead. Research has been conducted by Evans., and Matthew (2016) at Development Dimensions (DDI) International exam database of assessment data for more the 15,000-plus leaders in 300 organizations, 20 industries and 18 countries and the results reported high –resolution leadership including numerous findings about leadership skill and readiness. There is no one pattern of how these patterns work but you can rest assure they...

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Personality and Career Choice

...Personality and Career Choice Personality profiles are used by organizations as a method of evaluating an employee’s personal attributes, skills, and values. The results of the personality profiles are also used by management to evaluate an employee’s work performance. It is important to know how to analyze a personality test, and to know how to interpret the results. The purpose of this paper is to offer insight regarding the relationship between personalities and organizational behaviors, to provide some insight regarding the correlation between personality types and leadership styles, and to identify behavioral approaches within leadership roles. Personality and Career Choice Personality can be defined as a mixture of distinctive traits of an individual, and manner in which that individual interacts with and responds to others. According to the text, “Personality is an important individual characteristic to understand. It helps us identify predictable interplays between people’s individual differences and their tendencies to behave in certain ways.” (Schermerhorn, J. R., 2012, p. 29). Personality traits are characteristics that define a person’s behavior or attitudes towards something or someone. Personality profiles assist managers in evaluating whether or not an applicant has the desired personal attributes, skills, and values that the company is seeking for a leadership position. According to researcher Yukl, G., (2012), “To be highly useful for...

Words: 287 - Pages: 2

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Employee Management System

...system requires manual integration of data and management of different-different processes. • Company requires different systems for Human Resource Information management, Project management and client & Product management. • Searching and tracking of information becomes complex and time consuming. Need for New System:• The new system requires to integrate systems for Human Resource Information , Client management and Project management at one place. • It makes data manipulation of projects & employees easy and fast. Its Less time consuming and provide efficient searching. FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION:• User Specification: 1. Administrator 2. HR Manager 3. Recruitment Manager 4. Marketing Manager 5. Project Leader 6. Team Leader 7. Employees / Team Members Users Specification:1) Administrator:• • Administrator can create and manage clients, projects and users. Administrator can also allocate/change project manager and manage account. 2) HR Manager:• • HR manager...

Words: 4574 - Pages: 19

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Employee Management

...system requires manual integration of data and management of different-different processes. • Company requires different systems for Human Resource Information management, Project management and client & Product management. • Searching and tracking of information becomes complex and time consuming. Need for New System:• The new system requires to integrate systems for Human Resource Information , Client management and Project management at one place. • It makes data manipulation of projects & employees easy and fast. Its Less time consuming and provide efficient searching. FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION:• User Specification: 1. Administrator 2. HR Manager 3. Recruitment Manager 4. Marketing Manager 5. Project Leader 6. Team Leader 7. Employees / Team Members Users Specification:1) Administrator:• • Administrator can create and manage clients, projects and users. Administrator can also allocate/change project manager and manage account. 2) HR Manager:• • HR manager...

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...Organizational Culture Profiles In many organizations, one typically finds that corporate culture affects everyone. Culture is important because it can influence human behavior, can be difficult to change, and its near invisibility makes it hard to address directly. The MIG’s current and preferred culture shown in the OCAI in Appendix A focuses on some core attributes of the organization. The OCAI is a key component to help the MIG understand and conceptualize its organizational culture, its nature, determinants and predictions, as well as the relationships among culture's diverse set of variables. Organizational culture is widely considered one of the most significant factors in bringing about organizational change and modernizing public administration and service delivery (Jung et al., 2009). The Competing Values Framework (CVF) four quadrants of culture are clan culture, adhocracy culture, market culture, and hierarchy culture. These are extremely useful in organizing and interpreting organizational phenomena (Cameron &ump; Quinn, 2011). The OCAI produces an overall organizational culture profile as a guide for leaders to initiate change in each of the four quadrants. There are many ways to look at organizational culture: as a means to provide leaders with tools to measure various aspects culture, and to get a view of where the organization is and where it needs to be. Organizational culture profiles are interpreted from at least six standards of comparison: type...

Words: 1043 - Pages: 5

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Global Leadership

...The best leaders: Are friends with their subordinates but make decisions on their own Compete with their own direct reports and make sure they are better than others Speak honestly, but take into account others’ status Use indirect language and metaphors rather than get straight to the point Avoid taking risks American readers are probably scratching their heads: what kind of a leadership profile is this? How can a leader ignore his direct reports when making key decisions? What happens to credibility when you’re constantly massaging the message? The brief profile above came from a survey of Chinese managers as part of the research program called the GLOBE project. Of course, there are also parts of the Chinese ideal leadership profile that are similar to the American profile, but it’s usually the differences that get managers in trouble. In a recent survey of senior executives in 100 global corporations, conducted by Worldwide ERC, 95% of the respondents reported that national cultures of the places they do business in play an important or very important role in the success of their business mission. So much for a “flat world.” In any part of the world, leadership is about influence. There are many ways to influence others: Directing them, rewarding them, inspiring them, or giving them ownership of the decision are but a few examples. The leader’s task in a multicultural world is to influence direct reports, project teams, supply chain partners...

Words: 711 - Pages: 3

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Military Leadership

...PROFILES IN LEADERSHIP POSITION The term leadership is most often used, without base or foundation is usually given to people of high political status or within a military structure. The term leader in the Military is a high rank or position in which it involves soldiers under such authority or supervision. Base on this power and leadership in the military are certain expectations attributed to specific positions. For example, to be a sergeant of a squad, he or she is expected or demanded to be the reference point for their Soldiers. In the same way, they’re supposed to guide them in time of peace or times of conflict and war. Being a military leader is expected to be a point where all the soldiers can get up and acquirer knowledge...

Words: 713 - Pages: 3

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Professional Development Plan

...Professional Development Plan Kenneth Metcalfe LDR/531 April 5, 2016 Brian Polding Professional Development Plan Working in a learning team is challenging because of the different dynamics of the individuals assigned to the team. Each individual has different characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. As the team leader the application of the following professional development plan, based on the team member’s DISC behavioral assessment, will provide a means to identify the individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and outline a means the team leader can use to communicate with each behavioral style. The plan will also explain how an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the styles provides direction for improvement to achieve personal career goals. The individual’s assessments place the members into three of the four styles; Cautious Style, Steadiness Style, and Dominance Style. Since additional members may be added to the team or included in future learning teams, the professional development plan will also include the Interactive Style. Understanding the differences between the behavioral styles is instrumental for a team leader to know “how to engage others whose own DiSC styles may be quite different” (Sugerman, 2009, para.9). Team DISC Overview A company named Kudu Industries and Murray Janewski developed the DISC assessment to determine an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, as a means to identify how to communicate more effectively (Sugerman, 2009)....

Words: 1235 - Pages: 5

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...i PERSONAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLAN For ARIC W HALL Completed in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of OM 7170 – The Developing Leader Capella University August, 2004 Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: E-Mail: Instructor: Ina von Ber, PhD ii Abstract Title Personal Leadership Development Plan for Aric W Hall Abstract This leadership development plan is tailored for its author and is not a research paper in the traditional sense. The author begins with his personal framework for leadership. Included are the results of several leadership assessment tools, information from coaching and personal feedback, and insights into the author’s goals for career and leadership development. The report concludes with a few thoughts on future development and evaluating the progress of personal development. Hall, p. i Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction Leadership Framework Assessment Assessment Tools EQ In-Action Profile Campbell Leadership Descriptor Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Coaching & Feedback Developmental Activities Evaluating Progress Appendix: My Assessment Outcomes Bibliography i 1 1 4 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 Hall, p. 1 Introduction Everyone needs to have a career development plan. In my case, that should include a leadership development plan. This particular plan begins with a leadership framework that encapsulates what I value in leadership. I am also happy to report that a large portion of the leadership assessment data incorporated herein...

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