...You are the marketing director of Propecia, a new drug for hair restoration that's about to hit the market. But the drug can only be purchased via a physician's prescription. So do you advertise directly to balding men? Do you concentrate on targeting physicians? How about attempting to influence the wives or barbers of balding men? All these issues and more faced Tom Casola, who in 1997 was heading the Propecia marketing effort for the drug maker Merck & Co. The case was discussed by audience members at the 5th Annual Alumni Healthcare Conference on November 6, 2004; HBS assistant professor Marta Wosinska led the conversation. The Propecia launch came at a time of regulatory change, which made advertising of prescription drugs to consumers more feasible. But Casola had to consider three limitations on such advertising: A "product claim" ad could mention both the brand name of the drug and the problem it could correct, but would also have to include a list of major side effects. Trying to put side effects into context in a 30-second TV spot was next to impossible. "Reminder" ads could mention the brand of the drug, but not mention what the drug was for. "Help-seeking" ads allowed for un-branded ads that would encourage men to seek a doctor's advice if they were concerned about hair loss. In addition to marketing directly to consumers, Casola would also consider strategies for Merck's more traditional marketing channel of selling direct to physicians, using the company's...
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...I. 진단혈액 진단혈액 수련항목 (1) : 혈액학적검사 기본 술기 표준수련기간 : 1주 수련내용 : ◆ 용어정의 : • 혈액학적검사 : 혈액세포와 응고에 관련된 일련의 검사를 의미한다. 혈구의 체내분포, 구조, 기능에 관련된 검사, 골수에 분포하는 전구세포에 관한 검사, 혈구에 영향을 끼칠 수 있는 혈장 인자에 관한 검사 및 유전자 이상에 관련된 검사 등을 포괄적으로 포함한다. • 망상적혈구수 : 적혈구 성숙 단계 중 정염색성 적아구(orthochromatophilic normoblast) 바로 다음 단계의 세포로 핵이 빠져나간 직후부터를 의미한다. 미토콘드리아, 중심소체(centriole), 리보솜 등을 함유하고 있으며 말초혈액에서 24-48시간의 성숙과정을 거쳐서 성숙한 적혈구로 된다 (Ref. Williams 16th p373-374) ◆ 숙지할 필수 지식 : • 혈액학 검사에 사용되는 검체와 항응고제의 작용기전 및 종류 • 모세관 혈액의 채취 방법과 용도, 채취 시 주의점 및 정맥혈과의 차이점 • 적혈구침강계수(ESR) 검사의 원리 ◆ 습득할 필수 술기 : • Neubauer chamber의 사용 • 미량법(micromethod)를 이용한 헤마토크리트의 측정 • 수기법을 이용한 망상적혈구수 검사 ◆ 국내외 장비 및 시약 현황 : 해당없음 ◆ 추천되는 참고자료 : • 대한혈액학회. 혈액학, 2006. • 대한진단검사의학회 편, 진단검사의학 제 3판, 2001. • Henry, JB. Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 24th ed. 2006. 보고서 제출 일자 : 200 년 월 일 평가자 : 지도전문의 인 (일자 : 200 년 월 일) 과장 인 (일자 : 200 년 월 일) 수련위원 인 (일자 : 200 년 월 일) 진단혈액 수련항목 (2) : 자동 혈구계산기 표준수련기간 : 2주 수련내용 : ◆ 용어정의 : • 헤마토크릿(Hct) : 혈액 전체 부피에 대한 적혈구 부피의 비율, 단위는 % 또는 L/L • 평균적혈구용적(MCV) : 적혈구의 평균 용적, 단위는 fL, • MCV = Hct (L/L) X 1,000/RBC count (X1012/L) • 평균적혈구혈색소(MCH) : 적혈구 한 개당 혈색소 양, 단위는 pg, • MCH = hemoglobin (g/L)/RBC count (X1012/L) • 평균적혈구혈색소농도(MCHC) : 적혈구 한 개당 평균 혈색소 농도, • 단위는 g/L, MCHC = hemoglobin (g/L)/Hct (L/L) • 적혈구분포지수(RDW)...
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...(MPHL) and the company planned to market it under the name of PROPECIA. - PROPECIA prevents hair follicles from deteriorating, thereby preventing hair loss. - PROPECIA is to be used only by men and can be extremely harmful for women, especially pregnant women as it can result in birth defects in the male foetus. In fact, women should be careful to avoid contact even with broken or crushed pills. - As per the clinical studies, 83% of the men retained their current hair count and 66% experienced re-growth within a period of 1 year with the help of PROPECIA. - PROPECIA took around 3 months to show substantial results and if stopped, any benefits would be reversed within a year. - Although there were no major side effects, around 2% of the men in the study suffered from sexual side effects. Again, when the use of the drug was stopped, the side effects disappeared. Given the psychae of the target customers, the current market conditions and the competition, the decision that lay ahead was to devise the launch strategy for PROPECIA. target market: The opportunity for this product was very vast as about 50% of the male population suffered from hair loss. Although there was quite a variation in the way men perceived the situation and their thought process behind dealing with the situation, the hair loss market accounted for $1.5 Billion in annual sales. Prior to the launch of PROPECIA, the alternatives that were available and used by the customers...
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...Marketing – II Group Case Analysis: PROPECIA®: Helping Make Hair Loss History Section A Group 1 Ajanta Boro Ashu Tomar Ashutosh Shukla Pramod Rai Raghavendra Rao Sanjay Gupta Shiv Raj Singh CASE ANALYSIS: PROPECIA Helping Hair Loss Make History The Scientists of the Merck, world’s largest pharmaceutical company found that Finasteride compound was useful in the treatment of Male Pattern Hair Loss (MPHL). The company was planning to launch new drug Propecia. Before launching the product they performed clinical study the effectiveness of propecia toward the MPHL. The initial clinical studies for PROPECIA included men between the ages of 18 and 41 with mild to moderate ongoing hair loss, these studies showed that 83% of the participants of the study were at least able to maintain their hair count and in 66% of the participants growth of new hair was observed. In case of Women PROPECIA was not effective in treatment of hair loss and women were specifically instructed not to use the product as the finasteride compound could cause birth defects in male fetuses if ingested or observed through skin. In the clinical tests a small number of men experienced various sexual side effects but these side effects were fewer than 2% taking the drugs. Meanwhile there was a relaxation in drug advertisements by FDA, according to this new rule pharmaceutical companies were allowed to mention the brand name of the product in the broadcasting advertisement as long as they were...
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...Table of Contents I. Early/mid stage biotech funding environment at a glance II. “Regenerate Biomedical” (fictional biotech company) overview a. Company milestones, stakeholders, funding to date b. Preliminary testing results for DRX c. Clinical Trials and funding needs for DRX d. Overview of Phase I Results for DRX e. Probability DRX clears phase II III. Market Overview - Hair Therapy Industry a. Market and competitive landscape b. DRX competitive advantage c. DRX Sales Forecast (three scenarios) d. Analyst Assumptions IV. Risk Profile for early/mid stage biotech companies a. Assumptions- Beta, Cost of Capital, WACC V. Overview Regenerate Biomedical funding options for DRX a. Initial Public Offering (IPO) b. Private Equity (PE) c. Big pharmaceutical company a. “Aderans” preliminary acquisition offer d. Venture Capital b. “Bio Venture” preliminary deal terms VI. Results and Conclusion a. Strategy 1 b. Strategy 2 c. Strategy 3 I. Early/mid stage biotech funding environment at a glance Biotechnology is typically defined as any science that harnesses cellular and bimolecular substances to develop new technology, drugs and products. Biotechnology has multiple applications - food alteration, genetic research, environment and energy, and human and animal health products, to name a few. Over the years, the biotech industry has produced some of the world’s greatest advances in...
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...This DHT blocker contains active ingredients to which cure hair loss. It is a prescribed medicine, which can be bought from nearby medical store or can even be ordered online on trusted websites. It is sold in form of tablets generally. It is not meant to provide permanent cure. It reacts quickly as compared to natural blockers. Other supplements, which can be used beside Finasteride, are Propecia, Minoxidil (Regaine) which are quite effective. However, Regaine is not a prescribed drug and can be found at local stores and pharmacies. Other than using these blockers, common food also contains nutrients can also help to control hair loss up to certain extent. These nutrients are lycopene, L-lysine, zinc, biotin etc. You can get more details on working of such DHT blocker at https://biomediclaser.com/entry7.html. You can also shop from their online store, which delivers worldwide. Other than that, you can also receive notifications and news about using healthy methods to block DHT. The main service offered by them is the clinical advice on hair loss. Once your symptoms are diagnosed, you receive treatment...
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...Name ____________________________________________________________ NVCC Pharm HW 9 summer 2015 (chap 31) 1. Why is the pituitary called the ‘master gland’? 2. What is a common use of clomiphene(Clomid) for women? How is a dose of Clomid likely to make the woman feel (side effects)? What adverse reaction to Clomid did Octomom experience? 3. What is a common use of chorionic gonadotropin in little boys? * In grown men? * How might it make the patient feel? 4. What does somatropin (Humatrope) to to children (the therapeutic effect)? 5. 2 serious hormonal conditions might result for growth hormone therapy: what are they? 6. Cosyntropin may be used for inflammatory conditions when _____________________________ wasn’t successful. When you look at the long list of adverse reactions (p 316) you notice that they are the same as __________________________________________ drugs. 7. What drug may be used to treat diabetes insipidus? Does diabetes insipidus have ANYTHING to do with diabetes mellitus? 8. What is a post op use of vasopressin? What should be taken before a dose of vasopressin? 9. We have talked about glucocorticoids (steroid drugs). Recall adverse effects on: Fluids and electrolytes: Bones: Stomach: Immune system: Skin: Knowing all that, what kind (s) of patient is at a lot of risk for dangerous complications of steroid therapy? 10. fludrocortisone (Florinef) is...
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...Dutasteride Safety And Efficacy Report Against Androgenic Alopecia A. W. Rafi and R. M. Katzetal [1] as per their view Dutasteride is an efficient medication of the androgenic alopecia in atopic and nonatopic male patients.. Along with the some other medicines nasteride, and minoxidil, which is blended in a hypoallergenic lotion. Here 15 patients were showing results of efficient and effective results for atopic and nonatopic male patients. By the comparison with drugs like minoxidil, Propecia (finasteride) drug is effective against inhibit the 5AR (5-alpha reductase) enzyme, which is an enzyme responsible for conversion of testosterone to its more active form, DHT (dihydrotestosterone) of in the scalp hair follicles. As per hair loss centre Queensland [2], Lower levels of...
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...Silberman College of Business Administration Marketing and Entrepreneurship Department Course Description: Survey of sales and marketing practices, constraints and promotion tools in the pharmaceutical and related industries, including new product development and licensing. Prerequisite: MKTG5532 Strategic Marketing and PHAR6605; The Pharmaceutical Industry: Structure and Government Regulations. Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: Understand segmentation and targeting marketing practices and opportunity analysis utilized by the pharmaceutical and related healthcare industries Understand the impact of social, political, legal/regulatory, and cultural environments on the marketing and brand planning processes Apply the fundamental 4P's of marketing (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) to the pharmaceutical and related industries Understand the approach taken to create and manage pharmaceutical marketing and brand plans Relation to Silberman College of Business Mission: In keeping with the mission of the Silberman College of Business this course provides students an opportunity to develop real-world business skills, namely, develop within students an enhanced facility for applying sound decision-making, problem-solving, and analytic techniques in addressing a variety of the most important pharmaceutical marketing issues. Course Topics: Fundamental marketing management issues involving: ...
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...ALOPECIA PRACHI DESHMUKH T.Y.BAMS ROLL NO. 6 Sr. no. | Topic | Page No. | Remark | 1 | Normal hair growth | 1-2 | | 2 | Alopecia i. Classification ii. Causes iii. Telogen Effluvium iv. Tinea Capitis | 3-6 | | 3 | Alopecia Areata i. Classification ii. Causes iii. Signs and symptoms iv. Diagnosis v. Treatment a. Medicinal b. Surgical c. Other treatment | 7-14 | | INDEX NORMAL HAIR GROWTH In human beings, hairs serve for protection on a primary level, but they are all-important for personal adornment. These hairs are of two types: 1) Lanugo (Vellus) hairs- very fine hairs present all over the body. 2) Terminal hairs- coarse, thick and pigmented hairs which are best developed on the face, scalp and extremities. The hairs are mostly found on all external body parts, except that of nail, palms, soles, lips, eyelids. Hairs are naturally present as eyebrows, eyelashes as also on scalp. But the development of hairs on forearms, legs, and other body parts is dependent...
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...PROSTATE CANCER Risk factors * Older age. The risk of prostate cancer increases with age. Prostate cancer is most common in men older than 65. * Being black. Black men have a greater risk of prostate cancer than do men of other races. In black men, prostate cancer is also more likely to be aggressive or advanced. It's not clear why this is. * Family history of prostate cancer. If men in your family have had prostate cancer, your risk may be increased. * Obesity. Obese men diagnosed with prostate cancer may be more likely to have advanced disease that's more difficult to treat. Prevention * Choose a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables. Avoid high-fat foods and instead focus on choosing a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and nutrients that can contribute to your health. One nutrient that is consistently linked to prostate cancer prevention is lycopene, which can be found in raw or cooked tomatoes. Whether you can prevent prostate cancer through diet has yet to be conclusively proved. But eating a healthy diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables can improve your overall health. * Choose healthy foods over supplements. No studies have shown that supplements play a role in reducing your risk of prostate cancer risk. While there has been some interest in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E and selenium, to lower prostate cancer risk, studies haven't found a benefit to taking supplements...
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...All of the following medications are gluten free unless otherwise noted Generic drugs can be produced from many manufacturers and not all manufacturers use the same fillers or excipients. When there is a generic drug listed the manufacturer will be in the parenthesis. This does not imply that these are the only gluten free manufacturers but that these were the only ones checked. ANALGESICS/NONSTEROIDAL Acetaminophen w Codeine (Teva) Advil Aleve Alka Seltzer Gold Alka Seltzer Heartburn Relief Anaprox Anaprox DS Arthrotec Aspirin Enteric Coated 325mg (Leiner,code #44/227, Watson) Aspirin 81mg chewable (Watson) Avinza Baby aspirin (Walgreens, Perrigo) Bancaps HC Bufferin-all products EXCEPT Bufferin regular 325mg tablet which does contain some gluten Butazolidin Carisoprodol (Watson, West-Ward) Cataflam Celebrex Clinoril Cyclobenzaprine (Mylan, Schein, Watson) Daypro Demerol Durabac Ecotrin (all strengths) Endocet Endodan Esgic (all forms) Excedrin Extra Strength Excedrin Migraine Feldene-contains gluten Fioricet / with Codeine Fiorinal Fiorinal caps-generic (West-Ward) Fiorinal tabs-generic (West-Ward) Fiorinal with Codeine Flexeril Flubriprofen (Novapharm) Hydrocodone/APAP all strengths (Mallinckrodt, Watson) Ibuprofen (Amneal, Pharm. Formulations) Indocin Indomethacin (Novapharm) Ketoprofen XR (Andrx) Lodine (tabs/caps/XL) Lorcet 10/650 Lorcet Plus Lortab (all forms) Motrin Childrens DF Conc. Drops Mobic Morphine IR tabs (Roxane) Morphine Sulfate Ext Release Tab (Endo) Motrin...
Words: 2427 - Pages: 10
...Merck’s acquisition of Medco: Merger Analysis and Recommendation by Marzena Porebski . Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 2.0 THE COMPANY OVERVIEW 3 2.1 Merck & Company 3 2.2 Medco Containment Services Inc. 5 2.3 The Companies Advantages 6 3.0 MERCK & MEDCO MERGER 7 3.1 Acquisition Details 7 3.2 Merger Analysis 7 4.0 CONCLUSION 11 5.0 APPENDIX 12 5.1 Financial Reports 12 5.2 Sales of Drugs and Prices 13 5.3 Merger and Acquisition Activity 14 5.4 Market Share 15 5.5 Additional Documents 15 6.0 References 15 1.0 INTRODUCTION Mergers and acquisitions occur because directors see benefits that could come from combining two or more businesses, which could improve the company’s overall financial performance. Mergers and related acquisitions have occurred in the United States in a series of waves over the last century or more, as can be seen on the chart in Appendix 5.3. Over time, mergers have become popular and in recent times, the growth has been steeper outside of the United States. One of many reasons why mergers occur is due to macroeconomic factors that contribute to a merger wave such as economic conditions, credit availability, industry shocks, government policy changes, competitive business environment, innovation, technological developments, or globalization (Thompson). Mergers and acquisitions can generate cost efficiency through economies of scale, can increase the revenue through gain in market...
Words: 3020 - Pages: 13
...Merck & Medco You Decide Assignment Merck’s acquisition of Medco: Merger Analysis and Recommendation by Marzena Porebski . Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 2.0 THE COMPANY OVERVIEW 3 2.1 Merck & Company 3 2.2 Medco Containment Services Inc. 5 2.3 The Companies Advantages 6 3.0 MERCK & MEDCO MERGER 7 3.1 Acquisition Details 7 3.2 Merger Analysis 7 4.0 CONCLUSION 11 5.0 APPENDIX 12 5.1 Financial Reports 12 5.2 Sales of Drugs and Prices 13 5.3 Merger and Acquisition Activity 14 5.4 Market Share 15 5.5 Additional Documents 15 6.0 References 15 1.0 INTRODUCTION Mergers and acquisitions occur because directors see benefits that could come from combining two or more businesses, which could improve the company’s overall financial performance. Mergers and related acquisitions have occurred in the United States in a series of waves over the last century or more, as can be seen on the chart in Appendix 5.3. Over time, mergers have become popular and in recent times, the growth has been steeper outside of the United States. One of many reasons why mergers occur is due to macroeconomic factors that contribute to a merger wave such as economic conditions, credit availability, industry shocks, government policy changes, competitive business environment, innovation, technological developments, or globalization (Thompson). Mergers and acquisitions can generate cost efficiency through economies of scale, can increase the revenue through gain in...
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...If you find yourself facing a price war, you'll need to understand how it started in order to respond effectively. Often the best counterattack does not. involve a retaliatory price How by Akshay R. Rao, Mark E. Bergen, and War ^ 1 I 1^ f Scott Davis N THE BATTLE TO CAPTURE THE CUSTOMER, companies use a wide range of tactics to ward off competitors. Increasingly, price is the weapon of choice - and frequently the skirmishing degenerates into a price war. Creating low-price appeal is often the goal, hut the result of one retaliatory price slashing after another is often a precipitous decline in industry profits. Look at the airline price wars of r992. When American Airlines, Northwest Airlines, and other U.S. carriers went toe-to-toe in matching and exceeding one another's reduced fares, the result was record volumes of air travel-and record losses. Some estimates suggest that the overall losses suffered hy the industry that year exceed the combined profits for the entire industry from its inception. Price wars can create economically devastating and psychologically dehilitating situations that take an extraordinary toll on an individual, a com- HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW March-April 2000 107 How to Fight a Price War pany, and industry profitability. No matter who wins, the comhatants all seem to end up worse off than before they joined the battle. And yet, price wars are becoming increasingly common and uncommonly ...
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