...THE BUCHAREST ACADEMY OF ECONOMIC STUDIES FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TAUGHT IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES PROJECT IMPORVEMENT FOR START-UPERS BUCHAREST 2013 Contents Introduction 3 Objectives 4 Work breakdown structure 6 Project cost plan 8 Project network map 11 Milestone & Gantt chart 18 Project organisation chart 22 Responsibility assignment matrix 28 Sources 31 * Introduction The company We are Iceberg Consulting SRL, a consultancy company that focuses on business development. The company has a wide range of services ranging from business and management consultancy, financing and auditing fundable projects, to event management and training. As a new direction for the following year, the company desires to expand the market of newly developed businesses so as to create new opportunities for business. The plan is to facilitate the interaction of entrepreneurs with the network of financial and intellectual resources that can help them build their business. After this, the implementation of their business plans and further down the road, the improvement of their businesses will provide our company with new clients. The project Based on a growing number of initiatives that support entrepreneurs in the starting of their own businesses, our company has developed an integrated process that guides people with entrepreneurial spirit from the idea phase of the business up till the final step before actually implementing the...
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...2004 SNSPA, Facultatea de Comunicare ºi Relaþii Publice „David Ogilvy“ Strada Povernei 6–8, Bucureºti Tel./fax: (021) 313 58 95 E-mail: difuzare@comunicare.ro www.editura.comunicare.ro Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naþionale a României PETRE, DAN Introducere în publicitate / Dan Petre, Mihaela Nicola. – Bucureºti: Comunicare.ro, 2004 Bibliogr. ISBN 973-711-004-8 I. Nicola, Mihaela 659.1 Cuprins Notã introductivã / 7 Introducere: surse teoretice ºi delimitãri conceptuale / 9 Surse teoretice / 10 Delimitãri conceptuale. Definiþii. Distincþii faþã de domeniile înrudite / 18 Scurt istoric al publicitãþii / 25 Scurt istoric al publicitãþii la nivel internaþional / 25 Scurt istoric al publicitãþii în România / 34 Publicitatea ca proces de comunicare / 41 Funcþiile publicitãþii / 44 Tipuri de publicitate / 47 Rolul publicitãþii în activitatea de marketing / 52 Obiectivele campaniei de publicitate / 55 Canalele media utilizate în publicitate / 56 Agenþia de publicitate / 67 Agenþia de publicitate / 67 Scurt istoric / 68 Agenþia de publicitate modernã / 71 Cercetarea pentru publicitate / 87 Cercetarea exploratorie ºi de dezvoltare a campaniei (developmental research) / 93 Cercetarea confirmatorie de testare (confirmatory research sau advertising testing) / 100 Cercetarea evaluatorie (evaluative research) / 109 Strategia ºi planificarea în publicitate / 117 Comportamentul consumatorului / 118 Procesul de planificare strategicã. Rolul în desfãºurarea campaniei de publicitate / 124 Etapele...
Words: 106426 - Pages: 426
...1. {de drepturî) (dr.) desertion/renunciation of rights 2. (a/ navei, al încărcăturiî) (mar.) abandonment 3. (retragerea dintr-o operaţiune cu primâ contra cedării unei prime) {bur.) abandon ~ pe mare rea - abandon in heavy sea abandona v.t. 1. (drepttiri, pretenţii) to relinquish, to waive 2. (nava, încarcătura etc.) to abandon, to leave abandonare s.f. 1. (de drepturi, pretenţii) relinquishment 2. abandonment, abandoning ~ a navei - (de întregul echipqf, când nava nu mai poate fi salvaîa) abandonment of ship ~ a postului - dereliction ofduty ~ a produsului - (a prodncerii şi a comercializăru acestuia) product abandonment/elimination ~ a unui bun - (asig. mar.) dereliction abandonat adj. {asig. mar.) abandoned, derelict ~ temporar - temporarily abandoned abata v.t. (a exploata un zâcâmdnî} to work abataj s.f. 1. (loc) coal-face. stope, workings 2. (acţiune') mining. cutting, hewing 3. (al arborilor) felling 4. (al vitelor) slaughter abate v.t. 1. (din drnm) to turn oft7 aside/away, to divert, to deviate: to sheer, to v.'ander, 10 escape 2. (mar.} to steer off 3. (a/'boti) to fcll v.r. {de la} (dr.) to iniriiige, to vioîaie, to transgress abatere s.f. 1. tuming off/away, diverting, deviation 2. (dr.) infringe-ment, violation, transgression; trespass(ing) 3. {de la regulă) exception ~ de la datorie - breach ofduty ~ din drum - (niar.) deviation ~ disciplinară - misbehaviour, infraction ofdiscipline ~ medie - mean deviation ~ standard (concept statistic care indicâ gradul de deviere...
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