...current IT world Project management is about being controlled from the start of the job to the end. Efficient and effective teams with a leader that can encourage cooperation and motivate to get outcome as all are working toward the same goal. It is in everyone’s best attention to work together to the works success. Project management is appropriate to many businesses and organizations. Some basic industries that use project management include Information technology, telecommunication, construction, software development, banking, manufacturing, professional engineering and architecture, computers. Project management is important because tough budgets, reducing resources, limited time constraints, and competition to improve the methods we do business in the competitive environment. The great ability of project management makes it possible to focus on priorities, track and measure performance, overcome challenges and issues, become flexible enough to adjust to change and reach higher performance and a higher probability of success in each and every project. The challenges of project management most especially the high hopes from senior management combined with little or no hierarchical permission are powerful, but project managers can influence the entire path of an organization. Project management is very important in today's business environment when one considers the repercussions of the lack of good project management or when project management is not successful applied...
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...Functions of Management Marc S, University of Phoenix Thesis Statement Management will be used in any project where success is desired. The four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Bateman & Snell 2009). To be successful in today’s world a manager needs to learn and master each of these functions. Introduction The four functions of management can make almost any project successful, barring a catastrophe. In this paper I will explain and give examples of how each of the functions work, and co-exist in today’s business world, with specific examples from my organization. The four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Bateman & Snell 2009). Planning Planning is described as “specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals (Bateman & Snell 2009 p. 56 ¶ 4).” Meaning that if there is a desired goal than it is management’s function or job to provide the road map to get to that end goal within the desired amount of time, resources and expectations. This will be accomplished by doing activities like examining current business needs, projecting future projects, determine milestones, as well planning business strategies. “Plans set the stage for action and for major achievements (Bateman & Snell 2009 p. 56 ¶ 4).” My organization contains several layers of management, the types that I will refer to within this paper will...
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...Running head: Human Resources Verses Operations Comparing Operations Project and Human Resources Management Principles Tami Webb Kaplan University MT 435- Operations Management June 22, 2015 Comparing Operations Project and Human Resources Management Principles The purpose of this paper is to discuss and compare the project principles of operations management (OM) to those of human resource management (HRM). OM and HRM have historically been separate parts of an organization. Competencies that were once defined by OM have now integrated with the HR professionals behavioral and technical competencies required to perform a specific role. I will begin with discussing operations program management principles and then follow with human resource management principles. Both areas are strategic initiatives for organizations to continue growth over time and both are keys to a company’s success. Success or failure in either area can make the difference in the overall effectiveness of the company goals and vision. Creating standardizations or certifications for particular skill sets is necessary for specialized work. Operations Project Management When organizations have a culture that encourages knowledge transfer and an atmosphere centered on professional growth, they create a value that encourages buy-in of company goals and visions. Knowledge transfer is not just on the job training, but rather a precise and methodical transfer of wisdom and insight from key...
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...Introduction 1 Project Management 1 1. Definition 1 Vision and Mission 1 Strategic Objectives 2 Importance of Project Management to achieve Strategic Objectives 3 1. Compression of the product life cycle 3 2. Global competition 4 3. Knowledge explosion 4 4. Corporate downsizing 5 5. Increased customer focus 6 6. Rapid development of Third World and Closed Economies 6 7. Small projects represent big problems 7 Conclusion 8 References INTRODUCTION The pace of change in business and technology is accelerating. As a result, no matter what your perspective there is more of everything to contend with – more ideas, competitors, resources, constraints, and certainly, more people doing and wanting things. The accelerated rate of change in technology means that products or processes are evolving at a more rapid pace, and as a result the life cycles of the things we use and rely on are getting shorter. This accelerated rate of change has a direct impact on the frequency and conduct of projects. All of this project activity has spurred a growing interest in ways to plan and control projects, and to organize and lead people, and groups to meet the needs of customers, markets, and society within the bounds of limited time and resources. (Nicholas, 2000). Today’s most successful organizations employ Project Management as a strategic tool to drive change and achieve business objectives. Focusing primarily on developing a project plan with specific...
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...Project management Assignment 1 Assignment Title:Project management Lecturer Name: Frank Wiengarten & Dipan K Mehta Student Name: LU DAZHI Student Number: 13207617 Word Count: Content 1.0 Introduction 1.0 Introduction Project management is a manager in the project, it using systems viewpoint, methods, theory and any refer to the job to effectively manage under the limited resource condition. When the project process to start from investment decision-making until the project end, planning, organize, command, coordination, control and evaluation in order to achieve the project goals. I will discuss why project management is important, its role on today's business environment and how projects can be managed efficiently & effectively in following stages. 2.0 Why project management is important Project management has emerged as a major factor that determines the success of an organization. Whether it is facing a problem of an economic crisis or generating large turnover, it plays the key role in the develop of a company. Since ancient times, humans have established the concept of project management in the construction of monuments and various other buildings. However, since the early 1950s, project management started to as a major discipline in the organization. It forms the backbone in many fields like defense, civil engineering, and infrastructure development etc. In the duration in which whole project...
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...Project management is vital for business success January 2013 Business colleagues shaking handsIn today’s challenging economic environment, senior management needs to understand the fundamental supportive and strategic role that project management plays in business. If companies are to pursue their plans for stability and growth they need to cease seeing project management as a functional activity and place it at the core of their business processes. At the same time, project managers and planners share the responsibility to engage better on a business basis with senior executives. Download the full white paper We must disabuse ourselves of the notion that project management is limited to specific industries, such as construction, engineering and manufacturing, indeed it is relevant to these industries but not only these. What successful business would admit that they pay scant regard to resource, time and progress management? The concept of project management focused traditionally on delivery challenges; this has long since widened in scope and takes in a vastly greater landscape of business challenges including management transparency through reporting functionality, financial planning and compliance. Working with so many companies to hone their project management approaches in a highly mature software sector, has shown us how enterprises can be supported at a strategic level with integrated project management. Many company leaders are still failing to see...
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...learning management skills through my courses at JIU will give me the tools I need to succeed. The fact of changing field of work would require a total different skill set and I do believe my choice in degrees will provide that transition. Plotting the course to a future filled with security and longevity has its questions. The first question that comes to mind is; in my future would a degree in college be worthy for advancement in my career? With that being answered rapidly, I decided to enroll in a degree in business with emphasis in project management. Discussing the question of how the degree I have chosen will help me has many other questions before it. Like, can I use this chosen degree in other fields other than my current field of trade and will this degree be versatile in the workforce? History of Business is one of many courses that prove worthy to indulge in. Through the objectives in the path to complete, the course thoroughly breaks down the history of business in many markets. Learning the structure of today’s businesses they were form and refined from the businesses of yesteryear and with that knowledge it will allow me to become more versatile in today’s business world. The chosen career I am seeking after my degree at JIU is that of a Project Manager and a Project Manager is a professional in the field of managing projects no matter the detail or the size of the project.. Project Managers usually plan, coordinate, budget and supervise projects from early...
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...Project management and 21st century organizations Chapter 19 discusses the importance of project failure and how to successfully manage them in order to avoid this. It also identifies the different kinds of outsourcing. Chapter 20 goes on to discuss how technology has affected the business world and explains ways to develop a 21st century organization. Often times a business will lose time and money due to the lack or poor use of project management; however, if it is correctly utilized, project management will ensure that an organization successfully completes projects on time, within budget, and with minimal disruptions. Project management can be used in all departments (sales, marketing, accounting, etc.) and the benefits are categorized by being either tangible or intangible. Tangible benefits are measured in monetary terms. They include things such as increased productivity, increased response time, decrease in costs. Intangible are not measured monetarily but they still have a substantial impact on the business. Examples are facilitation of strategic planning, improved customer response, improved decision making. Feasibility analyzes the company’s ability to successfully complete a project. This allows managers to examine possible outcomes, both negative and positive, of a project before investing too much time and money in it. All projects are constricted by the interdependent variables time, cost, and scope. Change to one variable will affect either one or both of...
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...Business Communication Technology Com 295 Business Communication Technology Introduction Instant Messaging is a tool used in today’s Business as a communication tool. Instant Messaging also known as IM is a term used to describe software apps such Widows Live Messenger, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, and Google Talk. The software allows users to have real- time conversations. “IM has exploded in popularity since ICQ, the first free, public instant-messaging utility, was introduced in 1996,” ("Encyclopedia.com", 2009). The role IM is taking in business communication is growing. What is the role of IM in Today’s Business World? According to "Encyclopedia.com" (2009) the impact IM is having on today’s business world is that it allows employees to get immediate answers from co-workers, clients and suppliers. Some company’s say that this allows for increases in productivity. Other uses for IM are virtual meetings and collaboration on group projects. “Backers say IM, once dismissed as a plaything for the under-twenty set, dramatically speeds up the flow of information in and out of a company,” ("Encyclopedia.com", 2009). The Good and the Bad Even though, IM allows for quicker responses it also has some downsides. It is not a secure form of communication. Leaving the business open to potential security risks for document interception and viruses. If a company does not have strict rules, using IM can be considered a distraction. Some companies are using enterprise instant messaging...
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...information systems is a critical skill in today’s fast-paced business environments. Remember that technology underpins almost all business models in what we now call a knowledge era or network economy. As distinct from IT, the field of information systems (IS) transcends the technology in order to make business performance the principle driving factor. 1 May, 2013 Session 1 - MIS Fundamentals 1 • • Unit 403–Managing Information Systems Topic Learning Objectives • Explain why managing information systems is important in today’s business world • Define concepts from the hierarchy of data and IS, as distinct from IT. • Describe the major challenges facing today’s business and IS managers. • Analyse and report on an organisation’s ITinvestment profile. • Describe an organisation’s learning curve when applying IS or IT. 1 May, 2013 Session 1 - MIS Fundamentals 2 Unit 403–Managing Information Systems Who Am I ? Dr Tony Jewels •Bachelor of Business Management (Management Economics) •Certified Member Australian Computer Society (Project Management) •Master of Information Technology (Professional) •PhD (Increasing the chances of project success through sharing knowledge) 1 May, 2013 Session 1 - MIS Fundamentals 3 Unit 403–Managing Information Systems •30 years industry experience •Operated “Inventory Management Services” •Designed and implemented robotic warehouses •Project manager of many leading edge MIS projects oe-commerce oinventory control and robotics...
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...related to project management? The video illustrate the introduction of the project management institute. The video shows the project management training programs from registered education provider. In the video, it provided basic information of project management standards. The website source shows the project management maintaining connections with the business world, successful project management programs are learning to adapt to address the changing needs of business. However, the video shows several main points of project management training. Frist one, project management education is growing globally. Second, organizations want project managers with the right skills. 2) How is this specifically related to the textbook information? (Be specific!) The video mentions the important reason why choose from the project management institute and how the project management training development. Project management provides people with a powerful set of tools that improves their ability to plan, implement, and manage activities to accomplish specific organizational objectives. Exciting opportunities await people skilled in project management. (Larson and Gray 2-3). The YouTube video does relate to the textbook information. Because this video is a good commercial introduction to the Project Management Institute. In the textbook, chapter one is all about the modern project management, the importance of project management, and an integrative approach of today’s project management. The project...
Words: 277 - Pages: 2
...with this process Crys Tel is likely to face technological and administrative changes regularly. Team members have been organized to have brainstorming sessions to develop an implementation strategy that will be beneficial to shareholders, management, and employees. This implementation process will be done in stages to ensure any defects will be caught early in the project and corrected prior to finalizing the go live time. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification Crys Tel has decided to implement a transition plan to optimize flexibility, promote innovation, and sustain change. By the end of the initiation phase of the Project Delivery Framework (PDF), teams must complete the Project Charter. The Project Charter aims to achieve two key objectives: 1. To facilitate early engagement of the known cross-impacted teams and work together to finalize the high-level scope of the project. Although this high-level scope will be elaborated on in later phases and deliverable, a critical milestone is associated with locking the high-level scope. Formalizing this step ensures that expectations are set and agreed upon across the project sponsors and among the existing team. 2. To plan “Who” the project team consists of currently and what other groups should be involved from a cross-impact perspective and “How” that...
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...------------------------------------------------- SHIPYARD MANAGEMENT AND PROJECT PLANNING ------------------------------------------------- TUTORIAL 1 INDIVIDUAL (LGB 20303) Lecturer : EN AZIZ BIN ABDULLAH NAME : NURAINI BINTI ALI ID : 56280214063 TABLE OF CONTENT NO | TOPICS | PAGES | 1 | EFFECTING ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND MANAGEMENT APPROACH | 3 | 2 | CONCLUSION | 5 | 3 | RECOMMENTDATION | 6 | EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND MANAGEMENT APPROACH Greater competitive among shipyards worldwide is driving shipyard to embark on cost saving measures and adopting on most modern , most effective and technologically advance approaches in shipyard management. Redundant measures and obsolete work practices are being discarded in lieu of more modern and contemporary measures and approaches with emphasis on cost effectiveness and improved bottom line or profit margin. Flexibility, innovation and continuous improvement of business are the elements which are becoming an integral part of the strategic approach to building competitive advantage. Due to these factors, the process of transformation of traditional companies, and thus the shipyards as well, is inevitable and unavoidable. To create added value today’s shipyards have the physical capital (land, buildings and equipment). Shipyards mainly provide the financial capital needed for the construction of ships in the capital market...
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...What Is Engineering Management? Engineering managers occupy a unique position in their industry. They combine their management expertise with engineering knowledge to lead teams of specialists in highly technical tasks. Most engineering managers focus on product development, materials management, production processes, and workforce reliability. Management engineers must also possess strong communication skills so they can relate to their colleagues and subordinates. As the popularity of engineering continues to grow and demand for trained engineers increases, online engineering management degrees (often classified under technology management) have become increasingly popular. Working engineers who are ready to transition into management positions can now study part-time without giving up valuable income or career experience. A degree in engineering management (most often a master's degree) qualifies you for a wide spectrum of positions, ranging from the academic to the technical. Individuals that excel in this field possess a strong combination of scientific knowledge and a passion for problem solving. E-learning and distance courses provide the pathway for a satisfying career in the engineering industry. The breadth of opportunity is one of the most attractive facets of this specialty. Fields that require this experience include: * Manufacturing management * Logistics * Technical consulting * Chemical process consulting As a prospective managing engineer...
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...paper will discuss a few of the key components of an organization. The components include; organizational culture and behavior, diversity, communication, business code of ethics and an efficient and the importance of effective change management. This paper will provide and example of each of these components from an organization I have been employed by or am currently employed with. Organizational culture and behavior Shared values and beliefs influence each organizational member’s behavior and build the organization’s culture. These shared values and beliefs build relationships within an organization. Key concepts of organizational behavior include diversity, communication, and business ethics and planned change management. These concepts vary from organization to organization and each organization has a different culture. The development company I was employed with a last year encouraged each employee to communicate with other employees and departments. An open communication setting allowed employees to voice his or her opinions and present ideas that would be beneficial to the company and the employees Diversity According to Bateman and Snell, diversity can be defined as a characteristic of a group of people suggesting differences among those people on any relevant dimension (Bateman and Snell, 2007.)In today’s business world, an organization’s success relies on the organizations ability to evaluate workplace diversity concerns and implement diversity plans that will be...
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