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Pros And Cons Of Being An American Dream

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We are always faced with choices, such as, what to wear, who to vote for, or even what religion we practice. However, in other countries some people don’t get that choice. If you live in China you can’t be christen4. Countries, like the United Kingdom, don’t have a choice in choosing the next queen because of the monarchy. But in America we get to make choices like that all the time, without having to worry about the government coming after us. To me, being American, means to be free to choose your own life and hopefully live an American dream.
I think this because that is what our country was founded on. A long time ago our ancestors sought out America to escape from a society that did not let them accomplish their dreams. These people where the puritans. They wanted to get back to the basics of religion but the government restricted them from doing so. The puritans decided to risk everything and come to America to fulfil their American dream. Even though they may not have found exactly what they were looking for, in America, they paved the way for more …show more content…
He is the most American person I know. In the picture he is holing a shot gun. He had it because he is a huge gun rights person. He believes in protecting his rights, just like our founding fathers. There is also an American flag in the picture. The American flag will always represent America because it has the 50 white stars that represent the 50 states that make up the USA. Then, of course, it has the 13 white and red strips to represent where we came from, the 13 original colonies. Finally there is a bald eagle. The bald eagle is our nation’s bird and it represents freedom and strength, which describes our country5. We were strong enough to fight the British and gain freedom. Since then, we have had the strength to overcome many obstacle, like: starting a new government, the Civil War and World War

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