...global change. Now Banks must compete in the market place both with local institution as well as foreign ones. To survive and thrive in such a competitive banking world, two important requirements are Development of appropriate financial infrastructure by the central bank and Development of "professionalism" in the sense of developing an appropriate manpower structure and its expertise and experience. To introduce skilled Banker, only theoretical knowledge in the field of banking studies is not sufficient. An academic course of the study has a great value when it has practical application in real life situation. 1.1 Origin of the study NBL has created a positive image to the customer’s mind by the providing...
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...Credit Risk Management Of AB Bank Limited 25. May, 2013 view with charts and images Executive Summary The ongoing development of contemporary management methods and the increased use of innovative financial products such as securitization and credit derivatives have brought about substantial changes in the business environment faced by credit institutions today. Especially in the field of lending, these changes and innovations are now forcing banks to adapt their in-house software systems and the relevant business processes to meet these new requirements. Credit Risk Management is intended to assist practitioners in redesigning a bank’s systems and processes in the course of implementing the Basel II framework. Throughout last five years securitization, rating and validation, credit approval processes and management, as well as credit risk mitigation techniques. Credit management is based on developments in the banking sectors is meant to provide readers with best practices AB bank would be well advised to implement regardless of the emergence of new regulatory capital requirements. AB Bank is to develop mutual understanding between regulatory authorities and banks with regard to the upcoming changes in banking. Credit risk Management provides interesting reading as well as a basis for efficient discussions of the current changes in AB Bank. The bank has been successful in holding its position as a progressive and dynamic financial institution in the country for a long...
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...and Competitive Advantage Of National Bank Limited”. In this regard I have opportunity to make my internship in National Bank Limited (Progoti Soroni Branch). The National Bank Limited is a scheduled private commercial bank established on 23rd March, 1983. During this short span of time, the bank has been successful to position itself as a progressive and dynamic financial institution in the country. National bank was born as the first hundred percent Bangladeshi owned bank in Private sector. The then President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Justice Ahsanuddin Chowdhury inaugurated the bank formally on March 28, 1983. NBL was first domestic bank to establish agency arrangement with the world famous Western Union in order to facilitate quick and safe remittance of the valuable foreign exchanges earned by the expatriate Bangladeshi nationals. NBL was also the first among domestic banks to introduce Master Card in Bangladesh. Since the very beginning, the bank exerted much emphasis on overseas operation and handled a sizeable quantum of homebound foreign remittances. The Bank established extensive drawing arrangement network with banks and exchange companies located in important countries of the world. 1.1 RATIONALE OF THE STUDY The term rationale defined as a justification for doing something. Certainly that perspective is a vital one which helps to...
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...valuable financial brand in Bangladesh, National Bank Limited Ltd. (NBL) began its journey in 1983. NBL is the first private bank in Bangladesh. Over the years NBL has established itself as a leading private commercial bank in the country with undisputed leadership in Corporate Banking and a strong Consumer and SME growth engines. NBL’s ambition is to be the number one financial services provider, creating lasting value for its clientele, shareholder, and employees and above all for the community it operates in. Bangladesh Banking Sector has grown from strength to strength over the past one decade and is fiercely competitive, especially in the Consumer Banking segment. NBL offers a wide range of depository, loan and card products to cater virtually for every customer segment. From Student Banking to Priority Banking to Platinum card NBL has almost all banking products in its repertoire. The product basket is rich in content featuring different types of Savings & Current Accounts, Personal Loans, Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Pre-paid Cards, Corporate Banking, SME Banking, Investment Banking, Treasury & Syndication services. The customers are served through a network of 144 Branches, Several ATMs. NBL has its presence in almost all cities/towns in the country. NBL is known for its product innovation in the market. During the past five years, NBL introduced 12 new-to-Bangladesh financial products and services. NBL VISA corporate cards, remittance card and mobile–based remittance...
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...Executive Summary National Bank Limited is a customer oriented financial institution. It remains dedicated to meet up with the ever growing expectations of the customer because at National Bank, customer is always at the center. Customer satisfaction is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator within a business. So, assessing the level of customer satisfaction actually helps to measure an organization‘s position in business. I am doing my internship in National Bank limited with rotation on different desks which includes Accounts Opening, General Banking, Retail Banking, Clearing, Remittance, Loans and Advances etc. In this report “The Customer Satisfaction on different services of National Bank Limited”. I will focus on various aspects of this Bank. Since they are standing at good position among the private banks, their financial position, market shares, marketing mechanisms, overall strengths and weakness, objectives, goals will be cross examined for analyzing the fact that how they were and how they will be in future. Various types of analysis will help us to understand the comparative position and a transparent picture of this Bank that will help us to draw any comment at a glance. As I am directly in touch with customers, the report will deal with the service quality and customer satisfaction of National Bank Limited. A survey will be conducted on the customers of National...
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...Theoretical Framework 6 2.2 7 Qualitative Analysis of Organization 7 2.2.1 Mission Statement 8 2.2.2 Vision 8 2.2.3 Values 8 2.2.4 Objectives 9 2.2.5 Share Capital and Ownership 9 2.2.6 Share Ownership of NBL 9 2.2.7 Organizational Structure 10 2.2.8 Product and Services 11 2.2.9 Human Resources and Training 12 2.2.10 Awards and recognition 14 2.2.11 The Kamladi Branch 14 2.2.12 Analysis of Organizational Functions 15 2.2.13 Current Status of the organization 17 2.2.14 Current Problems 18 2.2.15 SWOT Analysis 19 ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION 20 3.1 Remittance Distribution in Nepal 20 3.2 Remittance and Nepalese Economy 21 3.3 Major Players in the Market: 24 3.4 Remittance at Nabil Bank 24 3.5 Framework of Inward Sourcing Unit 25 3.6 Remittance Products of Nabil Bank 26 3.7 Process of Internship 28 3.8 Western Union 29 3.9 Western Union and Nabil Bank 32 3.10 Income generated by NBL through Western Union 33 3.11 Analysis of Statistical Data of Western Union 34 3.11.1 Average Daily Transactions 35 3.11.2 Average transactions from various nations 36 3.12 Nabil Bank and Sub-Agents of Western Union 37 3.13 Nabil Remit 39 3.14 Process of Nabil Remit 39 3.15 Income generated by NBL through Nabil Remit 41 3.16 Analysis of Statistical Data of Nabil Remit 42 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 44 4.1 Summary 44 4.2 Conclusions 46 4.3 Recommendations 47 BIBLIOGRAPHY 49 INTRODUCTION ...
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...Internship Report On A Comparative Financial Performance Analysis of Three Branches of National Bank Limited Tapash Chandra Paul BBA Program 2014 (17th Batch) Roll: 35 Internship Report On A Comparative Financial Performance Analysis of Three Branches of National Bank Limited Tapash Chandra Paul BBA Program 2014 (17th Batch) Roll: 35 Supervisor Dr. Syed Golam Maola Professor Department of Management Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka 28th February, 201 Executive Summary This study aims at measuring and comparing the financial performance of three branches of National Bank Limited in Bangladesh. In a competitive financial market bank performance is very important because it provides signal to depositors and investors whether to invest or withdraw funds from the bank. Similarly, it flashes direction to bank managers whether to improve its deposit service or loan service or both to improve its finance. Regulator is also interested to know for its regulation purposes. Specifically two objectives were pointed out in these study as to analyze comparative branch financial performance among three branches in the light of growth and profitability performance and evaluate comparative branch financial performance among three branches in the light of employee performance. For comparative branch performance analysis three branches are being selected. For the organization part, much information has been collected both from the...
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...“Credit Management and performance evaluation of National Bank Limited” Chapter – 01 Introduction OF THE REPORT 1.1 Introduction National bank limited (NBL) is a full service scheduled commercial bank. It has both local and International Institutional Shareholder. The bank is primarily driven with a view of creating opportunities and pursuing market niches not traditionally meet by conventional banks. National Bank has been motivated to provide “best-in-the-class” services to its diverse assortment of customers spread across the country under an on-line banking dais. Today, National Bank is one of the fastest growing banks in the country. In order to support the planned growth of its distribution, network and its various business segments, National Bank is currently looking for impressive goal oriented, enthusiastic, individuals for various business operations. The bank wants to build a profitable and socially responsible financial institution. It carefully listen to the market and business potentials, It is also assisting stakeholders to build a progressive, healthy, democratic and poverty free Bangladesh. It helps make communities and economy of the country stronger and to help people achieve their financial goals. The bank maintains a high level of standards in everything for our customers, our shareholders, our acquaintances and our communities upon, which the future affluence of our company rests. Risk is inherent in all aspects of a commercial operation...
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...An Internship Report On NBL Foreign Exchange Operations – An overview Presented To The Department of Business Administration IBAIS University In partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of BBA In Finance By: Farhan Ahammed ID No. – 0102072411 IBAIS UNIVERSITY Table of Contents |Chapter |Topic |Page Number | |Chapter One |Introduction |2 | |Introduction | | | | |Origin of the Report |2 | | |Objectives of the Report |3 | | | Methodology of the report |3 | | |Scope of the report | 4 | | |Limitations of the report ...
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...individuals/groups using financial transactions for purpose of personal gain1. Financial fraud involves activities undertaken by an individual or company that is done in an illegal manner which is designed to give an advantage to the perpetrating individual or company2. Fraud cases can involve complicated financial transactions conducted by ‘white collar criminals’ such as business professionals making financial fraud difficult to prevent and catch1. In this document we will look at several types of financial fraud cases including the cases on Bernard Madoff, Firepower, Storm Financial and Robert Blanshard. When looking at an investment opportunity it is important to do your due diligence to ensure your money is going into a safe and legal investment proposal. Due diligence is essential for individuals, groups and/or companies looking for investment opportunities as there are a number of scams and threats in financial markets. In analysing the cases mentioned above we will see what made these scams successful as well as look at how we can spot a scam using these 12 indicators: unusual high/constant returns; a dominant individual; luxurious and prolific spending by the individual; frequent legal action against the individual or company; exclusivity; social network based; secrecy of strategies; redemption issues; paperwork issues; difficulty contacting the company; indifference of those with oversight responsibilities; and indifference of investors. The first case we will look at is a Ponzi...
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...Essays on the Structure of Financial Markets A thesis presented by Oved Yosha to The Department of Economics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Economics Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts May 1992 Abstract Chapter I: Adverse selection in an insurance market may result in low-risk individuals remaining uncovered. In the framework of a monopolistic insurance market with private information, it is shown that government entry to the market as a competitor which sells insurance, results in all potential buyers actually purchasing insurance. Chapter II: The welfare trade off between reduction in risk and enhanced market power, as depository institutions become larger but fewer, is studied. The main result is that when there are enough independent risks in the economy, it is possible to achieve high diversification through mergers between depository institutions at a very small cost in terms of greater market power. Chapter III: Firms wishing to issue securities on the stock market are required to disclose private information which might be beneficial to competitors. Issuing securities publicly is more costly than doing so privately. In equilibrium, firms with sensitive information issue securities privately, while competitors cannot unambiguously infer that the information withheld is very sensitive. This suggests that one special role of banks and venture capital in financial markets, is to provide debt and...
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...The Necessity Of Establishing A Stock Exchange In The Then East Pakistan Was First Decided By The Government When, Early In 1952.It Was Learnt That The Calcutta Stock Exchange Had Prohibited The Transactions In Pakistani Shares And Securities. The Provincial Industrial Advisory Council Soon Thereafter Set Up An Organizing Committee For The Formation Of A Stock Exchange In East Pakistan. A Decisive Step Was Taken The Second Meeting Of The Organizing Committee Held On The 13th March ,1953. In The Cabinet Room, Eden Building ,Under The Chairmanship Of Mr. A . Khaleeli, Secretary Government Of East Bengal , Commerce, Labor And Industries Department At Which Various Aspects Of The Issue Were Discussed In Detail. The Then Central Governments Proposal Regarding The Karachi Stock Exchange Opening A Branch At Dhaka. , Did Not Find Favour With The Meeting Who Felt That East Pakistan Should Have An Independent Stock Exchange . It Was Suggested That Dhaka Narayanganj Chamber Of Commerce & Industry Should Approach Its Members For Parchase Of Membership Cards At RS.2000 Each For The Proposed Stock Exchange. The Location Of The Exchange It Was Thought Should Be Either Dhaka Narayanganj Or Chittagong . An Organizing Committee Was Appointed Consisting Of Leading Commercial And Industrial Personalities Of The Province With Mr. Mehdi Ispahani As The Convener In Order To Organize The Exchange. The Chamber Informed Its Members And Members Of Its Affiliated Associations Of The Proceedings Of The Above...
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...Overall Banking System of NCC Bank Limited,Bangladesh Executive Summary National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited (NCC Bank) is a well established Bank in Bangladesh. It is developing and expanding its branches in the country with innovative products and banking services, to gain greater acceptance as an effective and efficient means of intermediation and to contribute to the overall wealth creation.This report is prepared as a requirement of the internship phase of BBA program of Northern University of Bangladesh. This report focuses three months working experiences in National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited, Foreign Exchange Branch. This report will give a clear idea about the activities and operational strategies of National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited.The whole working process of NCCBL is divided into 3 sections-(1) General Banking, (2) Credit Section, (3) Foreign Exchange. Here first chapters basically discuss about the background of the report, objectives and methodologies used in preparation of the report and limitation faced at preparation. The main objective is to identify the various activities provided to customers by National Credit and Commerce bank Ltd. and descriptive analysis about their operation. Next I have tried to concentrate on Internship duties and banking function (general banking, loan and advances and foreign exchange business) and marketing part on the basis of some specific topics.The objective of the internship program was to familiarize the...
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...Internship Report On Janata Bank Limited and Its General Banking Activities Internship Report On Janata Bank Limited and Its General Banking Activities Supervised by: Niluthpaul Sarker Assistant Professor Department of Accounting and Information systems Jagannath University Prepared by: Akash Kumar Ghosh ID: 114599(BBA) 6th Batch Department of Accounting and Information systems Jagannath University Date of Submission: 5th November, 2015 Letter of Transmittal Date: November 05, 2015 Niluthpaul Sarker Assistant Professor Department of Accounting and Information Systems Jagannath University Subject: Submission of internship report. Dear Sir, I would like to inform you that I have completed my internship report on the topic“General banking activities of Janata bank Ltd” of Bangladesh. I have completed my internship attachment period with Janata Bank Ltd. Preparing this report, I have collected information from all available sources in the most realistic and professional way. In writing this report, I have followed the instructions of my organization while at the same time consulting my institute supervisor. I have endeavored to the utmost potential and limited constraints to project the report as reflective as possible. I earnestly hope that this report will meet your specification would be delighted to furnish you with any clarification if required. Thanks and Regards Yours Truly ------------------------------- Akash...
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...Sample Survey on Status of Women Entrepreneurs In Bangladesh 1. Background of the Survey 1.1 Women in Bangladesh Bangladesh is a resource-limited and overpopulated country where society is highly stratified, services and opportunities are determined by gender, class and location. However, women make nearly half of the population (Table -1), which means huge potential to be utilised for socio -economic development of the country. Table -1 Population Status of Bangladesh Census From 1998 Total Male Female 1262000 64819000 61381000 00 Share at Total Population Share at Total (%) Population (%) 51.48% 49.52% 51.36% 48.64% Source: Statistical Pocketbook, Bangladesh ’99, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka 1999, Page 85. Total 10631500 0 Sex and Age-based Structure of the Population (Table-2) shows that like the male population of the country, the women represent a vast resource for the country. They must be provided equal opportunity in education, employment and economic activities, only then this resource could be utilised properly. Table -2 Sex and Age-based Structure of the Population 1996 Age-base Group Total Population (%) Male Population (%) Female Population (%) 10-14 Years 12.6 12.52 11.58 15-19 Years 8.52 8.41 8.65 20-24 Years 8.40 7.60 9.25 25-29 Years 6.10 7.92 9.11 30-34 Years 4.25 6.10 6.10 35-39 Years 3.25 5.87 5.14 40-44 Years 2.89 4.40 4.09 Source: Statistical Pocketbook, Bangla desh ’99, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics...
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