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Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act Case Study

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Mental illness policy under “The Patient protection and Affordable care Act” (ACA)

According to Medicaid office, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, provides Americans with better health security by putting in place comprehensive health insurance reforms that expand coverage, hold insurance companies accountable, lower health care cost, guarantee more choice, and enhance the quality of care for all Americans. The attempts of 1985 case “Metropolitan Life Insurance Company V. Massachusetts to improve mental health system Act was extensively amended and failed coverage of certain mental health conditions. How? The Court went on to apply the deemer clause to conclude that the mandated benefit law could not be enforced-. Blackman J. (1985). This is an example of the health care dilemma. The healthcare disparity was shining upon the general population. The issue was patchwork in the public and private health care providers (hospitals, clinics, and doctors ‘offices) resulting in clear differences and no underlying safety among the vulnerable …show more content…
The emergency rooms and states and counties prisons were packed with patients, including mentally unstable patients; they received minimum and comfort care while the healthcare cost was skyrocketing and low grade, After executives several attempts to provide quality care to the general population, particularly those with mental health that was only available for acute inpatient hospitalization through fee-for -service plans, the executive branch through it leader president OBAMA, his office, and nearly 200 bipartisan passed the law called the health care reform “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Actors such as Max Baucus, Jeff Bingaman, and Kent Conrad of the Democratic

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