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Project Plan


Submitted By Arika
Words 3240
Pages 13
Proiect de înfiinţare a unui atelier de confecţii metalice, executări lucrări de instalare si prestări servicii de întreţinere-reparaţii


Afacerea proiectata consta intr-un atelier de confecţii metalice, executări lucrări de instalare si prestări servicii de intretinere-reparatii.

Denumirea societatii este SC TERMOINSTAL SRL. Forma juridica aleasa este aceea de societate cu răspundere limitata cu asociat unic, infiintata in baza legii 31/1990 privind funcţionarea societatilor comerciale.

Capitalul social are valoarea de 6000 lei si este divizat in parţi sociale.

Sediul societatii : Bulevardul Unirii nr. 44, Satu Mare, Jud. Satu Mare

Obiectul principal de activitate al firmei SC TERMOINSTAL SRL îl reprezintă producerea de confecţii metalice la comanda, respectiv: -boilere (pentru baie sau bucătărie); -instalaţii de încălzire centrala; -calorifere executate din ţeava; -balcoane din fier forjat; -stâlpi metalici si chesoane pentru hale industriale; -porţi si garduri metalice; -altele.

De asemenea, obiectul de activitate al firmei TERMOINSTAL mai include: -executarea lucrărilor de montare a instalaţiilor de încălzire centrala; -montarea in baie sau bucătărie a diverselor echipamente sau instalaţii sanitare (chiuvete, cazi , robinete, boilere); -montarea de tâmplărie din aluminiu si geam termopan; -intretinerea si reparaţia produselor livrate. Iniţiatorul afacerii, care are statutul de asociat unic, are de asemenea următoarele atribuţii: -este cel care gestionează afacerea, ocupându-se de găsirea clienţilor si furnizorilor; -are calitatea de salariat, executând aceiaşi munca pe care o executa cei 4 salariaţi (doi lacatusi, un instalator si un sudor ); -se ocupa de impartirea sarcinilor zilnice, de coordonarea si supravegherea muncii salariaţilor. Firma colaborează cu un contabil si uneori, pentru lucrări de instalare care necesita realizarea in prealabil a unui proiect, colaborează cu un proiectant.

a) Viziune, strategie

Declararea explicita a misiunii firmei fixează domeniul de interes al organizaţiei si explica sintetic natura afacerii sale prin asociere cu un produs, proces tehnologic sau o nevoie specifica a consumatorului.

Misiunea generala a SC TERMOINSTAL SRL

" TERMOINSTAL este o firma cu activitate de producţie in domeniul confecţiilor metalice si a lucrărilor si serviciilor din aceiaşi sfera. Eforturile globale ale acesteia sunt orientate spre folosirea optima a resurselor umane, tehnice si financiare pentru o cat mai buna servire a clienţilor concomitent cu imbunatatirea vieţii salariaţilor firmei. Filosofia firmei este de a furniza cu promtitudine produse si servicii de calitate, in scopul permanentei imbunatatiri a percepţiei pe care clienţii si angajaţii o au despre calitatea activitatii firmei. Succesul firmei depinde in cea mai mare măsura de felul in care satisfacem cerinţele exprimate ale pieţei, iar aceasta presupune o colaborare deplina cu clienţii".

Misiunea specifica a SC TERMOINSTAL SRL (cu specificarea obiectivelor)

" TERMOINSTAL isi va desfasura activitatea in domeniul confecţiilor metalice si a lucrărilor si serviciilor aferente. Ea va urmări atingerea unei cote de piaţa de 10 % in primul an de activitate, si creşterea cifrei de afaceri cu 15% in următorii doi ani de activitate. Acest fapt va permite asigurarea unei poziţii pe piaţa intre primii trei competitori."

b) Istoric, management, resurse umane, activitatea curentă


In orice situaţie din lumea afacerilor, exista un număr de factori care vor determina rezultatul, iar o strategie va avea succes daca aceşti factori vor fi controlaţi si aplicaţi in mod inteligent. Aceştia sunt numiţi factori-cheie ai succesului si sunt factori din exteriorul firmei. In cazul afacerii proiectate au fost identificaţi doi factori-cheie: 1.gasirea celor mai ieftine surse de materii prime 2.''wide assortment" – varietate sortimentală


Ca in orice afacere de mici dimensiuni structura organizaţionala va fi de tipul "structura simpla ". De fapt, nu exista o structura propriu-zisa, nu exista o ierarhie, specializarea funcţionala este inexistenta, nu exista un personal de conducere si nici o formalizare de tipul organigramei sau fisei postului. Decizia este concentrata in persoana întreprinzătorului. Rolul sau este de a crea o viziune a organizaţiei care sa-i antreneze si pe membrii acesteia. O mare parte a timpului este alocata inlaturarii disfunctionalitatilor care pot apărea. Încadrarea cu personal a constituit o problema delicata pentru întreprinzător. Acesta a dorit sa îmbine in persoana salariatului competenta, profesionalismul si loialitatea fata de misiunea iniţiala a afacerii. Seful doreşte din partea angajaţilor aceeaşi atitudine angajanta si aceeaşi implicare fata de afacere, măsurata in timpul afectat peste programul stabilit, oferind in schimb acestora ceea ce ei au nevoie (salarii stimulatoare, condiţii de lucru bune, încurajarea iniţiativei personale, etc).

Activitatea curentă


Aprovizionarea urmareste asigurarea cu materiale in cantitatile necesare si in timp util. Deciziile privind aprovizionarea sunt luate de proprietar. Principalii furnizori de materiale metalice sunt: -Depozitul de materiale metalice si de construcţii TISENMETAL SA (TARGOVISTE), care este distribuitor autorizat al SIDEX Galaţi pentru: *tabla de diferite grosimi; *profile laminate; *ţevi rectangulare si rotunde; -ITALINOX ROMANIA SRL; -RAMAC SRL Asigurarea cu oxigen se va face de la fabrica de oxigen din cadrul UNIO SA. Asigurarea cu carbid pentru prepararea acetilenei se va face de la: * RIGAMO SNC; * RIVADA SRL ; * ROGAMA SRL . Asigurarea cu vopsele si grunduri se va face de la : * SINTER SRL ; * SIVI-CROM PRODIMEX SRL. Transportul materialelor de la furnizori la firma se va face cu ajutorul uneui autoutilitare din dotarea firmei (aport al proprietarului la capitalul firmei).

c) Piaţa actuală


In cazul afacerii proiectate s-au identificat următoarele bariere la intrarea pe piaţa: a) existenta produselor de substituţie. Produsele de substituţie sunt acele bunuri si servicii care pot fi utilizate in locul unui anumit produs. Produsul poate fi mai apropiat sau mai îndepărtat, dar exista puţine produse fara posibilitatea substituţiei. In tabelul de mai jos s-au identificat câteva produse ce le pot substitui pe cele ale firmei TERMOINSTAL: b) accesul la canale de distribuţie, presupune programe promotionale costisitoare. Trebuie menţionat faptul ca o substituţie este cu atât mai profitabila cu cat raportul preţ-performanta este mai avantajos sau cu cat costul de transfer plătit de consumator este mai mic.

SEGMENTAREA PIETEI Din punct de vedere strict geografic piaţa pe care SC TERMOINSTAL SRL si-a propus sa pătrundă este zona judeţului SATU MARE. Ca o eventuala alternativa a posibilitatilor de extindere firma are in plan si pătrunderea pe pieţele din judeţele învecinate. Firma TERMOINSTAL prin produsele si serviciile pe care le realizează se adresează următoarelor categorii de clienţi: -gospodarii cu venituri mici; -gospodarii cu venituri medii; -gospodarii cu venituri mari; -firme de mici dimensiuni; In figura de mai jos se poate observa cum s-a realizat segmentarea pieţei :

Segmentele pieţei Pachetul de produse, lucrări, servicii A B C D
|1. Lucrări de executare a încălzirilor centrale, montarea acestora | | | |X |
|precum si a instalaţiilor sanitare pentru baie | | | | |
|2. Cazane pentru încălzire centrala, calorifere si lucrări de montare|x |x | | |
|aferente acestora | | | | |
|3. Boilere, instalarea acestora precum si montarea echipamentelor |x |x |x | |
|sanitare pentru baie | | | | |
|4. Balcoane din fier forjat si montarea acestora |x | | | |
|5. Stâlpi metalici si chesoane pentru hale industriale si montarea | | | |x |
|acestora | | | | |


De precizat ca mărimea "X"-ului este in funcţie de mărimea veniturilor pe care firma le obţine prin vânzarea "pachetului" produs-lucrări respectiv. Analizând figura de mai sus si tinand cont de faptul ca pătura de populaţie cu venituri medii nu este bine reprezentata in tara noastră, putem concluziona ca segmentele-cheie care trebuie avute in vedere sunt: gospodăriile cu venituri mari si firmele de dimensiuni mai reduse. Tinand cont de principiul managerial "20% din cauze determina 80% din efecte" cunoscut sub numele de "diagrama Paretto" se poate spune ca in cazul firmei TERMOINSTAL procentul de 20% este reprezentat de segmentele-cheie amintite mai sus, deoarece acestea ar genera ~80% din cifra de afaceri a firmei.

NEVOILE CLIENTILOR Pentru reuşita afacerii nu trebuie pierdute din vedere in nici un moment nevoile clienţilor. Pentru aceasta trebuie permanent corelata funcţia obiectiv a producătorului (maximizarea profitului întreprinzătorului si asigurarea unui nivel de trai decent pentru el si salariaţii săi) cu funcţia obiectiv a clienţilor. In continuare s-au identificat funcţiile obiectiv ale consumatorilor, respectiv ce anume asteapta aceştia de la produsul achiziţionat: a) in cazul produsului "boiler" funcţia obiectiv a consumatorului este: atingerea unei temperaturi cat mai ridicate a apei cu un consum cat mai redus de combustibil (materie lemnoasa sau gaz metan); b) in cazul produsului "instalaţie de încălzire centrala" funcţia obiectiv este: atingerea si menţinerea unei temperaturi cat mai ridicate intr-un timp cat mai scurt, cu un consum minim de gaz metan si, de asemenea, siguranţa in exploatare. c) in cazul produsului "balcon din fier forjat" funcţia obiectiv a consumatorului este: sa intre in posesia unui produs rezistent cu o estetica deosebita, dar si o mai buna izolare termica . Întreprinzătorul firmei TERMOINSTAL cunoaşte bine toate dorinţele exprimate ale clienţilor potenţiali, încercând totodată sa monitorizeze sau sa intuiască si nevoile neexprimate ale pieţei pe care si-a propus sa acţioneze.


GENERALITATI Rivalitatea pe o piaţa este importanta atunci când competitorii sunt numeroşi si de mărimi apropiate, când produsele firmei sunt nediferenţiate sau când creşterea pieţei industriei respective este lenta si exista perioade caracterizate prin existenta unor supracapacitati de producţie. Excluzând marile firme din domeniul confecţiilor metalice care de regula executa lucrări de mare amploare, se poate spune ca concurenta in acest domeniu nu este foarte puternica. Acest lucru se explica prin faptul ca produsele firmelor sunt in general diferenţiate prin design, finisaje, parametrii constructivi, calitate, servicii si lucrări de instalare. Prin urmare, domeniul confecţiilor metalice si a lucrărilor de instalare aferente este unul care inca oferă mari oportunitati de afirmare.


Competitorii pe care firma TERMOINSTAL trebuie sa-i aibă permanent in vedere sunt: • A.B. MOBI PRODCOM - confecţii metalice, având o cifra de afaceri anuala de 1110000 lei si o cota de piaţa de 37%. • MET IMPEX SRL - lucrări de instalaţii a confecţiilor metalice, cu o cifra de afaceri anuala de 909000 lei si o cota de piaţa de 20,2%. • CARTEMIS SRL - are o cifra de afaceri anuala de 534000 lei care reprezintă 17,8% din cifra de afaceri globala. • CES SRL - confecţii metalice, instalaţii pentru încălzit; deţine o cota de piaţa de 15% , având o cifra de afaceri de 450000 lei. • V-3B SRL - deţine 10% din piaţa cu o cifra de afaceri de 300000 lei. Mărimea acestei pieţe data de cifra de afaceri globala a fost in anul precedent de 4000000 lei. Ca alternativa la produsele firmei TERMOINSTAL piaţa romaneasca oferă: boilere electrice, calorifere din fonta sau aluminiu, calorifere electrice, centrale de încălzire cu tub multistrat, centrale termice din aluminiu, otel, etc. Asemenea produse autohtone sau importate sunt comercializate de firme precum: 1.ROMSERV INVEST S.R.L. 2.TERMOTEHNICA SRL 3.TERMO-MONTAJ SRL 4.KAROLINE IMPEX SRL etc.


TRIUNGHIUL STRATEGIC In elaborarea oricărei strategii trebuie luaţi in considerare trei "jucători" principali: firma, clientul si concurenta; fiecare constituie o entitate vie cu interese si obiective. Aceştia formează "triunghiul strategic". Privita in contextul triunghiului strategic, sarcina întreprinzătorului-strateg este de a obţine performante superioare in raport cu concurenta in concordanta cu nevoile unei pieţe bine definite. Daca firma va aborda clienţii in acelaşi mod in care o fac concurenţii, clientul nu va fi capabil sa facă diferenţa intre oferte. Rezultatul ar putea fi un război al preturilor, care ar aduce clientului beneficii pe termen scurt, dar va fi dăunător firmei si concurenţilor. O strategie de succes este cea care asigura o compatibilitate "mai buna" intre atuurile firmei si nevoile clienţilor in raport cu compatibilitatea asigurata de concurenţi.

fig. "Cei trei participanţi strategici"


Prin prisma celor trei jucători chei, strategia este definita ca fiind modalitatea prin care firma se diferentiaza pozitiv de concurenţii săi, utilizându-si atuurile relative pentru o mai buna satisfacere a nevoilor clienţilor.


Planificarea strategica trebuie stabilita la un nivel la care sa se poată adresa: * tuturor segmentelor de clienţi care au nevoi si obiective asemănătoare; * tuturor aspectelor-cheie ce caracterizează firma pentru stabilirea unei diferente pozitive in raport cu concurenta; * tuturor aspectelor-cheie valorificate de concurenţi.(vezi figura 2)


FUNCTII-CHEIE: ASPECTE-CHEIE: -producţie -experienţa -relaţii cu clienţii -imagine -reputatei -siguranţa in expl. produselor


Activitatea de desfacere este atipica, in sensul ca vânzarea nu se va desfasura in spatii special amenajate; datorita producţiei pe baza de comanda, livrarea produsului se face imediat după confecţionarea lui si este insotit de lucrările de instalare-montare aferente, care se vor desfasura la domiciliul clientului.


Firma TERMOINSTAL dispune de un atu in aceasta privinţa datorita faptului ca înainte de a demara aceasta afacere proprietarul desfasura asemenea activitati: in vremea in care era salariat, era solicitat in timpul liber de diverse persoane sa confecţioneze sau sa monteze diverse instalaţii, drept pentru care si-a atras de partea sa un grup de clienţi, care la rândul lor i-au adus alţi clienţi. Astfel, in momentul demarării afacerii, întreprinzătorul se bucura deja de o anumita reputatei. In măsura fondurilor disponibile, TERMOINSTAL si-a propus sa apeleze la agenţii de presa locala pentru anunţuri in mica publicitate, dar si la agenţii de publicitate specializate care sa creeze o imagine atractiva pentru potenţialii clienţi, dar o imagine obiectiva. Proprietarul afacerii este conştient de faptul ca cea mai buna dar si cea mai ieftina modalitate de a face reclama firmei sale este prin intermediul clienţilor care au apelat la serviciile firmei si au fost multumiti de acestea.


In continuare se va calcula un preţ estimativ pentru un "pachet" de produse-lucrări cuprinzând: -confecţionarea in cadrul atelierului a unei instalaţii de încălzire centrala formata dintr-un cazan si 5 calorifere; -confecţionarea unui boiler pentru încălzirea apei; -instalarea centralei, a boilerului si a ţevilor aferente; -montarea in baie a instalaţiilor sanitare (cada, chiuveta, robinete, etc) achiziţionate in prealabil de client. Pentru fundamentarea preţului se va realiza in continuare calculul costurilor celor amintite mai sus. 1.Costul materialelor pentru cazan si boiler -3 mp tabla de 5mm------------------------------------250 -20 m ţeava----------------------------------------------200 -1 pachet electrozi---------------------------------------150 -1 tub oxigen, 1 tub acetilena------------------- -------50 --------------------------------------- 650 lei 2.Costul materialelor pentru 5 calorifere -10 mp ţeava (2 ţoli)-----------------------------------100 -2 pachete electrozi------------------------------------100 ----------------------------- 200 lei 3.Costul a 5 litri de vopsea---------------------------35 4.Cheltuieli cu energia electrica si gaze pt. producţie.------------------------------------------20 5.Cheltuieli cu combustibilul pt. transport----------------------------------------------------15 6.Cheltuieli cu salarii directe-----------------------600 7.CAS ----------------------------------------------------150 8.Protectie sociala ---------------------------------------42 9.Amortizari-----------------------------------------------20 ----------------------------- 10.Costuri totale-------------------------------------- 1732 lei 11.Profit--------------------------------------------------500 lei ----------------------------- 12.Pret de producţie (fara TVA)-------------------2232 lei 13.Pret de vânzare (cu TVA 19%)----------------2656,08 lei

Înainte de începerea lucrărilor trebuie conceput un proiect care trebuie supus diverselor aprobari, costul proiectului estimându-se la 300 lei. Acesta va fi conceput de către un proiectant autorizat in colaborare cu firma TERMOINSTAL si costul sau va fi suportat de client. In concluzie, preţul final al lucrării se va ridica la 2956,08 lei, din care profitul firmei TERMOINSTAL reprezintă 500 lei.

Fundamentarea costurilor cu salariile directe: -se au in vedere salariile lunare ale celor cinci salariaţi -se calculează numărul orelor de munca dintr-o luna si se inmulteste cu numărul de salariaţi -se raportează fondul de salarii lunar la numărul de ore dintr-o luna, obtinandu-se costul unei ore-om -se estimează numărul orelor necesare pentru efectuarea completa a lucrării -se inmulteste costul unei ore-om cu numărul orelor de munca pentru efectuarea lucrării, obtinandu-se astfel costul manoperei.

SALARIATI: SALARIUL LUNAR: MANAGER 900 LEI LACATUS 800 LEI LACATUS 800 LEI INSTALATOR 760 LEI SUDOR 740 LEI FOND DE SALARII LUNAR-----4000 LEI NR. ORE DE FUNCTIONARE DINTR-O LUNA: 24 zile * 8 ore/zi * 5 salariaţi = 960 ore-om COSTUL UNEI ORE-OM: 4000 lei / 960 ore-om = 4,16 lei / ora-om DURATA EFECTUARII LUCRARII: 3 zile * 8 ore/zi = 24 ore
COSTUL MANOPEREI: 24 ore * 4,16 lei / ora-om * 5 salariaţi = 500 lei


In orice afacere nevoia de resurse financiare (lichiditati) este cu siguranţa un factor decisiv in ceea ce priveşte demararea propriu-zisa a afacerii. De cele mai multe ori fara un stoc de fonduri proprii, demararea afacerii este imposibila, din cauza faptului ca in primele luni de funcţionare o firma nu obţine suficiente venituri pentru a acoperi eventualele dobânzi bancare.

Resursele financiare ale firmei TERMOINSTAL reprezintă in totalitate fonduri proprii ale întreprinzătorului, in valoare de 20.000 Euro. Din aceste fonduri întreprinzătorul a achiziţionat maşini si unelte necesitate in activitatea de producţie, respectiv: * aparate de sudura (unul electric si unul oxiacetilenic, cu flacăra); *maşini de găurit; *doua prese pentru profile metalice; *instalaţii pentru debitare (fierăstrău mecanic si ghilotina); *un polizor; *un cuptor pentru încălzirea metalelor; *truse de scule; *scule electrice de mici dimensiuni; *S.D.V.-uri. De asemenea au fost imbunatatite racordurile la energie electrica si gaze; tot din aceste fonduri au fost achiziţionate cantitatile minime de materiale necesare începerii producţiei.

d) Proiecţii financiare


|ACTIV |Bilant de plecare |Sfarsitul anului I |Sfarsitul anului II |Sfarsitul anului III|
|Terenuri |- |- |- |- |
|Constructii |- |- |- |- |
|Instalatii |- |- |- |- |
|Material |- |- |- |- |
|Altele |- |- |- |- |
|TOTAL |- |- |- |- |
|STOCURI | | | | |
|Materii prime |- |25200 |42970 |58200 |
|In curs |- |- |- |- |
|Produse finite |- |- |- |- |
|TOTAL |- |25200 |42970 |58200 |
|Client+ Efecte de primit |- |7200 |1080 |15750 |
|Alti debitori |- |4950 |4950 |6850 |
|Casa+Banca |74500 |74900 |981200 |1587500 |
|TOTAL |74500 |87050 |987230 |1610100 |
|TOTAL ACTIV |74500 |112250 |1030200 |1668300 |
|PASIV | | | | |
|Capital social |6000 |6000 |6000 |6000 |
|Provizioane |- |1300 |1700 |21000 |
|Rezerve |- |2000 |2400 |28000 |
|Rezultatul reportat |- |- |- |- |
|Autofinantarea |- |16554 |494850 |940630 |
|TOTAL |6000 |25854 |504950 |995630 |
|Furnizori+Efecte de plata |- |5256 |419760 |538010 |
|Stat |- |81140 |105490 |134660 |
|Banci |- |- |- |- |
|Alte datorii pe termen scurt |- |- |- |- |
|TOTAL PASIV |74500 |112250 |1030200 |1668300 |


|RENTABILITATEA ECONOMICA ([pic]) |224,66 |32,68 |25,66 |
|RENTABILITATEA COMERCIALA ([pic]) |50,27 |57,01 |59,20 |
|RENTABILITATEA CAPITALURILOR ([pic]) |1940,2 |116,98 |72,63 |
|RENTABILITATEA FINANCIARA ([pic] |975,43 |66,69 |43,00 |
|RATA AUTONOMIEI FINANCIARE ([pic]) |23,03 |49,01 |59,67 |


|Vanzari de marfuri |- |- |- |
|Productie vanduta |444672 |554607 |654976 |
|Productie stocata |- |- |- |
|Subventii din exploatare |- |- |- |
|A.Produse din exploatare |444672 |554607 |654976 |
|Achizitii |322560 |419760 |538016 |
|Variatia stocurilor |- |- |- |
|Cheltuieli exterioare |- |- |- |
|1.SUB-TOTAL |122112 |134847 |116960 |
|B.Valoare adaugata |322560 |419760 |538016 |
|2.Remunerarea personalului |35000 |44000 |68000 |
|3.Cheltuieli sociale |13670,4 |15800 |17136 |
|4.Impozite, taxe si alte varsaminte |9000 |10500 |12000 |
|C.Excedent brut de exploatare |264889,6 |349460 |440880 |
|5.Cheltuieli cu amortizarea |12700 |12700 |12700 |
|D.Rezultatul exploatarii |252189,6 |336760 |428180 |
|6.Produse financiare |- |- |- |
|7.Cheltuieli financiare pentru datorii |- |- |- |
|pe termen lung si mediu | | | |
|8.Cheltuieli financiare pentru datorii |- |- |- |
|pe termen scurt | | | |
|E.Rezultatul net Inainte de impozitare |252189,6 |336760 |428180 |
|9.Impozitul pe profit |40350,3 |53881,6 |68508,8 |
|10.Dividende |25248,9 |33676 |42818 |
|F1.Rezultatul nedistribuit |211839,3 |282878,4 |395671,2 |
|F2.Autofinantarea neta |16554 |494850 |940630 |


|Investitii fara TVA | | | |
|-cumpararea unui teren |- |- |- |
|-investitii imobiliare |41000 |42000 |45000 |
|-amenajari |35000 |38000 |37000 |
|-material |24000 |30000 |35000 |
|-altele |- |- |- |
|Necesarul de fond de rulment | | | |
|-constituire |72000 |122000 |132000 |
|-crestere |- |50000 |60000 |
|Rambursarea imprumuturilor pe termen mediu si | | | |
|lung | | | |
|TOTAL NEVOI |172000 |282000 |309000 |
|Capitaluri proprii |9300 |10100 |55000 |
|Capacitatea de autofinantare |16554 |494850 |940630 |
|Ajutoare si subventii |- |- |- |
|Credite pe termen lung |- |- |- |
|TOTAL RESURSE |25854 |504950 |995630 |
|ECARTUL ANUAL |-146146 |222950 |686630 |











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Communication Plan Project

...Ruben Santos Project Management Project- Communication plan A well planned project has a well planned Communication strategy. “Effective and frequent personal communication is crucial to keep the project moving, identify potential problems, solicit suggestions for improving project performance, keep abreast of whether the customer is satisfied, and avoid surprises.” (Gido & Clements, 2006). This statement could not be more fitting for the type of project my team is undertaking. Project communication is crucial to effectively organize process and finalize any project. Project communication can include; oral communication, written communication, such as memos or external letters to clients/customers, project reports, project progress reports and project meetings. An initial meeting with the Director of the showcase cinema has been set for 5/6/2015/. An Agenda has been created to facilitate the initial communication with the Director (please see below): |Project Review | |Initial meeting with Jonh Dimarzo | |May 6th, 2015 | | | |Agenda ...

Words: 548 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...[pic] Project Plan Template Document Control Document Information |© |Information | |Document Id |[Document Management System #] | |Document Owner |[Owner Name] | |Issue Date |[Date] | |Last Saved Date |[Date] | |File Name |[Name] | Document History |Version |Issue Date |Changes | |[1.0] |[Date] |[Section, Page(s) and Text Revised] | | | | | | | | | | | ...

Words: 1186 - Pages: 5

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...CAREER EXPLORATION PROGRAM (PROJECT FIGARO) PROJECT PLAN APRIL 2015 Document versions and key changes: Version | Issue Date | Key Changes | Author | 2.0 | April 25, 2015 | Updated WBSUpdated PERT/CPMUpdated Organizational Chard | Monitoring & Control Committee | Approved by: Version | Name | Function | Signature/Email | 2.0 | Sorono, Terence | Project Sponsor | | TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary of Project 1. Project Title 2. Introduction 3. Background 4. Goals and Objectives 5. Scope 6. Time Frame 7. Cost Management Plan 8. Benefit Analysis 9. Risk Assessment 10. Milestones 11. Assumptions 12. Constraints 13. Critical Barriers 14. Deliverables and Key Users 15. Approach 16. Schedule 17. Communication Plan 18. Quality Management Plan 19. Appendices Executive Summary of Project Project Name: | Career Exploration Program (Project Figaro) | Date: | 29 April 2015 | Submitted To: | Prof. Terence Soroṅo | Objectives:The main objective of this project is to guide the students in choosing their courses in college through established means of exploring their passions, talents, and interests and eventually, pursuing a career they are most interested in. Project Deliverables & Key Users:In summary, this project aims to: 1) Design a seminar program that will help students identify their passion, explore them, and find ways to turn them into career opportunity...

Words: 4191 - Pages: 17

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...Project Management PlanMerger & Acquisition Project for The Bag Co with ABC Leather Ltd Prepared by: MSc/ AdvDip Project Management Practices (2011 Batch) Students (Team -1) Marcus Ellenby Mohamed Abdurazak Myrka Freua Vivek Jha PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Objectives................................................................................................................................ 3 1.2 Vision Statement..................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Key Milestones and KPIs ......................................................................................................... 4 2 Project Organisation ....................................................................................................................... 5 3 Project Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................................. 5 3.1 3.2 Work Breakdown Structure .................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Organisation Break down Structure........................................................................................ 6 3.4 4 Work Details......................................

Words: 5246 - Pages: 21

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...URCovered Mobile Application Project Plan Project Scope – The project scope is to allow customers an alternative means of communication with case managers which in turn will provide a more efficient claims process. Project Objectives – The objectives of this provide will include extending the current process into a more efficient and user friendly process. The work load for case managers will be decreased as the application will allow for case managers the ability to manage more cases without affecting the quality of their work. Customers will be given real time status updates and be provided with instant and personal communication with their case managers. Objectives for this project will specifically target the IOS market, as the application will be designed for the Iphone/Ipad platform. Finally, the current claim management system will be updated and improved so that it can be integrated with the new system. Project Monitoring and Control – Monitoring and control methods used will include peer and expert reviews in the initiation, requirements, and verification phase. During the initiation phase, Project notes will be reviewed in order to determine if all information reported will be sufficient enough to move to the following phase. In the requirements phase, the existing system will be reviewed and compare to the system in development. Developers will determine what needs to be implemented, removed, and improved in order to meet system requirements. The last review...

Words: 545 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...New Product Launch Plan in the market By Pfizer Pharmaceutical Ltd Company In the year of 2014 in the United States of America. Overview: As the CEO of the Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Ltd, I would like to represent our new product launch plan that includes our company background, new drug information, new product launch plan, estimated costs of the projected plan, market analysis, contractual issues, evaluation, risk management staff and the general approaches etc. I would like to say our new product called as a DuaveeTM which was made by the Wyeth Pharmaceuticals which is wholly-owned subsidiary of our company Pfizer pharmaceutical Ltd and it is also a part of broader research collaboration with Ligand Pharmaceutical incorporated. We are going to plan this product in the market next year 2014. All the information related to launch schedules and estimated costs also included in the project. Our company project includes mainly six elements and we will focus mainly on these six types of elements such as: Project Definition: Objectives: According to me, it is the best success of the company for achievement in the fields of the Women’s medicines. Main objectives of the company are that our company will get more profit by launching the new product and we also will get new reputation in the market. Before launching this product we must have to understand what is the product contains? And how it will help? So here I want to describe something about the product that is need to...

Words: 1826 - Pages: 8

Free Essay

Project Plan

...I-Link Project Plan Table of Contents Charter 3 Description 3 Background 5 Scope and Objectives 85 Scope 8 Objectives 9 Success Factors 10 System Design 11 Existing Dallas Network 11 Existing Dallas Network Diagram 12 Proposed Dallas Network 13 Proposed Dallas Network Diagram 16 Proposed Santa Rosa Network 17 Proposed Santa Rosa Network Diagram 19 Transition Plans 20 WAN Connectivity and Design 22 Backup Strategy 23 Network Security Plan 23 Business Continuity Plan 23 Financials 24 Budget 24 Recurring Costs 24 Non-Recurring Costs 25 Implementation Plan 26 Implementation Overview 26 Proposed Implementation Plan 26 Table of References 29 Charter Project Name | I-Link | Project Number | PROJ1337 | Project Manager | Kyle Schulz | Prioritization | 1 | Owner(s) | | Start Date: | January 2, 2013 | Scheduled Completion Date: | Sept.16,2013 | Our Mission | | Our mission will include testing of the network’s function and provide adequate training to ensure more efficient network for the four branch’s and the main office. We will provide onsite and offsite backup as well as an offsite database which will help protect from data loss and down time. | Scope | (I Left spaces so you can add/ edit these area) | * Install a new network * Implement a Security plan * Implement a Backup plan * Test for issues within the network * Provide network support and training | | Objectives | | Installing the new network...

Words: 4814 - Pages: 20

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...Project Proposal Seneca Porter February 16, 2015 University of Phoenix Seth Chaikin Memorandum February 16, 2015 Name of Project: Information Technology & Research Compliance Systems Training Description: The purpose of this training is designed to assess and implement new technologies for our employees and consumers. This training is geared towards our managers which will give insight on compliance policies along with hands-on instruction. This training will consist of 10 hours in order to fully plan, test, and implement this new system. Stakeholders: The stakeholders we are looking into will include the CEO, managers, IT facilitators. The stakeholders chosen are the front runner of this training. This training will also involve indirect stakeholders such as subordinates of each department in which the managers can provide concise information of the new system. Overall Objectives & Outcomes: The overall objective of this project is to have all managers learn the compliance policies along with IT upgrades. The plan is to have all managers on board for this training in order to better demonstrate these polices to their subordinates. The outcome of this project will serve in a positive aspect with all stakeholders in agreement, starting with the participation of this training. Feedback from this training would be considered mandatory in order for the CEO to see progression and who provided full cooperation. Once the training is set we can further...

Words: 538 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...A Preliminary Project Scope Statement is one of the outputs of the Project Initiation process group.  The purpose of the Preliminary Project Scope Statement is to identify the high level project objectives.  The objectives must be clear, actionable and measurable. Recommended sections for the Preliminary Project Scope Statement include: 1.     Project Description Explain what the project is, and how it will be accomplished.  Explain the ultimate intended outcome of the project.  This should serve as a brief introduction.  Provide some background about the history of how the project got to this point. 2.     Project Purpose State the purpose of the project.  Tie the purpose to the organization’s strategic goals and objectives if possible.  Tell the reader why this project is being started and what need it is fulfilling.  Identify if there are any specific mandates, policies or laws that are driving this change. 3.     Project Objectives Provide clear, actionable and measurable objectives of the project.  The objectives should be clear enough so that the project can be measured against the objectives once completed.  The ultimate success of a project is whether the project achieved its stated objectives.  Take time to clearly document the objectives here. An example of an objective is: * The system/product/service will cut response times in half, thus allowing the organization to process twice as many tickets. 4.     Project Requirements Identify the high level requirements...

Words: 995 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...1: Define Project and Develop Plan Project Brief Project Title MAX LIONEL REALTY – TEST IMPLEMENTATION Project purpose Business Objectives for the project are: - Define the needed functions of clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments - Implement a test MLR obligations and commitment to best-of breed client services - Make recommendations and develop a project plan for a legal and ethical obligations - Report to all stakeholders in an annual meeting Background and strategic context In order to build customer goodwill and satisfy the legal and ethical obligations, MLR has decided to implement a program to: - inform agents of legal and ethical obligations and any standards or codes of conduct followed by the organization - promote high standards in professional conduct - inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments - achieve employee and clients buy-in for initiative Priority This project is prioritized to agents, clients and tenants Related projects This project is related to other projects including Construction project, house-keeping project Project client/owner The project clients are agents highly trained and competent in selling and managing real estate, clients who are not sure of MLR obligations and tenants who sometimes feel discriminated against on basis of lifestyle, cultural background and so on. Project sponsor This project is directly sponsored by MLR Project manager Lead...

Words: 3400 - Pages: 14

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...PROJECT PLAN Cheongsam and Chinese Women: Body Image in 100 Years of Shanghai Disclaimer This project plan is created based on the business case The Secret Life of Cheongsam: History and Material Culture (Phase I). This project plan is not based on a real project. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 2 PURPOSE OF PLAN 2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2 RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY 2 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 3 PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 3 SCOPE 3 PROJECT OUTPUTS AND QUALITY STABDARDS 3 PROJECTED OUTPUTS 3 QUALTY STANDARDS 4 ASSUMPTIONS 4 PROJECT ASSUMPTIONS 4 CONSTRAINTS 5 PROJECT CONSTRAINTS 5 RELATED PROJECTS 5 CRITICAL PROJECT BARRIERS 5 PROJECT APPROACH 5 OVERALL APPROACH 5 PROJECT PHASES 6 PROJECT ACTIVITIES 7 PROJECT BUDGET 8 DETAILED PROJECT PLANNING 10 HUMAN REAOURCES PLAN 10 COMMUNICATION PLAN 11 RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN 13 PROCUREMENT PLAN 15 APPROVALS 16 SIGN-OFF SHEET 16 INTRODUCTION Purpose of Plan Cheongsam and Chinese Women: Body Image in 100 Years of Shanghai (hereafter CCW) is a museum project which will create a web-archive of memories and photographs around a series of digitized images of cheongsam taken from a cheongsam collection which owned by Shanghai Institute of Arts. This project will celebrate the history and public memories of cheongsam in Shanghai. This project plan is an opportunity to carry forward the heritage of cheongsam...

Words: 4266 - Pages: 18

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...Project Plan In appendix () you will find a Gantt chart for the further planning of the applications launch. This planning is regrouping all marketing and development actions that need to be completed to assure a successful launch. Here is an overview of all steps: 1 Internal beta testing It is clear the app has to be truly tested before we launch it . The testing will be divided into two groups. The first group will be internal persons who will test the app for technical “viability”. We ask them to pay attention to following points: o Does the app perform the tasks it was designed for? o How does the app perform when being used consistently or under a heavy load? o Is it possible to hack the app? o What happens when you push the app to its limits? o What is the sign-up process like? o Do all links work as they should? o Etc. They should test all the functionality and security issues. The second group will be external persons who test the app for usability and the end user’s work environment. We ask them to pay attention to following points: o the usability, which means does it have a user friendly interface? o is the use inside the app intuitive? o are the features and functions what they expected? o how is the app design? o Etc. 2 Creating content In order to support our marketing efforts, we will need to create some content about our app. Typically this will comprise: o Demo videos which illustrate the possibilities of the app...

Words: 463 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...Project Scope Project Purpose Organize a golf tournament for HP on 18 December 2015 within a budget of AUD 200,000. The project has been selected due to its feasibility and Golfie’s past success of executing such projects. Background We (Golfie) are a company that has expertise on 360 degree professional golf tournament management services. We provide total solution right from pre-tournament, to tournament to post tournament. Golfie has been hired by HP, a corporate client from the technology sector, to organize an exclusive one-day invitational golf tournament for its clients and potential customers. This project is of great importance to the client as it will help the client build reputation and brand image among its current client base and also help it to meet potential customers and connect with them at the event. Everything needs to be unique and high class in this tournament, may it be invitation style, game format, food & beverage, giveaways, prizes, ceremony arrangement or branding. Objectives The objective of this project is * organize a high level invitational golf tournament for HP * provide a fun filled day to be cherished by the participants * an opportunity for the client to meet potential customers * create high-value perception for HP * project completion within allocated time and budget. Key Stakeholders * HP * Golfie * HP clients * Potential customers * Venue - Golf Club * Vendors Timeframe...

Words: 1941 - Pages: 8

Premium Essay

Business Plan Project

...Chapter 1: Introduction 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Name of the Company Our company name is Friends Café. The reason we decided to come out with this name is because of:- 1.1.1 Name of Relationship It is because five of us are close friends since in college. If people came to our cafe also they make friends with us and other customer because we always serve with smiling. 1.1.2 Reputation It is because we want our café different from other café and for sure want a good reputation. Friends Café is representing our main product of business that is café while cake is representing other service that we provided in our business that is food and beverage. The used of café and picture is to make the logo more interesting, make it not look to messy as well as to make the people easy to remember Friends Café. Because we want to create something different than other café shop and bring a relaxing and simple ambiance or concept for our café shop so our customer can fell that they truly fell the relaxing experience in Friends Café. 1.2 Nature of Business Our Friends Café is exclusive and relaxing café which serve a various type of coffee and other food and beverages for consumption on our cafe. We highly specialized quality of our coffee from New Zeeland coffee bean. Along with the espresso drink and brewed coffee, we also sold some refreshment beverages in our coffee shop. We also offer fresh juice, cakes and muffins. The menu of our coffee shop will be built...

Words: 18736 - Pages: 75

Premium Essay

Project Plan

...Activity 13 As project manager my first task would be to contact the senior management ensure the firms insurance company has been called to come and do the damage evaluated so we know what is covered or not by them, while waiting on the evaluation from the insurance company, my team members would chase quotes from; Technical specialists: * to check & repair or replace any power points, phones * & computer equipment, Carpet suppliers: * to remove & replace carpet, Furniture suppliers: * for new desks, chairs, cupboards, filling cabinets, Cleaning companies: * to clean and remove any mould. Electrical company: * to check & repair or replace any power points or cables Plasters: * to check & repair or replace any damage walls Painters: * to check & repair or repaint the damage walls Web programmer: * to check & repair or replace any or lost software Removals: To remove left over materials To ensure my team understand their tasks & our project I would hold a meeting to discuss all the tasks that need to be undertaken & then hold follow up meeting to ensure everything is being taken care of & on track, all the required documentation of the contractors are confirmed and accurate to performed their tasks and recheck the documentation before presenting them to the Senior Manager and CEO of the organisaiton. The responsibilities of each team members are shown on table 1 below...

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