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Indian River Cave Day Trip

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The Whiting’s Neck and Indian River Cave Day trip occurred on 4/8/18; there was 5 participants and the leaders were Mike Hartloff and Stephanie Kennedy. Participants met in the office at 8:00a.m. for breakfast. We arrived at the cave parking lot as planned at 9:00. Once we arrived at the parking lot we did a few energizers, did a challenge zone activity, and got participants geared up. The walk to Indian River Cave is past both Whiting’s Neck entrances on the same trail, once you get closer to the river the trail is steep. We utilized the lower, larger entrance of Indian River Cave. Stephanie led for this cave, it is much smaller than Whiting’s Neck but took about 45 minutes to explore, there are a few tight squeezes. The participants, since …show more content…
After lunch at 12:30, we left Indian Cave and headed for the entrance of Whiting’s Neck. Mike led for this cave and we quickly moved into Pride Rock room, where participants explored and did the “Snake Squeeze Fiesta Challenge.” There was more water than normal in the cave. Stephanie took participants one at a time to see the drop, while Mike stayed back and let participants continue to explore the soda straw room and nap room. After every participant had seen the drop we headed to the lower room. Here participants were given the option to do the Milkshake challenge. One person did it successfully. Another participant attempted the challenge but got “stuck” and began to panic; Mike and Stephanie after talking the participant down and assisting him, got him out of the challenge. We allowed the participant to compose himself, making sure he was okay mentally and physically, he decided he wanted to continue caving; there was no hesitation on his and he said he would like to continue caving in the future. Next, we did total darkness and then headed to the figure 8. Stephanie got halfway through the figure 8, but once it got to the chimneying part, there was too much water dripping making it slippery and too dangerous to

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