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Leadership Profile

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What is leadership profile and what it means to you as an individual? What makes a great leader? These are questions that have been asked and researched for years. I’m going to try to explain my theory on what leadership profile means to me. Leadership profile is the way you view a leader from your observation of how they lead. Research has been conducted by Evans., and Matthew (2016) at Development Dimensions (DDI) International exam database of assessment data for more the 15,000-plus leaders in 300 organizations, 20 industries and 18 countries and the results reported high –resolution leadership including numerous findings about leadership skill and readiness. There is no one pattern of how these patterns work but you can rest assure they …show more content…
This leader I’m refer to is my Commanding Officer CPT Harvey, whom I met back in 2012 when he took command of my unit in Washington, DC. Over the span of our relationship I’ve had several discussions with CPT Harvey on work related subjects and on a personal level as well. I’ve also gotten to know him and his family very well over the years. He’s a devoted father of three kids, two daughters and one son, he very proud to have a son to follow in his footsteps one day. His father was a minister in Florida, where he grew up with four brothers and one sister. His mother and father pasted when his baby sister was is very young before she was a teen ager, so him and his wife assumed responsibility of well-being their raising with their three kids. He also won custody of his oldest daughter who is one of his three kids. Captain Harvey was on active duty in the Airforce after four years he left the military to pursue a bachelor degree at an HBCU in Mississippi where he first enrolled in Army ROTC. He later received his bachelor degree at Florida A&M. After graduation he was commissioned as a second Lieutenant in the Army which start his …show more content…
When it comes to leadership styles he would be under a democratic leadership style. He has dedicated his life to helping his subordinates and motivating them anyway can. He could have been a hard ass leader like most of the commanding officers in the military, but he remembers where he got his humble start. I would also be classified him as transitional leader because he believes in rewarding soldiers for their accomplishment. He has set high standard for being a command which boosted morale and getting positive results from the unit. He’s been assigned to another command in the DC Army National Guards but he’s in constant contact with his old soldiers and have developed a lasting

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