...Insurance Sector Analysis Project Details: Subject: Financial Management Topic: Insurance Sector analysis Teacher in charge: KB sir Made by: 1. Abhinav Aggrawal, BFIA 1A Roll number: 75101 2. Akhil Bedi, BFIA 1A Roll number: 75107 3. Jessica Singh BFIA 1A Roll number: 75124 Teacher Remarks: Contents Insurance Sector Analysis 1 Project Details: 2 Acknowledgement 4 An Overview of the project: 5 Objective: 5 A Brief History 8 Insurance Sector: Growth 9 Life insurance: 10 General Insurance 11 Ratio Analysis 13 Return on Equity 14 Combined Ratio 15 Debt Equity 17 Loss Ratio 18 Financial Statement Analysis 19 Profit 20 Share Capital 22 Reserves 24 Premium 26 Investments 28 References 30 Acknowledgement We would like to express our gratitude towards KB sir, who gave us the golden opportunity to peep into the financial world, and comprehend and adopt the techniques of analysis and interpretation. Alongside, he has also guided and directed the progress of this project as a member itself, assisting us at every dead lock. We are really thankful to him. Secondly, we would also like to thank the college authority for facilitating such an exposure and providing amenities that made this project possible. Lastly we would like to express appreciation towards each other for the cooperation and commitment shown by each member of the group, which helped shape this project within the limited time. Thank you...
Words: 5451 - Pages: 22
...Metlife Alico Introduction Metlife Alico is the holding corporation for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, or MetLife for short, and its affiliates. MetLife is among the largest global providers of insurance, annuities, and employee benefit programs, with 90 million customers in over 60countries.The firm was founded on March 24, 1868. On January 6, 1915, MetLife completed the mutualization process, changing from a stock life insurance company owned by individuals to a mutual company operating without external shareholders and for the benefit of policyholders. The company went public in 2000.Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, MetLife holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia’s Pacific region, Europe, and the Middle East. MetLife serves 90 of the largest Fortune 500 companies. The company’s principal offices are located at 1095 Avenue of the Americas in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, though it retains some executive offices and its boardroom in the MetLife Building, located at 200 Park Avenue, New York City, which it sold in 2005. Major product and services Insurance products accounted for 53% of MetLife’s 2009 $49 billion of revenue.MetLife is the largest life insurer in the United States and Mexico and is the second-largest foreign provider of insurance in Japan and worldwide its customers total 90 million individuals. * Life insurance * Dental * Disability * Annuities * Auto and home * Life...
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...Management Philosophy Executive Summary I chose this topic because it was something that I’ve heard a great deal about, but have very little experience with. At my company, MetLife, there has been some recent investigation into Six Sigma and how it can help improve our Financial Reporting processes. While Six Sigma can involve some very complex statistical theory, especially in the world of manufacturing, I wanted to concentrate more on the Management philosophy and how it can implemented in a service type organization. Introduction History After World War II, the Japanese were left to rebuild their destroyed economy. They had to figure out a way to rebuild with very little resources other than human capital. Japanese leaders realized that to compete in the world market they must make drastic changes to quality management. (Kumar, 2006) Throughout the 50’s and 60’s, with the help of quality gurus like Deming and Juran, the Japanese made rapid improvements in quality of the production of goods and services. Meanwhile, the United States did very little to change their methods of operation. At the time, the United States was the main source for goods and services in the western world. There was very little incentive to concentrate on expensive quality improvement projects that would hurt the short-term bottom line. Instead, the focus was on production and performance. (Kumar, 2006). By the early 80’s, Japan had solidified it’s place as a competitor...
Words: 2824 - Pages: 12
...MONETARY REWARDS [pic] EMPLOYEE MONETARY REWARDS Monetary rewards are given for a variety of reasons. Some examples are meeting sales goals, achieving quality, outstanding performance in a given situation, or delivering a special project. Typical rewards are money in a form of a bonus, trips paid for by the company, gifts from a rewards catalog, or services such as cell phone or paid cable. TYPES OF REWARDS Selecting the appropriate rewards is vital to any programs success. The goal in choosing rewards is to select items that will spark the participant’s interest or feelings, and support the program’s objectives. Effective rewards will both motivate short-term behavior and provide motivation over time. VARIABLE PAY Variable pay or pay-for-performance is a compensation program in which a portion of a person's pay is considered "at risk." Variable pay can be tied to the performance of the company, the results of a business unit, an individual's accomplishments, or any combination of these. It can take many forms, including bonus programs, stock options, and one-time awards for significant accomplishments. Some companies choose to pay their employees less than competitors but attempt to motivate and reward employees using a variable pay program instead. According to Shawn Tully in Fortune , "The test of a good pay-for-performance plan is simple: It must motivate managers to produce earnings growth that far exceeds the extra cost of [the program]. Though employees...
Words: 7490 - Pages: 30
...Noida short for the New Okhla Industrial Development Area, is an area in India under the management of the New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (also called NOIDA). Noida came into administrative existence on 17 April 1976 and celebrates 17 April as "Noida Day". It was set up as part of an urbanization thrust during the controversial Emergency period (1975–1977). The city was created under the UP Industrial Area Development Act. It is also home to the Noida Film City. Noida is located in Gautam Budh Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh state. The district's administrative headquarters are in the nearby town of Surajpur. However, the district's highest government official, the District Magistrate (DM), resides in Noida. The city is a part of the Noida-Dadri Vidhan Sabha (state assembly) constituency and Gautam Budh Nagar Lok Sabha (parliamentary) constituency. Noida stands at 17th place when it comes to cleanliness in India leaving far behind Gurgaon and Faridabad in the National Capital Region who stand at 87th and 237 respectively. Geography Noida is located in Gautam Budh Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh state. Noida is about 20-kilometre (12 mi) southeast of New Delhi. It is bound on the west and south-west by the Yamuna River, on the north and north-west by the city of Delhi, on the north-east by the cities of Delhi and Ghaziabad and on the north-east, east and south-east by the Hindon River. Noida falls under the catchment area of the Yamuna river, and is located on the old...
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...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This project was carried out in the HR department of BHARTI AXA Life insurance co. Pune. Bharti AXA Life insurance is only concern with life insurance and General insurance. The objective of this project is to study the entire Recruitment & Selection processes at Bharti AXA Life insurance. The Human Resources Department of Bharti AXA Life insurance carries out both these functions quite effectively. Hence, the procedure of Recruitment is studied thoroughly and some inferences accordingly. The data and information collected is with respect to working procedure specifically regarding recruitment procedure, the data referred for this study is for the year 2007 - 08. I have applied the concept and gained knowledge learned during the course in at CMRD In practical business situation and understood these concepts in better way. The research work really has poured of immense learning for me. I would like to thank whole heartedly to Bharti AXA and CMRD, for giving me this exposure. Introduction Company profile: Bharti AXA Life Insurance is a joint venture between Bharti, one of India’s leading business groups with interests in telecom, agro business and retail, and AXA, world leader in financial protection and wealth management. The joint venture company has a 74% stake from Bharti and 26% stake of AXA. The company launched national operations in December 2006. Today, company has over 5200 employees across over 12 states in the...
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...ORGANISATION PROFILE Justrojgar India Private Limited/ We The People 102, D211, Laxmansingh Complex 1, Munirka, New Delhi-110057, India Mob.: +91 81309 333 00 Tel: +91 11 460 28 268; Email: ajayamohapatra@justrojgar.com Website www.justrojgar.com ABOUT WE THE PEOPLE GROUP We the People Group is a social enterprise providing livelihoods promotion services to the lower income groups emphasising on women, youth and farmers through institutional development services, financial inclusion services and business development services. We believe that ‘Income is Development’. We the People strives to address the challenge of persistent poverty by creating income opportunities for the poor Profile: We The People Group, 2012-13 Page 2 and by enabling them to earn a stable income. We the People achieves its goal through its two entities – We the People, an NGO registered as a society and Justrojgar India Pvt. Ltd, a for-profit company. VISION Create Million Rojgar (Jobs/ livelihoods) for the people at the Bottom of the Pyramid by 2022. MISSION Promotion of sustainable livelihoods and inclusive employability at the bottom-up of the pyramid through institutional, financial and business development services ABOUT WE THE PEOPLE We the People in partnership with state governments, corporates and financial institutions promotes livelihoods, financial inclusion, skill building and development of ecosystem in rural and urban India. We the People works with the above...
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...Muthoot Pappachan Group (MPG), founded in 1887, is an Indian business house headquartered in Kochi, Kerala, India. It encompasses several businesses, including financial services, automotive dealerships, hospitality, real estate, entertainment, health services and alternate energy. ------------------------------------------------- Financial Services[edit] Muthoot Fincorp Ltd. is one of the largest non-banking financial companies (NFBC) in India[citation needed], registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Muthoot Fincorp is a provider of mass finance in the form of gold loans. The company has a diverse mix of retail offerings including loan products, money transfer, roreign Exchange, insurance services and wealth management services. The net worth of Muthoot Fincorp as on 31 March 2014 was Rs. 1249.85 crores and the capital adequacy ratio of the company was 21.01%.[1] Muthoot Capital Services[edit] An NBFC listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, MCSL offers loans for the purchase of vehicles.. The company is licensed by RBI to accept deposits and offers deposit products. MCSL is active in retail financing and works with borrowers in rural and semi-urban areas. The company offers two wheeler and three wheeler loans and services more than 1,300 dealerships in seven states, with Hero and Honda contributing 80% of the total business.[2] Muthoot Housing Finance Company[edit] Three years back the group entered the affordable housing finance arena through a subsidiary – Muthoot...
Words: 2579 - Pages: 11
...RESEARCH PROJECT ON “TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN PHARMASUITICAL INDUSTRY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE OF MANKIND PHARMA LTD” SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SESSION (2011-2014) SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY: XYZ XYZ BBA III University Roll No. SUBMITTED TO ACKNOWLEGDEMENT “Gratitude is the hardest of emotions to express and one often does not find adequate words to convey what one feels and trying to express it” The present project file is an amalgamated of various thoughts and experiences .The successful completion of this project report would have not been possible without the help and guidance of number of people and specially to my project guide .I take this opportunity to thank all those who have directly and indirectly inspired, directed and helped me towards successful completion of this project report. I am also immensely indebted to my project guide, MS. Divya Vaid Lecturer, ICL, for his illumining...
Words: 8569 - Pages: 35
...Supplement Latest Developments in Banking and Financial Sector Latest questions pertaining to Governance, Policies, Panels and Committees Miscellaneous Current Affairs (Very Important for upcoming competitive exams) A publication of Nirdeshak.com Latest Developments in Banking & Financial Sector 01 SBI PO Exam - Special Current Affair Supplement 1) India implemented Basel III norms, which comprises of new global capital rules for banks, from which date? – 1 April 2013 (Under Basel III norms, Indian banks will have to hold core capital of at least seven percent of risk-weighted assets) 2) What is the name of the bill passed by the Lok Sabha on 18 December 2012, which seeks to strengthen banking regulations in the country? – Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill 2011 (This bill seeks to raise voting rights of investors in private sector banks to 26 per cent from present 10 per cent and also allows RBI to supersede boards of private sector banks to increase the cap on their voting rights to 10 per cent from 1 per cent 3) Financial sector regulators – The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) and Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), on 8 March 2013 joined hands by signing an agreement under the auspices of the Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC). What are the main objectives of this move? – These regulators would monitor financial conglomerates (FCs)...
Words: 7901 - Pages: 32
...Comperative Study of Corporate Social Activities of Bank And Non Bank Financial Institute Executive Summery This paper deals with some banks & non-banking financial institutions which are performing CSR. It is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. It would be give strategic, longer run competitive advantage for banks and non-banking financial institutions in Bangladesh to embrace CSR in their management approaches and operations, with initiatives chosen in broad-based, extensive stakeholder engagement. Corporate social responsibility may help to establish clear boundaries among the different interests of the groups like shareholders, citizens, providers, and customers. In this paper, we will describe, analyze, and formalize the critical responsibility parameters, as well as the variables that shape them. Introduction The title of our term paper is “Comparative Study on the Corporate Social Responsibility Performing by Banking, Non-Banking Financial Institutions” . Globally, the notion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is fast gaining acceptance as the contribution that businesses can and should make voluntarily...
Words: 17168 - Pages: 69
...Akshith Kumar Akshithkumar85@gmail.com 408.641.1038 SUMMARY: • Over 6 years of IT experience with strong expertise in using MicroStrategy tool Suite as Developer and Administrator. • Comprehensive working Knowledge with MicroStrategy Desktop, MicroStrategy Architect, MicroStrategy Web, MicroStrategy Office and MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server. • Participated in the Software Development life-cycle of the data warehousing and Business Intelligence project. • Extensive Experience in Software Analysis, Design, Development and Production Support of business intelligence application using MicroStrategy9.x/8.x versions. • Strong expertise in working with Schema Objects like Attributes, Facts, Tables, Transformations, Hierarchies, Functions and operators. • Extensively worked in creating and integrating Public Objects (Filters, Metrics, Prompts, Reports, Templates, Documents, Custom groups and Consolidations). • Expert in creation of Report Service Documents, Scorecards and Dashboards which helps in better understanding of business trends. • Sound knowledge of 2-Tier Client/Server Architecture and N-Tire Architecture. • Strong knowledge of Relational Database Design, Data Warehouse/OLAP concepts and methodologies. • Proven troubleshooting capabilities in Microstrategy Desktop. • Optimizing report generation with respect to Very Large Databases (VLDB) to make absolute use of database flexibility, caching, security and scalability...
Words: 1749 - Pages: 7
...important, as the Company evolves and changes, that new recruits show a willingness to learn, adaptability and ability to work as part of a team. The Recruitment & Selection procedure ensures that these criteria are addressed In this project I have studied Recruitment and Selection process of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance and attempted to provide some ways so as to make recruitment more effective and to reduce the cost of hiring an employee. I am privileged to be one of the students who got an opportunity to do my training with ICICI Prudential Life Insurance. My involvement in the project has been very challenging and has provided me a platform to leverage my potential in the most constructive way. ICICI Prudential Life insurance is one of India's leading financial institutions offering complete financial solutions that encompass every sphere of life. In a short span of time,ICICI has set an example by having a steady and confident journey to growth and success. During the training period I have studied deeply the process of hiring in ICICI Prudential Life insurance and did a SWOT analysis of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance to find out the existing shortcomings and potential threats and thereby recommended suggestions. This project however is an attempt to share as best as possible my experience in corporate world...
Words: 4345 - Pages: 18
...Executive summary The life insurance industry in India is achieving a growth rate of about 4% annually. It is considered to be one of the fastest growing sectors. The changing socioeconomic demographics and consumer behavior along with increased frequency of natural calamities and disasters have been the main reasons for the growth of this Industry. Its assets as on 31.03.08 were valued at $185 billion with a total of 250 million policies sold and an employee turnover of 113000 and about 1.2 million agents. There are currently 22 life insurance companies with LIC being the only public company having a market share of almost 50%. ICICI comes in second with 10% followed by HDFC at 6%, SBI at 5%, Bajaj at 4%, Reliance at 4%, Birla at 4%, Max 3%, Tata 3%, Kotak 2%, Met 1% and the rest taking up 10% of the market share. As of 2006 FDI norms the foreign participation of Indian insurance companies is restricted to 26%. All the life insurance companies of India have to comply with the strict regulation laid out by the ‘IRDA’ which is the insurance regulatory board in India set up in 2000. The majority of the population in India is yet to be tapped leaving a huge growth potential for this industry. The insurance industry in India is both service based as well as product based. Risk management and product development are the main highlights of R&D in this industry. The life insurance industry is re shapping the retail distribution channel. The life insurers engage with prospects...
Words: 10894 - Pages: 44
...IIBM Institute of Business Management Distance Learning Approval, Accreditation, Membership MBA IIBM | From the Director's Desk Dear Students, Gone are the days when open distance learning (ODL) courses by institutes merely offered a correspondence course for a Bachelor's or a Master's degree. This concept has indeed come of age and is nearing its demise with its pair of foot all set for the liberated celestial journey with no possible signs of reincarnation. In this knowledge and information driven progressive economy, the trend has shifted towards several short-term and long-term diploma & certification courses based on the needs of the learner. As a result, many working professionals and those pursuing continuing education consider distance learning a valuable option. The ultimate vision of this college is to ensure that each young manager must possess the requisite research-oriented-business-acumen and the competitive managerial excellence in successfully tackling the new emerging management-related-problems of the country in the changing global scenario. The pedagogy used is interactive with cutting-edge techniques and innovation. This has gone long way to strengthen skills and expertise of students and to meet muchneeded requirement of management students; in turn industry/society at large. The Institute pioneered and today offers the richest programs on Interactive Distance Learning platform. I invite you to join us in our Endeavour to meet the needs of managerial...
Words: 5578 - Pages: 23